Return of Salazar Slytherin

118- Ravenclaw is overjoyed

"So why do you want to see me?" Daphne asked this question urgently as soon as she sat down.

In her opinion, she was ordinary and had not contributed much to Ravenclaw's "resurrection", so why should she be received by her?

"Just think of me as being too bored and looking for someone to chat with." Ravenclaw said with a kind expression and a smile on her face.

"Oh." Daphne sat upright in the chair and nodded obediently.

Although Lady Ravenclaw didn't say it explicitly, she felt that it was still related to Rhys. After all, the reason she got was far-fetched.

Ravenclaw's eyes swept across Daphne's face, and Ravenclaw said from the bottom of her heart, "You Greengrasses are so good-looking. When Adrian was studying at Hogwarts, he often received love letters from students from other houses, and the little witches who accompanied him changed frequently. My students wrote me several letters of accusation, telling me that he was a real scumbag."

Daphne was embarrassed: How could our ancestors have played so extravagantly?

However, she was secretly excited to hear gossip from thousands of years ago.

"Do you know why boys can't enter the girls' dormitory?"


"It has something to do with Adrian!"

Daphne: Stop it, stop it!

"I did complain to Salazar, but guess what he said? He actually thought that if the wizarding world wanted to grow, they had to have more children, so he supported what Adrian did."

Daphne: "!!"

Rhys: Stop it, stop it Ravenclaw!

Although he couldn't get in, Ravenclaw was considerate enough to use magic to transmit the audio of her conversation with Daphne.

Ravenclaw easily dispelled Daphne's nervousness with a "little" anecdote from when Hogwarts was first founded, and also caused Rhys' body temperature to rise as he stood outside the corridor.

"You really have inherited your ancestors' good looks."

"You... You're too kind. You're as beautiful and intelligent as the rumors say." Daphne blushed and began to speak well of Ravenclaw as Rhys had instructed.

Although she knew that Daphne was flattering her, Ravenclaw was still quite satisfied. She was a person who valued manners and dignity. Before she died, she did not forget to tidy up her appearance and even took potions to make her ghost's face and complexion look less bad.

Ghosts would inherit their appearance before death, and Ravenclaw did not want her ghost to look like a wandering female ghost... well, she couldn't do anything for her mummy form..

After being praised by Daphne, her mood suddenly became cheerful.

"Really? Don't lie to me, little girl."

"Lady Ravenclaw! I speak from my heart, not a single word is false!" Daphne said seriously, her words full of honesty and sincerity: "Your robe is really very exquisite, and it is obvious that it was made by an extraordinary master."

"Thank you! This is exactly what I designed."

"The fabric looks amazing too!"

"I specially asked someone to get silk from the East. The price is dozens of times the weight of gold. If I hadn't made a deal with, um, someone and made a lot of money, I wouldn't be willing to spend so much money on clothes."

Ravenclaw was even happier to hear Daphne praise the fabric of her wizard robe.

In her time, the price of silk was several times or even dozens of times that of gold of the same weight. According to the 13th century book On Commodities, a pound of fine silk cost as much as 12 pounds, while a pound of gold of the same weight cost only 1 pound. The one on Ravenclaw was of the highest quality in terms of both texture and craftsmanship, and the price was astonishingly expensive.

A robe made of nearly ten pounds of silk would be a pain even for Ravenclaw, unless it was paid for by someone else.

As for who paid a large sum of money for it, everyone knows it - which wizard in Hogwarts was both rich and often discussed academic issues with Ravenclaw?

"Well, if you allow me, I will make a similar one, but the color should be changed to Slytherin's silver-green~"

"T-Thank you so much! I'll get you the design right away."

Daphne's praise was all-round and comprehensive, from the design of the clothes to the material to Ravenclaw's secret to maintaining her youthful appearance, which made Ravenclaw very happy.

The two of them had a very pleasant conversation, and there was even a tendency for them to become close friends regardless of age.

"By the way, I heard that Hogwarts doesn't teach courses like the flow of mana anymore?"

Daphne nodded. The knowledge of the flow of mana/magic-power was almost lost in the wizarding world.

The first reason is that it is difficult to learn and really depends on talent. The second reason is that there are very excellent substitutes, which directly make this knowledge lost. It is like the telegraph among Muggles. With the popularization of telephones, faxes, and the Internet, the telegraph gradually faded out of the historical stage.

Ravenclaw sighed and said, "It's a pity, but Salazar was quite good at this back then. You can learn from that Rhys."

Daphne blinked, quite curious about what the connection between Rhys and Slytherin was.

"He does have some connection with Slytherin." Ravenclaw played a word game - Salazar was indeed from the Slytherin family, and everything she said was true.

Daphne understood: As expected, Rhys is the legitimate heir of Slytherin. No wonder he came here to try so hard to save Lady Ravenclaw.

After this, Daphne invited Ravenclaw to walk around the castle grounds and see how Hogwarts had changed over the past thousand years.

Ravenclaw shook her head, a trace of loneliness that was very easy to observe flashed in her eyes. She explained to Daphne the importance of guarding the seal and her current situation that was restricted by it.

"However, if you are willing to do me a favor, I can return to the ground in some way." Ravenclaw changed the subject and made her request to Daphne.

"Please go ahead!"

"Please take this crystal ball up there for me and put it in the Hogwarts library." Ravenclaw waved her hand, and a mini crystal ball the size of a plum appeared out of thin air on the table.

This crystal ball contains a trace of Ravenclaw's magic. In this way, Ravenclaw can bring her own magic out of the seal and trigger the backup plan she left in the school.

She could only use this stupid method. After all, the seal she had set up back then was too perfect.

"No problem." Daphne was not as sensitive as Rhys and agreed immediately.

"You're a good child." Seeing that Daphne was willing to help her, Ravenclaw raised a smile.

"This is a little bit of my experience. I think you may find it useful. Take it." She winked at Daphne, and a booklet appeared next to the crystal ball.

"This!" Daphne's heart was suddenly moved.


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