Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 139

Chapter 137 Serials

Klang Klang!

Lu Ying repeatedly knocked on the door three times before someone said impatiently from the crack of the door: “What are you knocking on! This is a private Taoist temple in the Royal Mansion, so people who are not busy can enter!”

Lu Ying said: “It was Dao Master Zhiping who asked me to send the letter. Dao Master encountered a little trouble at the Santong Inn, and I have to watch the long pass.”

“Three Seconds” Taoist Taoist name is called Zhiping.

The door opened, and a Taoist priest with a black gauze hat waved her to enter.

The Bailu view place is not big, but it has a noble royal atmosphere. There are two white deer statues on the aisle, which are lifelike. In the middle of the courtyard is a gossip altar. There is a sea lantern in Taichung with a glazed lampshade on it, whether it is windy or windy. , Are perennial immortal. It burns all expensive wax oil, and consumes at least 20 catties of wax oil every day, which shows the extravagance of Bailu View.

As Lu Ying walked, he memorized the position and layout of the Taoist temple. He went back and drew the drawings silently, followed the Taoist priests into the Bailu Hall. There were two rows of Taoist priests in mysterious clothes, each of whom was quite strong. Lu Ying will write on the pazi. The letter from above was handed to the Taoist temple leader sitting on the antler chair in the middle, and it also explained the story of Taoist Zhiping being caught and raped in bed by Butcher Hu.

“…That’s how it happened. Dao Zhiping was detained by Butcher Hu in the three-way inn, and he paid the money with one hand and the others. Dao Zhiping gave me a dime. I will come over and take a walk and give me a letter. Do you want to go? Please give me a quasi letter, the inn is still waiting for me to reply.”

“Bastard!” After reading the distress letter on the handkerchief, Guan Chang patted the handkerchief severely on the case table. “This Zhiping has been planted on women again and again, and there is still no lesson! He will not repent, I think he will die in women in the future. Body!”

Lu Yingxin said: Judging from the master’s reaction, it seems that this Zhiping master’s lustful misbehavior hasn’t been a day or two.

Two rows of Taoist priests opened their mouths one after another, each expressing their opinions, and some persuaded them: “Guan Chang rests on his anger. For the sake of this plan, it is important to quickly pay to rescue Brother Zhiping. Don’t lose too much because of small mistakes.”

Some advocates head-to-head, don’t compromise, “You can’t give money. This is obviously a fairy jump. Senior Brother Zhiping was caught in the trap and was caught. When those city hooligans saw King King’s Palace go down to Anlu, they went to Anlu, and King King’s Mansion was down. No one is above us, so soon we set up a trap to bully our Bailu View. If today is obediently paid the money to redeem people, the matter will be spread ten or ten, and everyone thinks Bailu View is a soft persimmon. Anyone can pinch one. Pinch, the troubles are endless. If there is a Hu Butcher today, and a Li Butcher tomorrow, has it been blackmailed all the time.”

Someone started to stand in line, “Yeah, let’s Bailu watch these Taoist priests, are we afraid that a market butcher will fail? The brothers will go to the Santong Inn to rescue Brother Zhiping, and then beat the butcher severely to see who dares later. To provoke our view of Bailu.”

“If you count me, I will go too.”

There are also objections, “At this time, at that time, when is this, we can’t help His Royal Highness, nor can we add trouble to His Royal Highness. Brother Zhiping just planted a fight on the color character. After this calamity, he will definitely meet. Learn from the lesson, cultivate one’s body and cultivate one’s character. I won’t cause trouble anymore.”

“Second, although there are not many pedestrians on Fengshatian Street, there are many onlookers at the Santong Inn. When it comes out, it will only say that a group of Taoist priests bullied a butcher. It is obvious to all that if the butcher goes to the Yamen to tell Zhipingdao. He is justified in committing adultery with his wife, as well as witnesses. Waiting for the Yamen sent office servants to come and confront Mr. Zhiping before going to the church—isn’t it more troublesome?”

“Yes, if you can’t bear it, you have to make a big plan. You must protect Brother Zhiping. This time, Brother has suffered a big loss, and he will not dare to commit it again in the future.”

