Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 161

Chapter 159 It’s my turn

Lu Ying and the others followed Wu Xiaoqi’s gaze. A middle-aged man with white face and beard, gentle manner, and a pair of tortoiseshell-leg glasses on the bridge of his nose, walked into the inn, followed by dozens of others. The brawny man, holding the banner of the three-way escort.

The three-way **** is the largest **** in the Central Plains.

Wang Daxia questioned: “It looks unremarkable, he looks like an ordinary passerby, and his eyes are still presbyopic. Are you sure he is rumored to be chic, a three-inch tongue, trusted by famous prostitutes, and among pirates. Luo Longwen, an anti-Japanese celebrity who mediates and provokes infighting? They all say that the bustard loves banknotes and his sister loves pretty. He doesn’t look much like him.”

Even Lu Ying and Wei Caiwei don’t think they are alike, they also think that Luo Longwen should be at least half as handsome as Wang Daxia.

This time Wu Xiaoqi was anxious, “It’s really him, like a fake replacement. He is very old in the past few years. With a beard and glasses, people change their appearance, but I will never read it wrong. I have been staring at Yan Shifan’s doorstep.”

Nor can it be blamed on Wang Daxia and others for judging people by appearance, it is indeed that Luo Longwen is too famous.

In addition to raising dead men, Yan Shifan also had many other disciples who were proficient in other special skills. Luo Longwen was good at making ink, and even Emperor Jiajing liked his ink very much, but he was “famous” and became Yan Shifan’s first disciple because of a woman. Wang Cuiqiao.

Wang Cuiqiao was born in a scholarly family. After the eunuchs, the family fell into a slump and became a thin horse raised by a prostitute. Later, he became a famous prostitute in the south of the Yangtze River. Mrs. Zhai, Wang Cuiqiao is proficient in writing and ink, and Xu Hai’s writings are all ghostwriters.

Xu Hai has real Japanese pirates and fake Japanese pirates with over 100,000 troops. He often beats Hu Zongxian, an anti-Japanese general, to outsmart him. It just so happens that Luo Longwen and Xu Hai are fellow villagers, and Luo Longwen is still proficient in the Japanese language, so he is sent to negotiate.

Luo Wenlong is a master of ink making. Knowing that Wang Cuiqiao likes elegance, he chose what he likes and gifted it with ink. He persuaded Wang Cuiqiao to blow the pillow wind for Xu Hai and accept the court’s call for security. Xu Hai will be appointed official in the future.

Wang Cuiqiao was originally the daughter of officials and officials. She was forced to go into the dust and became a pirate and his wife was involuntarily. Taking the right way and being a good lady was fatal to her, so she blew a tenth-level pillow wind.

It happened that Xu Hai and the real Japanese widows and others were not evenly sharing the spoils, and there was a conflict of interest. Xu Hai killed Maye and other real wives and dedicated them to Hu Zongxian as a certificate to show that he changed his evil spirits and accepted the offer.

Hu Zongxian saw Xu Hai’s pirate group committing suicide, and its strength was weakened. The backhand was just a shot, and he fought with Xu Hai. In the end, Xu Hai was defeated and committed suicide.

Compared with **** wars, people are more willing to spread love stories, especially tragic love stories that are beautiful and tragic. In fact, Xu Hai is more than just a woman Wang Cuiqiao, he also competes with the real Japanese pirates for another woman, but word of mouth, people say The story of Xu Hai and Wang Cuiqiao is becoming more and more perfect, becoming the only one of each other, Luo Longwen, who has been successful in fighting against the Japanese, has become a villain that everyone spurns.

Now, five years have passed since Wang Cuiqiao jumped into the sea and died in love. Luo Longwen, worried about being chased by the remaining Japanese pirates, went to the capital to go to Yan Shifan, where he spent five years in a clean life.

