Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 327 - Speeding

The reason why Zhang Xinjie is angry is that he feels that the live broadcast of Weiguang is different from the enemies in the past.

The previous live broadcast platform is the same way as Linghu Live, digging people, burning money, and enthusiastically.

The routines of these live broadcast platforms are to burn money first to dig big anchors, and desperately publicize them, hoping to bring traffic to their own platforms through the big anchors, and then bring the gifts back to the platform after receiving the traffic.

However, most of the platforms are difficult to sustain the burning of money. They burn out and lose no money. The end result is that very few platforms can achieve profitability and live well. A small number of platforms have been successful in financing; most platforms have long-term financing. Loss and cool directly.

In the previous live broadcast platform war, Linghu live broadcast had the most money and the largest number of viewers. The anchors gathered naturally and could be invincible. Even if one or two big anchors have been dug up by other platforms, Linghu Live has such a strong blood-making ability that it can immediately hold up a new anchor without hurting its muscles.

But now, the routine of the Weiguang live broadcast platform is completely different from other live broadcast platforms. Because it doesn’t burn money or dig people, but instead discovers its existing stock and converts players to the audience.

If you do n’t burn money, there will be no problems of loss and broken capital chain. Even if you do n’t make money, you will not lose too much, and you will naturally be invincible.

The attractiveness of the low light live broadcast to the small anchors is that the small anchors’ income here is not less than that of the Linghu live broadcast. Although the live broadcast of Spirit Fox looks bright on the surface, most of the income source comes from the big anchor, and the salary and publicity resources should naturally be concentrated on the big anchor.

The platform promotes many big anchors with salaries of millions and tens of millions, which are all the treatment of some of the top small talents, and there are also some blowing factors. In fact, the exposure of many young signers who have just signed up is too low. A basic salary of one to two thousand yuan a month is already good, and the gift money is 50% to the platform, and the income is unbearable.

The low-light live broadcast can also give these basic wages, and the gift money platform receives very little, basically giving it to the anchor, and the newcomer’s exposure is much higher than other platforms. The contract is still a dynamic contract, and the newcomer anchor does not need to worry Sell ​​yourself cheap, as long as the heat goes up, wages will automatically increase.

In other words, the WeChat live broadcast platform gives all newcomers a fair competition platform. In terms of attracting newcomers, it has a great advantage over other platforms.

Of course, someone might say, what about the future?

If you can achieve the top few live broadcasts on Linghu, the income may be tens of millions, can you do it on Weiguang live broadcast?

Of course not, but the problem is that most small anchors don’t think so long.

Now I can only receive a few hundred yuan of dead wages a month, and I have already begun to think that I will earn millions in the future? No one is so good. It is normal to get the immediate benefits in hand.

What’s more, Weiguang Live Broadcast strives to create a small circle of self-enclosing. The core of this small circle is the game player group. Take this small circle as the core to expand slowly, don’t worry about attracting traffic.

Burning money for drainage, the flow comes and goes fast, but the building in the sky is unstable, but once the small circles of the enclosure have formed, the viscosity is much greater.

Zhong Ming’s previous B station also did live broadcasts. Although the live broadcast platform is worse than Douyu, Huya and other platforms, but the audience is very sticky. Many small anchors live broadcast is a happy picture, and did not expect to get rich overnight by live broadcast. I just want to find some friends on the live broadcast, and even live broadcast does not care about making money or not, so even if other platforms make more money, they still insist on broadcasting live on station B.

The low-light live broadcast platform also follows this path, encouraging some new players to entertain themselves lively, forming a small circle of enclosures and sprouts. Although initially small, it is reliable enough.

It’s not that Zhang Xinjie thinks how difficult it is to deal with the shimmering live broadcast, it just feels a bit disgusted.

This feeling is like you originally occupied the upper reaches of the river and drank the clearest river water. Then suddenly someone ran to a higher place to drink water, although he drank less and you drank more. But having him drink the first sip always makes you feel uncomfortable.

