Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 407 - Unexpected battles and plots

After seeing the huge giant skull, Tian Yuan was startled, and immediately the huge skull began to emit hot steam, blowing all the soldiers on the wall!

This story unfolded by Tian Yuan shocked, frightened, and scratched her head, but still instinctively used the three-dimensional mobile device in the air, and at this time she discovered that the game had quietly moved from the cutscenes to the actual game screen.

“Sure enough, film-based games can be immersed unknowingly …”

Tian Yuan could not help feeling.

The game experience of Attack on Titan is completely different from other games, because the film-based game production method and the suspenseful and fascinating plot content make people easily immersed in it. Tian Yuan even often forgets that he is playing a game It feels more like watching a movie or an anime.

Allen rushed to the giant giant, but when he was about to succeed, the giant giant gave off a fiery steam and evaporated instantly.

The destruction of the gates by the giants caused extremely serious consequences. The training soldiers were urgently called back and each was responsible for different tasks. Some were responsible for blocking the giants and some were responsible for evacuating the people …

The main character Allen controlled by Tian Yuan, together with other training soldiers, howled and rushed towards the giant who had penetrated through the breach, with high morale.

Maybe it is driven by hatred, or it is the eagerness to use the fruits of training to kill the giant and make a contribution.

“Okay, so is this the first battle with the giants?”

Tian Yuan eagerly rushed to the nearest giant.

This giant does not seem to be very big, it may be only seven or eight meters tall. In Tian Yuan’s cognition, this should be a relatively easy one.

She kept manipulating Allen to use three-dimensional maneuvering devices to jump around the houses, while the giant below was clumsily waving his hands, slapping, or grabbing, trying to attack Allen in some possible ways, just As clumsy as an orangutan dancing.

“Hehehehehe, can’t catch me at all!”

Tian Yuan was glad to think that, in the way described in the previous teaching level, two iron wires were shot firmly into the giant’s body, and then he quickly tightened the iron wires and sprinted forward, thinking that the giant’s back neck rushed past !!

However, at this time, he didn’t know when he reached out a big hand and shot Allen directly on the ground!


A bright red character appears on the screen.

Tian Yuanren was stupid. She didn’t notice that there was another giant hiding nearby, and the result of negligence was death.

Tian Yuan reluctantly restarted from the save point, this time she was more careful, and before attacking the giant, first confirmed the surrounding situation.

Sure enough, there are other giants!

Because the battle was in a town and there were many houses, the view was not good. Many smaller giants are hidden behind the house, which is a blind spot for people flying in the air.

u0010 There is no small map in the game, and there is no red dot mark on the enemy. Obviously this is to restore the real battle experience.

And if you want to find the position of all the giants accurately, in addition to exploring on your own, your teammates will also report the position aloud. At this time, the role of teammates is highlighted.

Tian Yuan did not give up, tried four times, trying to successfully kill a giant, but saw the word “dead” four times.

Only then did she realize that chopping wooden stakes and chopping the real giant are completely different things!

When cutting wooden stakes before, Tian Yuan felt that he was invincible. No matter whether it was a hook, a turn, or a chop, it was all captured by hand.

As a result, when I cut to the real giant, I found that the difference from cutting wooden stakes was too great!

These giants will attack, and they are all irregular attacks. They will be shot if they are touched casually. If they are caught, they will die directly, and when two or three giants are closer, the situation will be more dangerous. Any chance of success.

Even if one of them is successfully hacked, it will be immediately caught by the other, and then the game is over.

Tian Yuan seemed to recall the scene of “The Wolf”, which seemed simple at first, but she would soon be taught to be a human. What’s more desperate is that there are many malicious intentions buried in the level, such as this giant hiding in a blind spot of vision.

After dying N times, Tian Yuan reluctantly gave up his obsession with beheading the first giant, and reluctantly chose to continue to rush forward.

At this point, “Attack on Titan” and “Wolf” are the same. You can choose not to kill all the monsters, but only kill a part of them, or just rush through, as long as you are not afraid to blame yourself for pulling a train. It’s good to be violent.

Not only Tian Yuan was suffering alone, she was shocked to find that other teammates in the game were also suffering with her!

Under the control of Tian Yuan, Allen ignored the giants he saw and ran forward all the way on the roof, but the screams and wailing sounds were endless!

There are some giants that do not follow the general rules, called strange rows, they will suddenly drill out from somewhere, and then suddenly grab a team member and put him in their mouth!

Many people collapsed because of this. In front of the field of vision, they could vaguely see that the advance troops had encountered the same situation. They soon fell apart under the siege of the giants. Many trained players collapsed on the spot and completely lost Will to resist.

“Will this game be so real … if I’m in this world, I guess it will end like these dragons …”

Tian Yuan’s continuous death has made B’s heart count.

Indeed, the game can be resurrected at will, and the player can resurrect it until the level is cleared. But in the game world, everyone has only one life, and death is dead.

At the beginning of other games, every effort was made to make players happy. For example, some card games initially gave players as many powerful cards as possible, and various brilliant skills were thrown. After the game officially started, throw them to Players come over with an ordinary protagonist card. The advantage of this is that after seeing the gorgeous battle in the opening prologue, the player will linger on the refreshing feeling of this battle, which is more helpful for retention.

Even “Wolf”, at the beginning, also arranged some mobs that players can kill without brains to cool.

