Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 329 - Firewood Studio

Chen Nan was shocked by what Zhong Ming said, which meant it was very simple. No matter how much the other party burned, they would follow it!

I have to say that this industry is still very expensive.

Because live streaming is realized by traffic, and to get traffic, you must throw money in first. In other words, this is actually a cycle of spending money to buy traffic-realizing traffic-continuing to spend money to buy traffic, and among them, spending money is the key link.

Because of this, in the battle of live broadcast platforms, platforms without money are often the first to go out.

But from Zhong Ming’s words, Chen Nan saw his determination. Weiguang Live Broadcasting will definitely not be a “Huangpu Military Academy” in the live broadcast circle, but will come to grab a job with other live broadcast platforms.

Many similar live broadcast websites will encounter similar problems. They have obtained traffic in various ways, but they do not have sufficient funds. As a result, one anchor is redeemed, and many big platforms directly spend money to dig people. Many anchors are just Using this as a springboard is awkward.

Therefore, some live broadcast platforms are called “Huangpu Military Academy”, and the anchors were dug out as soon as they were cultivated.

Regarding this, Zhong Ming has two methods. One is to take legal channels normally, sign a long-term contract, and the anchor will not only pay a penalty for breach of contract, but also ban broadcast. For anchors, small fines and bans are big. Once banned, it means that money and heat will be reduced. For the anchors that are growing in popularity, banning is very fatal. They must weigh it.

The second is to accompany other platforms to burn money. It is not easy to simply accuse other platforms of being unethical, and the anchors have no contractual spirit. As the saying goes, “humans die for wealth, birds die for food.” In the market economy, the popularity of anchors can bring more traffic. Naturally, It’s worth the higher price. Zhong Ming doesn’t intend to lower the price maliciously. The anchor should take as much as he wants. He does not point to pulling money from the anchor.

If other platforms can give anchors a higher price, then WeChat Live Broadcast can also give it; other platforms can dig out Weak Live anchors, and Of course, Weak Live can also go back to digging anchors from other platforms.

If you want to fight a price war, then the low-light live broadcast is completely worthwhile.

This is why Zhong Ming has only begun to consider a live broadcast platform, because until now, the conditions for doing live broadcast have been basically mature.

The huge game library and the number of players are on one hand, and the financial resources are also on the other.

At present, Zhongming has two cash cows, Weiguang Studio and Tianji Studio, with good profitability. The hardware is also equipped with Yunuo Technology, and the future revenue will also increase steadily. With such a wealth of financial resources as the backing, even if Linghu Live has been listed and the financing has been successful, Zhong Ming is completely worthwhile than burning money.

Chen Nan nodded: “Okay, President Zhong, I’ll think about it and give you a reply within three days.”

Zhong Ming asked Miao Zhu to send Chen Nan away, knowing that it was probably the same.

The next day, Chen Nan called and accepted Zhong Ming’s invitation.

Zhong Ming also immediately began to arrange for the split of WeChat Live Broadcast and the WeChat game platform into two independent companies.

Although WeChat Live is completely integrated with WeChat game platform, in the plan of Zhong Ming, WeChat Live will sooner or later develop into a live broadcast giant website. At that time, the composition of personnel will be very large, and sooner or later it will be independent.

If the composition and work distribution of Weiguang Live and the Weiguang game platform have been so unclear, there may be no problems in the short term, but it will not work for a long time.

Therefore, it’s okay to go out as early as possible, so that Weiguang Live Stream can get on track as soon as possible.

What’s more, going out on its own doesn’t mean that the live broadcast of WeChat has nothing to do with the WeChat game platform, and the two will certainly remain closely linked.

Zhongguang live broadcast was arranged on the 55th floor by Zhong Ming. The batch of programs that were responsible for the live broadcast of Weiguang were all transferred in the past, responsible for the daily operation and maintenance of the live broadcast of Weiguang.

Chen Nan has officially taken over the job of Weiguang Live, but he has not yet become the CEO of Weiguang Live, and it will take some time to prove his ability. At the same time, Zhong Ming also arranged for Chen Nan to dig some reliable employees from the industry and initially set up a management team.

After this, the low-light live broadcast will soon be on the right track and continue to expand.

