Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 173

Chapter 171 Shuang Xia Hop Wai

The army was in chaos outside, and the road to beg for medicine (rescue soldiers) was dangerous. Wang Daxia and Ding Wu tried their best to ask Lu Ying to take all Jinyiwei to **** Wei Caiwei out. The two of them mediated with King Ming in the city. Wang Daxia finally used a beautifying trick and chopped off King Ming’s head.

However, Wei Caiwei was still worried that the two would be isolated and helpless in the city, so she went to persuade Luo Longwen to help, and his 30 or so three-way escorts could kill at least two real Japanese pirates alone.

Wei Caiwei had a decisive expression of Jing Ke’s stabbing King Qin, and said: “Mrs. Ximen went to serve King Ming that day…”

Wei Caiwei punched the table fiercely, as if he was wearing a green hat by King Ming, “The beast of King Ming knows that he is already in his arms, and he played with him for a whole day.”

The women he likes are all taken over by Japanese pirates. Luo Longwen sympathizes with Wei Caiwei, “The Japanese pirates are like this, cold-blooded and cruel, without moral conscience, and disregarding human relations. Fortunately, Mrs. Simon is in good health and did not kill anyone, so she took a bite as a dog. To restore her body, and when I leave the city in the future, I will definitely help you elope. Forget about these unpleasant things and live a good life in the future.”

Luo Longwen has never regretted cooperating with Hu Zongxian to persuade Xu Hai to surrender, pretending to be a pirate, and a Japanese pirate is a pirate.

Wei Caiwei said: “Now, I won’t lie to the boss. In fact, on the day Mrs. Simon was serving King Ming, I asked him to quietly pour a packet of medicine into the drink… Now King Ming is dying of the sun, and he starts to urinate. Yes, I went to the doctor for a sudden illness. Even me, a quack doctor, asked him to see him. I lied that there is Tianshan Snow lotus that can cure all diseases. I went out of the city to seek medicine for the King of Ming. In fact, I went to move rescue soldiers and told the army that King Ming was about to die. There will be chaos, and Fuxinghuacheng will be taken back as soon as possible. The boss of Ximen can’t bear the insult of his wife, and is willing to take his men to **** me out of the city to rescue soldiers.”

Luo Longwen was overjoyed: “Ming King is really dying?”

“It’s true.” Wei Caiwei said: “Boss Ximen and I are going out of the city soon. King Ming is not stupid. He is worried that we will inform the officers and soldiers to tell this top-secret news, so he detains Mrs. Ximen in the camp and takes him as a hostage. Threaten us.”

Luo Longwen was so angry that his joints started to hurt again, “This beast!”

For the safety of Ding Wu and Wang Daxia, Wei Caiwei threw herself on her knees without hesitation, “I know this is difficult for Boss Zhang, but I only know Boss Zhang because of my unfamiliar life. Boss Ximen and I will definitely go to Qi Jiajun to ventilate. The reporter, when the time comes to fight, also ask boss Zhang to do our best to protect Mrs. Simon. Now we don’t dare to elope, we just want to kill King Ming and avenge Mrs. Simon’s shame.”

Luo Longwen helped Wei Caiwei up, “I can’t think of you, a quack who looks weak and weak, and Jing Ke’s bravery and tactics to assassinate Qin. I have always hated Japanese pirates. Last time I was outnumbered, and I could only watch Mrs. Simon’s humiliation. This time, No matter what, I can’t just sit by and watch, I will stand by and help you meet inside and outside.”

Wei Caiwei said: “Boss Ding is also a person on one of our boats. He recently wandered among the SF ship boss and dozens of merchant ships trapped in Xinghua City. In the future, he will help fight Japanese pirates, and he should be able to gather hundreds of people. If I Able to successfully bring Qi’s army to attack Xinghua City, red lotus fireworks will be placed in the sky, which is the signal to raise troops. At that time, boss Zhang will take the **** to the city gate to meet him, shouting, “Ming King is dead, and the city gate is broken. ‘The slogan, the thieves will be defeated.”

At the time the Japanese pirates conquered Xinghua City, it was from “come here” to the false rumor that “the Japanese are here”, which led to the loss of confidence in the defenders of Xinghua city, the collapse of the military spirit, and almost no fight to flee, and Xinghua city was sent to Xinghua in vain. In the hands of Japanese pirates.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Does this plan sound good?

Luo Longwen sighed: “I’m old, or you young people are bloody. I’m still here waiting for reinforcements to break the city. You have poisoned King Ming, the leader of the Japanese pirates, and the future generations are terrible. You can safely move the soldiers. Instead of sitting and waiting for death, you might as well let go. Give it a go, I will help you all the way.”

Wei Caiwei not only used poison, but also did an excellent job of united front work. Even the people of his mortal enemy Yan Shifan were won by her for a boat.

Before leaving the city, Wei Caiwei repeatedly urged Wang Daxia, “You should restrain yourself, don’t be too waved and coquettish, and protect yourself.”

Wang Daxia pointed Lanhua, shook her group fan violently, and urged: “You go, hurry up and finish this battle. When summer comes, I will die of heat.”

The two cotton bales on the chest will become heavier every night when they are removed—because they absorb sweat.

Wei Caiwei gave him a pack of prickly heat powder, “I added four times the amount of borneol in it.”

When Wang Daxia applied the special prickly heat powder, she suddenly felt wind under her chest: It is the wife who loves me the most, oooo.

