Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 182

Chapter 180 Big pie falling from the sky

The rent has only risen by a kiss, and the price of conscience has been raised. Renew the rent when you meet such a good landlord.

Wang Daxia initially refused to accept the fifty-two tael rent. Wei Caiwei said: “In the future, you and I will get married. I don’t want to live with my father-in-law and my uncle. Have you saved enough money to buy a house for marriage?”

Far from enough. Wang Daxia stopped talking and silently accepted the rent.

When Wang Daxia went home, he had no news for more than half a year. Wang Qianhu almost thought he was dead outside. Seeing the eldest son came back, he was angry and happy. He did not scold him for having died in the past six months and asked him to go to the ancestral hall. Give a stick of incense to the biological mother and ancestors.

Commander Mu is on duty in the North City Soldier Mars tonight. Hearing that Wang Daxia is back, he immediately wants his subordinates to take care of him. He rushes to Wang’s house. When they meet, they hold Wang Daxia tightly in his arms. “You have not seen this child for half a year. The long one is taller than me.”

Commander Mu only let go after he had enough of his arms and looked up and down, “It’s even more handsome than before. Wang Qianhu, I said that this child will not be worse in the future, and he will definitely be able to get ahead.”

Wang Qianhu habitually said modestly: “Where is it, it’s just a face.”

People are better than people and angry. Judging from the reactions of Wang Qianhu and Mu, it seems that Mu is his father. Wang Qianhu is a vicious stepmother!

Wang Daxia was annoyed in her heart, but she said heartlessly: “Father’s guess is very accurate. This time the son is doing things outside this time, mainly relying on this face, relying on the face to perform meritorious service, and relying on the face to eat.”

Along the way, the man pretends to be a woman, and he still stuns Ming Wang. The child in his belly has three dads. If they are average, they can’t do this kind of thing.

Now it was Wang Qianhu’s turn to be annoyed, “You—”

“The child hasn’t been home for half a year, and he’s still standing and talking. Let’s go drinking tea.” Commander Mu expertly rushed out to be the peacemaker, pulling the father and son out of the ancestral hall one by one.

The three of them sat down to drink tea under the cool flower stand, and Wang Qianhu asked, “Where have you been in the past six months?”

“This…” Wang Daxia was a little embarrassed, “Anyway, it’s an official business, and I didn’t spend a lot of time playing outside.”

Wang Qianhu pointed to the next door, “You Jin Yiwei work, why did Dr. Wei leave for half a year?”

To be honest, Wang Qianhu couldn’t wait for his son to go home every day, and even wondered if his son eloped with the little widow next door! Otherwise, how come the two of them disappear together!

Wang Daxia put down the tea cup anxiously, “Don’t involve Dr. Wei in everything. I can say that I’ve said it a long time ago. I’m not in the mood to fight a dumb riddle with my father. We are really going out to do business. Leader Lu will testify.”

Commander Mu hurriedly expressed his understanding: “If the minister is not secret, you will get rid of it. If it is hard to say, don’t say it. Their Jinyiwei is different from our street patrol. They must keep it secret at all times. Wang Qianhu don’t force the children.”

Wang Qianhu said: “I didn’t have to break the casserole to ask the end, but the other day, the five-army capitol suddenly wanted to reactivate me. I am currently waiting for the appointment of officials, and I heard that it will be soon. I find it very strange, since the dismissal , I have been raising children at home, I don’t make money, and I don’t trust the relationship. Why is there such a good thing as a pie in the sky? I asked someone to go to the Five Army Capital Governor’s Mansion to inquire, and they just said to go back and ask your son to know. .”

“It turns out that my revival this time was thanks to your blessing. I must have something to do with your disappearance for half a year, so I asked what you did.”

It is said that mothers depend on their children, but now Wang Qianhu is based on their fathers.

Wang Daxia said inconveniently that neither the White Lotus Sect nor the framing of Yan Shifan Tongwa could not let his father know. The more he knew, the more troublesome he said:

“Last year, my father lost office because his son had offended Yan Shifan. Now that the Yan family has fallen, he wants to liquidate a group of people, make room, and put the unjustified officials on top to show compensation.”

