Resurrection when you see someone, you call this medical ninjutsu

Chapter 304

The first stop is the moon.

There are space imprints left by Pu Shi on the moon.

It was the prop that Longshi gave Pushi that allowed Pushi to freeze time.

After that prop is used by Pu Shi, it will release a small-scale time freeze.

Then the prop itself will be integrated into the space of the release location, becoming a space beacon that cannot be pulled out.

If you want to destroy it, you must smash the entire space of that place.

Apparently Kimura Takuno didn't find that space beacon either.

This also allowed Dragon Style to use this space beacon to directly use the time and space ability to come to the ninja world.

Dragon pose on the moon, after some searching.

I just noticed the traces of Pu-style chakra in the Moon Palace.

As well as the traces of Kimura Takuno and the six-level people in the three-day city.

Not even a drop of Pu Shi's blood was found.

Dragon thought.

Under the siege of so many people, if Pu Shi used the time he gave him to freeze the props.

It is absolutely possible to win everyone in an instant, even if there is another group of people with the same price in the future.

Urashiki, who has no time to freeze the item, is also fully capable of escaping.

In fact, according to the breath in the battlefield.

Those pseudo-six levels should all be frozen by time freeze.

Then who defeated Pu Shi, and even caused Pu Shi to die without even using the second state?
Long Shi was puzzled, he didn't think it was done by those people he perceived.

Because those people, although they have the aura of the Six Paths, they will definitely not be able to break the freeze of time.

So even if their strength can pose a threat to Pu Shi.

But after Pu Shi used the time freezing props.

Those people would no longer be Pu Shi's opponents, and could only be slaughtered by Pu Shi.

So besides those people, someone should have broken the time freeze.

And on this planet, there are people who may break the freeze of time.

Kaguya should be the only one!

Long Shi locked the target in his heart.

He believes that it is impossible for anyone on Earth except Kaguya to be able to crack the time freeze.

Therefore, Kaguya should have eaten the mature fruit of the sacred tree, otherwise, it would be impossible to make such progress!

A lower protector who wants to become a higher protectee.

It takes the energy of countless chakra elixirs to evolve to the point where it can use the ability to freeze time.

Moreover, in order to plant the sacred tree, the lower protectors often do not have any chance to consume the chakra elixir, and become living sacrifices and are swallowed by the sacred tree!

Even the wedge couldn't be done, which meant that the lower-ranked Otsutsuki had almost no chance of being resurrected.

Unless it is to become the protector of a carrier like Tao Shi, there is no need to become a living sacrifice for planting the fruit of the sacred tree.

There are even superior protected persons who share the chakra elixir with them.

In this way, as a protector, it is possible to stand out.

Evolves into a protege capable of driving time.

Pu Shi and Jin Shi are both such people. They both have a bright future, and they can become protected one day, and have the possibility of evolving into the god of Otsutsuki.

Now it's just gone.

"It's a pity, Urashi and I have been with me for so long, and we can already use the ability of time.

Before long, he will be able to control the time freeze by himself.

Really become a protected person.

But I didn't expect that it would be damaged here. "

Dragon pose perceives everything on the ground in the air.

Suddenly felt a little strange.

"Humans in this world are already extinct.

It seems that Kaguya has really planted the mature fruit of the sacred tree.

And it was eaten by her, otherwise she would not be able to break my time freeze.


Although there are no human beings in this world, there are indeed many other creatures!

Doesn't this look like a ripe fruit from the sacred tree? "

Surprised in Long Shi's heart, he took out a special instrument.

After an inspection, he was surprised.

"The natural energy concentration in this world can actually give birth to a sacred tree that can bear fruit?"

In order not to be misled by the natural energy concentration of a single area.

The dragon style was immediately transmitted to all parts of the ninja world, and it was tested everywhere.

It is finally confirmed that the natural energy concentration of the ninja world can really plant another sacred tree!
Although Long Shi was surprised by this, such a situation is not without precedent.

There are always some planets that recover faster than the average planet.

After being squeezed by a sacred tree, it will be able to recover within a few thousand years.

After being sucked dry from the sacred tree, there is no grass growing.

Back to life again.

The ninja world has recovered for thousands of years.

In the eyes of Long Shi, it is not fast.

Some planets can recover in hundreds of years.

There are even more planets that can make the sacred tree bear five or six fruits in a row, and the natural energy on the planet is still not exhausted.

The situation of each planet is different.

The current situation in the ninja world has not attracted the attention of Longshi.

Naturally, Longshi did not expect that Kaguya might not have eaten the ripe fruit of the sacred tree.

It will be someone else who will crack his time freeze.

Those six-level powerhouses and Kimura Takuno were all regarded by Ryushi as Kaguya's descendants.

Longshi believes that Kaguya fled away with his descendants after killing Urashiki Momoshiki Kinshiki and others.

Otherwise, with his perception ability, no matter where Kaguya hides on the whole earth, there will be nothing to hide!

As for where it escaped to, it may have left this solar system.

However, it is most likely that they hid in a different space. There are countless races that have been wiped out by Otsutsuki for countless years.

Among them, there are many people who can enter the different space.

The number of different spaces is unimaginable.

If there are countless time turning points, it is a brand new universe.

The universes of these different timeline branches constitute an infinite multiverse system.

But these are just the infinite diversity on the time axis, and time and space are not separated.

There is infinity on the timeline.

There is also the infinite on the space axis.

The timeline has an infinite number of turning points.

And the spatial axis can also differentiate into countless spatial nodes.

These space nodes are countless different spaces.

The different space not only relies on the main space, but also constitutes the main space.

Just like countless drops of sea water, together make up the sea.

Every universe on a different timeline corresponds to countless different spaces.

And every different space has countless time turning points.

The two sides are interwoven into infinity, infinity multiplied by infinity.

Can't count at all.

So once there are enemies fleeing into a different space, I want to find them.

Unless you have a "key" that can enter a specific different space.

Otherwise, looking for a needle in a haystack would be indescribable if you want to find someone in a different space.

Finding a needle in a haystack is almost the same!

So after losing Kaguya's trace, Long Shi didn't take it seriously at all.

After all, the most important thing is that the "seedbed" is still there, and the most important thing is to hurry up and find someone to plant the sacred tree.

Everything else doesn't matter at all.

Kaguya ran away, as long as she dared to appear in the main universe.

It will be positioned by the dragon pose.

And if she has been hiding in the different space, then there will be no threat to the Datongmu family.

So the dragon pose, after confirming the situation on the earth.

So I informed the higher authorities to send another group of people to plant the sacred tree.

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