Wang Daxia was comfortable, and when he brought the medicine to the King Ming, the eyebrows were open and smiling, and the fragrance on his body was like a butterfly.

King Ming lay on the bed, watching, but not eating, really uncomfortable, so he stretched out his hand to touch it.

Wang Daxia turned sideways and avoided, Jiao Jiao: “Not now.”

King Ming said, “I can’t do that right now, but my hands are OK, so let me touch it.”

Wang Daxia pressed her belly, “It doesn’t mean that the king can’t do it, it’s that the slave family can’t do it—the slave family is pregnant.”

King Ming was shocked to spray the medicine on the spot, “No way, so soon, you have it in just over a month? It’s not mine, right?”

“The husband of the slave family is injured. He has never touched the slave family. Who else can anyone besides Ming Wang?” Wang Daxia gently stroked her lower abdomen. With suspicion, he asked Doctor He to get the pulse of the Nujia, and he figured out the happy pulse.

King Ming put the medicine aside, “Does your husband know?”

Wang Daxia nodded, “Of course she knows. She was there when Dr. He diagnosed the heart pulse. She said that when the child is born, if the child looks like her, everything will be business as usual. If the child looks like the King of Ming, he will leave with me. , Let me and my child go to King Ming. In fact, the child is not hers at all. But she wants to go out with Doctor He to ask for an elixir for King Ming. I was worried that she was resentful, so I didn’t tell her the truth.”

When King Ming heard this, he was overwhelmed with ecstasy. He had no heirs. He used to think it didn’t matter. When he became king in the south in the future, he even went to the capital to become emperor. What woman did he have? The best woman in the world gave birth to him.

Now he is seriously ill, not knowing the future life or death, he pretends to be calm, but he is panicked.

Now that he suddenly learned that he was going to be a father, Ming Wang felt that this was a very good sign, and he quickly asked Wang Daxia to sit down, “Now that you are pregnant, don’t do this kind of work of serving tea and water. Help me take care of the teaching affairs, you have my flesh and blood in your stomach, and you are the person I believe most. In the future, regardless of whether the child is male or female, he will be called Tailai. At that time, I will be married by Ming Media, and you will be my concubine Ming.”

Wang Daxia was too deep in the play, “The husband and wife are honorable, and the slave family and Tailai depend on King Ming for the rest of their lives. King Ming must get well soon.”

Because Wang Daxia was pregnant, Ming Wang had a three-point respect for him, and he no longer treated him as a plaything, and gave him all the seals.

When the little Tie Niu was in terrible pain, he lay on the bed and yelled like a cow. His eyes were sore. As soon as the military affairs and finances were all dictated by Wang Daxia, he made a decision, Wang Daxia copied it, stamped it and passed it on.

As a result, Wang Daxia knew all about the defense lines deployed by the Ming king inside and outside Xinghua city, the ships on various sea routes, and so on.

Wang Daxia firmly controlled the Bailianjiao, and Ming Wang’s condition continued to deteriorate. From the swollen egg to the big goose egg when Wei Caiwei left, it was already swollen into two purple eggplants.

What’s more terrible is that the little iron cow also swelled up, just like an iron stick, staying up day and night.

Tireless, standing upright, except for the pain, this is simply what Ming Wang dreams of, but he can’t use it, let alone a sleeping woman, just touch it with a finger, and it hurts like someone stabbed him with a knife.

King Ming was furious and ordered the doctors to be dragged down to make a board.

Wang Daxia didn’t want to hurt the innocent. He walked out of the yard with a quilt, and said to the Japanese pirate who was in charge of the stick torture: “If King Ming’s anger is broken for a while, no one will heal the King. When the time comes, the King will anger you and you will cure it. Ill? So please be merciful and behave. The doctors should also cooperate. We should cry, howl, and let King Ming vent her anger.”

When the Japanese pirate heard that it was indeed the reason, he picked up the stick and hit the quilt. The muffled noise was similar to that of spanking. The doctors are crying and howling, calling father and mother, just like real fighting.

King Ming lay on the bed, he didn’t even dare to wear his pants, he held up a piece of thin veil so high that he could not move. Of course he couldn’t see what was happening outside, thinking it was a real fight.

Wang Daxia brought a bowl of medicine over, “The king of Ming is so painful that he stays up all night, he will be irritable. This medicine is added to help sleep, and the king can sleep peacefully after drinking it.”

King Ming knew that he would become unconscious after drinking it, but he couldn’t stand the pain of piercing arrows all the time. He could only use drowsiness to deal with the pain, so he gathered his hands together with a screen under his head and said: ” I accidentally broke my leg a few days ago and had to stay in bed for a few days. During this time, everything must be done by Madam, and it must not be violated.”

Everyone could only see King Ming’s face, but couldn’t see the embarrassment below his neck. Although he was a little suspicious, King Ming Yu Wei was still alive, and he didn’t dare to disobey, so they withdrew their orders.

Wang Daxia’s “mother depends on her son” has become the head of the Japanese pirates.

When Wang Daxia gained power, the first thing was to use the reason of strengthening the defense to transfer the sailors of the major merchant ships such as Shunfeng and the three-way escorts under Luo Longwen into key positions such as the Japanese pirates lair and the castle tower. With Wei Caiwei and Lu Ying moving to the Qi’s army, it was time to join the outside world.

The author has something to say: Obviously you can win by force but by beauty.

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