Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 255 - Interview with Professor Yang

The mission objective points directly to the main building ahead, Professor Yang’s office, and interviewing Professor Yang is the main mission objective of this time.

However, Tang Ying didn’t go directly. Instead, let Gao Yongzhou walk through the entire college of science and technology defense and observe it.

After the prologue’s plot, Tang Ying and all the audiences already knew it. The surface was labeled “academy”, but it was actually a prison and concentration camp. All the children in it suffered almost the same as the little boy in the prologue Abuse.

Now Tang Ying controls a journalist and can move freely in the Academy of Science and Technology Defense. Of course, he must seize every opportunity to find Professor Yang’s handle.

Gao Yongzhou first came to the playground.

It is now 8 o’clock in the morning, and a large number of students are wearing neat gray military uniforms and running around the playground.

Some people lead the aerobics and slogan wartime slogans. The loud voice can be heard from far away. From the senses, it is similar to military training in many schools.

Gao Yongzhou even felt that the spirit of each of these students was not bad, because the slogans they shouted while running were particularly loud.

Running exercises will continue for a period of time. When students are running, it is impossible to complete the goal of interviewing students. There are no other interactive options in the playground. Gao Yongzhou had to leave temporarily to see other places.

After wandering back to the main entrance, Gao Yongzhou found that there were a dozen middle-aged men and women who were chatting.

“Your child, how long is the treatment?”

“Less than half a month, what about yours?”

“It’s early, three months left.”

“How long is your child’s treatment? What’s the situation?”

“Hey, Xiao Zizi’s tendency to violence is serious, even if you hit me, I want to hit Professor Yang here. The professor said that the symptoms are serious and need long-term treatment.”

“Then you can afford it for your children.”

“Hey, what’s this money for? It’s enough to cure the child.”

“Yeah, we parents, don’t we just want our children to be sensible and obedient?”

Several people chatted vigorously, all booing endlessly.

It seems that these people are the parents of the children in the Academy of Science and Technology, but they don’t know why they are here.

Fortunately, this option is available in the player’s optional question.

Tang Ying controlled Gao Yongzhou and came to these parents. He could talk to everyone individually, and the topics he talked to would be different.

Tang Ying was unambiguous and asked each of them in the past.

Gao: “You are the parent of your child, why are you here?”

Parent 1: “Don’t worry about your child, look here.”

Gao: “Professor Yang allowed to watch while he was treating?”

Parent 1: “It’s definitely not good for professional treatment, but it’s okay to look outside and on the playground.”

Gao: “So do you think the child’s status has changed?”

Parent 1: “There is a change, but that change can be too great! I used to know that I was at home all day and would not go out or move. Now I run with other children, slogan, and my daily routine is regular. It looks like the whole person is stable. “

Gao Yongzhou looked at another parent: “Well, how about your child?”

Parent 2: “Yeah, not only that, the child also gave me a kneel in the family relationship class, saying thank you for the upbringing, saying that it is not easy to be considerate to me … hey, Uncle Yang’s treatment is really useful, the child is in it A month or two is more useful than a decade of discipline on my own. “

Gao: “Have you ever thought about this place? There may be some cases of corporal punishment and abuse?”

Parent 2: “That’s impossible. I have seen it in the family class. My child is in good health, is not injured and has no scars, and his spirit is okay. Besides, Professor Yang is a serious doctor. Can he be abused?”

Parent 3: “I admit that even a little corporal punishment, this bear child, can’t be beaten, and it’s useless to justify reasoning, he has to fight! There are filial sons under the stick!”

Gao: “The filial piety under the stick” has been cast aside by the stereotype of many years. “

Parent 3: “Abandoned for many years? Your culture is pure and foolish. The bear child is not obedient, and the truth is unreasonable. What else can you do other than fight? You speak nicely one by one. Do not punish the child. The key is that you can give other Is the solution? “

Gao Yongzhou, controlled by Tang Ying, tossed here for a long time and found nothing.

In the options, there are some very sharp questions, such as “Do you know any corporal punishment here”, “There is a problem with your education method”, etc. But no matter what they say, these parents are unmoved.

It can be seen that their trust in Professor Yang has already surpassed their trust in children and Gao Yongzhou, a stranger. No one can speak well.

