Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 129

Chapter 127 From Xi Shi to Xichu Overlord

The Jinyiwei Yamen is in Jiangmi Alley, Nancheng, from the North Third Ring Road to the South Third Ring Road.

Wei Caiwei walked out of Tianshui Alley and came to Gulou West Xiejie, planning to go to the mule and horse shop to hire a carriage. Now she is rich, and is no longer a travel doctor who drives a tiger to support the streets and seeks life. You don’t need to worry about money, just feel comfortable. .

Just out of the alley, an empty carriage passed by, and the coachman yelled to solicit business.

It was doze that met the pillow.

Wei Caiwei stopped the carriage and negotiated the price of half a buck to go to Jinyiwei Yamen.

Wei Caiwei got into the carriage. The carriage was clean and smell-free. The seats were covered with wool pads. There were teapots and cups on the table nailed to the carriage. When she touched the teapot, it was still hot, which was very intimate.

However, Wei Caiwei is a doctor with some cleanliness and can’t drink tea in the car. The carriage swayed, tidying up the house all morning, a little tired, and the carriage swayed, and she dozed off on the soft seat.

Wei Caiwei was worried about Wang Daxia in her heart. She was not really asleep, half awake, and confused. For a while, she recalled the previous life Wang Daxia, and the current Wang Daxia, thinking that she was approaching Jinyiweiyamen, she sat up, and wanted to open the window of the carriage. Saw there.

But she opened her eyes, it was pitch black before her eyes, and the windows were closed for some time.

Wei Caiwei fumbled and found the window, but no matter how she pushed it, the window could not be opened.

Wei Caiwei thought that the window was stuck, so she went to the door of the cart, but the door couldn’t be opened either, and it seemed to be locked from the outside.

bad! This is a trap!

Wei Caiwei immediately woke up from the confusion.

She took the fire fold out of her pocket and lit it. In the weak light, she kicked the doors, windows and walls with her foot, and then made a muffled noise. Wei Caiwei found that the carriage was double-layered wooden boards with cotton in between to keep warm. Soundproofed.

Judging by the distance, the outside should be the downtown area of ​​the capital, with horse-drawn carriages galloping on the street, and wheels crushing the uneven stone road on the ground. No matter how Wei Caiwei shouted, it was covered by the noise of wheels and the noise of the street.

It’s really making the earth not work every day and the earth is not working.

Wei Caiwei found that it was impossible to keep on making noise like this, and was in vain, so she calmed down and looked for other ways to get out.

At this time, the carriage should be still in the capital. If there is no one in the suburbs, she will be caught in the urn and be at the mercy of others.

Must get away in the capital.

How to do?

With Huo Zhezi’s faint light, Wei Caiwei set his eyes on the hot teapot on the table and thought of a way.

The case table was nailed to the floor in order to prevent slippage. Wei Caiwei took out a self-defense dagger/knife and pried the nails on the case’s leg from the floor one by one.

After prying out the nail, a black hole with a round hole was revealed. Wei Caiwei continued to dig down from the black hole with a dagger/sword, took out the sawdust and cut through a gap in the outer wooden board.

It’s just a gap in a page, but it’s enough to save yourself.

Wei Caiwei rolled up her sleeves, showing her jade-like arms. She opened the teapot that was still warm, poured out half of the tea, then put her arms on the teapot, and drew a dagger/slash across her arms to bleed herself.

The blood flowed into the half pot of tea. When it was about to fill up, Wei Caiwei sprinkled the wound with hemostatic powder and wrapped it tightly with a kerchief, then lifted the teapot and slowly poured the warm blood inside into the crack in the compartment floor.

The blood dropped from the gap, like a thin red line. As the carriage galloped, it drew a seemingly endless red line on the road full of loess and dust, which was particularly eye-catching.

The red line also exudes blood, definitely not dyes such as cinnabar.

Pedestrians outside could not hear the movement in the carriage, but could see the bleeding from the bottom of the carriage.

Enthusiastic passers-by began to stop by the side of the road, “Stop! The people in the car are bleeding!”

The Chaoyang Gate was right in front of him. At first, the coachman wanted to get through the pass, pretending that he didn’t hear him, not only didn’t stop, but also hurried his horse to speed.

