Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 301 - Mindset!

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On the other side, the fire-breathing dragon had already slowly flown across the river and headed towards the princess tower on the left of Zhong Ming.

In Tian Yuan, Zhong Ming seems to have two solutions: the first is to place units such as crossbowmen or Xiaojinwu next to the tower, but in this case the small fire dragon will attack these units first, and two fires will destroy them all Of course, this will also slow down the Spitfire Dragon’s journey, allowing the Princess Tower to shoot a few more arrows. The final result should be that the Spitfire Dragon sprays less than a quarter of the blood of the Princess Tower.

The second type is to release the crossbowmen or Xiaojinwu after the fire-breathing dragon starts to attack the princess tower, so that the fire-breathing dragon will continue to attack the princess tower, but the crossbowmen or Xiaojinwu can attack the fire-breathing dragon together. There will be a little more, but after clearing the fire-breathing dragon, the crossbowmen can still remain and continue to attack Tian Yuan.

Obviously, the first method is only used by chickens, which is equivalent to delivering food to the fire-breathing dragon. If it is Tian Yuan himself, he must choose the second solution.

As a result, Tian Yuan was surprised that Zhong Ming did not release the crossbowmen, but instead placed three skeleton soldiers in the middle of his own half.

Skeleton soldier is the most garbage thing in this game. It only consumes 1 point of action and summons 3 skeletons, but any unit can clear them without pressure with one sword or three swords.

In Tian Yuan’s view, this is simply a delivery of food to his Spitfire Dragon! As long as the fire-breathing dragon flew over and spit, Zhong Ming’s 1-point action was wasted.

What surprised Tian Yuan, however, was that the script was not written at all!

The position of the three skeleton soldiers was very elegant, right on the middle line. As a result, one of the three skeleton soldiers went to the left and the other two ran to the right. The little fire dragon directly sprayed the skeleton soldier that ran to the left, but the nearest target in its field of vision was the two skeleton soldiers that ran to the right, so he flapped his wings and flew over!

“Hey! What are you doing, Little Fire Dragon! Don’t chase, push the tower!”

Tian Yuan shouted, because this scene is really incredible. Although the speed of the fire-breathing dragon is not slow, the skeleton soldier runs faster! The two little skeleton soldiers ran in front, and the fire-breathing dragon chased behind. As a result, the little fire dragon was output one round by two princess towers and one king tower until the little fire dragon flew to the princess tower on the right However, Zhong Ming let down the crossbowmen without any hassle, and in cooperation with the output of the Princess Tower quickly killed the fire-breathing dragon.

Tian Yuan actually wanted to reinforce, but on the one hand, the Valkyrie she just dropped was a 4 fee card without extra action; on the other hand, the little fire dragon has penetrated behind the enemy, and it is difficult to reach the new unit even if it is released. help.

Zhong Ming used a 1-cost skeleton and a 2-cost crossbowman to solve a 4-cost rare card fire dragon. The key is that the crossbowmen and the tower are still intact …

“Damn it, you forced me …”

Tian Yuan is very angry. Although she can still hold the scene, she has lost a lot, so she decides to find a place and silently watch her action slowly increase.

Zhong Ming saw that Tian Yuan hadn’t moved, and her action was almost full, so she tried to release a band of bandits to test, and by the way, she could touch the tower’s blood. And this “gangster gang” card only costs 3, Zhong Ming still retains action.

Finally, Tian Yuan’s action force rose by 6 points, and she couldn’t wait to throw two cards towards Zhong Ming’s Princess Tower, one was a flying bucket Goblin, and the other was a digging miner!

Both of these cards are rare cards. The flying bucket Goblin is of purple epic quality, while the digging miner is a more advanced legendary quality, which Tian Yuan got a lot of time.

Zhong Ming stunned: “You … are rich. Do you have to charge four or five hundred?”

Tian Yuan’s face turned black: “You hate it! I want you to control it!”

These two cards came out early, and Zhong Ming could probably guess how much it cost.

Tang Ying said quietly, “No wonder you told me that the living expenses were not enough. It turned out to be spent …”

Tian Yuan: “…”

Very speechless.

Tian Yuan knows that Zhong Ming doesn’t have much action now, it may look like 3 o’clock and 4 o’clock, and the miner ’s health is very high, even if Zhong Ming immediately threw a card like Valkyrie, Digging miners can also export to the Princess Tower for a long time.

Not to mention that Valkyrie is a rare card, and Zhong Ming doesn’t have it in this deck.

Both the digging miner and Goblin Goblin can instantly fly across the entire map to reach the other side of the tower. Tian Yuan then killed a lot of enemies by this trick.

As a result, the moment the digging miner appeared, Zhong Ming threw a snowball spell at the upper right position.

Snowball spells, ordinary cards, are used to cause a small amount of damage, slow down enemy units, and have a relatively small displacement effect.

This card is also a spicy chicken card that Tian Yuan can’t really see, because the range is much smaller than the arrow rain, and the damage is incomparable with spells such as fireball and lightning, and the deceleration effect is not particularly obvious.

As for the small displacement, it is even more useless. With that small displacement, most of the arms move in one step.

However, something strange happened. The digging miner originally appeared on the left side of the princess tower and got out of the ground to prepare to attack the princess tower. A little bit, the result is that the digging miner is closer to the King’s Tower!

So the digging miner waved the shovel directly and began to knock on the king’s tower!

“what are you doing!!!”

Tian Yuan is going crazy, this digging miner is pit father. This is!

The King’s Tower is the thickest blood tower, which can only be pushed out at the end. The poor attack power of the digging miner is simply tickling!

Zhong Ming immediately threw down a fee-based skeleton soldier, and then saw Goblin jumping out of the flying bucket and directly attacked the skeleton soldier ~ ~ and was quickly killed by the princess tower next to him. . Then the princess tower and the king tower set fire together. The digging miner had not dug a few shovels and was quickly destroyed. The king tower just lost a little blood.

The digging miner + Goblin flying bucket costs 6 in total. Zhong Ming uses a snowball with 2 fees and a skeleton soldier with 1 fee. The damage to the tower can be ignored.

Tian Yuan fell into silence.

Mindset! Completely collapsed!

The little fire dragon was slipped by the skeleton soldiers, and the digging miners were shown by the snowball technique. All of them were cards that cost a lot of money to get gold. As a result, they were solved by this low-cost junk card …

The most annoying is that Zhong Ming even inferred the amount of her recharge. Indeed, from playing this game to now, Tian Yuan has been saved for four or five hundred, but it turned out to be a few white cards.

The mentality is completely broken!

The game is not over, but Tian Yuan doesn’t want to play anymore.


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