Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 260 - Escape!

Zeng Yu froze: “East Gate? Isn’t it blocked?”

Tang Ying and the audience also know Dongmen, because it has been so long in this college of science and technology defense, in fact, it is so big and not complicated at all.

The Academy of Science and Technology and Defense has three gates, namely the South Gate, West Gate, and East Gate. To the north is a wilderness hill and no road, so it’s just a fence.

The South Gate is the main gate and the most beautifully repaired gate. Parents come here to visit. Professor Yang usually arranges for them to go to the South Gate first because it looks elegant and formal.

The east gate and west gate are side gates. Sometimes when the child is caught in, they will go to the west gate, which is relatively low-key and not so noticeable.

The East Gate is almost the same as the West Gate, but I don’t know why it has been sealed for a long time. At first, the iron fence door was locked by several locks. Later, it was probably that Professor Yang felt that it was still unsafe, and he welded the two doors together.

The power grid was also pulled above the iron fence door, and it was connected to the grid on the fence.

Of course, the iron fence door itself is not energized, otherwise there may be accidental collision. However, the upper end of the iron fence door is very close to the power grid, which is basically less than twenty centimeters. It is impossible to cross the iron fence door and drill through the gap between the top and the power grid.

Han Tao nodded: “Of course I know that the East Gate has been sealed. But one of my friends learned to repair a speeding car. He has special tools there that can directly cut the entire East Gate with an air cutting gun. We can escape directly. “

Zeng Yu was a little embarrassed.

Indeed, if there is such a thing as an air cutting gun, it can indeed easily cut the iron fence door of the east gate, and it can be done in a minute or two, and it can hardly make a sound. Just cut the iron fence door two and you can get out of the hole.

But can it really escape?

Obviously, Zeng Yu was also hesitating.

Han Tao said: “I know you are hesitant, but if you miss this opportunity, you will never have such an opportunity again. After I leave, they will surely find that in the middle of the night if it is fast, at most it will be late. It will be more than 5 o’clock tomorrow morning. Once they find out, they may demolish the entire East Gate next time to repair the wall, but then it will be really difficult to fly. “

“Also, even if you can escape by yourself, it is useless. This is a wilderness mountain. If no one responds, relying on your own two legs, you may not be able to run to the surrounding city if you break it! Once you find someone No, they must send someone out to search. They have a speeding car, as long as you are still outside, you will be caught. And, even if you really run on two legs to the nearest city, what’s the use? They or As soon as your parents reported the case to the Department of Public Security, they said they were looking for missing people. How long do you think you can persist under such circumstances?

“What’s more, there is something called” Don’t Move “, do you know? Parents spontaneously formed, whoever ran away, no matter how far they ran, they would be caught back as long as they could find you. It is said that there was a The trainees ran to the 6th district with the help of friends, but they still leaked their tracks and were arrested by the Rangers. It is impossible to escape from this place on your own. “

Zeng Yu was clearly shaken. He looked at Han Tao: “Do you really want to take me away?”

Han Tao fiercely nodded: “Of course, you can help me, I can help you too. Besides, my friend came by driving a car, what about bringing another person? I already thought about it and escaped After that, he worked as a helper to avoid the limelight. My family will definitely look for me, but as long as my friend provides me a shelter, I do n’t have to worry about being found! “

“As for you, I respect your opinion. If you want to leave after you go out, then you just go. I let my friend put you in a nearby city. If you have a friend, you can do it naturally; if not, you follow I, part-time job with my friend, can also hang out. It ’s bitter, it ’s definitely going to be bitter, but no one will get you into Room 13 and it wo n’t be like going to jail every day! ”

Zeng Yu’s throat shook: “I … think about it.”

Han Tao looked at the time: “I’ll give you another ten minutes at most. I made an appointment with my friend at three o’clock.”

Time passed minute by minute, Tang Ying felt a little bad.

I have to say that Han Tao’s words were very tempting to Zeng Yu.

The motive is reasonable and reasonable. Han Tao ’s “sentence” is four months, and he will stay here for another two months. Even after the expiry, Han Tao ’s parents may not pick him up, and he may give Continued.

Not to mention two months of this kind of day, one day is too many.