Tang Ying also tried to ask Gao Yongzhou to ask some deep questions, and wanted to dig out some secrets about this “Science and Technology Defense Academy” from the mouths of these parents, but found nothing. Obviously, these parents really believed from the heart that this is a treatment Agency for correcting child misconduct.

Tang Ying could not tell whether these parents were telling the truth or they realized that Gao Yongzhou’s reporter identity was telling lies, but these are not important anyway. In short, these parents have become spectators or even accomplices.

From the standpoint of Tang Ying, she had read the prologue, and of course knew the truth of all this, but from the standpoint of Gao Yongzhou, he was a little confused.

After interviewing these parents, Gao Yongzhou said to himself: “Is it … am I wrong?”

On the playground, the students were running and shouting slogans with loud voices.

At the door, parents who are very concerned about their children, also patted their **** to ensure that there is absolutely no problem here, it must be good for their children.

As a journalist who knew nothing about the truth, Gao Yongzhou had some doubts about himself, which was normal.

However, he obviously did not intend to leave it that way, because the mission goal in the upper left corner is still there.

“Then go directly to Professor Yang and see if he can break through his ugly face!”

Tang Ying decided, first went to Professor Yang, and then interviewed the students after the interview, but I really did n’t believe it. This place was obviously abusing children, and the lice on the bald head were clearly displayed.

Gao Yongzhou came to the main building, Professor Yang’s office.

As soon as he entered the door, Tang Ying was a little entangled.

In the office, a lot of certificates, pennants and commendations!

In particular, the pennant was almost a whole wall, all of which were sent by parents.

Tang Ying felt a little embarrassed, but imagined that if she was a parent who knew nothing, she would instantly raise hope and trust in Professor Yang when she saw the pennant on this wall.

The point is that these pennants are not fakes, they are all real, they are really sent by parents!

Professor Yang always kept smiling, and asked Gao Yongzhou to sit down in his chair and start a simple interview.

There are still many dialogue options in front of me, and there are various questions, and after each option is asked, there will be follow-up questions.

“There was a homicide in the city of S. A child who graduated from you brutally killed his mother. Did you know?”

“Why does a 17-year-old child change his temper and become a murderer after going out?”

“What did he go through here?”

“What aspects of your daily ‘treatment’ include?”

“I heard you have a mysterious 13 treatment room. What is it for?”

Gao Yongzhou has a series of questions here. Tang Ying only needs to choose the questions that interest him most.

Tang Ying originally thought that these were very sharp questions, but it turned out that Professor Yang answered the questions without changing his face!

“Murder? It’s not clear what happened.”

“This mother case you said, first of all, I don’t think this matter has anything to do with his experience in our college. There are so many homicides in the world. Murderers themselves have a potential. We ca n’t say that my students happen to be When a murderer came out, I said that I was instigating a student to kill, isn’t this correct? “

“As for the projects in our place, you have also seen that the daily content is running exercises, class, diary, and regular arrangements for communication between children and parents, so that they can open up, these are very normal Students and parents can testify about their activities, how can it be said that I am training murderers? I think you, as reporters, have to be careful to obtain evidence, and you ca n’t mess up the relationship? “

“Moreover, all the children sent here are more or less violent, and most of their relationships with their parents are hot and hot. I keep saying that I am not a complete cure here, and the cure rate is 90 More than%, that is not 100% after all. Some children have complicated conditions and their illnesses are latent for a long time. I failed to find them in time, and even if they were corrected, I did my best. “

“Mr. Reporter, if ordinary students in a school have killed people, do you have to infer that the school is teaching and killing people? We can’t go straight from the results. The key is to see what this school is teaching, right?”

“You can visit the teaching content of our college of science and technology and defense at will. Students, you can also interview at will. I believe that the report of Mr. Journalist will definitely eliminate some false rumors about our college on the Internet. A fair. “

Tang Ying was dumbfounded.

She asked Gao Yongzhou to ask all these questions, and Professor Yang answered all of them, whether it was a positive answer or a evasion, or at least nothing was done!

Tang Ying even began to feel that if he was Gao Yongzhou, he would probably believe it.

After all, Gao Yongzhou came here only because of some online rumors. He has never seen the scene of treatment in the treatment room 13.

