Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 104

Chapter 102 Lurking

How did the Golden Orioles transform themselves into the noble princess of Al Khan Ting? How did Ding Wu see through?

This starts with Jin Yiwei smashing two white lotus lairs overnight.

Moreover, after the leader Zhao Quan ran out of the underground passage, the Bailianjiao fishermen who responded put on a pair of shoes on their hands, used both hands and feet, and climbed to the riverside fishing boat, leaving two pairs of footprints deliberately, leading them to chase the fishing boat.

In fact, the leader did not get on the ship at all. He immediately put on a set of civilian clothes that were ready to escape. He wore a hat and a dress with a clapper on his body. He was dressed as a watchman and walked eastward from Jishuitan. Walked to a house under the Desheng Bridge in Shichahai.

At that time, Jin Yiwei and Beicheng Soldiers and Mars were basically arranged to collect the nets in Jishuitan area. There were few soldiers patrolling in Shichahai. The leader Zhao Quan again pretended to be a guard, and he was not blocked by soldiers along the way.

Zhao Quan did not knock on the door, but went to the back door, counted the blue bricks on the courtyard wall, and found a hidden movable brick. According to the motivation, a small door that only allowed one person to pass through appeared on the courtyard wall. Zhao Quan Take off the hat and get in like a loach.

This yard is the place where the red-sleeved oiran lady Orioles used to be.

Jinying and his fiance’s cousin woke up in the middle of the night and greeted Zhao Quan.

Golden Oriole is the daughter of Zheheng Aha, leader of the Chiragut tribe, and one of the princesses, Zhuo Ross. Zhuo Ross means “people of the forest”. He was once a royal family in the grassland and married the daughter of Genghis Khan. He has a noble blood.

The fiance is the son of the leader of the Ordos tribe. Both tribes proclaimed their subjects to Alda Khan.

The Central Plains can only marry one eldest wife, but the tribal chiefs of the grassland can marry several wives who sit on an equal footing. The tribe and the tribe intermarry with each other. Therefore, the Orioles and Doss are arranged according to the generations of the Central Plains. They are cousins. Have a relationship.

Golden Oriole grew up in Chiragut, her mother Zhuo Rossi died early, but she was taught by Zhongyuan teacher since she was a child that she has a strong interest in the outside world and is not willing to marry a man like her sisters to be one of them. Wife, she is eager to see the world beyond the grassland. It happened that another princess of her father, a daughter of Alta Khan, believed in the Bailian religion, and took her to listen to the teacher preaching and applying the law, asking her to “become a teacher and avoid disaster.”

The white lotus religion has risen from the Southern Song Dynasty and experienced Yuan and Ming dynasties. Since then, there have been many believers. The main altar has been destroyed again and again, but the spring breeze has always regenerated. It can always restore a large number of believers in a short time because it has its own creation. The scriptures and the complete system of foolish people’s theory are very easy to confuse people.

Among them, the promotion of catastrophe is the most important method of the White Lotus Sect. A catastrophe is a catastrophe, and a catastrophe of the last days is a natural disaster. Difficulties are wars, famines, fires and plagues, and even women’s dystocia. The only way to deal with the catastrophe is to join the White Lotus Sect and dedicate yourself and wealth to the White Lotus Sect. This is the so-called “entry into the religion to avoid the catastrophe.”

If the congregation survives a catastrophe, it is the merit of joining the White Lotus Sect. For example, the adoptive mother of the princess Oriole escaped from a dystocia. She believed that the Bailianjiao saved her and her child’s lives, so she became more pious and introduced her favorite stepdaughter Oriole into the teaching.

If the congregation died of illness or death, it would be said that they were not pious enough and failed to avoid the catastrophe.

In short, once there are good things, they are all taught by Bailian. If something bad happens, it is the problem of the congregation, ungodly, and has nothing to do with the white lotus religion.

The Oriole has a distinguished status and is beautiful in length. The leader Zhao Quan intentionally used her to expand the influence of the White Lotus Sect outside the Great Wall. He deliberately said that she was related to the White Lotus Sect and that she had the blood of the supreme mother, so she was named White Lotus. Teach saints.

The Bailian Sect has its own world view of gods, which is divided into three levels. The first level is the Supreme Mother, that is, the Nuwa Empress. The treasure scroll records that “the ancient Buddha appeared in peace, and the Supreme Mother was born.” Nuwa was the creator of human beings and was also the creator of the world.

The second level is the Burning Lamp Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha, and Maitreya Buddha. The three of them are the Supreme Mother, that is, the envoys sent by Nuwa to the world to rescue mankind. The leader of the White Lotus Sect, Zhao Quan, claimed to be the reincarnation of the Landeng Buddha.

The third layer is Buddhism, Taoism, and even Confucius from Confucianism. The Monkey King in dramas and scripts, etc., are all third-layer gods.