Yan Shifan opened up an escape route for the family in advance. No one knows the environment of the coastal generation better than Luo Longwen, and it is most appropriate to send him there. Luo Longwen deliberately grows a beard because he is worried about being recognized by his deceased. In fact, his eyes do not have presbyopia. Wearing glasses will change a person’s appearance and temperament. The crystal polished lens on it is actually flat.

In addition, he also hired a three-way **** to protect the capital given by Yan Shifan, and set out with complete preparations.

When staying in the inn, you must register with your real name. Luo Longwen walked to the inn counter and took out the household registration and road guide, “Zhang Shan, antique dealer.”

Lu Ying and the others exchanged glances. Seeing that everyone didn’t believe it, Wu Xiaoqi went outside to look at the goods protected by the three-way escort.

There are guardians around the carriage, but the ice and snow in Linqing have begun to melt, and the road is muddy. Wu Xiaoqi looked at the marks of the two deep silt wheels and ran back to Lu Ying and said, “The things on their car are heavy. It’s half darker than our wheel prints. How could it be an antique seller.”

Lu Ying said: “You go to the customs to find out, this is how the antique dealer in Zhangshan passed the customs and how much tax he paid.”

Linqing is one of the most important cities in the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal that connects the north to the south of the Ming Dynasty. As long as merchants enter and exit Beijing, they must pass the Linqing customs and pay taxes. Therefore, Linqing is the first of the eight customs inspections. The tax amount is seven times that of the two major customs, Hangzhou and Yangzhou combined.

When Lu Ying passed the customs this time, he paid more than 30 taels of tariffs.

Wu Xiaoqi led the way. At this time, a person came down the stairs and suddenly attracted Wei Caiwei’s eyes. It was Ding Wu!

After a long absence, Wei Caiwei grasped the legs of the table tightly, so that she would not rush to see each other impulsively.

Ding Wu is not alone, there is a middle-aged man behind him, who should be a close friend of the leader Zhao Quan.

When the two walked to the counter, Ding Wu asked the shopkeeper: “Can the ship be opened tomorrow? We have been waiting for several days.”

The ice in the Linqing section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has melted away, but there is still ice as thick as bricks on both sides of the bank. Large merchant ships are frozen on the ice and cannot move.

The shopkeeper said, “It’s been sunny all day long. It should be almost the same, but it’s not enough. The people who pass the pass will use artillery to fire at the ice. The boat can move, and it gets warmer and warmer to the south, and it’s all water.”

Ding Wu seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and the two sat down to have a meal. At this time, a group of pink rouge came like butterflies to solicit business.

Linqing is the first customs of the Ming Dynasty, and there are big merchants, so the customs industry is developed, no less than the Qinhuai River in Nanjing, here is known as “32 Hualiu Lane, 72 Orchestra Tower”.

The Xie’s restaurant where Ding Wu and the others stayed is the largest restaurant in Chaoguan, Linqing. There are more than 100 boxes and pavilions upstairs and downstairs. The building body is painted in vermilion red, the windows are painted with green paint, and the windows are opened. It seemed that the Grand Canal was like a white line, passing through the mountains, and there were large merchant ships on both sides, so you couldn’t see the side at a glance.

In winter, the river is covered by ice and snow, and there are fewer merchants and business is not easy to do, so these brothel women come to Xie’s restaurant to solicit customers.

These girls are all dressed up and pretty, but there are fewer porridge and more monks, and they need to use some means to grab the guests.

Lu Ying is the most handsome, looks rich and suave, and soon became the prey of the girls. Seeing that she was about to be besieged by Hua Butterfly, Lu Ying had her own countermeasures. She calmly poured a glass of wine and said to Wang Daxia next to him: “Qi brother, drink this glass.”

Wang Daxia was taken aback, Lu Ying was already holding the wine glass on his lips, very affectionate.

Wang Daxia suddenly realized that Lu Ying chose to harass herself in order to avoid being harassed by women in the brothel.

Wang Daxia landed Ying’s hand and drank the wine all at once.

Observing Ding Wu and Wei Caiwei here from the corner of his eyes, Ding Wu touched his chin and Wei Caiwei stroked his forehead.

