Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 299 - All from 1

Listening to Lao Xie’s design thoughts and successful experiences in the “Era of Dawn”, Liu Yuxin was stunned.

Lao Xie turned out to be the producer of The Dawn Age?

Liu Yuxin also told him just now that he is very researched on “Dawn Age”, and also said that Lao Xie’s game should refer to the heavy gameplay of “Dawn Age”?

Refer to the fart, that is the rest of the old Xie play!

The key Liu Yuxin also talked to Lao Xie with a lot of experience and experience, and put forward a lot of opinions as a person who came here. As a result, he also gave a woolen opinion. Do you have that qualification?

“Dawn Era” estimates that the monthly running water has broken 20 million, and it is still rising. Liu Yuxin just copied a fur and made a “expected” monthly running game of 7 or 8 million. This is not a hierarchy at all. What else do you suggest?

In the small circle of mobile games in Huaxia District, all producers do not pay attention to seniority, company size, and resources at hand.

Just pay attention to one, and that is the monthly flow.

Looking at money naked, but in this circle is a very habitual phenomenon. The reason why Liu Yuxin has the confidence, it is precisely because of the estimated 8 million monthly running water in “Mecha Tide” gives him the confidence, but now … …

Compared with “The Dawn Age”, Liu Yuxin was discouraged in an instant.

“This old Xie is too unkind. You made” Dawn Age “, why did you say it early?”

Liu Yuxin felt that he was almost embarrassing and broke the sky. Fortunately, the two of them just spoke quietly. It is estimated that no one except the little master designer sitting next to Lao Xie heard it. If it was heard by other directors of Guangyi Huyu, Liu Yuxin would not be laughed at until retirement.

On the stage, Lao Xie finished the “Dawn Era”, and the response was good.

Immediately after, Lao Xie took out the content of “Guard of the City” and talked about it, and then played a demo video of the game.

“This is our next game in Tianji Studio,” City Guard “, this game is a mobile game for the global market …”

Several designers in today’s process have to talk about their new games, on the one hand to exchange experiences, and on the other hand to promote their new games. Although this conference has not paid much attention to the general population, many game media have participated in it, and some information will still flow out.

When Lao Xie was talking about “The Dawn of Era”, the designers at the scene listened very carefully, and some people nodded frequently.

But when it comes to “Guard of the City”, many people are still very interested in the beginning, but slowly, they start to get a little bit distracted.

Director Su sitting next to Liu Yuxin shook his head frequently.

“This is not possible.” Director Su whispered to himself.

Liu Yuxin heard this, and immediately came to the spirit, the hero sees the same!

This director Su once made a bracelet game with a monthly flow of over 10 million yuan. He is also a highly regarded designer inside Guangyi Huyu. He also knows Liu Yuxin naturally, but because he is not in charge of Mr. Lu, so two I’m not too familiar, but just happened to be sitting together today.

Liu Yuxin’s previous words to Lao Xie were indeed the true feelings in his heart. He really felt that the game “Guard of the City” was not working. The reason is simple, the gameplay is too simple!

In fact, there is only one way to play the game from the beginning to the end, which is 1v1 battle, including 2v2 battle, tribal warfare, etc. In the final analysis, it is a derivative of 1v1 battle, which is not much different in terms of fun.

Such a simple gameplay, maybe the player is not tired for a day or a week, what about a month? What about three months?

Obviously in Liu Yuxin’s view, the single gameplay is the biggest flaw in this game. The failure to maintain the long-term heat of the player means that the game’s stamina is insufficient. The first wave, even if pushed, will quickly cool down due to the rapid loss of players. Can only make quick money.

Of course, if in the previous Huaxia mobile game market, “make fast money” is not a derogatory term, making money is better than losing money, but now with “Dawn of Era” and a number of heavy games, many designers find that long-term is more important. Make money.

Liu Yuxin found that other designers had the same views as himself, and instantly felt a feeling of meeting a confidant, whispering, “I also think this game is not working, and the gameplay is too simple.”

Director Su nodded: “Yeah, the single gameplay is the biggest flaw, and there are many other problems. Another thing is that the gameplay has never occurred before. On the one hand, the numerical pressure and balance pressure are large, on the other hand, Players really do n’t want to accept it. It seems that Lao Xie began to drift after making a hot “Dawn Age”, blindly innovating, and forgetting the advantages that he used to survive. “

Liu Yu nodded fiercely.