Manager Bai said tentatively: “Or, Mr. Zhang, I’ll contact the public relations department, please ask some naval forces? Now the live broadcast of Weiguang is not the weather, it’s all based on Tang Ying alone. If you can bring her Rhythm, then … “

Zhang Xinjie didn’t speak, but just tapped on the table lightly.

Similar methods were used during the live broadcast platform war. Everyone asked the sailors to discredit each other, which is already a common occurrence.

Zhang Xinjie thought for a few minutes and said, “The navy can be found, but don’t make it too obvious, and you don’t have to put too much hope on this. There are two other things. First, we have an incentive plan to encourage The new anchor came to us to live broadcast and sign the contract. Second, go to the low-light live broadcast to dig people, who digs who fires, and in the final analysis, still do the content. Doesn’t he feel that he has strong blood-making ability? Come over a few, the audience ca n’t see what they want to watch for a long time, and this platform will soon be cold. ”

Manager Bai nodded: “Yes, President Zhang.”

Manager Bai exited, Zhang Xinjie stood up and looked out the window.

It stands to reason that Weiguang Live Broadcast is now barely ranked in the top ten in the entire live broadcast circle. Compared with the live broadcast of Linghu, the weight is completely heaven and earth.

From the scale of the platform and the friction between the two sides, Linghu Live has many more threatening enemies.

However, Zhang Xinjie instinctively felt that the low-light live broadcast was the most dangerous enemy, so he decided to burn money to dig people.

Right now, the live broadcast of Linghu has a lot of profits. Burning some money to dig people, if it can really dig out the low light broadcast, it is very worthwhile.

Zhang Xinjie himself can’t say why he attaches so much importance to the low-light live broadcast, it may be because it has taken a different path from the traditional live broadcast platform, and it has worked well so far?

However, Zhang Xinjie only paid a little attention. After all, as a new live broadcast platform, the biggest enemy will never be the outside, but himself.

There are two problems that need to be solved for the low-light live broadcast. The first is to convert their game users into live broadcast users, and the second is to let users pay for and pay for the live broadcast. If you can’t do these two things, Weiguang Live Broadcast will only be self-defeating.

Tang Ying’s residence.

Zhong Ming stretched her waist on the sofa, and put a piece of fruit in her mouth with a fork from the coffee table.

“Is the live broadcast okay recently? I think you can mention any lack of features in the live broadcast software. I can’t say anything else. The program is definitely the most powerful. What features do you have?” Zhong Ming said.

Tang Ying hadn’t even started broadcasting yet, and she was wearing casual pajamas. She was eating fruit: “The live broadcast is okay, so far, these are enough. But I don’t think the number can be reached.”

“This can’t be anxious. The popularity of the live broadcast platform was not an overnight event. It is too anxious and easy to violently die.” Zhong Ming said.

“Also, worry about these things, after all, you are the boss.” Tang Ying smiled.

Zhong Ming thought for a while and said, “I have an idea recently. The current thing about WeChat Live is being managed by the people at WeChat Studio. It feels very informal and definitely not a long-term solution. I plan to broadcast WeChat. For independence, do you want to be a CEO? “

Tang Ying shook his head, and then shook his head vigorously: “No, no, no, I’m not interested. I can’t wait for the pigeons to be happy every day. When the CEO doesn’t exhaust me? No, no. I’m not the same . “

“So, are there any good candidates? Reliable people,” Zhong Ming said.

“I think about it …” Tang Ying was lost in thought.

Although Tang Ying has only lived in Linghu Live after graduating from college, after all, he is also a famous anchor in the industry, and there are many staff who know each live platform.

Many of the directors and leaders of other platforms have contacted Tang Ying in private or had some friendship.

At the same time, Tang Ying has been in the live broadcast industry and eats the most melons. Which platform’s managers are reliable and which are not reliable, naturally you can hear a lot of hidden inside information.

Zhong Ming doesn’t know much about these things in the live broadcast circle, and it is not necessary to find a suitable candidate in the interview, so Tang Ying’s referral is a relatively reliable choice. After all, Tang Ying is a smart person, and her vision should not be worse.