The girls are all battle-tested veterans. At first glance, they know that Lu Ying has special hobbies and can’t touch them. They whispered, “Huh, it’s another **** seller”, “The business is already weak, and the men are coming to us. Grab business”.

The girls stepped back and rushed to Ding Wu.

Ding Wu was already familiar with this kind of scene, and he smiled and threw a fist to the girls, “I’m sorry, my sisters, there is a Hedong Lion at home, but he was discovered by Hedong Lion, and I was afraid that I would go into the flower house and catch the flowers and moon appearances of my sisters. It’s not pretty.”

Ding Wu pointed to his companion, “It’s my flower brother who wants to talk about Fengyue with your sisters.”

This man is short and sturdy, wearing a leather jacket, and his thumb is covered with a mahjong block-like golden finger. He looks like a nouveau riche. The girls rushed up, and the distance between the legs of this chair is Wu Dalang. The living flower brothers boasted as a flower.

Brother Hua picked up two girls with soft **** and soft voices upstairs.

Xie’s restaurant is sensual, only Wei Caiwei pretends to be a quack and no one cares about it. The restaurants are all big businessmen. She is plainly dressed. There is only a bowl of rice on the table, a stack of five-party tempeh, a bowl of yam meatballs, and even No wine at all.

So poor and sore, the girls ignored her, they all had to eat well.

Wei Caiwei mixed the tempeh into the rice and immersed himself in the meal. The excitement was theirs, and she only found it noisy.

Brother Hua had been sent upstairs and stepped into Gentle Country. Ding Wu walked over and sat opposite Wei Caiwei, “This doctor, how much does it cost to get a pulse?”

Wei Caiwei put down her rice bowl and said, “Twenty essays, prescribing medicine is not counted.” Her face was calm, her heart surged, her breath rose, choking her rice in her throat, she couldn’t get up, she quickly poured a cup of tea before she went down. .

This cup of tea betrayed her excitement, and she couldn’t be calm and calm in the face of her righteous brother who grew up together.

Ding Wu counted out twenty cents and put his wrist on the dinner table.

Wei Caiwei held Ding Wu’s hand tightly. She is a doctor whose pulse is faster than the “patient”, her eyes are facing each other, she can’t see enough about everything.

Wei Caiwei missed Ding Wu. Why not Ding Wu? The two of them lived in Tieling for ten years, like a pair of brothers and sisters. When he learned that someone pretended to be Bailianjiao to kidnap Banxia sister in the street, he wished to return to the capital immediately.

Now both of them look good. They were full of emotions for a while, and the excitement around seemed to have disappeared, leaving only each other.

This pulse has a long time. So in full view, Lu Ying led Wang Daxia over and said, “Doctor, my brother Qi is unwell recently, you can see.”

Wang Daxia had long seen Wei Caiwei’s hold on Ding Wu’s hand unpleasant, and immediately rolled up her sleeves, exposing her white arms, and swung across the dinner table, “It’s my turn.”

Wei Caiwei’s face was expressionless: “You also have to come first to see the doctor.”

Wang Daxia took out a silver coin, “Is it enough to join the team?”

Wei Caiwei was looking for a chance to have acupuncture and cupping to talk to Ding Wu in the room. Seeing that Wang Daxia was going to disrupt the situation, she was very annoyed, so she collected money and gave him his pulse. After a while, she let go and said loudly: “Congratulations, Madam Hexi, you are so happy!”

The author has something to say: There is only one and countless times for women’s clothing.

Note 1: From the 92nd chapter of “Jin Ping Mei”. The background of Jin Ping Mei is the last year of Jiajing. It is the same as this article. Therefore, the description of Linqing in this article comes from Jin Ping Mei. The story of Ximen Qing and Pan Jin Lian took place here. Xie’s restaurant is also the largest restaurant in Linqing County in Jin Ping Mei. Ximenqing’s son-in-law Chen Jingji is the largest shareholder of the restaurant.

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