Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 156

Chapter 154 Live up to the youth

Lu Bing’s body was sent to Lu Mansion before dawn.

Lu Ying had sent a letter to the family before, and Li Yiren, the head of the house, stayed up all night, anxiously waiting for her husband and daughter to return, but unexpectedly waited for the terrible news of her husband’s death.

Although Li Yiren is a concubine, but after a brief shock, the wife of the head family held back grief and arranged a funeral overnight. Her husband was only 51 years old and had not shown any signs before. Li Yiren was unprepared. The family members stayed in the middle of the night. Knock on the store door to buy ingot candles, white cloth curtains, and even hemp mourning clothes need to be made fresh. It was too hasty, Li Yiren managed the family well, but still couldn’t do what he wanted.

Fortunately, the three daughters who have been married are all noblewomen of the wealthy family. The family has a solid family. The maiden family came to report the funeral in the middle of the night. The Yan Mansion of Yan Song, the first minister of the in-laws’ cabinet, was startled in the middle of the night, and one after another sent inventory for funeral affairs to the family to relieve the Lu family’s urgent needs.

Especially Yan Shifan, his in-laws, he was sleeping soundly in the bed with his beautiful concubine in his arms. He heard that he rolled off the bed like a ball, “Donghu! Donghu! You are so secretive! Even I was coaxed by you.” Up!”

Yan Shifan changed his mourning clothes and rushed to Lu Mansion, while the capital was still under curfew. Lu Bing’s other three in-laws arrived one after another.

Cabinet Minister Xu Jie. Cheng Guo Gong Zhu Xizhong. And Wu Peng, the official secretary who has just made marriage arrangements for his children.

For the bad news of Lu Bing’s sudden recurrence of a stroke, the four parents were not prepared. They observed each other’s faces to confirm whether the other party had just found out.

I confirmed the look in my eyes, but everyone didn’t know.

The Yan family and Xu Jie are political enemies, but they are also Lu Bing’s relatives. Lu Bing died violently. The two put aside their political views and worked together to manage Lu Bing’s funeral. Lu Bing’s eldest son, Lu Yi, was only fourteen years old, and they had just been with Wu Peng. The daughter is engaged, she is still a ignorant boy and can’t set up an account yet.

This time, Yan Shifan, an iron rooster who can’t get in, was very generous this time. He brought his own gardening craftsman to help Lu’s family set up a filial shed, and hung a white lantern to hang it up as bright as day.

Xu Jie’s writing is the best. He was a Tanhua Lang in the second year of Jiajing, so he took the initiative to write an epitaph for his family. With Xu Jie’s writing style and political status, his epitaphs are hard to find.

Wu Peng is a senior official in the bureaucracy and is known as the world’s number one official. All the appointments and assessments of civil officials are under his control. Lu Bing’s eldest son, Lu Yi, is his prospective son-in-law, so he takes the future son-in-law and takes responsibility for welcoming and sending him. Condolences the guests.

Cheng Guogong Zhu Xizhong is a veteran honor in the capital, and his ancestor is a hero in the battle of Jingnan. He is also an effective military commander. He is in charge of the Shenji Camp, the Admiral 13th Regiment Camp and the Fifth Army Camp. He holds half of the defense power of the capital. The condolences from Xungui and the military attache were received by him.

Each of Lu Bing’s in-laws are the top big figures in their respective circles.

In this way, with the full assistance of the four in-laws, the unprepared Lu Mansion was ready to stop when Lu Bing’s body was delivered to his home, sad and not chaotic.

With a “sorrow”, Lu Mansion’s cry almost tore through the flying snow all over the sky.

Emperor Jiajing gave the nurse the last ride, and was so sad that he couldn’t fall asleep. He asked the court painter to take out the portrait of Lu Bing before, and hung a large shadow (full-length portrait) and a half-length body on the wall, silently hanging down. Tears, and then he took a pen to personally write the edict to call Lu Bing a loyal uncle, and gave him the posthumous title “Wu Hui”, praising him for “breaking against humiliation, being selfless for being hardworking”, and giving sacrifices to the sixteen altars-the lord of the Duke There are only sixteen altars, and the sacrifices have surpassed him as a posthumous earl (Note 1).

He gave 50 stone horses of burlap and ordered the Ministry of Industry to build a coffin for Lu Bing and build a tomb. Before his death, Lu Bing was the first official of the Ming Dynasty’s first Taishi, Taibao, Taifu and Shaoshi, Shaobao and Shaofu. After death, they were given these honors.

