Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 209

Chapter 207 One Emperor, One Courtier

What hurts more than “you can’t do it” is “I do it myself”.

Wang Xiaoxia was immediately listless, her head drooping. Wang Xia’s hardware is completely excellent, but the operation is completely impossible. It is like running a supercomputer with the oldest computing system of mankind-the abacus.

Mankind’s entry into civilized society originated from making and using tools. Wang Xiaoxia’s self-proclaimed Qiwei appearance advantage can be completely replaced by a Mr. Jiao who pours hot water into it.

Wei Caiwei took his hand, the real hand-to-hand teaching, Wang Daxia finally opened up and realized what, in the second half of the night, although it was still not as subtle as the previous life, but it was no longer as boring as itching.

Wang Daxia lay on the pillow, her cheeks flushed, and she stopped talking. Finally, she mustered up the courage to ask, “That… Is the thrush dark and shallow?”

The bridal chamber stopped the red candle last night, and waited until the morning hall to worship uncle aunt. Put on makeup and asked her husband in a low voice.

Wang Daxia has improved not only by his skills, but also by euphemistically soliciting opinions from his fiancée using ancient poems he doesn’t know much about.

Wang Daxia also secretly read some books and paintings, which are all about how women like Qiwei and the best way to fight until the day is bright. He followed the paintings and calligraphy to learn, but he did not expect to take a detour and was rejected by Wei Caiwei.

Wang Daxia decided to go back and burn all the boxes of calligraphy and painting hidden under the bed!

I want these useless things to do! Follow the results and take their own humiliation.

These paintings and calligraphy are completely different from those taught by Wei Caiwei!

Wei Caiwei couldn’t say anything, “The depth is okay.” The others are not enough.

Wang Daxia was not stupid. At first glance, she knew that Wei Caiwei meant that she was not good. It was like eating, full but not good.

Feeling frustrated, Wang Daxia immediately shied away from the responsibility, “It’s not my fault, I read those books…I was misled, and the books were all nonsense.”

Wei Caiwei finally understood why he was obviously alone. Wang Daxia was much more tolerant than Wang Gong. He said: “Those books are written by men, and they are only written for men. Write about those things. In order to increase the gimmick, the more and more they are written. Exaggeration. In these books, a woman is no different from a pillow or a bed. They are just an object. When a man plays with them at will, who cares about the true feeling of an object?”

“The women in these books are just a pendant for men, and they only know how to please men, and even if they are uncomfortable, they have to say that officials are so powerful. In fact, men are deceiving themselves. You treat these books as martial arts secrets. It’s strange if you don’t go astray or go astray when you practice.”

One dared to write, the other dared to learn, Wang Daxia ran farther and farther on the fork road.

Wang Daxia fixedly looked at Wei Caiwei, “How do you know such details? You seem to know better than anyone, you must not be able to read a lot.” After a pause, he said: “You must see more than me.”

“I–” Wei Caiwei said in his heart: That was the result of thinking about how to please you from the palace in the last life. I bought some relevant books on the market and summarized it. In fact, I didn’t read too many, less than a hundred.

Wei Caiwei said: “I am a studious doctor, knowing more about it will not hurt.”

Wang Daxia beat the bed with both hands, and suddenly realized, “No wonder you know so much! When I was in Xinghua City, I was asked to set up a fairy jump for King Ming, just like a veteran.”

The same is reading. Wei Caiwei understands the more I read it. The more I read it, the more confused I become. Our children in the future must not be like me.

Real knowledge is gained from practice. Here, Wei Caiwei offers free trial studies, one-to-one teaching by famous teachers, parallel theory and practice, teaching and meeting, without any fees, even a stone can be opened.

On the fourteenth of the twelfth lunar month, the Forbidden City struck a cloud board, the Emperor Jiajing died, and the soldiers of the five cities took to the streets and ordered families to remove red lanterns and other decorative objects and hang white cloths to begin the national funeral.

The major temples in the capital struck the bell of 30,000 pestles. The bells above the capital were ringing one after another, day and night. Snow flies and flies in the bell.

During the national funeral, slaughter is prohibited for 49 days. Ordinary people are all plain clothes. Women are not allowed to dress up in plain clothes. They cannot marry and play music within 27 days. After 27 days, they can return to normal clothes and normal marriages.

Officials are forbidden to marry and other weddings within 100 days. At this time, there are nine days before the wedding date of Wang Daxia and Wei Caiwei, and the wedding must be cancelled according to the system.

Three years later, another three years, three years later, and a hundred days later, Wang Daxia wanted to cry without tears, but she had nothing to do. She wrote a post to cancel the wedding, and the wedding date would be decided after the country’s filial piety.

Even Commander Mu sympathized with him and comforted him: “Good things are hard to come by. Once Guo’s filial piety is over, I will marry you immediately.”

The joys and sorrows in the world are not connected. Wang Daxia was forced to postpone his wedding. The mountain above Yu Wang collapsed. Wang Yu was like the Monkey King who had been under Wuzhi Mountain for 500 years. He was immediately refreshed and relaxed.

However, in front of people, King Yu still showed sadness. On the first day, the officials persuaded him to ascend to the throne, but he cried and refused; on the second day, the royal family persuaded him to ascend to the throne, he cried and refused; on the third day, the famous door Distinguished families, centenarians, envoys of various countries in Beijing, monks and religious circles, etc., kneeled to ask for enthronement, but King Yu still cried and refused.

Three petitions and three resignations have been established since the Tai/zu emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. On the fourth day, all the people and others came to the table to persuade them to enter the throne. King Yu finally nodded and became the emperor. emperor.

