Restitutio voluntatis Dei – The Restoration Of The Will Of God

Chapter 3 – TrusT

Chapter 3 - TrusT


After my utter failure to kill an insect, I finished the food with some degree of difficulty. 

"Now that you're finished eating, let's talk business" I find myself flinching at the seriousness in his voice.

"Before anything else, I need your trust" Tilting my head at the comment I think to myself

'I think I'm trusting you enough though'

"Not complete unconditional trust of course, but you are blind AND mute, kid. And because the world is unforgiving, I'm going to take care of you"


"You also might not know this, but I'm a hero-"

'Hero? As in super-hero? Is he delusional?'

"- known as The Enforcer, Rank 4616 in the USA, Hero of the city of Fancum"

'Cool, not like I know the significance of these ranks'

“So, I’m kind of a big shot” At that comment, I crack a smile. 'There is no way he said that seriously'

“So, First, I want to adopt you. Obviously, because im worried about you but also because of the halo in your head”

'Halo, what halo?' reaching my arms over my head I feel something touching my hands. 'How come I didn’t notice it before, it's literally sitting on top of my head!'

“Mmh… so you can control its height” Not hearing Alexander’s mumbling, I quickly think.

'An Angel’s halo…  at least a single good thing that has happened to me, Looking cool' Feeling its spherical form I listen to Alexander talk

“While there have been powers or magic that could be thought as divineㅡ or holy, there hasn’t ever been one in recorded history so literal in its meaning.

And because of that, I think it is going to bring problems, so I will be the repeller of those problems” Nodding my head at the sound logic, I keep listening

Im going to start with the adoption process tomorrow, since im a hero the process is not going to be that longㅡ I should stop rambling.

The thing is, I’m going to adopt you. With your consent of course”

Nodding my head in agreeance I think to myself 'I don’t want to go back to that alleyway anyways'

“Now, Second thing. We need to get you a bath, and some clothes” 

Sniffing myself I quickly notice the foul smell coming from me. 'I guess that is expected to happen when you sleep around and on trash'






After taking a bath with the help of Alex (I gave him a nickname!), I find myself sitting on the living room couch while wearing an oversized shirt that belongs to Alex.

I’m listening to the TV that's running some weird comedy show about a kid that hugs people into space, not metaphorically, he literally sends people flying into space with hugs. 'This is so weird yet funny'

'While he is out getting clothes I should get more information' Grabbing the TV remote I click all the buttons until I find the one that changes the channel. 'Good, let's go to the news'


[Why did you have to cheat with that villain, you and I are not a thi—]


[Mango got the ball, for three—!]


[The best way to develop a plant, is of course with plant manipula—]

After scrolling for 10 or so channels I finally reach a news channel.

[—weather is going to be amazing these next few days, isn’t it John?]

[Maybe I’ll do a picnic for such perfect weather Sophie. In other news: While the door’s shining has stopped since 5 minutes ago, experts are unsure of the reason why or its meaning. But let’s remember the door appeared in Elizabeth Port, South Africa it is the result of the death of the armageddon class villain Lucifer fighting against the greatest hero on earth, Eclipse]


Losing all emotion on my face I think to myself 'Lucifer, more commonly known as the devil, or satan. He was the right hand of god that rebelled against God in an attempt to become equal to God himself' Quickly stopping I think 'How do I know all of that?'

[Well, John, experts haven’t translated the language but going by the imagery it contains they deduce that it describes some sort of apocalypse that will come out of it]

[DeMarcus, We all saw the door, it's taller than the Burj Khalifa and with a width of twelve kilometers, I am afraid of what could come out of it. If something even comes out]

[Don’t be so negative, We have heroes to protect us, so what is there to worry about?]

[haha, I guess so. Let’s listen to what Pablo has to say after the ad break]

'That is pretty crazy, a door appears out of nowhere because of the death of a villain?' Grabbing a snack from the table, I unwrap it and begin eating. 'Is this Chocolate? I quite like it'

'I wonder how long until Alex comes back, he went out around 20 minutes ago. How long can buying a couple of clothes take?'

[Breaking news! A villain has appeared at the Mega Mall, it seems Enforcer is fighting him. We already have word from authorities that they are on the way!]

'I guess a lot if he gets attacked by a villain' Sighing, I pay attention to the news.

[We have a view from the helicopter, let's see how Enforcer deals with this!]




“Today is the day you are going to die Enforcer, and now everyone will know the name of Ventis!” Not listening to the villain, I get out of the wall I was stuck on.

“Shouldn’t you be hitting a bank or something?” Making myself some time to think, I look at Ventis.

He has an all-white mask with a tornado in it, and a suit while holding a cane. 'Classic style huh'

“How about I hit you? This cane over here is quite a pain” Before I could respond, something hits my back, Then my stomach, then my head.








“Wow, this is so easy… its kind of a disappointment how bad you are at this, did you know I prepared for a whole month for this? And you don't even fight back”


“Such dedication for big old me, im quite embarrassed you know?” I say while tilting my head back, dodging a ball of air that came from my left.


70 meters.


'It seems he can control the air, his range seems to be only limited by eyesight, or im not far enough to be at the limit of his range'


Sighing, Ventis talks again “I actually awakened my powers 2 months ago, the fact that im beating you like a disabled dog speaks more of you than it speaks of me” sending a wall of air, I put enough force into my legs dodge it by jumping into the air.


“Look at you, do you not even know the basics of battle? It seems you can’t enforce intelligence” Twisting my body, I dodge the six AirBalls that form out of nowhere.


60 Meters.


Quickly landing, I stand up quickly, but not quickly enough to stop a chain from forming in my ankle. 'It seems he is quite adept at using his power'

“A chain can't stop me” Yanking my leg, I forcefully break the chain.

“It’s enough to distract you”




Widening my eyes, muscle memory guiding my actions, I forcefully twist my body from the path of the bullet. 'Tsk, it still grazed me'

“It seems Super-Strength comes with Super-Reflexes, huh” 'Not as stupid as he looks'

“I mean do you think im dumb enough to bring a fucking cane to a super fight?”

Ignoring the pain, I keep walking while dodging the various air constructs.


55 Meters.


'The distance between us is about 50 meters, this is enough' Faster than before, I jump the distance between us.

“What the—” And punch him in the head


“Amateur” Leaving him there on the floor, I catch my breath while waiting for the police.

'This wound stings'  Frowning, I think to myself the pain of going to the hospital.

'Ah, they finally are here'

“Thank you for your help, Enforcer” Looking at the officer, I warmly smile.

“It’s no problem officer, that's my job after all” While they put the cuffs on the villain I go and grab the bag– that's not there.

“Damn, I lost the clothes for the kid” Scratching my head, I look around in search of the bag. 

Sighing, I say “Guess I have to buy them again”


Holy moly! This is a chunkeh one, I actually think this chapter came off kinda info dump-y but I quite like how I did the fight scene, It went by so fast!

This was my first time writing a fight scene so I think I did quite well, I wanted to finish it real fast since I don't want to make that many mistakes. But this fear will go away the more I keep writing them so I feel like for the first time it's good.

Also, I was watching a youtube video on school and I got a Jewish/Christian ad, I actually got kinda scared. It is hella amazing how much information the companies have on people. I never got a religious ad before starting to write this story!

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