Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 202

Chapter 200 Three of us

When Wang Daxia recovered from a serious illness and looked thin and haggard, Wei Caiwei and Lu Ying were reluctant to act in the middle of the night, so they told him first, and Lu Ying even stated that they would **** the poison master to Beijing in the next day.

Unexpectedly, Wang Daxia had the same plan. As a subordinate, he could not publicly challenge the decision of his boss; as a fiance, he did not want Wei Caiwei to take risks, so he decided to fight alone.

The three of them came to the same destination by different routes.

Seeing Wei Caiwei and Lu Ying arranging the plan to assassinate Yan Shifan clearly, the methods were fierce, ruthless and precise. Wang Daxia was pursuing the murderer alone in the southeast coast for a year, and a sour feeling came from his nose:

How can I, Wang Daxia, He De, have such a good wife and boss!

Wang Daxia put on the clothes of the guards, Wei Caiwei also took off her black robe, dressed in a Taoist gown with a gossip pattern on the back, pretending to be a Taoist priest of Wudang Mountain, she tied a white cloth scarf around Wang Daxia’s neck and neck, “This is us His own person mark. The guards will be dressed up and hung around their necks, while the Taoist priests will be dressed up around the waist, just like me.”

Lu Ying and Wang Daxia are both guards, and Wei Caiwei is a Taoist priest. She even pretended to carry a peach wood sword to exorcise evil spirits.

Lu Ying opened the map of Wudang Mountain and said: “Our people are scattered everywhere, the only way to go, once Yan Shifan escaped down the mountain, we used the red fireworks as a signal to inform Yan Shifan the direction, and we did him together. So far, no fireworks have been found. It seems that Yan Shifan is still shrinking in the Palace of Supreme Harmony in the Golden Temple. We will go up to find him in the name of rescue.”

There is only one purpose tonight, and that is to kill Yan Shifan and avenge Wang Qianhu.

Of course, in Wei Caiwei’s heart, it is also to avenge the tragic death of her sister and the wronged father.

Yan Shifan, it will be Lunar New Year’s Eve soon, and the Chinese New Year is about to go, so our accounts can’t be delayed any longer.

The three people climbed up the stairs, and the roads were all in a mess. The winter night in Wudang Mountain was cold, and the guards on the cold night did not eat supper. Wei Caiwei grinds up the mushrooms and throws them into hot noodle soup and warm wine. The guards felt that the noodle soup tonight was exceptionally delicious, and the more they ate, the more energetic they became, the more excited they ate, and they even drank the soup.

Before putting down the bowl, they felt inexplicably happy, and collectively fell into a phantom, as if there was a burst of fairy music in their ears, the surroundings became no longer cold, the spring flowers bloomed, the birds sang, and the fairy flew from the clouds. Come, dance lightly, they can’t help dancing with the fairy, twisting their waists and hips, their pupils dilated, their eyes dull, and a giggle.

This time, the Wudang Mountain crews who were delivering meals were frightened. They hurried to the duty room to wake up the sleeping guards. The guards woke up in their dreams. They thought they had entered the assassin. They rushed over, but saw the fellows one by one. Put down the weapon, dance in the cold night, can’t wake up no matter what.

Have they seen this kind of scene there? They all thought they had been caught in evil or possessed by ghosts, and they shot open the doors of various Taoist temples, asking the Taoist priests of Wudang Mountain to get up to exorcise evil.

More than 500 Taoist priests in Wudang Mountain drove ducks to the shelves, and they used their own skills. They painted symbols, danced peach and wood swords, killed roosters and sprayed chicken blood, and killed black dogs to get dog blood. The blood of the yang thing splashed on the dancing guards is useless.

The guards who were trapped in the illusion dared to face the dripping blood, dancing, dancing, dancing, and dancing.

Some virgin priests even disregarded their shame, took off their pants on the spot, and **** at the enchanted guard!

The three of them set off from Zixiaotai, went up the mountain, crossed Huanglong Cave, climbed the hundred-step ladder, entered Fenjinling, and reached the Supreme Harmony Palace.

There was chaos along the road, with yellow symbols painted with cinnabar, the **** smell of chicken blood and black dog blood, and the smell of boy urine. The Taoist sacred place was like a vegetable market.

However, fortunately, Wudang Mountain is chaotic enough, and the three people’s path up the mountain is almost unimpeded, whether it is a guard who frees themselves, dances, shakes themselves into the seaweed riding the wind and waves, or is busy using magic power to reduce demons and slayers, or be caught The stunned guards didn’t pay attention to the three people who were going retrograde up the mountain, thinking that the three of them were going to rescue them.

What’s more, Wei Caiwei also imitated the posture of the Taoist priest Lan Daoxing in the Forbidden City, wielding a mahogany sword, learning the pace of the seven stars, and chanting the Big Dipper curse while walking:

“Big Dipper seven yuan, the spirit of the sky. The great sage of Tiangang, majestic and majestic. Up to the world, cut off the source of evil. Ride the clouds and rise to the front of the altar. Come true Qi, penetrate water into smoke. The three realms, ten thousand demons Raise the fist. Kill the demon and destroy the trace, return to the death and Dengxian. Heaven and Earth Xuanzong! The emperor demon will be destroyed, as fast as a law!”

Where Wei Caiwei’s Taomu Sword was pointing, Wang Daxia threw a firecracker in that direction. There was a direct sound of pops and fires everywhere. It seemed that he was actually doing it. The scene was very beautiful and it looked like a splash. Chicken blood and babbling urine are more “fairies”.

