Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 361 - Promote CG

With the advent of the alpha6 bracelet, many evaluation media at home and abroad have also begun to evaluate this bracelet.

The evaluation results are generally consistent: this is a product that will profoundly change the market structure of the bracelet!

As Lin Xiaoguang guessed, the success of the alpha6 bracelet is a kind of accumulated success, and its appearance is likely to profoundly change the pattern of the world’s bracelet market.

However, in the process of evaluating this bracelet by major technology media, an episode occurred, even with Zhong Ming and Weiguang Studio also on the hot list of real questions and answers.

i evaluation is a media specializing in evaluating technology products in Huaxia District. Naturally, it is impossible to miss the popularity of alpha6 bracelets.

However, after the evaluation video came out, the response was mediocre. On the contrary, it was a Weibo posted by ceo of i evaluation, which caused a lot of controversy on the real question and answer.

When I posted the video, Ceo Peng Liang also expressed his views on the alpha6 bracelet on his personal Weibo: “Here is a bold prediction of the profound impact this bracelet will have on our lives: the alpha6 The self-developed chip and power can support the bracelet to run some large games, and some low-profile games that can run on the handheld can also be completely transplanted to the bracelet. It is not just the existing mobile games, including “Zodiac Guardian” and “Ink and Cloud Smoke 2” is also completely okay. Coupled with the visual capture technology of the bracelet itself, it will bring a tremendous change to our entertainment life. “

As a result, someone quickly replied below Weibo, and many players disagreed with this view.

“It’s impossible for the low light studio to move the” Guardian of the Zodiac “and” Ink Cloud Smoke 2 “to the bracelet, don’t make a fool of it …”

“I think the bracelet is still incomparable with gs1. We have a exclusive host in Weiguang Studio. Why on your bracelet?”

“The alpha6 bracelet is really great, but I think it is unlikely to replace the game console.”

Of course, there are also those who support Peng Liang, and the players’ opinions on this issue are not consistent.

Before long, Peng Liang probably saw comments from some players and sent another Weibo.

“Oh, if Weiguang Studio moved” Ink Cloud Smoke 2 “to the alpha6 bracelet, it would definitely make an explosion! Don’t tell me what the quality and persistence of a designer are, and which designer will not get through with money? Many people are not willing Admit it, but the fact is that the mainframe equipment in the future must succumb to the bracelet that is constantly updated from generation to generation. There is absolutely no studio in the world that cannot be changed by capital, and the same is the case with low-light studios. Shame. “

After all, Peng Liang is a ceo of a relatively well-known evaluation agency. These two Weibos have caused a lot of discussions. Someone moved his Weibo content to a real Q & A, which triggered another discussion.

The focus of everyone’s discussion is, what is the end of traditional game hardware vs a new generation of smart bracelet?

The alpha6 bracelet is undoubtedly a huge revolution for the traditional bracelet. At present, the market share of this bracelet is rising, because it is a self-developed closed system, so the popularity of the bracelet Alpha mall has also become a very influential channel in the world. Every day, a large number of apps and games are on the shelves. There are many games that have just earned one month of revenue in the alpha mall and have reached more than half of the previous monthly revenue.

If Alpha’s next-generation bracelet can continue this success, then this bracelet will inevitably rule the world’s bracelet market.

In other words, the alpha bracelet has already beaten the previous bracelet industry. The hardware on which the entire bracelet game duration depends has changed completely. Many bracelet game manufacturers are rushing to cater to the alpha bracelet and try their best. Send your game to the alpha store.

But where do traditional games go from here?

In fact, Peng Liang’s point of view is not baseless. Before that, bracelet games have already had a certain impact on the global game market. Both console games and pc games have been squeezed by bracelet games to a certain extent.

In recent years, the global sales of mainframes are only about 1.5 billion, and the global sales of bracelets are as much as 700 million or 800 million a year. Just from the number and perspective, which one is more obvious. There are many mobile game manufacturers whose revenue is no less than that of traditional PC game manufacturers, and even slightly exceeds that.

And Peng Liang believes that the emergence of the alpha6 bracelet that will dominate the country will be the last straw to crush the camel and realize the comprehensive replacement of the bracelet for the pc and the host industry.

However, although i-review and Peng Liang’s hot search also brought Weiguang Studio to Zhong, Zhong Ming didn’t mean to respond to this.

