Return of Salazar Slytherin

08- Goods overdue for a thousand years


After walking out of the Twilfitt and Tattings clothing store, Rhys couldn't help but complain to Lupet about what he had just experienced. In his opinion, the MacMillan just now was like a giant baby, with a completely immature mind. He really didn't know how he grew up to be so big without being beaten to death.

"What's going on with today's wizards? They are weak and have no sense of honor. They only brag about their family when they open their mouths, as if this is all they have to talk about. They are just as virtuous as Muggle nobles."

"There's no way. Pure-blood wizards are like this. There are many people who fanatically support pure-blood theory and are not very clear-headed. There is something wrong with them at the root. If you want to blame them, blame Slytherin."

Slytherin? Me?

Um? How does it still have anything to do with me? Faced with the sudden accusation, Rhys looked confused.

"What does this have to do with ...Slytherin?"

"Slytherin is the founder of pure-blood theory. If he hadn't promoted pure-blood supremacy at Hogwarts, how could those pure-blood wizards be so rampant?"

Rhys: Huh?

Lupet's words shocked him. When selecting students for his house, he would select students with characteristics just like Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Slytherin values ​​students who are resourceful, strong-willed, defy secular laws, shrewd, ambitious, and pure-blooded - knowing Parseltongue is a plus.

He does prefer students from wizarding families, but in his admissions criteria, this is only one of the conditions. How could he become the ancestor of pure-blood supremacy? Later generations seem to have some misunderstandings about themselves.

To put it bluntly, what kind of pure-blooded family is the MacMillan family? He remembered very clearly that his old friend Hufflepuff had accepted a Muggle-born student named MacMillan...

"Your understanding of Slytherin is too superficial." After saying this in a muffled voice, Rhys closed his mouth and walked silently towards the wand shop.

After a conversation with Lupet, Rhys was determined to visit Hogwarts.

He really wants to know what image he has in the minds of future generations, and also wants to know what the current state of Slytherin House is.

If the room is full of junk, Rhys narrowed his eyes, sweep it out!

The small shop selling wands is located in an inconspicuous corner of Diagon Alley.

"Ollivanders: Makers of fine wands since 382 BC."

Rhys read out the slogan written on the sign, then closed his mouth again.

He was seriously recalling whether he had seen the wand maker named Ollivander before, and then the figure of a thin old man wrapped in a linen robe gradually emerged from the depths of his mind - these memories were usually like remembering a dream, Hidden deep in his brain, they will only "wake up" when external stimuli shine on them like the morning sun.

In the era when Slytherin was active, few wizards purchased finished wands from others. Everyone tended to choose the materials that suited them to make a living. Wand makers mostly took on the task of making wands on behalf of others.

Hufflepuff had a custom-made wand from a wandmaker named Ollivander.



"Don't you have a wand? Why do you want to order one? If you have too much money to spend, why not lend it to me and I can buy the alchemist's code." Rowena listened to Helga's thoughts Finally, she couldn't help but frown.

In her opinion, spending money on custom-made wands is a waste of money. Except for Godric, everyone in the group of four has the ability to make their own wands.

"You always need a spare." Helga blinked and made an excuse.

"Just let her go." Salazar watched coldly for a moment, then for the first time stood on Helga's side.

Seeing that even Slytherin, who always liked to raise objections, supported her, Helga was extremely happy.

The girl quickly ran towards a street stall - there was a sign in front of the stall, with golden characters written on it: [ Ollivander: Please come and try our service! We make sophisticated wands since 382 BC! Will give you a discount also!]

The stall was not big, with several tools neatly placed on the floor. A thin old man, wearing a starched white robe, huddled behind the stall, waiting for business to come to him.

This stall was the reason why Salazar supported Helga. He wanted to see the staff-making skills from 382 BC.

However, his reason told him that there was a high probability that this guy was a liar, so he decided to encourage Hufflepuff to go ahead and be a guinea pig for his curiosity.

"The mission bounty given by the Duke was wasted on these unnecessary expenses. She wouldn't really believe what the liar has written in the board, right? The wands used by ancient wizards are different from the ones we use - I think this stall's brand looks like It was just made yesterday." Rowena sighed.

"Aren't people allowed to reform technology? As for money, the worst is to hunt a fire dragon." Godric appeared out of nowhere, carrying a leather bag filled with wine.

Gryffindor's share of the bounty was all turned into sweet wine and sizzling grilled meat.

The conversation of his friends flowed in and out of Salazar's ears, and his mind was entirely on Helga. He watched the girl stop in front of a roadside stall. After talking to the stall owner, she handed him a piece of wood and a thin yellow thread.

The wood came from an apple tree. The fruit of that tree was large and sweet. The thin "threads" were the dragon's brain nerves that they had obtained from hunting the fire dragon a few days ago.

The stall owner accepted the deposit and asked Helga to pick up the wand in three days.

Helga has great expectations for her applewood wand. She thinks that with its help, her food magic will be even better.

"I just saw a wand shop when I was buying wine. It is said that the craftsmanship was passed down from Egypt. Why don't you go there to customize a wand?" Gryffindor pointed to a large shop not far away where people were coming and going. said.

Helga blinked: "But that store is not lacking in business!"

After hearing her words, Rowena Ravenclaw couldn't help but sigh: This girl is good at everything, but she is too soft-hearted.

In the end, Hufflepuff didn't get the applewood wand she so desired.

The day after paying the deposit, the four received news: a crazy dragon attacked Southport and turned it into a sea of ​​fire. They hurriedly left the small town where they had stayed for two days and rushed to Southport.

Unexpectedly, this trip caused so much trouble, and the four of them did not return to this small town to take away Helga's custom-made wand.

"Mr. Ollivander is the best wandmaker in Britain and even the world. My wand and the wands of all the little wizards studying at Hogwarts were bought from him."

Lupet's words brought Rhys back to reality.

His eyes wandered to the dusty display window, where a wand lay alone on a faded purple cushion.


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Our Daphne has become friends with the MC!

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