Resurrection when you see someone, you call this medical ninjutsu

Chapter 63 Tuoye Xiao, the Eye of the Wheel Chapter is also called God

I saw Kimura Takuno closing and opening his eyes, staring at him, and roaring out again.

"The fairy mode is on!"

"Immortal Law · Spiritual Art!"

In an instant, the entire battlefield was filled with white mist created by the celestial chakra.

Kimura Takuno uses psychic magic through the magic chakra, and the momentum is so terrifying!
However, the beast said to Payne, but his eyes showed disdain and contempt.

Although he didn't speak, his expression seemed to be speaking.

Boy, are you playing big swords in front of Guan Gong?Using spiritism in front of my ninja summoner?
But in the next second, the psychic beast was revealed after the white mist cleared on the battlefield.

But it made the beast dao horrified and inexplicable!

I saw a psychic beast that was a hundred times bigger than all the giant psychic beasts present, pressing down on all the giant psychic beasts summoned by the animal way!

Not only Payne was stunned on the spot, but Kimura Takuno's teammates were also shocked.

Even Jiraiya, who is most familiar with slugs, was taken aback.

It's a slug, right?Isn't it about the size of the toad boss?

Why is this one more than a hundred times bigger?

This is exactly one-tenth of the form of the slug fairy that Tsunade and Sakura summoned together during the fourth battle!
"God? Master Slug, please give this god some color."

"Master Tuoye, please don't call me that, I'm just a clone of the slug fairy."

Tuoye nodded, but complained in his heart.

Who doesn't know that your avatar means separating your body?
There is no ontology at all.

Anyway, even if a slug the size of a finger is psychic, it is actually a part of the slug fairy.

It's completely different from other people's doppelgängers.

But since the slug fairy has this habit, we can't say no, we can only nod and say yes, but the attitude is still respectful.

Seeing this, the slug nodded, opened its mouth, and sprayed a little colored liquid at the beast Dopayne.

Animal Road recalled flying psychic beasts to defend against it, but the old phlegm of the slug seemed to be only a little bit, but it was also relative to the size of the slug.

Just this bit of acid directly filled the blocked psychic beast, melting and piercing it instantly.

There was still more acid that hadn't been consumed, splashing towards Payne from the melted hole in the psychic beast.

In the distance, Nagato wants to mobilize the evil ghost to come and absorb the acid.

But there is no response.

Only then did he realize that Hungry Ghost Dao had just been sealed by Itachi's Ten Fist Sword.

Animal Dao wanted to dodge again, but it was already too late, just like that, he was given a second by the slug's mouthful of phlegm.

What a pity.

Only the black stick in his body was left, and he couldn't even be resurrected by Hell Dao.

"Hehe, that's it? The Immortal of the Six Paths himself only calls himself an immortal. You only have his eyes. Who gave you the courage to call yourself a god?"

After finishing his opponent, Takuno Kimura smiled disdainfully, and took the slug to watch the battle quietly, not intending to intervene in other people's battles.

But it didn't mean to let the slug exit, it was obviously guarding against something.

The Penns lost another member, leaving three out of five.

In the distance, Nagato secretly hated himself for his improper operation just now, and for underestimating the damage of the acid.

Can't help but hate Kimura Takuno.

The others in Konoha were also very surprised by the slug's attack.

It was only on my own side that Tuo Ye gave the opponent a second?

Let the younger generation get all the limelight, is that okay?
"Kakashi! How about we try who is faster?"

"Well, why are we two men competing faster?
I reject.

And my enemies here are bombarded by long-range missiles, masters of melee weapons. "

Kakashi evaded the missiles in a series of blinks, while complaining about Kai's invitation to the competition.

But Kai ignored Kakashi's refusal, and dodged a blow from Hell Road.

Said to himself.

"If I lose, when I go back, I will stand on the propeller and go home!"

"Baga, boy in green, will you die like this?"

Ji Lai was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help complaining.

Kakashi was no stranger to it.

"Hey, custom rules are here again. Be careful not to be caught by your opponent."

"Of course I know. This guy is completely vulnerable to Konoha Ryu Ninjutsu!"

With the addition of Konoha Ryu ninjutsu, Kai only opened three doors. Hell is not good at speed, and he hasn't even touched Kai so far!
"Konoha Ryu - Heavy Whirlwind Triple Kick!"

"Konoha Ryu Knee Burst!"

I saw Maitkai's three consecutive thick form chakra kicks, directly knocking the hell road into the air, and his body was in a state of facing the sky.

Then it appeared on his back in an instant, looking like the prelude to the Biaolianhua that Xiao Li used, but he didn't use Biaolianhua!
Instead, he spun a few times in the air quickly, then turned back to face the back of Hell Road, and used a burst form Chakra Knee Kick.

Hit it with one hit.

Chakra in the burst form knocked his knees, blasting the hell road in the air to the ground.

The ground seemed to be attacked by a mortar, and a huge crater was blasted out with a bang!
And the body of the hell realm was also blown into pieces!

The whole process was so fast that Maitekai was still in the air at this time, like a roc hanging upside down spreading its wings in the sky!
Metkai landed gracefully and pointed to Kakashi who was not far away.

"I won! 36 to 35!"

Kakashi looked calm and did not speak, but he was inexplicably shocked in his heart.

It's amazingly powerful. Is this the Konoha Ryu ninjutsu you often talk about recently?
Did Kimura Takuno participate in the founding of this genre?

At such a young age, not only is he so accomplished in ninjutsu, but is the conjoined body technique so amazing?

Itachi's strength at the same age was completely crushed!

Sure enough, he is worthy of being called a miracle.


While Kakashi was thinking, he seemed to have revealed a flaw, and was blown to the ground by Shura Dao's rocket.

Shuradao seized the opportunity and stepped forward to make up the knife.

Maitekai exclaimed, but it was not urgent.

Going up the hell road is just a knife, and Kakashi can be stabbed right through!

With a soft sound, Kakashi turned into a white mist.

It turned out to be just a shadow clone.

Not only that, but there is actually a spiral pill hidden under this avatar!

Shura Dao couldn't dodge.

A loud bang!
Only a large semicircular pit was left in place.

And Shura Dao was directly blown to pieces by the spiral pill!
A figure appeared at the bottom of the pit.

It's Kakashi!
It turned out that he had deliberately exposed his flaws just now, and was knocked down by the missile.

Then, under the cover of the smoke and dust from the missile explosion, the shadow clone was used.

The shadow clone lay on the ground and used the spiral pill, but his body directly hid in the ground with soil, and then connected the clone's spiral pill with a chakra thread.

When Shura Dao came over to make up the knife, he controlled the Helix Pill to explode.

The small tactics composed of three ninjutsu can easily solve the enemy.

Kakashi style as always.

Never use brute force if you can use tactics!

Kakashi was sure that the Shura Taoist would close up and make up the knife.

Because the missile scrubbing looks cool, but it must be a lot of consumption, and the number of opponents has long been a disadvantage.

It will definitely start to reduce consumption. It was this idea that was captured by Kakashi, so it was solved by Kakashi to reduce consumption.

This is the result of Kakashi's psychological game as a tactical ninja!

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