Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 148

Chapter 146 Husband and boss

“The prince? The prince wakes up, something has happened to the palace.”

Wang Yu hadn’t woke up yet, but Li Jiubao, the person next to the pillow, slept lightly, and was awakened by the out-of-book shouts.

Li Jiubao is now in the Yuwang Mansion, just like Shang Qinglan in the Forbidden City, he is uniquely favored. She is beautiful, gentle and small, no matter what happens, her eyes are calm, like a peaceful lake, which can heal the pain of Yu Wang’s death and his family. Wang Yu often stays in this lake.

Except for the first and fifteenth day of the first day and the fifteenth day of the new year, Wang Yu lived in the main house of the princess, the mother and concubine, the birthday and death days of his wife and children lived in the temple or study, and the rest of the night almost stayed in Li Jiubao’s room.

Although he was very depressed and negative every day, it didn’t matter, but he was only twenty-three years old. He was still a vigorous young man. With such a beautiful woman around him, he was still very positive in bed. Li Jiubao asked for it twice in the evening. Fang stopped with hot water.

After being active, Wang Yu was very tired, so the person outside the account did not wake up after calling twice, but instead woke up Li Jiubao.

Li Jiubao is used to doing housework at home. She often gets up before dawn to do housework and make breakfast for the family. She sleeps very lightly, sits up after hearing this, and asks in a low voice, “Is it Grandpa Li?”

King Yu’s big companion was called Li Fang, an excellent student from the inner school, learned rich and five cars. When King Yu was still a little prince in the palace, Emperor Jiajing chose Li Fang as King Yu’s companion to read and answer questions. From then on, he has been with the prince for honor and disgrace all his life, absolutely loyal, and the prince’s closest partner.

The imperial family of the Yuan Dynasty referred to this kind of people as companions (for example, Guo Jing in Shediao Li was the companion of Genghis Khan’s fourth prince Drag Lei), and the imperial family of the Ming Dynasty continued to use this term and called Da companions.

The **** Wei is the main companion of King Jing. Li Fang is the great companion of King Yu and the chief **** of King Yu’s mansion.

Li Fang said: “The servant is Li Fang, is the prince still awake?”

Li Fang was very good, knowingly asked, Wang Yu’s snoring is clear and audible, but he has been serving since Wang Yu was five years old, knowing that the prince has a strange, hard-headed and paranoid temper, if he sleeps well and is noisy. Wake up, you will definitely be annoyed.

Li Fang thought to himself, I might as well wake Wang Yu as you wake him. The prince may not lose his temper because of the beauty’s face.

Seeing King Yu slept deeply, Li Jiubao said, “The prince is a little tired and hasn’t woken up yet. Is there anything urgent for Grandpa Li?”

Li Jiubao is not stupid, she will not carry this scapegoat! If there is something important, you can answer it yourself.

Li Fang said: “According to several night guards, they saw Heiyu in the palace and fled in fright. Now the people in the palace are panicking, and the princess is also awake. Now all the lanterns in the palace are lit up. Outside, the entrance of the main courtyard also erected the Mid-Autumn Festival Lantern Mountain to prevent the black scorpion from coming in.”

Heiyu is afraid of glare and only appears at night.

Wang Yu has been the shopkeeper for a long time. Princess Yu has been living a widowed marriage for the past two years. Life has honed her out of family management. She does not need the orders from the almost invisible pillar of Wang Yu to make arrangements. It’s proper.

Li Jiubao didn’t believe in ghosts and gods, and asked, “Can someone get hurt?”

Li Fang said: “No. After Heiyu appeared, they ran to the nearest duty room and closed the door.”

Li Jiubao said: “A month ago, the palace was dark, and I have heard about it. It was Lan Daoxing’s method to recover this thing. But our prince knows that he likes Grandpa Lee, and hates this kind of gods and Taoism things the most. If we call the princes. Wake up, the prince is afraid that he will be so angry that he is holding a sword, braving the wind and snow, and looking for the monster everywhere. It is freezing cold, what should the prince hurt his body?”