However, he lacked some luck today. By coincidence, he ran into Wudutou, the Yamen of Shuntian Palace, who was patrolling the streets.

Wu Dutou saw a clear blood stain on the street, hurriedly chased after him, and finally forced the carriage to a stop in front of Chaoyangmen.

“Stop! What’s in your car? Are you deaf? I didn’t agree after calling for a long time!” Wu Du headed his horse to stop the way.

The coachman looked like he was waking up from his dream, “Oh, a pig that has just been slaughtered, the owner is urging him tightly, and the little one is in a hurry to deliver it, so he didn’t hear the military master’s words.”

Wu Dutou solved all kinds of crimes all the year round. Of course, he would not easily believe it. He asked, “You are only transporting a pig. Why do you close the doors and windows tightly and lock them?”

The coachman explained: “The army master didn’t know anything about it. Today, no one escorted the car. It depends on the little one. The little one is worried that someone will turn into the car from the back and cut a few pieces of meat and steal it. If you don’t have long eyes, you can’t afford to pay for a small one, so I just locked the door from behind.”

Wu Du pointed his head at the window: “The window can’t get in, so why should it be locked?”

The coachman said: “The little ones are afraid of bears throwing dirty things into the windows of the car and soiling the pork, so the little ones can’t deal with each other.”

At the same time, Wei Caiwei felt that the car was not shaking. It should have been discovered by passers-by and was forced to stop. Although she could not hear the outside conversation, Wei Caiwei kicked and kicked the board wall desperately in the car and shouted: “Help! ”

Although the wall was double-layered and quilted for sound insulation, after the carriage stopped, a little movement still passed to Wu Du’s ears.

Wu Du got off his horse and put his ears on the wall of the board to listen carefully. He could not hear the call for help, but he could feel the vibration of the wall of the carriage. It was Wei Caiwei who kicked the wall violently inside.

Wu Dutou felt that it was a living thing, not a slaughtered pig, unless the dead pig could be resurrected, and said to the coachman: “Get down, open the door and take a look.”

Seeing that the coachman really couldn’t get it through, he immediately jumped from the shaft and jumped directly onto the horse at Wudu’s head, slapped his horse and ran wildly, and got into the side of the alley.

“Chasing!” Wu Dutou commanded his subordinates to chase the coachman. He went to a restaurant along the street and borrowed a firewood-chopping axe. He spitted twice into the palm of his hand and then waved his axe. The brass lock slashed for a while.

Cang Dang!

The brass lock was broken by the axe, the lock fell to the ground, and Wu Dutou opened the car door as thick as a wall.

Suddenly a strong light came in from the car door, Wei Caiwei couldn’t help closing her eyes, Wu Dutou smelled a **** air, and then saw an acquaintance-isn’t it exactly Lu Tongling and Wang Yanei’s scandal lover, Dr. Wei!

The claustrophobic space, the beauty, the blood… Wu Du has seen the world before and knows how powerful it is. He immediately closed the car door again to block the sight of passers-by, and then split the car window from the outside. He jumped into the carriage, personally protected Wei Caiwei, and then killed him. The subordinate arrested quickly drove the car to the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion, and at the same time sent people to Jinyiwei Yamen to inform the news.

The subordinate asked: “Who do you tell?”

Wu Dutou thought of the various rumors in Beicheng, and said: “Lu Tongling and Wang Yanei will tell you.” New love and old love are indispensable. I can’t afford to offend everyone.

Wei Caiwei gradually adapted to the light in the car window, and said, “Thank you Wu Du for your help.”

Looking at the blood leaking from the white kerchief on Wei Caiwei’s arm, the cracks cut out on the floor, and the blood remaining in the teapot, Wu Du suddenly understood what had happened in the carriage just now.

Dr. Wei really deserves his reputation. He is not an ordinary person. It is no wonder that Lu Tongling and Wang Yanei have been dumped in succession.

Wu Dutou asked, “Who wants to kidnap Doctor Wei?”

Wei Caiwei shook her head blankly, “I don’t know, it happened too suddenly.”