After arriving here, I saw the children who were serious about running aerobics and shouting slogans. They saw the parents who worshiped Professor Yang and saw the pennants sent by their parents …

It is quite normal for a shake to occur.

Gao Yongzhou was obviously struggling, and in the end, he asked, “What happened to the legendary treatment room No. 13?”

Professor Yang smiled: “Mr. Reporter, it’s exaggerated by the outside world, spreading it by rumors. If you are interested, I can show you around.”

Two options [Go] and [No need] appeared on the screen. Tang Ying decisively chose [Go].

Two people took the elevator to treatment room 13.

Professor Yang entered the treatment room: “Come, please come in.”

Gao Yongzhou carefully observed this so-called “No. 13 treatment room”, which was also called “the 13th floor of hell” by many children who came out of it.

Tang Ying in front of the screen had seen the treatment room on the 13th. In the prologue, the child was pulled in at the beginning. A dozen “Group A receptions” pressed him on the bed, and it was inhumane by Professor Yang. electric shock.

But today, the wind is bright, the sun comes in from the window, the whole room looks very bright, and the furnishings in the room are really simple, a bed, a chair, a table, and nothing more.

Professor Yang smiled slightly: “Look, it seems that there are tiger stools, electric chairs, and various torture devices on the Internet. There is really no such thing. It is such an ordinary house.”

Gao Yongzhou touched the bed lightly and asked, “What about the treatment device?”

Professor Yang cheerfully took out the treatment instrument and the matching needle from the table behind him.

“This therapeutic instrument, itself, is a health product. It also includes these needles. This is an older therapy we have spread in China, called electro-acupuncture. At the same time, combining some of the cutting-edge concepts in psychiatry This is combined with some clinical treatments for bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder, and this is the thing. It is not the same as what is said on the Internet, what a tiger stool, electric shock, is not the same thing. You see. “

Professor Yang said, taking the instrument to Gao Yongzhou.

On the screen, the detailed interface of the therapy device appeared. As long as Tang Ying turned the joystick, he could flip it freely, and investigate with the button.

Some simple meters, pointers, parameters, buttons, after viewing, nothing special.

There are two long wires protruding from the electrotherapy device, followed by two small clips, which are obviously used to clamp the needle.

But Tang Ying found a difference here. On the treatment instrument that Gao Yongzhou saw, there were only two small clips, one for each of the two needles. But when Professor Yang used it to torture a boy, there were at least five or six on each needle. A small clip!

However, Gao Yongzhou would not know.

Turn the therapy device over again and check the production license behind it.

The manufacturers have not heard of it, but from the other content, it seems quite like it is going on.

Tang Ying knows that there is indeed a saying of “electric acupuncture” in this world, as well as a saying of “electrotherapy”. Even the so-called “electric acupuncture” is also used in the treatment of some traditional Chinese medicine, and “electrotherapy” is indeed one of the methods used by some hospitals to treat bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

This treatment device is labeled “low frequency electronic pulse therapy device” and “second-class health products”, and the range of the label is 0 ~ 100 mA.

After observing the treatment instrument, he entered the interrogation session.

Gao Yongzhou: “Is this therapy device safe?”

Professor Yang: “It should be said that our current universal standards around the world believe that a current of less than 100 mA will not cause any fatal harm to the human body.”

Gao Yongzhou: “Are there any side effects?”

Professor Yang: “Of course, there are side effects. For example, after the treatment, body soreness, or dizziness, dizziness, etc., are normal reactions.”

“Of course it is a lagging response ~ ~ Some people may misunderstand that this is a sequelae, in fact it is not, it will recover after a while.”

Gao Yongzhou: “Is there any brain damage? Does it affect brain development?”

Professor Yang: “At present, the electrical shock therapy used in many hospitals has reached about 100 milliamps, and it is still considered to be within the allowable range. My treatment is only 0-5 milliamps. It can be imagined that this It is minimal. “

“In addition, speaking from the facts, I have performed so many cases, and I think it is safe.”

Gao Yongzhou: “So, can it be used on teenagers under 18?”

Professor Yang: “I think that such a small dose is perfectly fine.”

Gao Yongzhou: “Is there no scientific research or consensus in the medical field to support this statement?”

Professor Yang smiled: “I think this matter is most convincing with facts.”

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