Wang Qianhu said: “But it was a fact that I did not manage the family strictly last year and released the stamp money. It was not wronged. There are many people whose families have been ruined by Yan Shifan, and my fate is pretty good. Why do you want to revive me?”

Wang Qianhu knows himself. He is a military commander who is almost fifty years old. His physical and military strength is declining. It is not that civil servants can be in their 70s or 80s and cannot stay up late. What else can he do?

Wang Daxia vaguely said, “Is it okay to have an official? You are willing to take your brother at home from now on? I am doing well in Jinyiwei now. In the future, I will earn the official title. I don’t want the family title. To Daqiu.”

Wang Daxia feels that in the future he will marry Wei Caiwei, the old stubborn father may not agree, anyway, regardless of whether the family agrees or not, he will marry her, move out and live alone, and don’t want the big family to control the small family. It is best not to get involved in the interests of the family. . If you rely on your home, you have to be home.

The title and the money are earned on their own, and the waist is strong, and they have the qualifications to go their own way.

Wang Qianhu was annoyed: “For my father, I need you to teach me how to do things? It’s yours. Your brother won’t rob you. Why do you use this kind of irony to test me.”

Wang Daxia couldn’t help it anymore, “I said no or no, if my father doesn’t believe me, I will write a note for giving up the title of family property now.”

Seeing that the father and son were about to quarrel again, Commander Mu hurriedly pulled Wang Daxia out, “I’m tired all the way, go back to wash and sleep.”

When Wang Daxia returned to the house, he took out the money he had accumulated and the land deed and turned over it. The land could not be sold, and it would be used in the future. The money was only enough to buy an ordinary house, which was too wronged by Wei Caiwei.

Wife is really hard to earn.

The next day, the dispatch order from the Ministry of War came, and Wang Qianhu was given a release to go to Jiangxi to serve as the deputy commander.

It was two ranks higher than the previous official. Although it was released and was not in the capital, it was a great opportunity for Wang Qianhu. He quickly prepared his luggage and took his youngest son Wang Daqiu with him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he returned home, his father would be released as an official. Wang Daxia forgot the unhappiness of returning home and his father, and took a day off to send his father and younger brother to Tongzhou Port by boat.

Jin Yiwei commander Zhu Xixiao stopped him and said, “Do you know why your father resumed so quickly?”

Wang Daxia said: “Because he made a great contribution to this trip to the south of the Yangtze River.”

Zhu Xixiao didn’t expect Wang Daxia to feel so good about herself. She put gold on her face, overconfident, choked, and said: “You are born and died, and of course you will benefit from it. Next month, you will be able to promote thousands of households. It is Li Yiren. My elder brother said that your father is a talent, and he was thrown off when he was dragged down by his ex-wife. It just happened that there were a few vacancies in the five-army capital, so my elder brother transferred him to Jiangxi.”

All the guards in Daming are under the jurisdiction of the Five Army Capital Governor’s Mansion.

Wang Daxia then understood what was going on: it was not his face at all! It was Li Yiren who regarded his father as his future in-laws and said hello to his in-laws, Li Xizhong, that allowed his father to revive so quickly!

Li Xizhong is a veteran and honorable Cheng Guogong, who is in charge of the five-army capital, and is Miss Lu’s father-in-law. It turns out that his father Qifu relies on nepotism! Being powerful is not the same. Just talking and laughing determines the official career of an ordinary military attache. Whether it is life or death, it’s all a matter of other people’s words.

Wang Daxia sighed, and Li Xixiao said, “Your father has a relatively straightforward character, so I won’t talk about some things. You go back and tell your father. His most important task in Jiangxi is to ensure that all Jiangxi commanders are listening to the five. In the case of the Military Governor’s Mansion, you must not be emptied by the local forces, and you must be careful to train your own people. In addition, you must monitor the movements of Yan Song and Yan Shifan and his sons.”

Wang Daxia said: “I understand under the label.”

The so-called centipede is dead but not stiff. The Yan Dang was overthrown, but Yu Wei survived, especially in the hometown of Yan’s family. The forces were intertwined. The Jiajing Emperor demoted the two to their original places and was worried about letting the tiger go back. He did not let it go.