The way to escape is also very feasible. If it is a general damage to the power grid, over the wall, etc., Zeng Yu will definitely not go because there is no operability at all. However, if Han Tao really has friends to answer outside, there are speeding cars, and gas cutting guns, then running away from the east gate is almost a foolproof option.

Zeng Yu came in this place, only in the past week, there are still two months in the future. To him, every day is like a year, let alone two months?

“Thinking about it? No time,” Han Tao urged.

Options appear on the screen, which are [Follow Him] and [Leave].

This time, Tang Ying’s turn was tangled.

The barrage was too noisy, and the two people who had been arguing before were even more frantic now.

“Surely can’t go! Haven’t learned enough?”

“This Han Tao doesn’t look like a bad person. What he said makes sense.”

“Unlike the bad guys? Do you think there are good people in it? It’s only been a week. The reporter only came next week. Zeng Yu obviously didn’t escape. What do you want?”

“Yes, if you run away, no matter if you are betrayed or caught, it is estimated that you will be charged. You can think of lying down and winning!”

“Here we are again, Professor Yang just uses your fearful spirit to do whatever you want! Lie down and see how much your obedience value is, and then obey, you are ready to be here for a lifetime, and finally let go of the estimate Also silly, still a badending! “

“That is, the game makers certainly don’t want you to be here all the time, so what’s the significance of this game, do you want to cultivate ShaoM?”

Tang Ying was also tangled.

Obviously, according to the consistent content of the game, going out is definitely not good.

Of course, this judgment is somewhat God’s perspective, because Tang Ying knows that Gao Yongzhou will come for an interview next week, and Zeng Yu was still at the time of the interview. If he escapes now, the plot behind it will not be able to begin. So from the perspective of the plot of the game, this escape must have been unsuccessful.

Since it was unsuccessful, it must be powered.

But like a barrage said, is it the best choice to go on like this?

Tang Ying also found that every time he makes such a compliance decision, the resistance value decreases and the compliance value increases.

Although the role of these two values ​​is not particularly clear at present, it is certain that they absolutely affect the outcome of the outcome and may even affect the degree of freedom of choice.

For example, when Zeng Yu’s resistance value is 0 and the obedience value is extremely high, Zeng Yu may choose to give up when encountering any escape opportunity, which is completely reasonable in terms of game design.

What’s more, even if this escape is destined to fail, will there be any hidden plots during the escape process, or will it be a necessary precondition to start some money?

Tang Ying did not die before because the success rate of those actions was not high at first glance, and it did not look like it would trigger any special plot.

But this time, it may be different.

Tang Ying thought about it and said, “This way, everyone, viewers, I have automatically archived before I looked at it. I’ll choose to go out with him first. If not, let’s read the file and come back. Maybe there is a hidden plot that can trigger. “

Tang Ying chose [follow him].

Han Tao nodded: “Okay, you will slip out with me in a while. When you wait on the playground, you may see some hallucinations. Be sure to follow me, otherwise you won’t be able to walk to the East Gate.”

Han Tao’s words are a bit ridiculous, but so far, Han Tao still behaves really want to take Zeng Yu out.

The two sneaked out of the bedroom and stomped out.

There are guardrails outside all windows, so jumping windows on this floor will not work. This is not only to prevent students from escaping, but also to prevent students from committing suicide.

Soon, the two came to the first floor of the dormitory building.

At this time, the game has entered a stealth mode. Han Tao is in the front. Tang Ying only needs to control Zeng Yu to follow.

There are night shifts in their dormitory building, but after all it is more than 2 pm, and the people on duty are also dozing off. Occasionally glance outside and continue to brush the bracelet, giving the two people a chance to escape.

As soon as Han Tao waved his hand, Zeng Yu quickly followed, and the two men arched under the window in front of the doorman’s room and slipped past.

This place excludes all high-tech equipment, so the dormitory does not use an access control system such as an automatic alarm, otherwise the difficulty of the two people escaping will be several times.

The door was, of course, locked, and the two did not plan to walk through the main entrance, because the movement was so great that it was easy for the doorman to spot.

There are small windows on each side of the corridor on the first floor. For relatively strong adults, this width is unbearable, but for the underage children Han Tao and Zeng Yu, they can barely drill through. , Although a little strenuous.