He used to think there was something wrong with “Guard of the City”, but this is only his own idea, and he is not very confident; but now other designers have the same idea as himself, then it means … it is the old Xie wrong!

There are many such phenomena in the mobile game circle. There is even a saying that the companies that make explosive games often cannot continue the glory of the explosive products for a long time.

It’s like a spell, very few companies or studios can get rid of it. Everything that got rid of it has developed into a giant in the industry without exception.

A very important reason is that mobile games require a lot of innovation. Simply retaining the basic gameplay and changing the skin can make a profitable work, but it is never possible to make a blockbuster, so many designers will I think of a lot of innovation and greater success … but after innovation, I often find that the market is not accepting it and is slumped.

In the view of Director Su and Liu Yuxin, Lao Xie is playing with fire. This is taking a wrong line!

Many of the designers present obviously also hold such an attitude. If “City Guard” is something made by other designers, it may be mocked more ruthlessly, but Lao Xie and Tianji Studio made the “Dawn Age “This successful product, so although everyone thinks” City Wars “is still not working, they still maintain the most basic respect and restraint.

Soon after Lao Xie finished speaking, applause erupted again.

Old Xie returned to his seat, and Liu Yuxin pretended that he was playing the bracelet to avoid the temporary embarrassment.

There was a speech in the morning, and then the morning session was over.

At the end of the session, Director Su said to Old Xie, “Would Director Xie go to dinner together? Director Liu, would you also come?”

Director Su is still very interested in Lao Xie. After all, he is the producer of “Dawn Era” and a former old colleague (though not very familiar before). It is still necessary to have a meal and exchange feelings. .

Old Xie nodded: “Okay.”

“I … uh … okay.” Liu Yuxin originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, it seems that there is really no good reason to refuse, then go.

Director Su, Liu Yuxin, Lao Xie, Jia Jia, and two other directors of Lightwing Interactive Entertainment. Six of them went to the internal restaurant of Lightwing Interactive Entertainment and found a high-end dining area.

Lightwing Entertainment’s in-house restaurant also occasionally undertakes some high-end banquets, so a few private rooms are quite good. After entering, Director Su pushed Lao Xie to the center of the seat and sat on the seat of the accompany himself. Jia Jia was next to Lao Xie and Liu Yuxin was on the other side.

There are also a lot of high-end dishes in the restaurant of Lightwing Mutual Entertainment, and soon the dishes come up. Everyone pushes a cup for a change. Director Su also kept talking with Lao Xie for a long time and the scene was quite harmonious.

Jia Jia had a boring meal while he was there, but he didn’t talk about it, but he didn’t even think about participating in the discussion. He thought the food was good and delicious.

Looking at Jia Jia, who was eating on a sullen head, Liu Yuxin suddenly came up with an idea. He wanted to inquire about the inside information.

What inside information?

Of course, it is some accurate data of “Dawn Age”, and the approximate income of Tianji Studio!

The specific data of “Dawn Age” has never been officially disclosed. The outside world is just guessing. It feels that its monthly flow may have broken 20 million, but is there any specific? No one is sure.

Of course, Liu Yuxin is also curious about this, and he also wants to know, how much money can Lao Xie go out to run his own studio?

Ask old thanks? You may not be able to ask. Lao Xie is an old fox. It looks very easy-going, but the city is deep, and it is likely to lie to himself.

But this master designer who has just graduated not long ago … then not necessarily.

Seeing this little young is not long after graduation, it may be good luck, as soon as he entered the industry, he followed Lao Xie to make such a project like “Dawn of Era”, but there must be no city government. There must be few social occasions.

And he is the main designer, and the data in the game must be well known.

“Come, younger brother Jia is very promising and has a bright future. I respect you for a drink.” Liu Yuxin picked up the wine glass and touched Jia Jia.

Jia Jia hurriedly said, “Dare to dare, Director Liu is a senior, and I still have to learn more.”

Liu Yuxin was secretly pleased and felt that it was a drama.

The two chatted casually, and Liu Yu pretended to inadvertently ask, “Brother, outside said that” Dawn Age “has a monthly flow of 20 million, is it true?”