So far, Weiguang Live Broadcasting is basically all games on the live Weiguang platform. The core selling point is games such as “Xuanjia Plan”. At present, there is only Tang Ying, a super anchor. Although other anchors have also picked up some, but compared to the big anchor of the platform such as Linghu Live, it is still far behind.

After Chen Nan took over the low-light live broadcast, he immediately formulated a series of plans.

On the premise of retaining superior projects, open up multiple sections;

Began to purchase broadcasting rights for some e-sports games and sports events;

Contact other platforms with potential anchors whose contracts expire;

Publish advertisements on various channels and increase the popularity of low-light live broadcast;

Cooperate with many game and social software to promote WeChat live broadcast …

After these plans were handed to Zhong Ming, Zhong Ming approved some of them. For those who burn a lot of money, such as the broadcast right or even the sole broadcast right of large-scale sports events, Zhong Ming feels that it is not necessary for the time being and can be postponed; while others that can spend hundreds or millions of dollars, Zhong Ming has all approved.

In Zhong Ming’s view, this is already a very conservative operation in terms of his expectation of WeChat live broadcast; but for other live broadcast platforms, it is a menacing one.

It’s September.

Even melon eating viewers on the live broadcast platform can feel the recent atmosphere is a bit subtle.

The anchors were the first to get the news, and they became very excited.

The shimmer live broadcast has risen rapidly, and in a short period of time, several major actions have burst out.

Obtained the broadcasting rights of several professional league games, sponsored a team with the best performance in Huaxia District, and advertising was everywhere …

Moreover, according to the discussions in the anchor group, the small anchors live very moisturizing on the Weiguang live broadcast, especially those new technical anchors. The shimmering live streaming sorting mechanism allows them to get good exposure, and the extremely low gift levy plus the guaranteed minimum salary of Linghu Live, let them earn more than on other platforms.

This has caused many anchors to float their minds, especially those who have not mixed up for a long time, and those who feel they are strong but have not signed a contract, all want to try it on Weiguang Live.

Shu Mo dead people live, maybe move a bit, and then it is on fire?

Many middle-level anchors are in trouble, because several traditional live broadcast platforms led by Linghu Live have thrown olive branches at enemy anchors, and they are given more generous treatment than before!

Linghu Live has contacted a lot of newcomer anchors who are just getting better on the low-light live broadcast, and gave a good contract. Some people jumped, some didn’t.

However, the value of the anchors has risen with the wave of fairy fights. Everyone knows that this situation is unsustainable. Live broadcast platforms now burn money just to suppress each other, not really to benefit the anchors, but this is always a good thing for the anchors.

Of course, then again, it seems that the pie fell from the sky, and it may be a trap. Anchors may change jobs, or they may fall to the bottom.

However, the gunpowder smell between Linghu Live and Weiguang Live was getting stronger and stronger.

From the Tang Ying incident to the current digging war, many people are wondering why there are so many opponents of Linghu live broadcast, but they have been engaged in a low-light low-light broadcast; there are many I was wondering why the **** live broadcast was so irritable, so I went to the big brother of the live broadcast platform.

People who eat melon have said that this melon has eaten some!

In the battle on the live platform, Chen Nan was in charge of meeting Zhaozhaizhao. Zhong Ming only listened to the report and would not end by himself.

For Zhong Ming, this kind of battle has no technical content, and his main energy is still focused on game development on the side of Weiguang Studio.

Oh, and a driver’s license.

Not surprisingly, when “Ink Cloud Smoke 2” was released in October, Zhong Ming should have got his driver’s license.

Of course, not to mention Zhong Mingcai, the key to this world driving test is that there is a time requirement. Even if you drive well, you have to meet the training time to take the test.

“Ink and Cloud Smoke 2” has not yet released the wind, Zhong Ming plans to expose the first trailer in mid-September, first fry a wave of heat.

It’s just that Zhong Ming doesn’t have a good idea about how to do the trailer of “Ink Cloud Smoke 2”.

After all, “Ink Cloud Smoke 2” is a sequel. How to give the audience as much suspense as possible under the premise of reflecting the core of this game, still have to consider carefully.

Zhong Ming was thinking that a message came from the internal chat software.

Zhong Ming looked at it and it was from Xie Xia.