King Yu hated Taoist priests the most, and even believed in the Buddha to show that he hated Taoist priests. He specifically confronted Lao Tzu. He felt that Taoist priests deceived the public. People outside called Lan Daoxing Zun Lan Shenxian. Wang Yu was disgusted when he heard the word “immortal”. Therefore, Li Jiubao calls his name directly.

Wang Yu is the hope of everyone in the palace, and of course it is also the hope of Li Fang. Li Fang is also worried about the serious consequences of this paranoid prince who violently walks away. He is a prince who even his father dared to face confrontation. Li Jiubao is not worried. It doesn’t make sense.

Li Fang said: “So, then wait and see what happens, and if there is any new news, the servants and maids will come in and pass them on.”

Li Jiubao said, “Okay, I listen to my father-in-law.” Li Jiubao certainly cannot bear this responsibility.

Li Fang: Obviously you said it, how did it become my decision? It seems that this servant Li Xuan is not a servant of Israel, and his brain and lips are very flexible. No wonder King Yu likes her.

Li Fang went to the main room to reply. It was brightly lit, like the day, and Princess Yu was eager to see through. The pillar of the house was still invisible, and he still didn’t come.

Li Fang said: “The prince… hasn’t woken up yet.”

Concubine Yu was angry, “Since such a big thing happened, Li Xuan did not call the prince?” Was she tired last night?

Li Fang said: “The prince has always hated ghosts and gods. He wakes up forcibly, fearing that he will be annoyed. If impulsively, open the door to find the truth about the dark sky. In this stormy night, in case there is something wrong…”

Concubine Yu said in his heart: Every day, my wife is not as good as widowed!

But as the wife and the princess, you shouldn’t have resentment towards the prince. Princess Yu held back her anger and said, “I see, I’m telling you to go down. Those who watch the night must add lamp oil in time. Everyone lights up the seven-star lamp tonight. The fate of Zhuge Liang, the lamp is fate, all the lamps can not be extinguished. You can stay up until dawn before going to sleep.”

Li Fang responded, and after a while, Li Jiubao came and greeted Princess Yu.

Wang Yu doesn’t need to come, but she has to listen to the words of the princess.

Princess Yu saw her eyes light blue, her face looked tired, she seemed to be jealous at night, “Go back, I have someone waiting here, the prince is in your room, in case she wakes up halfway and asks for tea.” Water, it’s okay if you don’t have a caring person to serve you?”

“Yes.” Li Jiubao withdrew.

Li Jiubao didn’t seem to have heard one of the ironies in Princess Yu’s words. She did not defend herself.

But in the eyes of Princess Yu, her obedience was a kind of silent resistance.

The madam on the side said: “The princess praises Li Xuan too much on weekdays. It’s just a concubine. The princess took her to the main courtyard to live in, and she wanted to fly to the branch if there was not enough heart for her to swallow an elephant.”

Of course, Princess Yu didn’t want to live with a concubine, and said: “When the pomegranate garden is repaired, move her over. Her yard must be the largest and most beautiful among the nine servants. It also played a role. Without Dr. Wei’s relationship, Shi Lang would not put money so quickly.”

“In the future, the prince loves to go to her place. Going ten times a day will not hinder my eyes. I can live quietly. As long as she keeps her duty, I will not treat her badly. I am not the one who crosses the river and tears down the bridge. Otherwise, in the future Who dares to help us?”

After listening to it, the maid dared not speak anymore.

Princess Yu is actually only eighteen years old this year. After two years of marrying into the royal family, the cruel reality has transformed her from a naive girl with a little longing for love, marriage and the future to treating the Princess as a job, every day. It is a vicissitudes of life working for the Royal Palace of Yu.

It’s just that Princess Yu is also a human being, and sometimes she feels jealous when she feels turbulent in her heart. But she was unlucky and came soon or late. It happened that Yu Wang was stuffed in to become the princess two months after his son, wife, and daughter died in succession.

Wang Yu couldn’t refuse to marry him, but he silently kept his original wife’s filial piety for a year before concluding with her.

Princess Yu sighed: This is all fate! In addition to accepting, what else can be done.

By daybreak, there was no black spot, and finally got through.

Concubine Yu looked at the lamp oil money on the bill and felt distressed: Oops, it’s really spending money like water, I have to save some money.