Wei Caiwei thought carefully, if we talk about enmity, I have many enemies, from Yan Shifan Yan Shilang, down to Wang’s wife who has been killed by me, oh, and the White Lotus Sect.

However, my latest enemy is the Wei Eunuch of the King’s Mansion. When I was on Qionghua Island, I had a fight with the Wei Eunuch to protect the beautiful women. Are they going to kill me for this?

As for me pretending to protect Wang Daxia, except for Jin Yiwei, all the guards in the King’s Mansion were killed by Lu Ying and others. King Jin and Wei **** probably didn’t know…

We can’t talk to Wu Dutou about this, so Wei Caiwei simply pretended to be frightened.

Wu Dutou said: “It doesn’t matter, you are safe now. The outside is too dangerous. I don’t know who is staring at you. Let’s go to Shuntian Palace first.”

Wei Caiwei sat quietly, thinking about her enemy. Wu Du has professional habits. He flipped around and took a closer look. He even lifted up the sheepskin cushion on the seat and sniffed it with his nose. “This sheepskin cushion is new, and there is a smell of sheep. It should have just been bought.”

Head Wu Du cut open the back of the sheepskin with a knife to see if there was any entrainment, and found a sunflower pattern mark in it, and immediately gave the mat to his subordinates, “Take this skinning shop and ask, this is the company that sold it. To go.”

After Wu Dutou searched the mat and searched for the seat, he tapped with his hand, and the inside was humming, it should be empty.

“Thank you, Doctor Wei, please.” Wu Du swung his axe and chopped his head. With just two strokes, he chopped the seat in half. As expected, there was something hidden inside, a volume of books.

Wu Dutou pulled out a copy with the cover of “The Whole Tang Poems”, but when I opened it, it was a scripture in it, which read: “Thinking that there was no natural enemy, no one in the Yuan, no mountains and rivers, no human beings, chaos and emptiness. The old Hunyuan, come to establish a world title, come out of the top and bottom, establish three talents, divide into four phases—”

Wu Du started to read, and became excited, “This is the treasure of the White Lotus Sect. It is an evil thing used to confuse people and win over followers.”

Wei Caiwei opened it and saw that although she didn’t know what was written in the Baojuan of the Bailian Sect, the phrase “Yuan has nothing” was exposed. Before Daming, it was originally written as “Yuanlai”. Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of Ming Dynasty, felt that Yuanlai was the return of the Yuan Dynasty, which was unlucky, so he changed “Yuanlai” to the original.

It has been a hundred years since the founding of Ming Dynasty, and all new books have been changed from Yuan to original. Only the old books more than one hundred years ago have not changed, but judging from the ink scent of this book, it was newly printed. Only the Bailian Sect who rebelled against the imperial court would continue to use the word “yuan”.

Wu Dutou said, “Judging from this evidence, it was the hands of the White Lotus Sect.”

Wei Caiwei said in his heart: If the White Lotus Sect wants to kill me, Ding Wu will definitely inform me in advance. Doesn’t Ding Wu know about this?

Jinyi Weiyamen, since performing an ambiguous lover’s drama in front of the **** Wei, Wang Daxia was safe, and the wound was not healed, so she was dragged to the Yamen by workaholic Lu Ying to continue working as a errand. Wang Daxia lay like a weak wind helping willow and Xi Shi. On the book case full of cases, he hummed, “No way, mark the serious injury unhealed, please lead Lu to approve a day of sick leave.”

However, Lu Ying was happy to sign the reimbursement form, but it was difficult to approve the sick leave. “The doctor said, it’s all skin injuries, and you don’t want you to go out on the field, so you can deal with these documents.”

Wang Daxia trembled and picked up the brush, “Lord Lu, please take a look. The writing under the mark is trembling, and it’s really useless.”

It just so happened that Wu Dutou went down to report the letter, “It’s not good, there is something wrong with Doctor Wei.”

Wang Daxia immediately abandoned his pen and went to the army, and raised the Xiuchundao. A pedant turned to the front after the case. From Xi Shi became the overlord of Xi Chu, “What happened? What happened to her?”

The author has something to say: Pinellia: I even cut myself when I got up cruelly

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