Resurrection when you see someone, you call this medical ninjutsu

Chapter 208 Taki Ninja Village Was Slaughtered

After half an hour.

The battlefield was full of smoke and dust, and broken limbs and bodies were everywhere.

Obito grabbed Fu's neck, his eyes couldn't suppress the anger!
"Where's the tail beast?!"


Obito loosened his hand a little, and put Fu down.

Fu fell to the ground, turning a deaf ear to Obito's questioning.

Just looking at the corpses of Taki Shinobi everywhere, he burst into tears with a whoosh.


Seeing this, Obito showed no sympathy at all, instead he stepped on Fu's face.

"I'll give you one last chance, tell me where the Tailed Beast is?!"

"Ha! Go to hell!"

"No, it's the detonator!"

Obito was so anxious that he didn't pay attention, but he found the pocket beside him.

after the explosion.

The smoke cleared away, but there was only a scorched black corpse.

Obito and pockets came out on the other side intact.

"This damned bitch!"

Obito was so angry that he refused to tell the whereabouts of the tailed beast until his death.

After thinking for a while, Dou said.

"After the tailed beast leaves Jinchuriki, Jinchuriki will die.

Her tailed beast is gone, but the human is still alive.

Then, it can only be resurrected.

Taki Ninja Village doesn't seem to know where Nanao is going.

So the person who took Nanao and revived her must not be from Taki Ninja Village.

Taki Ninja Village does not have this strength either.

Then there is only one person with this motivation and ability. "

"Kimura Takuno!"

Obito is not an idiot either, what Dou said is so clear, he still can't guess who did it.

On the spot, he was so angry that he trembled all over his body, and his throat was broken!
"There can be no delay, and once our plan is implemented, it cannot be stopped.

Stop, and the other five great ninja villages will no longer be able to sneak attack.

Never mind Nanao, let's go to Land of Earth! "

Although Obito is very angry, he also understands that once the blitzkrieg plan starts, it cannot be stopped.

So he controlled his emotions, opened the portal immediately, and took the people with him to the land of the earth.

Just as the people with the soil went to the country of the earth.


In Konoha Village.

Kimura Takuno happened to have just resurrected the 60 members of the hunting team.

These people took a lot of effort from him.


Takuno Kimura is preparing to go out to exercise.

But I heard the resurrection alarm sounding in the laboratory.

"Another person I paid special attention to died?"

Kimura Takuno hurried to the Soul Lamp Division, took out the soul scroll and unlocked the seal.

After a bang.

It was Fu who saw a cute girl.

"Fu? How did you die?"

Takuno Kimura screamed, but saw the soul of the girl in front of him blankly and unresponsive.

Takuno Kimura thought that Fu's soul was damaged, so he quickly injected some soul energy into her.

Fu didn't know that it was better after inputting soul energy.

Still just reacted.

It seemed that he had just seen Kimura Takuno in front of him clearly.

Her soul suddenly floated over.

Holding Kimura Takuno, he began to cry.

The mood was extremely unstable. After Kimura Takuno asked many times, Fu choked up and explained the whole story clearly.

"Did Obito kill your Longin village? And kill your village chief?"

"Woo, yes. Tuo Ye, can I get Nanao back, I want to avenge the village chief!"

Kimura Takuno gathered soul energy in his hands, and gently stroked Fu's head.

I feel a little uncomfortable, although even if Fu has a tailed beast, it will not change the ending.

Instead, Obito will get Nanao.

So Kimura Takuno will not regret taking Fu's tail beast.

Just looking at the innocent and cute girl in front of him, his eyes became full of hatred.

My heart is both angry and distressed.

Takuno Kimura lowered his head and looked slightly cold.

Turning around, she smiled softly at Fu.

"It's okay, Fu, you go ahead and wait here, and I'll revive you right away."

Takuno Kimura let Fu enter the soul gem.

Then I felt it again, and found a Flying Thunder God spell.

The distance of this technique is right next to Taki Ninja Village.

It was the flying thunder god technique left by Takuno Kimura on Fu.

Fortunately, the back was not hit by the detonator.

Then Kimura Takuno no longer hesitated.

It just disappeared from Soul Lamp Division.

next second.

But it appeared on the battlefield next to Taki Ninja Village.

On the battlefield, Obito and the others had disappeared.

Kimura Takuno observed and sensed left and right.

Confirmed that Obito and they are not there.

Only then did he focus on the charred corpse in front of him.

This child Fu is really too strong, she even used a detonating talisman to explode herself.

Fortunately, the Flying Thunder God spell on her was not destroyed.

Otherwise, Kimura Takuno would have to fly over.

If he waits for him to fly over, the souls of the dead in this place may all go to the pure land.

Even if you don't go to the Pure Land.

The smell of blood will also attract wild beasts, destroying their corpses, not to mention increasing the cost of resurrection.

It is also possible that their bones will not be left, and their souls and corpses will be lost, resulting in a situation where they cannot be resurrected.

Fortunately, she was lucky, the detonating talisman did not destroy the Flying Thunder God spell.

Now that Kimura Takuno is here, these people have just died again, but many of their limbs are broken.

Connect it and make it up, and you can be resurrected directly!

Takuno Kimura did what he said.

Immediately, all the corpses on the ground were roughly organized.

As for the broken limbs, if you find them, you will connect them.

Couldn't find it, or lost it.

It can only be repaired after resurrection.

The main thing is to restore the torso of the body, and then it can be revived.

Takuno Kimura directly released the technique of multiple shadow clones.

Since getting the dragon vein ball, the number of shadow clones of Kimura Takuno is only a lot more than that of Naruto.

Under the efforts of many shadow clones.

After a while, all the corpses were simply spliced ​​together.

Then it was released together, and the Chakra thread was connected to the bodies of everyone in Taki Ninja.

"The technique of replacing flesh and blood!"

The body recovered instantly, and the soul has not yet left the body.

After the corpses are revived, only Kimura Takuno needs to use the soul energy of his body to stabilize their souls, and everyone can be resurrected.

But Kimura Takuno was not in a hurry to revive them.

And plan to revive Fu first.

Fu's soul was put on soul insurance by Kimura Takuno during the last resurrection.

So at the moment of death, he was channeled to Soul Lamp Division.

She was put into the soul gem just now, and now she is holding it on Kimura Takuno.

Takuno Kimura repaired Fu's body himself.

Then he took out the soul gem, took out her wife's soul, and put it back into her body.

And use the soul energy to settle her down.

Fu lying on the ground woke up instantly.

"Ah! I'm dead, and everyone in the village is dead!"

Fu cried out in surprise, and instantly shed tears.

I haven't opened my eyes yet, I just feel a little cold swishing on my body.

After touching it, I realized that I was not wearing clothes.

Immediately found something wrong.

"Aren't I dead? How can I not only dream of Tuoye, but also feel cool?"

Fu finally belatedly opened her eyes.

What caught my eye was the gentle smiling face of the black-haired boy.

Seeing her wake up, the boy smiled.

"Fu, you died, but you were resurrected by me."

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