Someone sneered, “If Brother Zhiping doesn’t love female sex, sows will go up to the tree. He brought in prostitutes through the back door several times and made the meditation room smoky. I lived next door and heard the noise. He is still dead. Don’t admit it, hide the prostitute in the cabinet. He is a scourge. Sooner or later, we will be cleaned of the scourge of our Bailu View! I don’t need to take money to redeem people, so let the butcher chop off our heads so that we can live a clean life in the future. ”

The implication is to kill the mouth and kill the hidden dangers by Hu Butcher’s hands.

Someone immediately cursed: “You wolf-hearted white-eyed wolf, if Brother Zhiping hadn’t picked you up from the street back then, you would still be begging for food at the Chenghuang Temple with a broken bowl!”

“The one who raised me is clearly His Royal Highness King King, not Senior Brother Zhiping. Now His Royal Highness is being dragged down by this person, in order not to get rid of this burden?”

The two sides started a war of words in order to keep it safe, and if Lu Ying were not present, 80% of them would have to fight.

It seems that after King Jing went to the domain, the reserve position was slim, the hearts of the people were floating, the hearts of the people were scattered, and the team was not easy to lead.

“Stop arguing!” The chief watcher stood up and made a final word, “I’ll talk about getting people back.”

Guan Chang took the silver ticket and took the same door to the Santong Inn with Lu Ying. Wu Dutou actually sat opposite Wang Daxia, toasting and drinking, Zhipingdao squatted in the corner with a swollen nose and a swollen face. help me!”

Looking at the pig’s head in front of him, if it weren’t for a familiar voice, the Guan Chang would not recognize him.

When Wu Dutou saw six people coming from the other side, he pushed the Hun family aside, holding a pig knife and slid in the middle, “Oh, is this paying money or robbing people? There are so many people here, thinking that Butcher Hu is afraid of you stinks. Taoist priests are not successful?”

Guan Chang saw that both Wu Dutou and Wang Daxia were wearing eye veils, “You and your husband are still not showing their true colors. What are you afraid of? Are you accustomed to being celestial dancers, afraid that other suffering masters will recognize them and go to the yamen to go to court? The bank note can be given to you. Take off the eye veil first.”

Wudutou is the signature of Shuntianfu Yamen. He is the hero of fighting tigers. Many people know him. In order to conceal his appearance, he deliberately put a round beard on his chin, but if he takes off his eye veil, he is afraid that he will be caught. Recognizing it, Wu Dutou insisted on not agreeing, found an excuse, and said:

“Don’t think I’m stupid. I asked before I caught the rape. You Bailuguan is the private property of the King’s Mansion. You are all of the prince’s people, and there are many people. If you see your appearance clearly and you find it, you will be attacked in the future. Take revenge on our husband and wife, we don’t even know how to die when we die.”

It seems that the naked fairy jumped. Guan Chang asked: “So your last name is not Hu?”

Wu Dutou chuckled and said, “Of course, no one is true except for the big tits/children of my **** family today.”

Wang Daxia also cooperated with Wu Dutou’s words, shaking her chest like a demonstration, “Do you want to inspect the goods?”

At this time, a game is needed, and whoever has the courage wins.

The Daoist leaders all bowed their heads in surprise, not daring to look directly: This sorrow is too strong, it’s no wonder that Senior Brother Zhiping fell into the trap, and I also…cough!

When I came in, the wanted warrant depicting the portrait of Zhiping the coachman was still posted on the wall of the inn. Fortunately, this reckless man beat Zhiping into a pig’s head. No one onlookers could tell that he was the wanted man on the wall.

It is clearly stated on the wanted order that if this person is caught, one thousand taels of silver will be rewarded.

This brash man who played the fairy dance thought he had made five hundred taels of silver, but he didn’t know that he could reasonably and legally make double!

The leaky idiot, Guan Chang contemptuously slapped five one hundred taels of silver notes on the case table, “Release the people.”

Wu Dutou picked up the bank note, stuffed it into his arms, and took Wang Daxia’s hand, “Let’s go.”

Dao Zhiping saw Wu Du head away, and said angrily: “Huh, a pair of thieves!”


Guan Chang’s hand is a slap, “Flies don’t bite seamless eggs, we Bai Lu Guan’s face has been lost by you! Come, take him back, and deal with it according to the door rules.”