If you understand a little bit of Buddhism, Taoism, or even Confucianism, you can see how absurd and ridiculous the core three-tier view of the gods of Bailian religion is, and you can’t help it at all.

But for ordinary people at the bottom, the largest number, and illiterate in the world, the doctrines of the White Lotus religion are easy to understand and conform to their imagination and understanding of the world of gods. Therefore, no matter how the imperial court cleans up and suppresses them, there will always be believers to follow. , Endless life.

Jin Ying has been well-educated since she was a child. Of course she doesn’t believe in any nonsense such as Nuwa bloodline or being taught to do so, and she has no interest in the position of the white lotus saint, but she can’t resist the temptation to look at the outside world with a legitimate reason. .

As a woman on the grassland, the status of a woman is similar to that of cattle and sheep, and is the property of the tribe. The oriole who became the saint of the White Lotus Sect can work for the White Lotus Sect and Ida Khan. They travel far away and perform the task of spying on Daming’s intelligence in order to delay the marriage date. Don’t marry children as early as the sisters.

The fourteen-year-old Oriole came to the Red Sleeve Trick in Beijing, stunning the audience with a Huxuan dance, became an oiran lady, and began her career as a female spy. The wedding date was pushed back and forth until the fiancé in the Ordos Department could not bear it and went to Feng again and again. The white lotus church in the city wants his fiancee to come back.

The Ordos tribe is powerful, and the family originated from the age of the ancient golden family Genghis Khan. After Genghis Khan died, his relics were placed in eight white tents. The white tent is pronounced “Ordos”. The Ordos family has guarded the spiritual account for generations. The guardian of Genghis Khan is famous.

Ta Khan is a descendant of the Golden Family, so the support of the Ordos tribe is very important. In order to stabilize the tribe, Ta Khan also asked Zhao Quan to call back his granddaughter Golden Oriole.

The pressure of the two parties, Zhao Quan could not help, so he flew the pigeon to pass on the book, and wanted to confess to the palace-that is, the red sleeve recruits the old bustard under the pretext of betraying the Orioles early/night, let the Orioles redeem themselves and quit the White Lotus Cult, hurry Go back to get married.

The Orioles and the old bustard are both playing the scene of the vicious madam forcing the Oiran lady to sell her, but the naive Wang Daxia doesn’t know it! Golden Oriole was originally just a joking lie, eager to save the wind and dust, and freedom. Wang Daxia believed it to be true and sold all the dowry fields of his dead mother and loaned money to Oriole to redeem her life.

The fiancé on the Ordos Department was worried that the leader would once again find an excuse to delay, so he went to the capital with the leader for a long distance and took his fiancé away personally. Golden Orioles do things in the brothel, so you can’t be a clean man who doesn’t sell their lives!

Therefore, the fiancé actually came to the capital one after another with the leader. The fiancé came to Shichahai to find his fiancé, Orioles, and returned the money to Wang’s ransom for her. The leader came to the Wanhuo firm in Toutiao Hutong and planned to return with the firearms that the firm had recently moved from the Wang Gong factory.

They agreed to go together after completing their respective affairs and return to Fengcheng, but unexpectedly the leader was spotted by Jin Yiwei, who caught a turtle in the urn, and only the leader escaped.

The leader took refuge in the Orioles and they immediately prepared the Zhai Yi, farewell letter, and poison/medicine that had been prepared long ago. The messenger was sent to Jishuitan Red Sleeve Trick, and he wanted to commit suicide. One was to break his wrist and preserve the White Lotus Sect. He came to protect the special status of the King of Ying Khan Ting.

When Jishuitan made a loud explosion, all the insiders were silenced, and the leader knew that their group was safe.

The next day, the leader’s wanted warrants were posted all over the city, but the leader Zhao Quan, disguised as a woman, dressed as a rude wife, followed the Orioles and the others out of the city-the fiance entered the city as a caravan from the Western Regions, and they had a full set of authenticity. There is no obstacle to travel through customs clearance documents.

Just as the leader went out of the city smoothly, Jin Yiwei was looking for him in a haystack in the capital. Little did they know that the biggest fish ran away long ago.

When the caravan arrived in Fengcheng, the leader returned to the White Lotus Sect’s general altar. You continue to be the leader. At the same time, he issued a killing order to chase and kill the legendary soldier Wu Dianyong who had betrayed the White Lotus Sect. He also gave a heavy reward. Who killed Wu Dianyong? Just reward the silver thousand liang, and get the position of passing the head.

After an appointment for more than a month, someone finally revealed the killing order and brought the living Wu Dianyong to the general altar of the White Lotus Sect.

It is Ding Wu, an acquaintance.

