Return of Salazar Slytherin

19- Revisiting the old place

Under the expectant gazes of the two girls, Rhys began to try to "whitewash" his image.

He took this matter very seriously. In his opinion, if he couldn't convince even the two little girls, then he wouldn't be able to convince others, and he would probably have to bear the infamy imposed on him by future generations.

This is too bad!

Why do those guys who have nothing but their bloodline insist on using my own name to talk things out? Can't they find someone else to pick up the wool?

"First of all, I must explain one thing to you. The definition of pure blood from a thousand years ago is different from the definition of pure blood now." Rhys found an entry point and began to explain Slytherin to Hermione and Daphne about the reason for insisting on recruiting pure-blood wizards as students.

In the era when he was active, a family with three consecutive generations of wizards could be called a pure-blood family, which was very different from today's strict certification conditions.

The living environment of wizards was also very different from modern times. In the era when Slytherin was active, the boundaries between Muggles and wizards were not as clear-cut as they are now, and the opposition was more intense.

Back then, it was really possible to kill you for being a wizard.

What's worse is that some wizards do not stand on the side of their own community. They choose to join the Muggle camp, help the Muggle lords hunt down wizards, and get deeply involved in Muggle politics to save themselves and earn wealth and recognition at the time.

"Using the 'freaks' to defeat other 'freaks', those muggle lords.. ha!" Rhys let out a weird laugh.

After describing the situation at that time, Rhys looked at Daphne and Hermione:

"Can you understand Slytherin now? Only pure-blood wizards were reliable enough, and the actions of the other three founders were very risky. In fact, there has been civil strife in Hogwarts - this is something you won't see in Hogwarts A History."

"What civil strife?" Hermione asked quickly, while Daphne looked doubtful. She had never heard her father say that there had been a civil war in Hogwart.

"After the founding of Hogwarts, the four founders recruited their favorite students on this land. In order to teach, the founders collected a large number of magic books and stored them in the Hogwarts library. In addition to books, various magic potions and a lot of raw materials were also stored.

Hogwarts's reputation grew, eventually attracting the covetous attention of local lords. The greedy lord colluded with several young wizards from nearby Muggle families in an attempt to capture the castle.

In his plan, even if he could not capture Hogwarts Castle, he would force Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to pay him taxes, provide him with combat mages, and make Hogwarts his vassal. "

"What about the final result?" Hermione asked impatiently, and Daphne also pricked up her ears, eager to hear the follow-up story.

Regardless of whether the events described by Rhys are true or false, the storyline alone is still fascinating enough.

Rhys looked at them both with strange eyes, "Of course, the founders won in the end. How could a lord and a few ineffective magic apprentices be the opponents of the four founders? Besides, if they lost, Where in the world will there be any Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

Although they also invaded the inside of the castle.

But from then on, there were no lords around Hogwarts, which was a good thing."

"But why would a Muggle lord dare to take advantage of Hogwarts?" Daphne also realized the plot loopholes in this story and couldn't help but ask.

"He was not an ordinary lord. He was also a very powerful magician. This is the reason why he dared to pursue Hogwarts. I said that the boundary between the Muggle and magical worlds was not as clear as it is now. Some powerful wizards also found ways to get themselves a title and a fief currying favors to the royals and what not."

Although the truth of the matter is far more complicated than what Rhys told Daphne and Hermione, there is no need to go into too much detail with the two little girls. Just give them a general outline.

"Then it seems that Slytherin has his own reasons for doing this." Daphne gradually began to understand Slytherin.

She comes from a pure-blood family, and it is easier for her to empathize with Slytherin.

"But how did you know about this?" Hermione was confused because how could Rhys know as much about this as the people who had witnessed it? This is an old story that even Daphne, who comes from a pure-blood family, doesn't know.

"What happened always leaves traces. I saw him mention this in a letter from a medieval wizard. At that time, his friend asked him why the stairs in Hogwarts were shaped like this, and he explained it to his friend. The whole story."

"What stairs?"

"You'll know when we get there."

In the following time, Rhys did not leave the box. After Malfoy made such a fuss, he also lost interest in taking a look at the legendary savior.

As time goes by, they will eventually meet.

The sky outside was gradually getting darker.

Hermione left the box midway and went to the front of the train to find the driver. She came back after learning that Hogwarts was approaching.

"We'd better change into our robes, we'll be there in thirty minutes at most."

Rhys cast his gaze out the window, trying to find the outline in his memory among the rolling hills.

He failed.

Even the undulating contours of the mountains were so unfamiliar that he could not find any trace of familiarity.

When he turned around, Hermione and Daphne had already changed into their robes, and Rhys noticed a silver-green pattern on Daphne's cuffs.

"Have you decided to join Slytherin House?"

Rhys was a little curious because he remembered that the sorting process was not like this. Students were not supposed to know which house they would be sorted into before the opening ceremony.

"Although I don't know the result yet, I think I will definitely go to Slytherin." Daphne didn't think she had the possibility of being sorted into other houses, "My whole family graduated from Slytherin."

Rhys nodded. Students like Daphne did meet his admission requirements. Even if he was asked to choose, he would pull Daphne into Slytherin.

"The train will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train. The school staff will take you to school."

The driver's voice echoed on the train, and the speed of the train seemed to be decreasing, and finally stopped. Students pushed and shoved in the narrow aisle, rushed to the door, and finally arrived at a dark and small platform.

Rhys followed the flow of people and came to the cold platform with Hermione and Daphne.

He looked around and finally found a sense of familiarity with the surrounding scenery.

This is Hogsmeade.

Now, Salazar Slytherin has set foot on this land again after a thousand years.


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