Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 370 - Value back

Authoritative game evaluation media igp highly rated “Star Tinder 2”, making this game “a well-deserved boutique game.”

“The strategy game” Star Tinder “that once set off a wave has launched its sequel. It is surprising that this sequel” Star Tinder 2 “is no longer a strategy game, but a fps game. Although this is the first strictly fps stand-alone game in Weiguang Studio, this game attracted widespread attention as soon as it was released. “

“Weiguang Studio has a successful fps online game such as” Xuanjia Project “and a successful story background such as” Star Tinder “. Combining the two will present a game world. This is what all players have. Expecting things. “

“And” Star Tinder 2 Rebellion “did not disappoint us. This game has maintained the high standard of shimmer games. At the same time, new hardware, innovative game design, and rich game content have made this game. Brings a new fps gaming experience! It turns out that the stand-alone fps game produced by Weiguang Studio is just as good! “

“In recent years, fps games seem to be keen to continuously speed up the game to bring the most rude and exciting game experience to the players as much as possible. But this is not the case with Star Tinder 2 Rebellion. The rhythm of the game controls the emotions of the players very well. Although the flow of the entire game is very smooth, it is actually secretly divided into many scenes. The mood and rhythm of different scenes are different, which well regulates the players Emotions.”

“For example, when searching on the surface and sneaking in the Zerg lair, players have very limited resources. Each bullet must be carefully calculated. Often a mistake can cause its own death. It must be crouched and sneaked carefully, and walked carefully In those scenes full of atmosphere and rich details, the pace of the game is slowed down; but when fighting against the Zerg and defending the rebel attack, the number of bullets is sufficient, and even the powerful mech can be driven. The tempo is fast again. This relaxed and streamlined process design can well adjust the player’s emotions, which brings a completely different experience. “

“The combat system in the game is also very richly designed, which is probably due to the accumulated experience of Weiguang Studio in the” Xuanjia Plan “. The shootout of this game is refreshing and excellent, and the power and use of different firearms are different Different, supplemented by different accessories, players have a very rich selection in the entire combat system. Moreover, for a variety of Zerg and well-equipped rebels, players must choose different weapons to fight, which also makes the entire game The combat system has become fun. “

“The new body-feeling suit and the excellent picture display of the gs1 simulator allow players to truly experience the immersive feeling. When the trigger is pulled, the firearm simulator can well simulate the shooting feel of a real gun, regardless of The muzzle particles displayed through recoil or light effects are extremely realistic. Coupled with the UI on the helmet glasses, the immersion of the game has increased by several levels. “

“The story of this game and the story of” Interstellar Tinder “happened on the same timeline. If” Interstellar Tinder “allows us to experience the difficulty of the Supreme Archon in implementing the Interstellar Tinder plan, then” Interstellar Tinder 2 “is an ordinary The identity of the soldiers shows us another perspective of this story. “

“In the story, an ordinary soldier Luo Zhou participated in the project of” Interstellar Tinder “. He witnessed the battle between humans and the Zerg, saw the original surface of the planet, and saw this after the implementation of the Interstellar Tinder project. The change caused by the planet. In many seemingly familiar scenes (such as regular ground and ice and snow, as well as broken starships and restored starships), players experience this time span through Luozhou’s vision. “

“At the same time, the game has also shaped Luo Zhou, a unique game character. He may not be as ostentatious as the traditional Western protagonist. Most of the time, he plays a forbearable, low-key but extremely reliable image of a Chinese soldier. Characters that are more in line with the Oriental aesthetics also bring some completely different experiences to the game. “

“The game uses different level designs and a semi-open world design in a more relaxed scene. Players have more freedom to play. They can search for abandoned camps on the map and go deep into the zerg nest to collect rare minerals. , Can also collect some broken information storage equipment, these image data can be stored as a collectible, so that players can better understand the story of the game. “

“In the more intense scene, a labyrinth or movie-like design is used to allow the player’s adrenaline to surge, which can better give the character a sense of substitution and enjoy the fun of fps games.”

“At the same time, the UI is simplified and separated as much as possible in the game, which further enhances the immersion of the game. Most of the UI is displayed on the somatosensory suit helmet worn by the player, and the UI that can be displayed on the gun simulator is also separated. When it comes out, even the mini map and the state of the mech are also completed through the full-view display. The main scene information obtained by the players is on the screen of the gs1 simulator, but various auxiliary factors make players often forget themselves Facing a screen, I really have the illusion that I have traveled to that world ~ ~ In addition, although this is a relatively fps game that is not particularly important in the plot, but “Interstellar Tinder 2 ”Still presents a meaningful journey to the players. Although the players have been acting alone for a long time, there is also a large amount of adventure with their team members. The protagonist had two batches of incomplete The same players. These players have different personalities and pasts. As time goes by, players will slowly discover some of their secrets. “

“When the player returns to the barracks, he can interact with various characters, understand their troubles, and with the deepening of the understanding and trust between the two sides, these partners will also bring you in the battle. More help. “

“Thanks to the original excellent story of” Interstellar Tinder “, this work also gives players a very good epic sense.” Interstellar Tinder 2 “allows all players to experience this great story first-hand, regardless of How, the “Star Tinder” ip will leave a strong mark in the history of the game. “

“The overall review of” Interstellar Tinder 2 “inherited the worldview of the previous game, but the change of the game type has made it a completely different game. Different scenes and game design fully mobilize the players’ emotions, this trip to the future of science fiction is absolutely Able to get back the fare! “

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