Tang Ying thought about it: “Chen Nan, this person is quite reliable. He is also a person in charge of Linghu Broadcasting, which is almost the same level as Manager Bai, but seems to be more excluded in Linghu Broadcasting. He doesn’t like it very much. The ability to plan activities on the ground is very strong, and it has won a few big anchors. I have worked with him several times and the results have been good. “

“Um … well. Then help me to explore his tone another day, if he is willing to come to Weiguang live broadcast, dig it out. Although it is impossible to give him a position like CEO in the beginning, but the power is definitely better than spirit Fox Live is much bigger. “

“Okay, I’ll ask him in a while. I think he should be in a very tangled state now, and hesitating to leave Linghu Live.”

The development of Ink Cloud Smoke 2 is also steadily advancing.

The estimated development time of the game is four months, and the release time is tentatively scheduled for October.

At present, Ink Cloud Smoke 2 is still in the early planning stage, mainly in debugging the physics engine and setting the art concept map. These tasks are generally carried out for two to three weeks, and as the development progresses, these tasks also Keep going.

During this period, the micro-light studio has undergone a new round of expansion, and its staff has been further increased. The entire 66 floors have been contracted.

Zhong Ming also intends to separate some people to be responsible for the WeChat live broadcast, but now that no suitable person has been found, this matter can be discussed in a long term.

Yunuo Technology is developing a new holographic projection display. The design plan is almost set. The next step is to develop an engineering prototype.

There is no new development plan for Tianji Studio. After all, “Dawn Era” and “City Guard” are games with a very long life. Tianji Studio only needs to ensure the normal operation and stable revenue of these two games Now, Zhong Ming is not so short of money now.

Zhong Ming said to Jia Jia and Xie, if they have a game they really want to make, they can set up the project freely.

As for Zhong Ming herself, she wants to learn the speeding driver’s license while taking advantage of the recent period.

In fact, Zhong Ming doesn’t need this thing in particular. He has already made so much money. It doesn’t matter if he finds a full-time driver.

However, Zhong Ming also has other plans to develop a speeding game, and maybe launch a matching speeding simulator.

If you really want to do this kind of game, there is definitely a problem if you don’t drive, and the game is difficult to do well.

Now that you want to learn, you can say the next thing. Find a bigger driving school and sign up to pay.

Before officially starting learning, Zhong Ming also checked the relevant tutorials on the Internet a little, and learned the basics of speeding.

Zhong Ming has also seen other people driving speed cars before, knowing that the driving style of speed cars in this world is actually not like a car, but a bit like an airplane.

However, the speed of a speeding car is far worse than that of an airplane. Strictly speaking, a speeding car is roughly equivalent to an airplane and is roughly equivalent to an electric car compared to a motorcycle. The former is much slower than the latter, but more secure.

The steering wheel of a speeding car is similar to the steering wheel of a racing car, but it is more flexible. In addition to tilting left and right and turning, it can also push forward and backward, that is, dive or pull up.

However, a speeding car is safer than an airplane because it is not the same as an airplane. Its action is based on the nozzles below and behind the car body. The directions of these nozzles can be freely adjusted, so the speeding car can hover and move sideways in the air ~ ~ and can brake at any time without worrying about stalling and falling.

There are more instrument panels on the speeder than on the car, but there are fewer than the aircraft, mainly altimeters, airspeed indicators, pointers, etc. Relatively speaking, driving is not as complicated as an airplane, and it is a fool-style flight.

Moreover, the speeding car has relatively mature autonomous driving technology, and it is generally sufficient to drive autonomous driving normally. However, as a driver, you must still have the ability to drive manually, mainly because you are worried about accidents.

Moreover, a large part of the speeding driver ’s license is for safe driving training. After all, in most cases, as long as ordinary cars do not drive too fast, at most, they are bumping, rear-crashing, and hitting trees. A slight accident is a crash .

Zhong Ming does not worry about whether he can learn. He feels that he should not be like Tang Ying. He can’t pass the second subject after studying for several months.

After all, Zhong Ming has used a super-reflexive nerve agent, and the response is faster than the average person, which has a natural advantage in this regard.

Blue shirt drunk

Thanks only wolf for helping me quit Internet addiction

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