Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 4 - Deliberately make things difficult

In the conference room, several interviewers flipped their resumes on their bracelets with expressions of disappointment.

“What’s going on with this year’s graduates? It feels a lot worse than last year.”

“Yes, I didn’t find a few good seedlings.”

“There is one, Ming’an University majored in fine arts, and there is an original painting. But … he should interview a world architect?”

“World architect … hehe.”

A few interviewers looked at the bald examiner at the far left.

On this occasion, Guangyi Interactive Entertainment only recruited a total of four design posts, a world architect, a numerical designer, and two interns.

The world architect is obviously the best position, but the problem is that this position is fixed.

Although this matter cannot be brought to the table, all the interviewers present knew that this post was just a cut-off to follow the company’s system.

But just sent this young man named Zhong Ming away?

Is also inappropriate. In terms of the original painting level of this person, there is no problem in entering the art group, even better than many senior original painters!

Several interviewers looked at each other and one of them said, “Let’s go through the process and wait for him to come in and ask him if he wants to go to the art team.”

Uh …

Zhong Zhongming waited outside. He ranked 19th, not so fast.

The ones in front have gone in one by one, and the expressions come out differently, some are very happy, some are very frustrated, and others are obviously emotionally broken, and they cry when they come out.

Wu Zhongming looked silent, as for …

简历 At least those who can pass the resume screening are the best in the school, not only this job in the world, why care so much.

“No. 19, Zhong Ming.”

Hearing the interviewer shouting his name, Zhong Ming got up to arrange his clothes and headed into the conference room.

nervous? I’m not nervous.

Zhong Ming used to be the master of art and opened a studio. There were not a thousand or eighty people interviewed. He knew the tortuousness and various ways of the interview. This kind of small scene is impossible to make him frightened.

I walked in and saw six interviewers sitting in the conference room.

This can also be regarded as a type of stress interview. If there are many interviewers, it will form an unconscious pressure on the interviewer and test the interviewer’s psychological quality.

But there are not many people in the world who can make Zhong Ming stress.

The materials have been sent, and these interviewers have Zhong Ming’s resume in their bracelets, so Zhong Ming bowed slightly and then began to say that he was ready to introduce himself.

“Hello teachers, my name is Zhong Ming. I am 20 years old this year. I graduated from Ming’an University with a major in fine arts. The position to be interviewed is a virtual world architect …”

In fact, there are contents of self-introduction on the resume, but this cut scene can not be omitted in general.

“Sit down.” An interviewer on the right hand signaled Zhong Ming to sit down in an empty chair in the center.

Zhongming sat down calmly, the next part is your question and answer.

The interviewer who was right to the center of the center was a little thankful, wearing myopia, and seemed to be in a higher position in this group of people.

The world is technologically advanced, and most of myopia patients are cured by direct surgery, but this one still wears a frame lens, most likely because his thinking is more conservative.

Of course, this is also Zhong Ming’s unwarranted guess, he was anxious to guess wrong.

“We have all read your resume and are very satisfied. The only problem is … you should interview the original artist, you should not interview the design post, especially the position of world architect.”

秃 The bald interviewer helped with glasses: “If you are willing to be an original artist, I can directly transfer your resume and work to the art director of each project, and it will definitely pass at your level.”

A flat-headed interviewer on his left also helped: “Yes, I think your resume is related to the original artist. Isn’t your position written wrong? It doesn’t matter if you write it wrong, you can change it now. “

Wu Zhongming had no fluctuations in his heart. He had expected this to happen.

“Thank you, but I don’t want to be an original artist, I just want to be a world architect. This is my personal career plan.” Zhong Ming’s tone seemed to be understatement, but his attitude was serious.

Several interviewers frowned slightly to varying degrees. Obviously, they did not expect Zhong Ming to be so simple and refused.

The bald interviewer cleared his throat: “Your resume design post has no advantage and is likely to be eliminated. You think about it.”

Tong Zhongming ignored him and said directly, “Please start the interview.”

The bald-headed interviewer’s face was a bit ugly, apparently he felt that Zhong Ming was a little ignorant.

But Zhong Ming didn’t care about it, did he feel speechless?

I came to interview the architect of the world, and they all said so clearly, why are they still inducing me to change jobs?

I think about my own development prospects, and you think about recruiting labor to the company. Why do I have to follow your wishes?

You just give me the title of World Architect. If you can answer it, you will pass the interview. If you ca n’t answer it, I will not complain if you brush me down. Why is UU reading so ink?

The bald interviewer was silent for two seconds: “Okay, the first question, you memorize all the attributes of the mechanic profession from 1 to 20 in” Mechanical Battlefield. “

Zhongming a moment, what does this mean?

He had imagined many interview questions, but he had never thought of them.

意义 What is the significance of this question?

First of all, the values ​​in the game are the content of the numerical designer. The main job of the world architect is the creation of a worldview and the design of the concept. He may occasionally participate in some project management. Next to each other.

Secondly, even numerical designers ca n’t remember these values, on the one hand, because these things can be found on the Internet, and it is meaningless to memorize them; on the other hand, because numerical design is a matter that drives the whole body, A series of processes such as data model need to be established, and the isolated data can’t explain anything.

But looking at the expression of the balding interviewer, it is obviously trying to make things difficult.

The balding interviewer snorted: “I can’t bear it? I told you a long time ago, the design post is not just capable of writing and drawing. Your painting can really be excellent, but the job you want to interview for Is another ability … “

Zhongming’s heart is pure nonsense! Never heard of interviewing world architects to answer numerical questions! Even interviewing a digital designer shouldn’t encounter this problem!

But Zhong Ming also knows that if he can’t answer it himself, these interviewers can logically invite themselves out.

Zhong Zhongming’s temper came up, why? Do you think I’m bullying?

If others encounter this situation, there is really no way out, but Zhong Ming has a way.

I’m all ready-made data, I’m afraid of you?

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