Dao Zhiping knew that he was wrong, and he dared not make a sound when he was beaten. What’s more, compared with Wu Dutou’s heart-felt and disfigured fist, Guan Chang’s slap was like a mosquito bite, which was not painful.

The shopkeeper hurried to catch up, “Um… the money for the house and the money for food and drinks are troublesome to settle.”

In fact, you should find Wu Dutou. After all, Dao Zhiping didn’t really sleep, and he didn’t eat the food, but the sharp pig-killing knife in Wu Du’s hand was so terrible that the shopkeeper didn’t dare to catch up and ask for money, so he squeezed it. Picked up soft persimmons.

The so-called tree fell and scattered. Before the tree of King King actually fell, the view of the white deer that stood high in the past was corrupted by the thieves and the shopkeepers of the three-way inn.

The Guanchang focused on getting back Zhiping’s scourge first. It was not good for him to endure it, and he had to give it money.

Performing a full set of dramas, Wu Dutou and Wang Daxia swaggered all the way through the city, went out of Fuchengmen, disappeared into the wind and sand in the sky, and made a posture of changing places after playing a fairy jump to confuse the audience. In fact, they changed immediately in the suburbs. All dressed up, after finishing the change, he returned to the capital from Zhengyangmen.

When I returned to the capital, it was already dark. After returning to each house, Wu Du headed back to the Shuntian Mansion Yamen, and Wang Daxia went to Jinyiwei Yamen.

As soon as Wang Daxia’s buttocks were next to the bench, Lu Ying gave him a black Taoist gown embroidered with the Bailu View mark, “I want to dive into Bailu View to inquire, change clothes quickly, and someone in the view will answer us.”

It turned out that Lu Ying sent the letter to Bailuguan to go to the Santong Inn to find people. He waited for the leader to take most of the Taoist priests out to the Santong Inn. There were only two people in the temple watching the door, guarding the emptiness, and Jin Yiwei spying I went in quietly and stole a few pieces of Bailuguan Taoist robe, which was convenient for visiting Bailuguan tonight.

The investigation was not easy, Daxia sighed, “Let me take a break, I haven’t eaten dinner yet, and Wu Dutou eats a table of wine and dishes, and I will pretend to be a little daughter-in-law to pour wine and vegetables for him. Worn out.”

Lu Ying said, “Wu Dutou has helped us a lot. You should be waiting for him. If you are hungry, don’t you still bring two Shandong big steamed buns? It’s late, just eat in the car.”

Wang Daxia had to change clothes, combed a bun, and gnawed a bun that was bigger than his head. As he ate, he asked, “How is Doctor Wei today?”

Lu Ying said, “Shanggui has called her into the palace again.”

Wang Daxia was distressed that Wei Caiwei was too tired. She had half a pot of blood a month ago. She just recovered. How could she toss back and forth like this, and asked: “I just came back from the palace the day before yesterday, and I am called again today? This is a lot of precious personnel, Dr. Wei’s body It’s not forged by iron.”

Lu Ying said: “I heard from the brothers who patrolled the palace that a black spot (meaning province, a group of dark shadows) appeared in the palace and ran into the noble man. The noble man was terrified and had a high fever. So he called Dr. Wei Enter the palace.”

The author has something to say: Daxia: I eat myself

Heiyu, pronounced hēish kiss g, is said to be a disaster caused by water and air in the five elements in ancient times. The water in the five elements is black, so it is called “Heiyu”. Before the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, this thing appeared, and the Jiajing Palace also appeared many times. It is still a mystery according to the “Ming Shi” record: In the same year, “July Gengxu, Jingshi Heiwei saw, folk men and women sleep in the street, there are golden eyes to repair their tails,” It looks like a dog, with a black qi into the furrow, until it reaches the secret room, and then the person is unconscious. The city is disturbed, the blade is used to open the lamp, and the golden drum is chasing it. It is not available. The emperor always reigns, and the guards of the Tianmen see it. The emperor desires. From the beginning, Huai’en holds the emperor’s clothes, and the moment is fixed.

It means that this monster has golden eyes, long tails, looks like a dog or a fox, and enters the room with a cloud of black air. Everyone who sees it is unconscious. The entire capital city was alarmed, but it was impossible to catch it. In the end even wanted to break into the palace. The emperor was so scared that he wanted to get up and run away.

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