Although Ding Rukui died of illness in prison, Ding Wu was suspected of being the White Lotus Sect, when he was in a state of rebellion, and his mysterious disappearance when he was about to be repatriated, all spread to the Fengcheng White Lotus Sect. At first, the leader was still half-trusted about the defected Ding Wu.

Until Wu Dian used his mouth to swear at Ding Wu and didn’t believe it, took him as a fool, used his cunning rabbit three caves to escape to Fengcheng, but resorted to the vicious idea of ​​crossing the river to demolish and sell friends for prosperity, the leader believed in Ding Wu.

Because Ding Wu, who defected, came to Fengcheng with great hardships relying on Wu Dian’s ability to press the bottom of the box. Just like Monkey King learning from the scriptures, if there were no difficulties, his “sincerity” for defecting would be insufficient.

What’s more, Ding Wu was the son of Ding Rukui, the former sage of the Ministry of War. Such a person betrayed Daming and turned to the White Lotus Sect, which also showed the merits of the White Lotus Sect. Therefore, the leader killed Wu Dianyong and used his head to sacrifice the spirit of the congregation in the sky. , Named Ding Wu as a new biography, and took it to Khan Ting, where I would like to invite credit and reward.

Ding Wu’s defection was undoubtedly a slap in the face of Daming. I Da Khan warmly welcomed Ding Wu and gave him official posts and house servants.

Ding Wu knelt and thanked him for the reward, but after going out, he saw the golden oriole stepping into the big tent of Alda Khan!

Looking at Ding Wu’s surprised eyes, the leader Zhao Quan’s proud Orioles’ life experience and the past of being a white lotus saint told him, “…The saint quits and returns to the world to prepare for the marriage. You will be welcomed right away. New biography, my white lotus cultivator is full of talents, and it’s endless.”

Ding Wu was horrified, and wrote a secret letter on the matter, asking Jin Yiwei’s secret pile in Fengcheng to be sent to the capital immediately.

Seeing Ding Wu’s secret letter, Wang Daxia seemed to be slapped severely in the air. At first, he instinctively denied, “Impossible, do they look similar? Or are they twins? Yes. It is written like this, it must be twins separated in childhood.”

But Lu Bing’s answer brought Wang Daxia back to the cruel reality, “She is called the golden eagle. She is actually a golden eagle. The eagle is a hunting tool for prairie hunters. It hatches from the eggshell and has been domesticated since childhood. It is called boiled eagle. Well trained. The eagle is released to hunt, and after the hunt, it will fly to the owner’s shoulder to rest, absolutely loyal.”

“The Golden Oriole is the saint who helped the White Lotus Church collect information. As a red-sleeved oiran, I don’t know how much information she has obtained from Daming over the years. It’s just that she is the special status of the county prince and she sells **** and not herself. Asking you to borrow money to redeem yourself is just an excuse that her marriage contract is approaching and she must go back to fulfill the marriage contract.”

“She is an eagle hunting intelligence, but you lent her money to redeem her body. If you didn’t join Jin Yiwei, we don’t know you. It is very likely that you will be a foreigner and secretly joined the White Lotus Sect.”

Whether it is collaborating with the enemy or the White Lotus Sect, these two charges are enough to rob his family and annihilate his family. Wang Daxia unknowingly walked through the gate of the ghost, but at the same time, a sense of shame of being deceived and humiliated poured cold water on him, and he almost died on his own.

Seeing him like this, Lu Bing could not continue to criticize him and said, “I believe you. You were meant to do good and save the wind. Whoever thought that a farmer met a snake, but fortunately, the snake was too late to bite, so we chased him away. Run away. You have to remember this lesson. It is a good thing to do good and accumulate virtue, but you have to find out the details of the other party in the future. I will take care of this matter for you, but there can be no two. This must be your first and last offense. This kind of error.”

The author has something to say: I Da Khan (borrowing a sentence from Journey to the West, my grandson called you, do you dare to agree) rounding up is my answer. If you say this, is it easy to remember? Alda Khan is a tribal alliance leader (Khan) called Alda.

In addition, Mama Chen appeared in the previous chapter. My old readers all know what it means. The Ming Dynasty called the auntie’s towel Mama Chen. However, I did not consider the new readers, and did not mark it under the text. This is my mistake, so I have added notes in this chapter and the previous chapter. In order to facilitate everyone to understand the plot.

Ming Feng Menglong’s “The Tale of Two Heroes · Hu Chuantou Xin”: “[Xiao Jing] still has two towels. [Inside] is gone, I use it as Mother Chen.”

The sixth and fifth chapters of “Awakening the World Marriage Biography”: “Twisting the third fight away again…There are two or three’Guangdong Personnel’, two’Mama Chen’, and a white silk bag.

After Orioles dived Ding Wu dive, everyone lurked for each other.

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