“I heard that the designer of” The Sword and the End of the World “is talking to Xinghua Huyu about the job-hopping issue. Do you think about cutting off?

Zhong Ming froze and laughed. Old Xie really understood it!

He immediately responded: “Is there any contact information?”

Old Xie: “Send it to you.”

“Yijian Tianya” is the core product developed by Lightwing Mutual Entertainment last year. It was highly hoped by Mr. Yu. It was originally intended to create a high-quality game with both applause and popularity.

However, it is regrettable that the effect of “Reliance to the End of the World” was not good after the launch. Although the revenue was not bad, the word of mouth avalanche soon, and it just happened to catch up with the “Taigo Painting Volume” made by Zhong Ming By comparison, the situation is rather bleak.

At that time, many enthusiastic players made a comparison chart, comparing “real Chinese martial arts game” with “false Chinese martial arts game”, so that this became a stalk, and nailed the project “Reliance to Heaven” Shame on the pillar.

Of course, to be fair, the game quality of Yiyitianya is not bad, especially the picture, and it can even be said to be one of the best in the end-games developed by Chinese manufacturers last year. But it’s not just the picture that determines game word of mouth, there are many other factors.

At least in terms of gameplay and sincerity, “Reliance to the Sword” was dangled in all aspects by “Taigo Painting Volume”.

In this year, Guangyi Huyu also made a lot of efforts to restore the slump of Yiyi Tianya, but with little effect. Many times, the player’s first impression of a game is difficult to reverse, not to mention that “Sword End of the World” itself has fatal flaws.

Many players are feeling a lot, blinded by such a good engine and graphics.

This is also a typical example where art and procedures are dragged down by design.

Of course, if you are in the industry, you know more about this project. The design problem of Yi Yi Tian Ya is not because the designer is not good, but because the designer does not have such a big voice. “Yi Jian Tian Ya” was highly anticipated by Mr. Yu. Naturally, it must be modified by Mr. Yu.

Moreover, in order to ensure that the game can be profitable, stability is first. Designers dare not make too much innovation, and the profit model still follows the same set of most 氪 金 游戏.

In other words, the failure of “Reliance on the Sword” should be regarded as a failure of the Jin game mode, not a failure of the designer.

On the contrary, there are actually many good things in the game design of Yiyi Tianya, but because of the previous reasons, these innovations are concentrated in some details, like dancing in shackles, so they have not been able to Fundamentally reverse the word of mouth of this game.

But Zhong Ming can see that this designer is very capable.

I don’t know where Lao Xie got this inside information, so I told Zhong Ming to ventilate in advance.

The designer of “Yi Jian Tian Ya” is called Hu Bin. For him, Zhong Ming doesn’t know much, but from the situation of the game “Yi Jian Tian Ya”, I can roughly guess one or two.

Obviously, the failure of “Reliance to the Sword” made Hu Bin extremely disappointed with Guangyi Huyu, so he planned to change jobs, and Xinghua Huyu recently should have similar project considerations, and the two are actively negotiating.

Zhong Ming got through to the phone number given by Lao Xie.

“Hey, is it Hu Bin?”

“Yes, who are you?”

“I’m Zhong Ming from Low Light Studio.”

“… Fortunately, fortunately, I don’t know what happened to me?” Hu Bin was obviously very surprised.

“Consider taking someone from you to me? I have a position for you,” Zhong Ming said.

“The right position? … wait, let me first ask, are you going to dig me or my team?” Hu Bin was a little hesitant.

“Your team ~ ~ My entire team has suitable positions?” Hu Bin was a little uncertain and asked again.

Zhong Ming nodded: “Yes, I plan to set up a new studio. If you want, I will be the person in charge directly.”

Hu Bin was silent for a while, and asked, “So, what project are you planning to do? If I come in charge, who will do the game design?”

Zhong Ming replied: “In the early days, I came to do the underlying design. You and the design team are responsible for enriching and improving the detailed rules. When I have no other requirements, you are free to do the project you want to do, but it requires my consent.

“It seems that you already have two studios, Weiguang Studio and Tianji Studio, both very successful.”

“Yes, this is the third.”

“So … May I ask the name of this studio?”

Zhong Ming replied, “Salary Studio.”

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