After staying on the hot list of real questions and answers for a while, the people who eat melon discussed it separately, and the heat gradually disappeared.

On February 17, Weiguang Studio officially announced the next work, “Interstellar Tinder 2: Rebellion”!

On the low-light gaming platform, this game already has a special area, which exposes the game content and a promo about 3 minutes.

The beginning of the video is a red-brown wasteland. The protagonist in the first person perspective is walking lonely on the wasteland. He glides quickly on the surface, and then easily crosses obstacles and craters in the craters.

This planet has a slightly lower gravity than the Earth, so the jumping height and distance are also farther than on the Earth. Moreover, the protagonist is also moved quickly through high-tech roller skates like the “Xuanjia Project”, and the entire screen looks very smooth.

It can be seen from the screen that the protagonist wears special protective clothing and a special protective mask on his head.

The gun in the protagonist’s hand is similar to the “Xuanjia Plan”. It can be seen that this is a shotgun, but it is full of sense of technology. The vision seems to be blocked by a layer of light glass. This is the protective clothing mask worn by the protagonist. There are also some special interfaces on the mask, such as the status of the protective clothing, constant temperature energy, oxygen storage, number of bullets, direction guidance, etc. .

In the background settings, the world technology of “Interstellar Tinder” is much more advanced than now, so many high-tech functions are integrated in the protective mask, not just for the purpose of supplying oxygen.

Suddenly, the sky is covered with sand and dust in the distance!

The protagonist raised his hand in vain and wanted to cover it, but to no avail, there was only a long “red sand” in front of him, and the red-brown filled the entire field of vision, and he could not continue to move forward.

After a few seconds, the sandstorm stopped, and the protagonist’s mask was completely covered with reddish-brown sand. At this time, the mask began to self-clean, and soon the vision of the protagonist was restored.

The surrounding scene did not change much, except that the ground was covered with a thick layer of red-brown sand and dust, and the previous footprints (precisely the track of the roller skates on the ground) had completely disappeared.

The protagonist looked down, and the reddish-brown sand and dust accumulated directly above his ankle. He pulled both feet out, apparently getting used to it, and moving on.

This planet has a thin atmosphere, but it is mainly carbon dioxide, so when the temperature drops suddenly, carbon dioxide will turn into dry ice and cover the planet’s surface, turning it into a snow field. But now, obviously, the temperature has not fallen to that extent.

Although the crust of the planet is composed of hard metal minerals and rocks, the surface of the planet has accumulated a large amount of sand and dust due to long-term weathering. Sandstorms like this occur on this planet from time to time without warning.

Moving on, the perspective of the protagonist slightly raised, and he saw a huge planetary engine on the edge of the distant skyline.

This planetary engine is like a huge crater. The skeleton has been completed, but it has not been completely completed. We can see that many small construction spacecraft are continuously constructing around this huge metal mountain.

The camera stayed on the planetary engine for two or three seconds. In the neutral position of the protagonist, the ground suddenly cracked under his feet!

A five- or six-meter-long sand bug suddenly emerged from the ground, and the sharp mouthpiece bite at the protagonist!

This sandworm is also a kind of zerg. It looks like a huge tadpole, covered with reddish-brown **** body, and it is extremely difficult to find in the red sand. The biggest threat to human beings is the sharp mouthparts and corrosive acid. Once the protective clothing is bitten by it, the corrosive acid may cause great harm!

The protagonist hurriedly lifted his left arm to block it, and a special protective arm was immediately deployed on the protective clothing of his left arm, carrying the worm’s mouth hard.

A sandy green toxin was released from the sandworm’s mouth, and a burst of white smoke rose instantly on the protagonist’s left arm, and at the same time a harsh noise was emitted!

At the same time, the sand worm withdrew directly to the ground, and the protagonist’s vision became dark instantly, and no one knew where he would be dragged.

Two or three seconds later, the protagonist seemed to have been dragged down the sand dune by a long distance. Suddenly, the protagonist fell on a hard rock. From the surrounding scenes, it seemed that it was underground. cave.

In the chaos, the protagonist took the gun with his right hand, and shot at the sandworm’s body!

The shotgun is very powerful. This gun directly interrupted the sandworm’s waist, and the green juice sprayed out from the port and sprinkled on the red sand dunes.

Although the sandworm was interrupted by the waist, the broken body was still twisting and struggling frantically, and the upper body still bitten the protagonist’s left arm at all. The protagonist took a lot of effort to finally get this. Sandworms get rid of.

