Resurrection when you see someone, you call this medical ninjutsu

Chapter 238

Takuno Kimura bound the blue energy transformed by the Star of Peace with the power of the soul, and input it into the bodies of everyone present.

Everyone only felt that this blue energy.

Just like other chakras sent to oneself.

Although it feels different from my own chakra.

But it can be borrowed!

The meeting room is not small, and everyone got up immediately to try out the blue energy.

Because everyone doesn't get much.

So everyone just experimented with the Three Body Technique.

After the trial, everyone was full of praise.

Because this blue energy is much easier to control than other people's Chakra.

Everyone's chakra is a combination of personal spiritual energy and physical energy.

They all have certain spiritual qualities.

Even Chakra itself can carry memories.

Minato, when sealing Nine-Tails for Naruto, once sealed himself and Kushina's Chakra into Naruto's body.

At a certain time, the chakras of the two of them met Naruto with the memories of the two of them, and transformed into the appearance of the two of them, allowing Naruto to see his parents for the first time.

So when controlling other people's chakra, it is not just to control that energy.

You also have to resist the consciousness of the original owner of Chakra, even if this chakra was lent to you by the original owner himself.

Can't change that either.

When Kimura Takuno discovered that Reversing Helix Pill could absorb Chakra, he had the idea of ​​practicing Beiming Magic.

It is also because other people's chakras have their own will, so they gave up this idea.

Other than Kimura Takuno, there are also discoveries of absorbing other people's Chakra.

Both were abandoned for the same reason.

There is also Tailed Beast Chakra, with a strong tailed beast will.

Ordinary people can't control it at all.

The Jinchuriki who can control the Tailed Beast Chakra are all chosen from thousands of people.

Either a special bloodline, or an extraordinary talent.

Ordinary people, even if you seal the tailed beast into your body, you are still a life swallowed by the tailed beast's will.

It's hard to survive, let alone control the tailed beast chakra.

Therefore, ordinary ninjas can be used to supplement their own chakra

But now, the energy of this star of peace does not have any personal will.

Anyone can easily control it.

What this means, the people present are all smart people, so they naturally want to understand.

I also understand why Kimura Takuno said that this device can create peace as well as war.

This star of peace is a device that can make ordinary people become renzhuri!
If this thing can be mass-produced, then Konoha Ninja will be Churiki per capita in the future!
Although this Star of Peace does not have as many Chakras as the Tailed Beast.

But it is better than a steady stream!

As long as there is natural energy, a ninja with a star of peace sealed in his body will no longer lack chakra!
The radicals present asked immediately.

"Tuo Ye, can this Peace Star be mass-produced? What's the cost?"

Kimura Takuno nodded and smiled.

"Of course! If this device is not mass-produced, it can only be shelved.

I won't take it out at this time either. "

The main body of the Peace Star device is the bottom chassis.

The chassis is responsible for absorbing and transforming natural energy.

The sphere above is an energy storage ball used to store energy.

The energy storage ball is only made of chakra crystals.

Although natural chakra crystals are not cheap.

But Kimura Takuno, as early as three years ago, set up a project to artificially manufacture chakra crystals in the laboratory.

This basketball-sized chakra crystal is produced in a laboratory!
Moreover, such a large natural chakra crystal is very rare. Even if it has its energy storage effect, it is far inferior to the effect produced by Kimura Takuno's laboratory.

As for the most important chassis, its main body is made of ordinary steel.

And the most important place is those inscribed rune spells.

All the spells are not ordinary descriptions.

Instead, the special material used is inlaid on the steel.

This is not only strong, but also has a strong energy conductivity.

It is worth mentioning that this special material is taken from Mount Sumeru.

It was the special mountain where the Beiliuhu base was located.

That mountain naturally has special abilities.

Able to amplify the energy bursting out of the Amplitude Golden Circle Solar Eclipse.

And when the golden ring is eclipsed, the energy that explodes.

In fact, it is an explosion of natural energy.

The special geological terrain naturally formed by Mount Sumeru can guide and gather natural energy and amplify its amplitude.

This place has attracted Kimura Takuno's attention from the very beginning.

Just didn't have time to study it at the time.

And Mount Sumeru is there and can't run away, so he left it there and ignored it.

After I was free, I found the past again.

He studied the topography and geology of Mount Sumeru.

This research has made a big discovery.

It is found that its terrain is not only a natural energy-gathering formation.

It also has the effect of energy conversion and amplitude.

And the energy it transforms is actually natural energy!
This discovery excited Kimura Takuno.

He stayed at Mount Sumeru day and night for half a year.

It was also detected that the rocks of Mount Sumeru were affected by natural energy for a long time.

And become a good conduction to natural energy.

Its natural energy conduction performance even exceeds that of precious chakra metals!

The formation disk is made of Mount Sumeru stone inlaid on the metal.

It is much easier to use than those made of chakra metal.

And the cost is much cheaper.

Even if the labor cost is added, it is almost only the price of steel.

Cheap sucks!

So Kimura Takuno created the Peace Star.

The cost is the steel plate, the stone of Mount Sumeru, plus an artificial chakra crystal produced in the laboratory, whose price is equal to that of glass.

It's only 500 taels, which is the price including labor costs.

As long as 500 taels, a small ninjuriki can be created!

What is this concept?
It's a D-rank mission that only ninjas can do.

The minimum remuneration is 500 taels.

That's right, the kind of task of looking for cats and dogs.

Find a dog, and you can become a shrunken version of Jinjuriki!
Everyone in the conference room only heard Kimura Takuno say that mass production is possible.

I just clapped my hands excitedly, but I didn't know that Kimura Takuno's cost could be so low.

Tsunade looked at the exquisite runes on the base of the Peace Star and said with emotion.

"No matter how low the cost is, it won't be less than 50 taels, right?"

Takuno Kimura gasped, he still loves his apprentice!
"That's right! The cost is around 50 taels, if the village can provide basic raw materials.

I can supply the village at this cost price. "

"That's great, Tuoye is still an apprentice who loves Master.

The village subsidized all the dragonfly wings and life insurance, which already cost a lot.

You are so sensible to buy the Peace Star at the cost price! "

So Kimura Takuno immediately told Tsunade what basic materials he needed.

After the promised materials are in place, all Konoha ninjas will be able to transform into miniature human Zhuriki within three months!
In this way, a certain profiteer earned [-] times the profit with tears in his eyes. .

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