Given these, Emperor Jiajing felt that it was not enough, and he sealed Lu Bing’s eldest son Lu Yi as Jin Yiwei’s commander, so that the good son would inherit his father’s business in the future.

Huang Jin said tremblingly: “The emperor, Uncle Zhongzheng passed away suddenly. The most urgent task now is that Jin Yiwei has no leader. Lu Yi is only fourteen years old and has no experience. As the eldest son of the heir, he still has to observe a three-year filial piety period. He is far from when he can be in charge.”

Emperor Jiajing sighed: “Unfortunately, Lu Ying is not a man.”

Who do you choose to replace Brother Nai? You must choose a person who can help the Lu family and cultivate and support Lu Yi without any selfishness as the Jinyiwei commander. Emperor Jiajing thought about it and wrote the name of that person.

Zhu Xixiao.

Zhu Xixiao is the younger brother of Gong Guo Gong Zhu Xizhong, and Zhu Xizhong is one of Lu Bing’s relatives. His eldest son, the eldest son of Gong Guo Gong, married Lu Bing’s eldest daughter.

Cheng Guogong is a veteran and noble man, and the two brothers are both capable generals. The ability, status, and close relationship with Lu Bing are the most suitable place for Zhu Xizhong to take over the command of Jin Yiwei.

As a result, the edict to post Lu Bing as a loyal uncle and the edict to post Zhu Xixiao as the commander of Jin Yiwei were issued almost simultaneously from Xiyuan.

After finishing writing the edict, Emperor Jiajing cried over Lu Bing’s portrait again. He didn’t think about tea and rice, and the people were all haggard. Huang Jin had no choice but to ask his concubine Shang Zhaoyi to come and persuade him to eat.

Shang Qinglan still has the ability. She knew that Emperor Jiajing was in a bad mood, so she dressed plainly, did not apply powder, and did not just persuade the old emperor to talk about Lu Bing.

“Uncle Zhongzheng was the emperor’s childhood playmate. What did you play when you were young?”

Emperor Jiajing was confiding in finding someone. When he saw the young Shang Qinglan, he remembered the green time with Lu Bing, his childhood in Anlu, Hubei…

When Huang Jin came again, Emperor Jiajing stopped crying. Both of him and Shang Zhaoyi took off their shoes and robes. They only wore short coats and trousers. Both of them were golden roosters independently, holding the ankles of the other leg in both hands and jumping on the ground. Jump around, hit the opponent with your bent knees.

This is a small fighting game called “opposite crutches” often played by young boys in the alleys of the city. Whoever is hit and falls first or puts down his left foot in the air loses.

Although Shang Qinglan is a woman, she is a master of “cross-cutting” at first glance. She leaped and moved flexibly, avoiding the impact of Emperor Jiajing, and then jumped behind her back to attack.

After all, Emperor Jiajing was almost fifty years old. In addition, he hadn’t eaten and the chassis was unstable. He was hit by Shang Qinglan and quickly let go. Put his left foot on the ground and stand firmly, otherwise he would fall.

“I won!” Shang Qinglan’s face was sweaty, “He admits his gambling and accepts his defeat, and those who lose will be punished.”

Emperor Jiajing panted, “What is the punishment?”

Shang Qinglan said: “Just punish the emperor to eat a bowl of rice, and no grain of rice is allowed to remain.”

Emperor Jiajing really went to the table for dinner!

Watching Huang Jinxin said: Heiyan is a fake monster made by Lan Daoxing. Shang Zhaoyi is the real vixen!

In this way, Emperor Jiajing slowly accepted the rest of his life without a grandmother under the healing of the invincible and charming concubine Shang Qinglan. He still cultivated immortals and asked, but he no longer touched the pill, and he no longer spoiled a certain one by himself. Taoist priest.

Outside the palace, when he learned that Lu Bing’s relative Zhu Xizhong’s younger brother Zhu Xixiao had become the new Jinyiwei commander, Wang Daxia immediately told Wei Caiwei, “…Now there’s no need to worry about Lu Ying’s position being occupied. The emperor elected Zhu Xixiao. The new commander, in addition to his ability, just wants him to take care of the Lu family.”

Wei Caiwei is born again. Of course, she knows who the next commander will be, but, “…The emperor named Lu Ying’s younger brother Lu Yi as the commander of Jin Yiwei, one rank higher than Lu Ying’s official. She should hope that Lu Yi will be able to do so in the future. The son inherited his father’s inheritance, and the emperor asked Zhu Xixiao to take care of Lu Yi instead of Lu Ying in the edict. You still can’t take it lightly.”