Look at the protective clothing of his left arm again, there is a corroded dent on the protective protective arm above, but the protective clothing has not been damaged. Just a yellow tip on the UI of the protective clothing mask, the protective clothing deck needs to be supplemented with metal liquid for repair.

The protagonist took a special syringe from the backpack and injected it at the interface of the arm with his right hand. Soon, the arm was restored again.

The sand bug that had suddenly emerged from the ground was solved, but the protagonist had been dragged to the ground.

Here is a huge cave, the hole in the head is secretly bright, but it is too high, even if there are high-tech roller skates, it is almost impossible to climb up. Fortunately, there was a thick layer of sand and dust beneath the fall, and protective clothing and high-tech roller skates also had a good cushioning effect, so the protagonist was not disabled.

But even so, the protagonist was stumped enough, walking a little limp, and roller skates were not as smooth as before.

The protagonist lowered his body and chose stealth mode. The appearance of his protective suit has a special mimicry, a light green fluorescence, which effectively reduces the probability that the underground zerg will find him.

At the same time, the light on the ground is getting darker and darker. The protagonist’s protective mask has a night vision function, and the entire field of vision has completely changed. Although you can see the surroundings, the severely restricted field of vision still gives a very depressing feeling.

After entering stealth mode, the protagonist’s movement speed also slowed down, he carefully walked through the zerg’s lair.

Soon, the protagonist came to a nest where the Zerg gathered, and under night vision, terrible zergs were everywhere!

Groups of jumping insects pass quickly, and the dense swarm of insects feels like a goose bump; a giant thunder bug is like a hill, most of the time it is hibernating, but once there is movement around, it They will wake up immediately and be on high alert; there are cerebral worms like obese tapeworms, they are in the deepest part of the nest, and other zergs will continue to send food …

The protagonist walked carefully through the swarm, not dare to care. Once his protective suit was destroyed and the camouflage effect was invalidated, he would immediately attract the siege of the swarm. There were not many bullets in his hand, and there would only be a dead end.

While walking, the protagonist turned into a narrow lane, and when he thought he was safe, a lot of bright green lights suddenly appeared in front of him!

The protagonist stopped immediately and did not dare to make any sound.

This is a bunch of self-exploding insects, about 20 or 30 in number. These self-exploding insects lurk in groups on the wall of the nest. They can distinguish the enemy by sound. When they find the enemy, they will rush up and burst automatically and spray out corrosion. Sexual acid.

This acid is not harmful to the horns of the zerg, but it is very scary to human protective clothing.

However, the discovery of the self-explosive insect also means that this place is about to reach one of the exits of the Zerg nest. These self-exploding insects are the first line of defense for Zerg’s lairs, and they often lurk at the entrance and key hub locations of the Zerg’s lairs.

The protagonist took a deep breath, took a tracer bullet and put it in the left hand pistol, and then directed it to the most densely popped area!

The tracer exploded instantly, and after a fierce flash, all the self-explosive insects dropped to the ground one by one, losing their vitality.

The protagonist hurried out, he carefully avoided the blast carcass on the ground, and came out of the cave.

Once the lens is turned, the planetary engine that was still under construction has been completed, and a light blue tail flame has been ejected.

Obviously ~ ~ The two lenses seem to be seamlessly connected, but actually have a long time span. The current lens may be decades later compared to the previous one.

Seeing the surface again, it is no longer a barren scene of red sand, but covered with snow. Near the planetary engine, the light blue particle tail flame brightened the sky and the dry ice was melted away; but once it was far away from the planetary engine, only the severe cold remained.

The protective clothing of the protagonist clearly shows the surrounding ambient temperature, minus 73 degrees, and the energy of the protective clothing is slowly being consumed. It is used to maintain the temperature inside the protective clothing so that the protagonist will not be frozen to death.

The protagonist climbed out of a pit hard, and continued to advance in the vast snowy field.

The camera quickly pulls up, continues to rise from the top of the protagonist, showing the full picture of the planetary engine; and then continues to pull up, showing the scene where the planet is driven by the light beams of countless light blue particles in the universe. Finally, the camera comes to the front of the planet There, a small fleet was piloting.

In the end, the screen of the promotional film was framed in a dark universe, and the title of the game appeared.

“Star Tinder 2: Rebellion”!

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