But “Attack on Titan” is completely different, it is completely the other way round.

In the training phase, players play as soldiers of the training corps, use three-dimensional mobile devices to shuttle in the forest, and cut down on giant wooden stakes, creating a illusion of “I am awesome”, but the real first battle, Give the player a dismount directly.

Kill the giant? nonexistent.

Fancy being eaten!

And through the plot of other players, the player deeply realized one thing: the battle with the giant is definitely not what he imagined!

In this way, the sense of terror, helplessness, and despair that the giant can hardly overcome is deeply imprinted in the players’ hearts.

The plot continues. After seeing his familiar comrades-in-law being eaten, Allen rushes angrily, but fails to notice that there is still a giant hiding underneath, and he is bitten off a leg.

The soldiers of the other investigation corps launched an attack on the giant, but soon they were lightly photographed on the ground by the giant, and then sent to the entrance one by one.

Armin was frightened by this horrible scene, and a giant had taken him up, opened his mouth and threw it in.

At this moment, Alan, who had broken a leg, rushed into the giant to save Almin frantically, but he slipped into the giant’s throat, leaving only a broken hand to fall outside.

Seeing this plot, Tian Yuanren was stupid.

“What do you mean?”

“The main character is gone?”

“Isn’t Allen the protagonist? Is that all?”

“Or did you change the protagonist just now?”

Tian Yuan didn’t understand what happened in this scene.

Too ridiculous?

The content of the previous training game has always been with Allen as the protagonist, the most inked, and the supporting roles of Almin and Misaki also gave a lot of shots, but in the blink of an eye, people are gone? Have lunch with the other trainers?

This exquisite model will not be used within minutes of appearance?

Too wasteful! !! !!

Tian Yuan was completely unable to recover from the divine development of the plot, but judging from the content of the plot that continues to advance, this is obviously not her mistake in operation, but the plot.

This is exactly the first impression that the plot of “Attack on Titan” leaves, that is horror, despair, and gloom!

There aren’t that many warm-hearted scenes. Maybe someone was still alive and well in the last second, thinking about the good life in the future, but in the next second he became a food for a huge population and was chewed into residue!

Human corpses are everywhere, and the medical soldiers constantly help the companions with only half of their bodies to do artificial respiration. The purgatory scene is everywhere …

As the plot progresses, the context of the entire story begins to become clear.

The swallowed Allen did not die, but turned into a giant. The desperate trainers gradually cheered up and killed together from the encirclement of the giant. Allen recalled some memories about himself Father and basement …

The unfolding of the plot made Tian Yuan couldn’t help but admire it. The mysteries one after another made everyone wonder what kind of story it was.

What’s more, the game does not lay out a lot of battle scenes, but spends a lot of pen and ink to describe the plot. With a lot of real-time calculations and exquisite pictures, all players get a movie-like immersive experience.

In the end, the demo version of Attack on Titan ended with successfully blocking the Wall of Ross, leaving players with many suspense and huge psychological shadows.

If “The Wolf” is a physical damage to the player, then “Attack on Titan” is a double blow to the body and spirit.

Tian Yuan died of vomiting blood, and finally got through the demo version of “Attack on Titan”.

But this didn’t get her some kind of satisfaction, instead she just felt a bit of old blood lingering in her heart.

“Sister, why haven’t you played?” Tian Yuan was puzzled looking at Tang Ying next to Dan Ding.

Tang Ying’s heart, thinking, why didn’t I play without your credit?

“Not interested in this kind of game, let’s go shopping.” Tang Ying pulled Tian Yuan out.

Tian Yuan was still muttering as she walked, quite puzzled by the story of “The Attack on Titan”.

“Sister, why do you say that the protagonist becomes a giant?”

“What story can there be after the wall is blocked? You can’t kill all the giants in the future?”

“And what the **** are those two giants who broke the door? How do you feel that you can teleport? There is no shadow and no trace.”

Why did Tian Yuan’s 100,000 ask Tang Ying helplessly: “I don’t know!”

Obviously ~ ~ People who have played the trial content basically have the same confusion as Tian Yuan.

In addition to discussing the fighting style and difficulty of the game, the plot has also become the focus of speculation, which is rare for a game. This situation often appears on some episodes.

After the trial, players basically reached a consensus.

Although many people do not like the game type of “Attack on Titan”, they do not like this difficult battle, and they do not like the film-like narrative style of the story, which is almost as much as battle, but everyone must admit Attack on Titan is a new direction!

Whether this new attempt is successful or not, it will inevitably leave a strong mark in the history of game development in this world!

After the release of the trial version of Attack on Titan, players can not only play in the experience store, but also download the trial version on their GS1 console.

Although the game itself is still being produced, it will take some time to meet the players, but players’ expectations for this game have risen unprecedentedly!

Part of this is the favorite of the suffering game, and the other is attracted by the mysterious plot of the game.

On the “Attack Giant” pre-sale page, a large number of players have already paid and commented, expressing their expectations for this game.

In the Fireworks Studio, Hu Bin couldn’t help feeling: “It seems that after” Wolf “, many players have been transformed into Shaker M players … This attention is higher than I expected …”

Hu Bin did not tell Zhong Ming the news because he knew that Zhong Ming might not care about it.

It’s nothing more than another hot game, completely unexpected.

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