Restitutio voluntatis Dei – The Restoration Of The Will Of God

Chapter 1 – Good Morning

Chapter 1 - Good morning


"An unfamiliar ceiling..." 

ㅡIs what I would have said if at least someone turned on the lights, or cleaned the room.

First of all: Where the hell am I? I don't remember sleeping in a place that smelled like dog poop, and cow poop mixed and multiplied by a thousand.

Matter of fact, I don't remember sleeping at all, or where I was before waking up here, or who I was, or where my parents were, or where my brother was, if I even had one.

"Deep breaths, remember" Breathe in from the nose, breathe out from the mouth. 

After a solid minute of breathing exercises that I never did before but somehow knew I finally looked around.

But why can't I see a thing?


Wildly "looking" around I try to see but I can't and I can't see a thing and I can't see and I can't see andicantseeandicantseeandicantseee

"Oh my G-'' Before I can even finish the thought, I heard IT, although that would be wrong to say as it's more like...


“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

A rule. No, a commandment so ingrained within my very being that it's a part of me.

It makes me, me, and guides me on my journey. I somehow instinctively know that. 






This is it, I've finally developed stage 6 schizophrenia

"I'm going insane" I chuckle to myself

Breathe in, Breathe out...

So I woke up in the middle of somewhere and maybe I'm blind but that's okay and I don't know where my family is or if I even have a family and I fucking felt a rule that FUCKING STOPS ME FROM SWEARING IN THE NAME OF-

stopping that line of thought before it finishes, I finally stand up from the piece of cardboard I was sitting on, since the smell is getting unbearable I'm going to nope the hell out of here.

Is what I would've done if I knew where I was and I could at least see ANYTHING

Sigh... this is annoying.

Grimacing, I take a single step forward.

Then another

And another

And another 

And ano-

"Arg!" Until I hit a wall...

In retrospect, walking straight without a plan is not the best idea. While being blind too.


Maybe it's best that I Focus on my other sense: Sound

I hear the sound of cars moving about, trees moving, birds chirping, and... eating?

Huh, I guess I'm in the middle of some city. While being blind, cool. A car is totally going to crash into me while im crossing the road

First things first I have to figure out how I even ended up here on some trash riddled alleway with raccoons 

Let's first try to dig into my memories to see what I can remember 

The last thing I remember is: [ ]

'What?'  What? What do you mean? What does that even mean?

Maybe I should try again?

[  ]


That doesn't even make sense!

Do I have a case of amnesia? I don't think that if I had amnesia  I would be able to talk in English, or any language for that matter. Not like I know how amnesia works or how it's classified.

Let's ignore the severe lack of memories in favor of immediate survival.

First: check everything in hand, that means I have to touch all of my body because, if you still haven't noticed, Im blind.

Thanks to touching myself all over (not like that), I figured out I'm a girl since I don't have a little soldier/little brother/ you get it.

Not like my gender matters a lot since I don't remember anything before like 5 minutes ago. I was probably a girl already anyways, I prefer believing in that over some of the more unrealistic possibilities.

I have short hair that reaches above my shoulders and small breasts. And with the trash container, I measured my height, I can confidently say I am a child. Probably around 10-13 years old, Maybe.

Fortunately, I have clothes, if they could even be called that.

Sadly I have nothing else to my person, so things are going to get complicated from here.

"What is a kid doing here?"

Maybe not?

As I look in the direction the voice is coming from I try to talk but no sound leaves my lips

"Who abandoned a child here? Tsk. When I find them I will teach them a lesson"

'Woah, aggressive much?' It's not like my parents abandoned me, what if I escaped from them? The dude needs to chill out.

"Tell me, kid, what are you doing here? Where are your parents? Where do you live?"

As I try to mouth an answer words don't come out.

"It's ok if you don't want to answer but I'm not going to leave you in this place. We are going to my home"

Wow, such a good samaritan I have encountered! The first thing they do when finding an abandoned child is to bring them to their house and not report them to the local authorities!

'Totally Legit' I'm not going with you, Mr. Stranger

I shake my head to voice my opinion on the matter.

"I don't care about your opinion. Leaving a kid in these conditions would be something I could never forgive myself about"

Just when I was going to answer I felt him grabbing me.

‘Is this a princess carry?’ I can feel my face heating up in embarrassment.

"I'm going to give you a bath and some clothes, ok? There is no need to worry"

Nodding, I bring my face closer to his chest 'Better to act cute so he does not abandon me'

just in case.

After about 10 seconds I hear him talk again

"Hello Martin, bring me a car, I found a girl in an alleyway while on my way. Yeah, don't worry about that, I will finish it later" After finishing the call I can feel his tensed-up muscles relaxing

I guess he doesn't want to scare the little girl.

What a cutie.

“My name is Alexander Force, don’t worry. Everything will be fine from now on.” 

Nodding, I think to myself the chances that Alexander over here is a wannabe hero over a human trafficker.

It’s not like I have a choice on the matter, what can little young me do against a grown man anyways? After musing for a little while I hear the sounds of a car coming over.

“Our ride home is here” I hear Alexander Force ‘pfft’ say, I guess I was right, not like a lot of cars passed around here while we were waiting

“Sup Alex, so whos the kid?” I guess that's Martin

“I dunno, I found her in that alleyway over there. And you know me, There is no way I would leave a kid like that.”

“Of course. So who is the one with the turn on the wheel?”

“You already know bro, just let me get the kid on the seat.

While talking, he puts me in the passenger seat and puts the seatbelt on me I hear him close the door.

Does he know im blind? Does it matter? I should probably thank him anyway.

"Thank you" I say, at least I try to.

"Thank you" no sound comes out.

'Thank you' I've been speaking in my mind this whole time.

I'm mute.

I think I'm going to cry. 

Never mind, I'm already doing that. I mean, blind AND mute?! What did I do to deserve this?

What have I done in a previous life to deserve this? I might as well be a rock or a fucking squid!

"Hey, kiddo, why are you crying?"

I wonder why?

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