“Twenty million?” Jia Jia froze. “Rumor?”

“Little news, small news.” Liu Yuxin said quickly, “Some people in the industry have inferred from the data of” Dawn Era “. Why, look at the meaning of my brother, actually did not reach 20 million?”

“Last week exceeded 30 million.” Jia Jia did not know why.

Liu Yuxin nearly sipped his drink.

What’s the matter, people in Tianji Studio can’t chat so much?

Liu Yuxinping regained his mood and asked, “That’s really gratifying, congratulating. If you remove the tax deduction and channel sharing, and divide the bonus according to the 10% ratio, you should have a bonus for your project … 120 1.3 million looks? You are the main designer, you should be divided into at least 100,000? “

“Oh?” Jia Jia froze for a moment. “How many are there?”

Liu Yuxin wasn’t really upset this time.

What is “how can there be so few”? !!

Is this small? ? ?

The key is that Jia Jia’s expression is too serious. It can be seen that he is not joking, but really feels that Liu Yuxin said this number is small …

Liu Yuxin looked at Jia Jia’s face diligently, trying to tell whether this was the truth or acting, but after looking at it for two minutes, I didn’t see it.

Jia Jia saw that he didn’t believe it, and added: “My bonus last month was more than half a million.”

“… Where is so much money !!!” Liu Yuxin felt that his brain was completely useless. For the first time, I heard that the game with monthly flow of 30 million can be awarded a bonus of 500,000 to the main designer. What a high bonus ratio!

Is it possible that half of the project’s income is used to pay bonuses?

Defeated! Too bad!

“Oh, our project is to pay 20% of the income to pay bonuses, that is not … more than 5 million and nearly 6 million.” Jia Jia took a crab from the table and started shelling.

Liu Yuxin was even more puzzled: “20% of the project is used to pay more than 5 million bonuses? No, what about tax deduction? What is the distribution of channels? At least half of the channels must be divided, and half of 30 million is 15 million.”

“What channel is divided? No channel is divided.” Jia Jia held the crab claw.

Liu Yuxin scratched his head: “Brother Jia, don’t bluff me, how can there be no channels to divide …” Dawn Era “is not issued by Tianji Studio, it is issued on the low-light game platform, you do not give the low-light game platform Dividing money ???

“It’s all for one family, what’s the money?” Jia Jia nibbled Crab Huang with impoliteness. “This crab is good. I’ll buy a few when I look back … Unfortunately, I won’t.”

Liu Yuxin felt bad for himself.

“Everyone”? ? ?

The low-light studio was run by Zhong Ming, so Tianji Studio was also run by Zhong Ming. ?

And no channel can be used to achieve monthly flow of 30 million, that is to say, in addition to the tax deduction of 30 million all in their own bags, but also 20% bonus …

Liu Yuxin felt a little dizzy, and the whole person was temporarily sluggish.

“This crab is good. Come to Director Liu and have one.” Jia Jia took a crab from the table and placed it on Liu Yuxin’s plate.

Looking at this crab, Liu Yuxin always felt as if he saw Zhong Ming opening his teeth to him …

He couldn’t help but wonder, if there was no such thing as a bonus, would he now sit at Lao Xie?

“A sneeze!”

Zhong Ming rubbed her nose: “Who is talking about me behind this?”

The Twilight Studio side ~ ~ Xuanjia Project is under steady development. The gs1 version and the pc version are equally important.

With the development experience of “Resident Evil”, it is not too difficult to make “Xuanjia Plan”. Relatively speaking, the progress of gs1 equipment on Lin Xiaoguang’s side makes Zhong Ming a little worried.

However, it doesn’t matter if the device is developed a little slower. At that time, you can go to the PC version first and then send gs1.

This time Zhong Ming didn’t plan to let gameomni appear in “Xuanjia Plan”, gs1 exclusive. When gs1 comes out, it will compete directly with gameomni.

However, “City Guard” should be almost online, but it seems that the day has not yet been set.

The launch time of this game is random, and Zhong Ming doesn’t plan to invest too much resources to promote it. There is nothing to promote on mobile games. Hang it on the Weiguang game platform and wait for the word of mouth to ferment.

At present, the focus is still on the gs1 device and the “Xuanjia Project”.


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