Li Jiubao waited on Wang Yu to wash, and Li Fang, behind the curtain, spoke lightly about the dark matter last night.

King Yu really didn’t take it seriously, “The more you deal with this kind of gods and Taoism, the more you deal with it with great fanfare, the more panic you will be. The human heart is sinister.”

Wang Yu went to the main room, and Princess Yu hurriedly greeted her husband. Today is the birthday of the deceased eldest daughter. Reasonably, Wang Yu will go to the temple in the morning to do things for the eldest daughter. When he comes back in the evening, he spends the night alone in the study.

Princess Yu did not expect her husband to come back to the main room, and quickly said: “I ordered someone to put the prince’s breakfast in Li Xuan’s room yesterday, and I want them to put it in the main room.”

Wang Yu said: “I already know what happened last night. In the future, the princess should not panic like last night. This kind of ghosts and gods are not credible. Most of them are **** and scare themselves. Recently, the palace has been overhauled, and many craftsmen have Living in the mansion, there are many people with mixed eyes. Last month, there was a dark sacred incident in the palace. Our palace immediately had it. This is a coincidence. I am afraid that some people are making trouble. Since I was young, I have seen this kind of thing. That’s too much. Don’t do bad things, don’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. The princess is not afraid, and the subordinates will not be afraid. If you calmly deal with everything, those demons and sprites will not be close.”

Princess Yu hurriedly responded, “I listen to the prince.”

Wang Yu said: “Then order the kitchen, no alcohol is allowed in the evening, and prepare lamb soup and hot noodle soup for the night watchers. If you drink too much alcohol, you have hallucinations. One person said they saw it, and the others would say if they didn’t. I see it, one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, this is how the rumors come.”

Princess Yu winked at the maid on the side, “Hurry up and go to the kitchen!”

King Yu exhorted a few more words. Concubine Yu nodded like a chicken, either “yes or yes”, or “yes, yes, yes”, and treats her husband as the boss.

Wang Yu finally said: “I will go to Guanghua Temple today. I will be back before dark. I will have dinner at home. I will call Li Xuan to wait for them. We will gather together to stabilize the hearts of the people. If you have nothing to do during the day, just copy. The Buddhist scriptures can accumulate good fortune, and can also cultivate one’s body and nature.”

Princess Yu said: “The prince is right. Everyone copied the Diamond Sutra a hundred times.”

At the same time, Wei Caiwei moved here early in the morning in the northern city of the capital, in the Shichahai Lufu Courtyard. Today is Wang Daxia’s 15th birthday. The three sat together and ate Wang Daxia’s longevity noodles.

After the meal, Wang Daxia rested here today to recover from a leg injury. Lu Ying was going to go to Jinyiweiyamen in the snow. Wang Daxia joked: “My birthday today, will Lu Commander not give me some gifts?”

Lu Ying looked around, “This house is not mine, it belongs to my father.”

Wang Daxia shivered with fright, “You give me I dare not ask for it-if I can cash out the five hundred taels of silver today, it would be the best gift.”

Lu Ying thought for a while, “This matter cannot be made public yet, but the bounty can be given to you in advance, but in this case I can’t be the master. I have to go to the Yamen and ask my father to sign it.”

Wang Daxia dragged her injured leg and acted like a baby, “Please.” I am anxious to earn my wife’s money!

Lu Ying said, “You wait for me, it’s not a big problem.”

Lu Ying turned on his horse, Wei Caiwei remembered something, and hurried over and said: “It’s important to watch Master Lu, don’t drink, don’t drink, don’t drink, repeat at least 10,000 times a day.”

According to the process of the previous life, it was only seventeen days from Wang Daxia’s self-governing. It was only twenty-five days before Lu Bing died suddenly after drinking.

In this life, Wang Daxia’s suffering from the palace has been completely eradicated. But Wei Caiwei on Lu Bing’s side has been uneasy. He has had two serious strokes, especially at the end of the new year, and when socializing was the most, he was afraid that it would prevent him from drinking alcohol.

The author has something to say: the arrow is on the string, and it will be triggered. It’s the weekend again. This chapter will give you 100 red envelopes. I wish you all a happy weekend Early risers have red envelopes to take hahahahahaha

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