In this way, the three “cast spells” all the way to the Supreme Harmony Palace on Tianzhu Peak. The top of the Palace of Supreme Harmony is also the top of Wudang Mountain-the Golden Temple, the place where the **** Xuanwu is enshrined.

The top of Wudang Mountain was too cold. Originally, Yan Shifan and King Jing had to go down to the post house to rest after worshipping the Xuanwu **** in the Golden Temple. They would come up again tomorrow when they had a glutton. However, the deadly poisoner suddenly fled and has not been caught. Both Yan Shifan and King Jing Worried that the road down the mountain will not be peaceful, so stay overnight at the Taihe Palace.

Because the Palace of Supreme Harmony is clustered around the Golden Temple, the palace is built on mountains in the east, west, and north directions. Tall walls are built. Under the walls are all precipices and there is no place to stand. You can fly in unless you plug in wings. Only the south gate. One entrance is the highest and safest palace in Wudang Mountain.

Yan Shifan and King Jing are both life-saving people, and they don’t want to make a mistake, and they hide in the Supreme Harmony Palace.

In the middle of the night, the Palace of Supreme Harmony suddenly came, and both Yan Shifan and King Jing were awakened by the “haunted” noise-they are nobles and don’t need to watch the night, so they didn’t eat Wei Caiwei’s supper, so they all went to bed early to make it. Their respective dreams.

Both of them are people who do all bad things. When they heard the haunted movement, they were scared, and they quickly wanted to exorcise evil spirits by the Taoist priests in the Taihe Palace.

The Taoist priests crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers, and various cinnabar symbols were flying above the Taihe Palace, but no matter how deep the Taoist priests were, they couldn’t stop the guards from dancing.

All the Fuzhuan have failed.

This group of guards is like a collective travel to the nightclub in Sanlitun in the capital city five hundred years later, chasing the voice in the heart, dancing with their limbs, jumping non-stop, as if an invisible DJ is rubbing the disc tirelessly on the golden palace. .

The wall surrounding the Palace of Supreme Harmony became a deafening sound. Apart from music, the dancing guards did not respond to everything outside, just like a marionette controlled by a musical note, swaying their bodies involuntarily and collectively dancing.

Yan Shifan and King Jing hid in a pavilion, watching everything that happened in the Hall of Supreme Harmony through the window. King King bowed to the Golden Palace line of defense and said, “God Xuanwu! My good ancestor! I beg your ancestors to show their spirits, get rid of evildoers and save you. Descendants of it!”

Although Yan Shifan was older, his mind was still flexible. He observed that the Taoist priests did nothing to exorcise evil spirits. The dancing guards did not respond to the spell, but did not go crazy to attack people. He immediately had an idea in his mind, and he knelt down. King Jing, who prayed for God, helped him to the window sill and told his discovery:

“… Your Royal Highness need not panic. These guards did nothing except dancing. They didn’t even have weapons in their hands. Wechen suggested that His Royal Highness order these dancing guards to be expelled from the Hall of Supreme Harmony and close the door. Jump, wait till dawn, when the sun comes out, maybe these possessed evil creatures will leave.”

King Jing was so panicked that there were no masters. Whatever Yan Shifan said, he believed whatever, and said, “Just do what you say.”

Yan Shifan ordered in the name of King Jing. The sober guards and Taoist priests drove the dancing guards together. These guards danced on the spot and didn’t respond to the outside world. No matter how they scolded them, or even forced them with swords, they would not move to the south gate.

Until a guard with a spear was anxious, he pierced the dancing guard’s neck.

Blood gushing out of his neck, the dancing guard fell to the ground, his body convulsed, his breath stopped, and he finally stopped moving.

Yan Shifan was overjoyed and hurriedly asked King Jing for his credit: “Have you seen it? They are not terrible. They are just a group of fools who can only dance, and they will not evade even if they are stuck with a spear.”

King Jing saw that it was indeed so, and he immediately had some confidence and told his men: “You tie their waists with a rope, and drag them out one by one.”

The subordinates did the same, no longer using words and weapons to drive them away, they were tied to the rope like a dog, and slowly led by the south gate.

This trick really works!

The guards followed the force of the traction and danced and walked. The dance steps were more enchanting, and occasionally a few fell down and immediately got up and continued to dance.

Yan Shifan flattered wildly, “His Royal Highness is really a trick! We are extremely admired by the ministers!”

Being able to be praised by the old fox known as the “ghost”, King Jing triumphantly felt that he was the chosen one and was destined to inherit the throne.

To drive the dancing guards out, the closed south gate opened, and the trio sneaked in.

However, the Palace of Supreme Harmony is the largest building complex in Wudang Mountain, with more than 500 houses and pavilions everywhere. Where is Yan Shifan hiding?

Wei Caiwei grabbed a handful of **** cement soil on the ground and wiped it on her face and clothes, unable to see her appearance clearly.

The guards Lu Ying and Wang Daxia tore at Wei Caiwei’s robes and twisted the hats on her head. Now Wei Caiwei was like a fight with someone just now, and the robes were ragged.

Lu Ying and Wang Daxia left and right, grabbing Wei Caiwei’s arm, dragging her to a guard, and saying, “The thief that Master Yan was looking for has been caught by us. Where is Master Yan? We are going to take the thief. Send it back to life.”

Of these three people, Wei Caiwei’s body is most similar to that of Lifehunting Poisoner, and it is easy to get confused.

The guard pointed to Lingyun Pavilion, “It’s there, where there are two red lanterns.”

The trio ran towards Lingyun Pavilion.

The author has something to say: What? Two hundred chapters so soon? Send 200 red envelopes to celebrate!

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