Wang Daxia was more optimistic, “Lu Ying is a woman, and he is still the illegitimate son of his uncle loyal to the outside world. Therefore, the emperor is not easy to say clearly in the edict, but Zhu Xixiao must know-he doesn’t know how this position came from, how dare to offend Lu Ying ?”

“You don’t understand.” Wei Caiwei said: “The world has different requirements for men and women. What is good for a man is to pave the way for him, help him get up and get rich. So the emperor will name the new commander in the edict. Zhu Xixiao took good care of Lu Yi. But for women, the world feels that being good to a woman has nothing to do with her being promoted and getting rich, but to marry a man who can get promoted and get rich.”

Wei Caiwei moved a pot of daffodils closer to the brazier to help it open up as soon as possible. “The world believes that a woman is a vine or a silk flower and must climb tall trees to reach the sky, rather than relying on it like a man. Self-reliance. Those self-righteous men think that Lu Ying is happier to marry a good man and find a so-called good destination than to make her own meritorious work. Therefore, Zhu Xixiao’s role as a commander is good or bad for Lu Ying. unknown.”

“What I am worried about is that they will be self-righteous,’good for you’, and persuade her to give up her career, return to the family, and find a good man for her after the three-year filial piety period, and she will be married with a red makeup.”

“”It’s all for your good’, huh, how many acts that ruin a girl’s future are all in your name.”

Ask yourself, if, six months ago, Wang Daxia had not known Wei Caiwei, had not understood Lu Ying’s vigorous, vigorous, and compassionate people, he would be like everyone around him, thinking that a woman’s ignorance is a virtue, and studying and martial arts are useless, so quickly find someone. A good wife’s life is the best result.

Now, Wang Daxia has quietly changed his view of women. He held his chest in front of him, “I don’t care, I only listen to Lu Ying’s words, as long as Lu Ying returns to Jinyiweiyamen, we will let her send it. Until then, no one will be allowed. I want to touch her position.”

Looking at the determined Wang Daxia, Wei Caiwei’s heart touched, “I hope you and Lu Ying can make each other better.”

Fifteen days after stopping the spirit, Lu Bing was buried in the family cemetery he chose, Sanlitun outside Chaoyangmen, where he was buried. From then on, the breeze and the moon will be with you.

Here is the dowry field of Wang Daxia’s deceased mother, and Li Jiubao’s father and brother participated in the construction of the sacrificial house and ancestral hall. There is cause and effect in the dark.

After the funeral, the New Year will be celebrated. Because of the death of Lu Bing and the hasty past of this year, there is no sign of celebration. Even outsiders like Wei Caiwei are not in the mood to celebrate the new year. They just posted window grilles and couplets, and put them on the 30th night and the first morning A hang of firecrackers.

After the fifteenth of the first lunar month, the year is over.

On the sixteenth of the first lunar month, the major government offices in the capital were about to take out the sealed official seals, and they were about to start working as errands.

Before dawn, Lu Ying got up early, tied his chest, washed his hair, combed his hair into a man’s appearance, dressed in a plain suit, and carried an embroidered spring knife out of the boudoir.

“Stop.” Mother Li Yiren called to her, “Your father is gone, what else would you do as a girl in Jinyiwei? Even your brother has to go to Sanlitun to study and practice martial arts and be filial piety for three years. If you don’t get rid of it, you’re going to show up?

Lu Ying said: “Does my opponent won’t make trouble because I was in the filial piety period? The White Lotus Sect has a new trend, and I am going out to do something.”

The author has something to say: The article “The War of Defense” has begun in September. Draw 1,000 readers with a subscription rate of more than 90%, and randomly divide 50,000 Jinjiang coins! ! ! Draw on the 18th.

Note 1: From Xu Jie’s “The Collection of Shijingtang·Ming Gu Taibao and Shao Fu Houjun Dudu Fu Zuo Duo Zhang Jinyi Wei Shi gifted to the loyal uncle Wu Hui Donghu Lu Cemetery”: “…Therefore, there was an edict: Bingyu A loyal minister, a loyal uncle, a posthumous posthumous title of Wuhui. Sixteen altars, 50 stone horses of fast food and linen cloth. The Ministry of Commanding Works has a coffin to make shining, and the Yinzi of the Ministry of War is a commander of Jinyi. You, Zhu Gong, the superintendent in charge of guarding affairs, protects him and manages his family affairs.”

In other words, Emperor Jiajing entrusted Lu Yi to the commander Zhu Xixiao of Jin Yiwei.

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