Since he wants to monitor Yan Song and Yan Shifan, he must have enmity with these two people and cannot be controlled by them. The official position of Wang Qianhu was taken away by Yan Shifan. Yan Shifan also threatened Wang Daxia’s life, so sending Wang Qianhu to Jiangxi was the most suitable.

Sure enough, this old emperor who hadn’t been in court for more than 30 years and still had a firm grasp of authority was not an ordinary monarch, he was a very clever man.

When Wang Daxia went home, Wei Caiwei was in his house!

Wei Caiwei was here to see him off. She gave Wang Qianhu a box of pills, “I heard that Wang Qianhu is going to Jiangxi. I heard that it was humid and miasma, and insects, snakes, rats and ants were infested, so I rushed to make some medicine. For insects and snakes, some are applied externally, some are contained in the mouth to avoid the miasma, and some are rubbed on the skin and mosquitoes do not bite. They are all marked with labels. These are the formulas of all medicines. You can prepare them yourself when you use them up.”

Wei Caiwei also hung a sachet around Wang Daqiu’s neck, “Don’t throw it on your body, be careful of insects and snakes biting your nose.”

Wang Daqiu was terrified and covered his entire face with his little white hand.

This is really a gift in the snow, and Wang Qianhu is busy thanking him.

Wei Caiwei said: “Jiangxi is unfamiliar with the place of birth, Wang Qianhu must be careful about everything.” Because of her previous life, she knew that the suspicious Emperor Jiajing doubted everything, including the Yan family who returned to his place of origin.

The difference is that in the previous life, Emperor Jiajing asked the Dongchang where Wang Daxia was located to send people to Jiangxi for secret surveillance. Now it is Wang Qianhu who has escaped to Jiangxi to shoulder this responsibility. The influence of the Yan family’s father and son in their hometown cannot be underestimated, and it is hard to deal with.

Therefore, Wei Caiwei will do her best to help Wang Qianhu.

Wang Daxia sent Wei Caiwei home—in fact, it was just separated by a wall.

After closing the courtyard door, Wang Daxia became dishonest, holding her hand, and teasing: “The wife has not yet passed the door, and the medicine has passed the door, so I can’t wait. Also, the sachet you gave Wang Daqiu, I want too One, I am also afraid of mosquito bites.”

“You give me fifty essays first.” Wei Caiwei said: “The imperial court sent your father to Jiangxi. The drunkard does not mean to drink, but also the Yan family. You remind your father that the two old foxes of the Yan family are difficult to deal with, don’t Take it lightly, if there is any turmoil, you must secretly play it to Zhu Xizhong, the chief governor of the Five-Army Capital.”

Wang Daxia was surprised: “How do you know? I was his brother Commander Zhu who told me that I knew the reason for this. I thought the Ministry of War was looking at my face and reviving my father.”

“I am…” Wei Caiwei found reasons to prevaricate. “The day we disembarked, we happened to meet the Yan family and his son getting on the boat back to their hometown in Jiangxi, which left me with a heart. Your father was out in Jiangxi, so I thought of this layer.”

At the moment of beauty, Wang Daxia’s fascination fascinated him, and he didn’t want to be suspicious. He hugged Wei Caiwei, “My wife is the most intelligent person in the world. Just guess it.”

Whispered in her ear again: “Guess what I want to do now?”

Just like this, just want to molest the old lady? Wei Caiwei said: “You want to strip my clothes, not even leaving the socks, and push them down on the bamboo collapse under the grape trellis, and tie my legs with socks…”

After speaking less than a hundred words, Wang Daxia’s face was red and her ears were red, and she ran away, terrified!

Wei Caiwei lay on the bamboo bed under the grape trellis to enjoy the cool air. Alas, the things that I have done in the past life that I have been familiar with are hard to hear in this life. It seems that I have to teach him from the beginning, and I am very tired.

The author has something to say: Wang Daxia, who rides a bicycle with training wheels, and Wei Caiwei, who drives a high-speed train, are not at the same level.

The next chapter is going to jog the timeline, everyone must be mentally prepared.

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