But after getting out, how to get to the East Gate is still a problem.

Just after manipulating Zeng Yu to jump out, Tang Ying’s entire screen was filled with red light.

The entire field of vision became blood red!

Han Tao has said before that this red light comes from a red light on the roof of the main building, which can illuminate the entire College of Technology and Defense Specialization at night, and even the surrounding wilderness fields are covered by it. Within range.

Zeng Yu rubbed his eyes and stared at a distant monster appearing in the shadows in the far corner. He was pursuing blood and wandering aimlessly …

Zeng Yu shook his head sharply, trying to wake himself up.

Han Tao whispered: “Don’t watch, those are hallucinations, everyone sees different monsters.”

“Illusion? How can …” Zeng Yu felt incredible.

Han Tao said: “The psychotropic drugs we usually eat have a subtle effect on us. The red light is a special kind of ray. When we are hit, we have hallucinations. You are okay. , Just eaten for a week, do you know what I see? Forget it, I have no time to explain, hurry up. “

“You remember, although it is an illusion, if you are really caught by these monsters, you will still be scared. Once you are caught, your illusion will change, and then any horrible scene may appear, you May be scared to scream on the spot. If you really scream out loud, the consequences will not need me to say more. Of course, if you are confident that you can carry any hallucinations, you can shake so much Go to the east gate. But in my opinion, it is tantamount to suicide. “

Han Tao briefly explained two sentences, and then dragged Zeng Yu into a shadow of a building next to him and hid.

The two are still sneaking, but the object to be avoided has changed from human to various monsters.

In the light of red light, this feeling of horror is even better!

Now Zeng Yu knows why Professor Yang must ask them to take those medicines, and he also knows why the Academy of Science and Technology and Defense does not arrange people to patrol at night.

Because no patrol is needed!

These psychotropic drugs, combined with special red rays, will make all people who escape from the dorm at night to the hallucinations hallucinate and see a lot of scary monsters in their fantasy.

Although these monsters are hallucinations, they are indeed very real hallucinations. If Zeng Yu felt that he had been found, then these monsters would swarm up. In that kind of extreme horror situation, it would be possible to be fainted, let alone scream.

If there is a scream suddenly on a quiet night, it goes without saying that there must be someone at night to come and catch it.

The game continues, and it is still stealth.

In Zeng Yu’s vision, the entire Academy of Technology and Defense has become a paradise for monsters. Some monsters are dormant and some monsters are wandering aimlessly, while Han Tao is taking him in the shadows of buildings. Carefully proceeded.

The actions of these monsters have certain rules. It seems that Han Tao is very familiar with the road, and it is definitely not the first time he slipped out at night.

“Different people just see the monsters in different shapes, and see that the positions and behaviors of the monsters are the same … that is, if they can figure out a route, they can be memorized.”

“This Han Tao, I don’t know how many times I have sneaked out before I can remember it so clearly.”

“Wait, he sneaked out so many times without getting caught? Or …”

The doubts in Tang Ying’s mind, one after another.

But now the situation is critical, Tang Ying must concentrate on avoiding the eyes of the monsters, so for the time being there is no way to get distracted to think so much.

To be honest, the difficulty of this sneak is not too high, but it is definitely not low.

In the case where Han Tao is leading the way, as long as he does not die, he can go the whole distance, but if there is no Han Tao and Zeng Yu is allowed to walk by himself, the chance of success is estimated to be very small ~ ~ Finally, after several twists and turns, Two people came near the east gate.

When we got here, there were no wandering monsters. It was just that the iron fence door looked a little shy under the red light.

Zeng Yu leaned on the side wall, panting heavily.

The nerves that had been highly strained before were finally relaxed a bit, and Zeng Yu probably felt like the rest of his life.

However, Zeng Yu looked outside Dongmen: “What about your friends?”

Han Tao did not answer, but looked in the other direction.

A figure in a white coat walked up lightly.

Professor Yang still kept his skinned and unsmiling expression: “Han Tao, you are doing very well. The circle on your body can be reduced. As for the next election of the class committee, I will consider you carefully.”

Han Tao bowed his head: “Thank you, Uncle Yang, for helping our allies, I should do it.”

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