After Emperor Longqing ascended the throne, he issued an edict of enthronment and put forward 30 new decrees to correct evils. The two most important ones are to put down the wrongs of his father during the Jiajing period, rehabilitate the case, and encourage the officialdom to get the support of the officials.

Then half of the land tax in the first year of Longqing was exempted to encourage mulberry. It also ordered that all the taxes that were not collected in Jiajing Forty-three, no matter what kind of taxes, will not be collected! Written off! As soon as this tax exemption policy came out, farmers and businessmen all over the world were even more grateful to the new emperor.

With these two alone, the whole world will return to the heart, the people admire, a hundred officials surrender, and the other twenty-eight items are all desirable. As soon as Emperor Longqing came to power, he immediately settled on the throne as an innovator.

After the position was stabilized, Emperor Longqing immediately named his mother Du Kangfei as Queen Mother Xiaoke to make up for the regret that Empress Du was not allowed to see her one last time before her death.

The original wife Li was named Xiao Yizhuang’s queen. The two sons and daughters who died were also named as Prince Xianhuai, King Jingmou, Princess Penglai and Princess Taihe, respectively. They were also given names. What the children did not do before they were alive, they all made up for them after death.

The dead were sealed, and the living were sealed.

The concubine Chen’s concubine was sealed as the queen, and the concubine Li Jiubao was the imperial concubine. In the month when the concubine was sealed, the concubine Li gave birth to the little princess, and she had two daughters and one son.

The rest of the concubines who have not yet given birth are assigned equal ranks according to their age and age in the palace.

In addition, Emperor Longqing also asked the Ministry of Rites to name the only surviving son. The Ministry of Rites carefully selected many names for Emperor Longqing to choose, and finally named Zhu Yijun, entrusting Emperor Longqing’s best wishes to his son to make up for his son not being five years old. The regret of naming it and incorporating it into the clan’s jade clan.

In addition to the canonization, Emperor Longqing also “retrograde”, removed the tablet of his grandfather Zhu Youzhu from Mingtang, and stopped his grandfather Mingtang’s qualification.

It should be noted that the Jiajing emperor succeeded to the throne by the side branch clan. Originally, his father was only a prince, but the Jiajing emperor was able to reject public opinions and violated the ancestral ritual law. He proclaimed a “great ritual discussion” dispute in the dynasty. He had to make his father emperor. , Also added a posthumous name, and the tablet was included in the ancestral temple, which was shared in Mingtang like all the emperors before.

For this reason, Emperor Jiajing killed and condemned all officials who opposed his father’s share list, and the DPRK had suffered many years of blood and blood.

Now, as soon as Emperor Longqing came to power, he overthrew the “grand ceremony” dispute that his father was struggling to engage in, moved his grandfather’s memorial tablet, and reduced various sacrifice specifications. Everything is back to its original shape.

The rule of “father’s funeral, without changing his politics for three years” was all forgotten by Emperor Longqing. Whatever his father supports, he opposes anything.

When his father built Taoist temples and spoiled Taoist priests, he demolished Taoist temples and killed them. Even Zhang Tianshi, a regular Taoist teacher in Longhushan, was taken away from the hereditary Zhengyizheng seal and was not allowed to participate in government affairs.

His father’s grandfather’s tablet was forcibly stuffed into the Mingtang to share with him, so he moved the tablet out.

The 30-year-old Emperor Long Qing was like a bear kid whose rebellious period was postponed. He did everything he wanted to do but couldn’t do in order to vent his pressure and grievances for many years.

If Emperor Jiajing knew that his only son had denied almost all his government orders when he came to power, he would be afraid that the coffin board would not be able to hold it down.

However, people died and the lights went out. Once the emperor and the courtier. When the new emperor came to power, the old emperor’s decree became a mere pass, and it didn’t work, and people cheered for the new emperor.

Even, Emperor Longqing appeared at the New Year’s Eve, and many veterans wept bitterly on the spot!

For more than thirty years! The emperor finally came to court! The veteran could see the emperor go to court before he died, and he could close his eyes even when he died.

When Emperor Longqing became the throne, taxes were cut, but the country needs money to run, and the reduced taxes and taxes will have to be sourced from other places.

Emperor Longqing announced a sea ban, using Yuegang in Zhangzhou, Fujian as a pilot, and gradually liberalizing cities along the coast to allow war to return to overseas trade. During the Jiajing period, the imperial court had the strictest maritime ban. Regardless of whether it was for more taxation or against his father, the Longqing emperor liked to hear and hear.

Moreover, thanks to the efforts of Hu Zongxian, Yu Dayao, Qi Jiguang and other famous generals in the fight against Japanese pirates, the coastal Japanese pirates have basically been extinct, and the safety of maritime trade has been guaranteed, and it is time to impose a maritime ban.

Hearing that the sea ban is about to be imposed, they all know that this is making a lot of money. The new emperor, new decree, a busy scene of renewal in Vientiane, people gave hope to the Long Qing Dynasty.

Only Wang Daxia turned a blind eye to things outside the window and focused on the wedding instead of taking part in the excitement. After the 100 days of Guo Xiao’s end, he sent out the third wedding invitation, which was set for the sixth day of April.

Getting married once and sending invitations three times is really hard work.

Wang Daxia delivered the new invitation to Lu Ying, “This time, is Lu Tongling still willing to be my best man?”

This is the third invitation. I have agreed to it the first two times, but it has not been accepted.

Lu Ying smiled and accepted the invitation, “Forever.”

The author has something to say: Lu Ying: always!

After writing the update, Zhou took the thermos cup and went to the district square to line up for nucleic acid testing, hoping to be in line tonight. Everyone should pay attention to your body. You can’t take off the mask

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