Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 27 - Already started?

On Tuesday, Xiong Kai was busy revising the design documents and Zhong Ming was drinking coffee leisurely.

On Wednesday, Xiong Kai was busy with art needs, and Zhong Ming was drinking coffee leisurely.

Xiong Kai was also bored. What’s going on?

He’s too busy to die here, but Zhong Ming is too leisurely? Finished all the work?

Think again, it is really possible to finish …

Xiong Kai has sneakily seen Zhong Ming writing design documents and art requirements tables before, it seems that they are really fast.

But there must be a limit sooner? What’s more, can you write so fast?

The design team’s work has a feature of being cumbersome and having a lot of fine points. For example, the response of a button to a function in different states should be clearly written. If you miss it, you don’t need to go to the program group. When the design group meets, other people will definitely have to pick out the problem for you.

So many people have to carefully check it seven or eight times after writing the design document, for fear that it may be incomplete.

As a result, Zhong Ming did a good job. He finished the week’s work in more than a day, and then blatantly paddled.

怎么 How can this bear Xiong Kai!

“Zhong Ming, check the design documents several times after writing, and be strict with yourself, otherwise it will be very embarrassing for the program to pick up a lot of problems.” Xiong Kai as a person Bitterly advised.

In fact, he is not really good for Zhong Ming. He just feels uncomfortable when he sees Zhong Ming so leisurely.

“Huh? It’s okay, there is nothing wrong with the program.” Zhong Ming was not attentive.

Xiong Kai laughed at the time. Is there anything wrong with the program? Dude, do you know what you are talking about?

Lao Zheng is not a leisurely generation? Not to mention the fault, it’s a routine operation for you to change the function!

Alas, poor newcomer, I still don’t know how difficult an opponent I will face!

Xiong Kai suddenly felt a bit of conscience and found out: “Let’s change it again. I’ll give you a shot first. Many programs are difficult to get along with, and some have a very strange temper, and may even make you change the function! The documentation is better written, which can effectively prevent skin peeling afterwards. “

“Oh, right.” Zhong Ming still did not respond, “Fortunately, this program I encountered did not have this problem.”

“Is that so good … wait, the program you encountered?”

Xiong Kai hasn’t responded yet at first, so he touched the taste carefully, wasn’t it? Shouldn’t the program you encountered be Lao Zheng?

Moreover, Zhong Ming should not know that his function was assigned to Lao Zheng, did he?

Xiong Kai was aggressive, what’s going on? ?

At this point, Zhongming’s internal communication software received a message. After leaving a glance, he left his seat and went directly to the program group.

Xiong Kai glanced at Zhongming’s computer screen and found out that it was sent by a person named Zhou Sen from the program group. It cut out a paragraph of the design document and asked, “What should I do if this place has a special situation?”

Apparently, Zhong Ming used to tell the program about the functions.

Xiong Kai was completely stupid.

Zhou Zhousen? Who is this

Oh, that new program!

But why did he ask Zhong Ming questions? ? ?

And this screenshot seems to be the design document of the Xinghai battlefield, that is to say, this function has already begun? ? ?

Xiong Kai was confused at the beginning and was puzzled. After some inferences, things became clearer, but this inference was even more panic!

I ’m not right, the script should not be like this, why does Zhong Ming skip the normal process?

Xiong Kai is still here in Baba Di Mei, as a result, Zhong Ming has directly found someone to start function!

Xiong Kai hurriedly sent a private message to Zhou Zhen: “Zhong Ming’s function has already begun ?!”

Ji Zhouzhen quickly replied: “What the hell?”

Xiong Kai: “Really, it has already been done! It was the new program that made it!”

Zhou Zhouzhen: “… wait for me to ask.”

five minutes later.

Zhou Zhouzhen: “Fuck! I just asked Zhang Qiuze, and it was arranged directly by Director Liu! I don’t know about it!”

Xiong Kai: “… you don’t know too much, right?”

Ji Zhouzhen: “Director Liu, this is middle evil, this is how much green light is given to Zhong Ming!”

Zhou Zhen asked Zhang Qiuze only to know that this was arranged directly by Director Liu, and it is estimated that Director Liu was too busy and forgot to tell Zhou Zhen!

As a result, Zhou Zhen and Xiong Kai have been kept in the dark forever, knowing nothing.

Especially Xiong Kai, also fantasically fantasized about the scenes of Zhong Ming and Lao Zheng pulling the skin, but now it ’s all right, people ’s functions have already begun!

Xiong Kai collapsed, Zhou Zhen collapsed too!

主管 Director Liu has done so, it is very difficult for his master designer to do it!

Qi Zhouzhen’s first reaction was anger.

Will Liu Yuxin propose to let Zhong Ming develop new features in advance? Most likely not. How busy Director Liu is, it’s impossible to take the initiative to ask about such things.

In other words, it is likely that Zhong Ming took the initiative and Director Liu agreed.

That means that Zhong Ming didn’t take his master designer into consideration at all! According to the normal process, these should be arranged by Zhou Zhen. As a result, Zhong Ming skipped him directly to find Liu Yuxin’s leapfrog report. This is really why!

More importantly, this incident gave Zhou Zhen a sense of inexplicable crisis. Zhong Ming is still an intern and has started doing special things and exporting his face. After that, if he kills Xiong Kai as a world architect, Wouldn’t it be okay to skip reporting directly to Director Liu?

Sui Zhouzhen suddenly felt that he couldn’t do it this way, and then let Zhong Ming play like this.

What to do?

The design document has been written ~ ~ The program is also done by a good person, and it is still done one week in advance. By then, the new feature of Xinghai Battlefield will definitely be completed and it will be online as scheduled.

I seem to have seen through Zhou Zhen’s thoughts. Xiong Kai sent two words in the past: “Art …”

Zhou Zhen is also surprised, yes, there are art resources!

The program function is done without any bugs. Once the art resources are shit, it cannot be online.

Ji Zhouzhen did not mean to deliberately drag Zhong Ming’s hind legs. He could not do it so clearly. Otherwise, Director Liu was really accountable, and the scene would be embarrassing.

However, Zhou Zhen has other methods. All the art resource requirements are submitted to the art group by him. The art needs of different functions also have a priority issue. Put the file of Zhong Ming’s art requirements backwards. Zhong Ming’s work must be affected if he cut corners or cuts the paint later.

The key is that Zhou Zhen will not be responsible if he does this. At that time, art painting will not be finished or it will not be good. That is the art pot, but the art pot can be thrown on the whole project. Who keeps the art group less? It can even be said that because Zhong Ming didn’t urge and didn’t properly check and accept, the quality of art resources couldn’t work, anyway, this responsibility couldn’t fall on Zhou Zhen’s head.

Zhou Zhen silently adjusted the order of the art resource requirements master list and folders, and placed the art resources related to the Xinghai Battlefield in a less conspicuous position later, but the priority of the labeling was still “priority”.

However, not only this table is marked with “priority”, but also the art needs table of several people such as Xiong Kai is also marked with “priority”.

Zhou Zhen is very clear that the art team is too busy, and the work attitude of everyone except Jiang Wanna is different, and most of them will not see the word “priority”.

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