Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 34 - Excited players

In the forum, in the game group, many players are discussing what the mysterious “Xinghai Battlefield” will look like.

Some people think of it as the feeling of a blockbuster. There are countless mech fleets fighting in a vast starry sea. The scene is gorgeous, but most people do n’t believe it. After all, the development time is too short, and this is just a bracelet game. This should be a very simple gameplay like the arena, otherwise why did it only take so little introduction in the announcement?

As the “Mecha Age” is getting cooler, the game groups of various game guilds are getting cooler, filled with various advertisements and funny pictures, and the administrators are too lazy to manage it. However, after the announcement of the new version, some people sent out the announcement, and it was really discussed in the game group.

Of course, this was the same scene before the previous version was launched, but these game groups accelerated to cool again after the version was launched. It belongs to the real death of the light. The version is expected to be infinite before the version is launched.

Anyway, the enthusiasm of the players has been mobilized, and many people are waiting for the new version on Friday.

Uh …

On Friday morning, Zhong Ming came to the company on time.

I ’m still the same as the last version update. Last night, many people, including Xiong Kai, performed routine overtime, but because of the regular meeting today, they arrived early.

Wu Zhongming didn’t work overtime at all, because the function has been completed, and no overtime is needed, and he is not acting like Xiong Kai.

After I picked up a cup of coffee, Zhong Ming opened the bracelet, updated the version, and entered the game.

Xiong Kai and Zhou Zhen have a regular meeting. If they are here, they must open the background data immediately to check the player’s activity and recharge status, but Zhong Ming is only an intern and does not have this permission, so he can only enter the game to see the players. Reflects.

As soon as Qi entered the game, Zhong Ming received invitations from three guilds.

哟 “Yo, the effect is quite obvious.”

This account Zhongming was created when he first joined the company. It’s been almost three weeks now. He has never been invited by the guild, because the administrators of these guilds are too lazy to add people. Most of the guilds are in a mixed state. Eat waiting to die. As a result, after the new version was updated, Zhong Ming, as an active player, immediately received invitations from three guilds!

This shows that these guilds have found the value of “living people” (active players).

Zhong Zhongming casually found the guild with the most individuals and added it. Then, watching the World Channel and the Guild Channel, it suddenly became lively!

The previous World Channel was deserted, all advertising, and now the players are speaking!

I’m talking about a few familiar names. After all, there is a serious loss of players now, and there are not many old players who really stick to it, but this can at least prove that the old players who have been diving and playing single machines have been mobilized!

On the Guild Channel, the Vice President is directing madly.

“Hurry up, the living people on the line rush to the frontline support, and click the galaxy coordinates I sent directly!”

“Those with high combat effectiveness, come to the main battlefield, those with low combat effectiveness, go to the marginal battlefield to steal, and look for those galaxies that have no one to fight!”

“Hurry up, guys, we are still short of staff, we ca n’t push it anymore. Hurry up and shout at World Channel. All the alive accounts will be brought to me!”

World Channel, various recruitment information one by one.

“Blood” guild income, regardless of combat strength, here is the brother, the big brother will take you to the Xinghai battlefield! “

“The Guild of Hot Blood …”

“Brother upstairs, isn’t it tiring to brush the screen all morning? There aren’t many living people in this service, and living people also have their own guilds. How many people can you pull like this?”

“Don’t you say that, after pulling a dozen or so, all the original guilds died, and they jumped over.”

“Really? Then I’ll go to your guild and pull me!”

“Fuck, the people of the Blade Corps are too much. They have hit here. Has anyone followed me to stop them?”

“Unable to fight, there is a ruthless man on the other side of the Blade Corps. All of them are thin organic knitting yarn. He was worn by five or six fleets alone, and he didn’t have to fight!”

“Don’t we also have a local tyrant? Call him, and he will definitely cure this kid!”

“Did you say Deep Sea Brother? Deep Sea Brother has retired for two weeks.”

“Grass, retired? Isn’t the account that charged so much money blind? Anyone have his contact information? Hurry up to find him and let him come back to continue playing! Or if you can’t, you can let him hand over the account, I Play for him! “

Look at the Xinghai battlefield again, it is impossible to fight!

In this battlefield, players from different servers are grouped together, because now the loss of players is serious, and players who rely on only one server are not enough to support this multiplayer pvp gameplay. However, it seems particularly lively. Many players are surprised to find that there are so many living people in this game?

Everyone used to play a stand-alone game. I felt that the game was deserted. Now they all came to the Xinghai battlefield and found that there are actually a lot of old players left in this game!

Various forces are desperately expanding, occupying different galaxies, and expanding their own territory.

The Xinghai Battlefield is open 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day, each force occupies a star field, and there are npc defenders with different strengths on the galaxy. In other words, players have to do things at any time, and the territory of various forces is constantly changing.

It won’t make the player feel particularly tired. UU reading books will not cause any substantial loss because of the shrinking territory. For example, at 3 am, no one was there, and an emperor of the liver suddenly laid ten galaxies. Someone found it at 8 am and called back again.

的 The big part of the reward comes from capturing the galaxy. Occupying the galaxy is just a good-looking map. In fact, there are not many rewards. In addition, the rewards that each player receives from the Xinghai battlefield every day are limited. There is no profit when they are full. It is completely voluntary labor.

Moreover, there is a reinforcement mechanism for the forces whose maps have been compressed more, so that these people will not be unable to play.

Zhong Ming has already considered these aspects, and also has a very mature gameplay.

In the Xinghai battlefield, there are combat special effects everywhere, several forces are fighting each other, and many times they are fighting on several fronts. There is also no unified command. Anyway, the player goes directly to the nearest battlefield, and then resurrects and then passes. After such a continuous loop, the game is very lively.

There are even many old players who haven’t played for a long time, and they are called back to play the Xinghai battlefield together!

Because in this battlefield, every player is an important resource. Even if the new number is a new one, you can steal some small galaxies that are only guarded by weak npc, just like stealing a tower. Players with high combat power are even more precious, often determining the outcome of a large-scale battle.

Therefore, those veteran players who are addicted to the Xinghai battlefield will actively go to the chat group to persuade those who have uninstalled the game to return to their guilds and their forces. Under the vigorous encouragement of these old players, Another group of people returned.

Zhongming can’t see the background data, but from the feedback of players in the server, the new version of the data is definitely no problem!

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