Return of Salazar Slytherin

03- The Humanoid Restoration Spell

"On second thought, I remember there is a spell that can force a werewolf to return to human form..." Rhys put his fingers on his forehead, frowning and thinking.

"Oh yes, it's the humanoid restoration spell!"

Finally, in the corner of his memory, Rhys recalled the spell.

This is a spell for werewolves developed by his old friends Helga Hufflepuff and Rowena Ravenclaw, which can force the transformed werewolf to return to human form.

However, he is not proficient in this spell. In his opinion, if he encounters a werewolf he just kills it, is there any need to change back to human form?

But now he needs answers.

He carefully recalled the details of the humanoid restoration spell and then cast it several times on the werewolf stuck in the mud.

Since he didn't have much magic power at his disposal, he didn't have a wand in his hand, and he wasn't particularly proficient in this spell. Rhys failed seven or eight times before he successfully cast the Restoration Charm to turn the werewolf he controlled back into its original form.

The human form!

The thick hair faded little by little, the limbs gradually became thinner, and the body shortened little by little. After about a minute, the wolf on the ground turned into a pale brown-haired woman.

The madness in her green eyes was gradually replaced by reason, and the murderous intent slowly turned into shock. She raised her head blankly, and when the bright moon came into view, she lowered her head suddenly, as if it was not the moon, but a red-hot iron.

Then she heard a boy's voice.

"You are lucky. You are still of some use to me, so I am willing to give you a chance to work for me."

She looked towards the source of the sound and found a pale-skinned boy looking down at her. The boy had a pair of black eyes, as deep and cold as a lake. She had the illusion that she had no clothes on. Her intuition told her that in the eyes of this boy, all her secrets had nowhere to hide.

"You...are you?" She spoke, her voice very hoarse, as if she had just been singing at the top of her lungs for several hours.


"My name is Lupet." After giving her name, Lupet was silent for a moment. After understanding her situation, she said thank you from the bottom of her heart.

This thank you is absolutely sincere.

Although she didn't understand how Rhys did it, she knew that the great magician in front of her had forcibly interrupted the process of transforming into a werewolf - this was simply a miracle and good news for werewolves! Except for a very few lunatics, who would be willing to transform into an irrational, bloodthirsty and violent beast every month? In the morning after a full moon night, her mouth was always filled with the disgusting smell of blood. Lupet couldn't even think about what happened last night. Rhys's spell planted a sapling called hope in her long-withered heart...

"Nothing to thank." Rhys shook his head.

The humanoid restoration spell was not his invention, and his motive for saving the werewolf in front of him was not simple. The two were just using each other.

After some effort, Rhys put Lupert out of the ground.

"Wand." Rhys stretched out his hand to Lupet, who was patting the dust on her robe. Lupet was stunned for a moment, then she took out her wand from her robes and handed it to Rhys with respectful hands.

At this moment, Lupert made up her mind to follow Rhys and accept him as her master. No reason, just the fact that he can suppress her transformation into a werewolf is enough.

Rhys nodded with satisfaction: He was lucky. The werewolf in front of him had a magic wand, which meant that she was once a wizard. She would definitely be able to take him back to the world of wizards.

Thinking of this, he lowered his head and observed the wand that Lupet gave him: it was a very old wand, with some parts peeling off, and one end was still shining with white light.

Rhys: "…."

The wand looked so pathetic even if it was used to light a fire.

A blush flashed across Lupet's face.

"It's hard for a werewolf to find a stable job. I've been wandering in recent years and don't have much money on hand..."

"Something is better than nothing." Rhys interrupted her defense. Although he can cast most of the spells with his bare hands, having a wand to assist can always save some trouble. When he just cast the humanoid restoration spell, if he had a wand in his hand, he wouldn't have failed so many times.

As for whether using a wand to cast spells would lower his proficiency, he wouldn't consider that. He no longer needs to show off his magical skills by casting spells without a wand. Only those half-baked wizards would think that they don't need a wand. Feeling smug about being able to cast spells.

If there is a vessel to place a Camphor, why would you burn your hand, right?

"Take me to the settlement of wizards." After taking Lupet away from the camp and arriving at a secluded and uninhabited open space, Rhys gave his order. He wanted to understand the general trend of the world before receiving the admission notice to Hogwarts.

Lupet blinked, unable to answer this question for a moment. Not because this question is too tricky, but because there are so many places in the UK that can be called wizarding settlements.

She tentatively mentioned the name of Diagon Alley, but Rhys actually told her to tell him what it was.

Lupet was stunned. She really didn't expect that there would be a wizard who didn't know where Diagon Alley was.

After confirming their destination, Lupert and Rhys stood there, staring at each other.

Rhys: "?"

Lupet: "? ? ?"

"Please raise your wand, high above your head." After realizing that her "master" seemed to lack common sense, Lupert hurriedly told him how to summon the Knight Bus.

What's the use? Rhys frowned. He couldn't remember any teleportation spells that could be cast just by raising the wand - if there were, it could only mean that the magic level of wizards had changed qualitatively in the past thousand years.

But he didn't think Lupet would do anything silly, so he raised the wand above his head as she said. The next second, a dazzling light suddenly lit up in the dark camp site, followed by a deafening "bang" sound. , and then a huge and terrifying beast with a pair of big eyes as dazzling as the sun rushed into Rhys's field of vision.

Rhys: "?!!"

What kind of monster is this???

He was really shocked by the sudden appearance of this "giant monster". With such a huge size and terrifying power, it looked not much worse than a fire dragon.

Rhys subconsciously mobilized the magic power in his body and used all his strength to send a wind blade to the thing.

"Master Stop!" Lupett realized her mistake the moment the Knight Bus appeared. She threw herself at Rhys with all her strength, causing the wind blade he released to miss.

The wind blade summoned by Rhys swept past the body of the Knight Bus, leaving a ravine half a meter deep and more than ten meters long on the ground.

"Lupet!" Rhys turned his head suddenly and stared at Lupet who dared to hinder him.

"It's not an enemy, it's a 'vehicle' that takes us to Diagon Alley!" Lupet explained to him in the simplest terms what the Knight Bus was.

Although he didn't know what a car or vehicle was, Rhys understood what Lupet meant. The big guy in front of him was not a monster, but a means of transportation similar to a public carriage.

"Merlin..." A voice like a drake interrupted the conversation between the two with a trembling tone.

Rhys looked over and saw a pale young man sitting on the steps extending from the car door.

"You scared the conductor." Lupet spread her hands and said helplessly.


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