Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 219

Chapter 217 Counterattack

Red makeup powder shop head office.

Ding Wu came to his brother-in-law and asked him to restrain himself. Now his coquettish “success” has attracted the attention of San Niangzi, and he wants to meet this “exotic woman”.

The spy girl in Jinyiwei pretended to be a shopkeeper and stopped at the door, secretly saying: “Today the’boss’ is here.” Wei Caiwei showed her in men’s clothing, and Wang Daxia is the proprietress.

When Ding Wu heard that his sister was coming, the stern eyes that had come to teach her coquettish brother-in-law softened, “It just so happens that our family sat down and discussed it together.”

No, it was sitting down to hold a criticism/fighting meeting for the brother-in-law, so that the younger sister realized the true face of the brother-in-law-he was not forced to dress, he just said “Oh no way”, in fact, I really enjoy adjusting fat and getting fans!

Sister, you should take care of your husband.

The female spy was guarded at the door, refusing to give way, and she stubbornly said: “Well… Little don’t win the newlyweds, if it’s not an urgent matter, please wait outside.”

Wang Daxia is now a friend of women, exchanging makeup experience and emotional problems. The so-called black people are close to the ink, and the female spy is sympathetic to Wang Daxia’s sudden interruption of the marriage leave and the separation of the husband and wife, and she is on his side.

Ding Wu is twenty-nine this year. He has never eaten pork or seen a pig run, but he knows what the female spy is talking about, so he can’t wait to rush into the room and drag Wang Daxia out. But… In this way, my sister had a hard time passing the customs and came to Fengcheng, which would not disturb my sister’s interest.

Ding Wu’s heart is heaven and human beings/fighting, jumping repeatedly between the teaching brother-in-law and the distressed sister. In the end, it is the latter who has the upper hand. After all, he is a soft-hearted person.

“I’ll go upstairs for a cup of tea.” Ding Wu chose the latter. The tea was drunk and dampened. The young couple were still busy. They didn’t come out. The more Ding Wu drank, the more unpleasant he got up and left, planning to go back to Bailianjiao to find Li Zixin after a game of chess.

The stairs were ringing, and Lu Ying came up too, and of course he was “invited” by the female shopkeeper to come up and wait.

When the two met, they were extremely embarrassed, and they all knew why each other came up to drink tea. At this time, the young couple who should be embarrassed were blindfolded and shameless and indescribable.

Ding Wu drank black tea. Seeing that Lu Ying was coming, he immediately changed to Longjing, which she loves to drink, to ease the embarrassment by boiling water to make tea.

Lu Ying had nothing to do with his hands, nor was he interested in the rouge gouache, so he had no words to ask for a word, and said, “The snow in Fengcheng is really big.”

Ding Wu made tea, “It’s the same every year, until February, and even in March, there are flying snow.”

The two of them drank tea, and there was another awkward silence, and they agreed with each other: Why haven’t the two of them come out yet!

Lu Ying bored the walnuts on the plate, pinched them with her bare hands, and they cracked. She simply thought of peeling the walnuts, rubbing the brown walnut skins, and putting the nuts on the plate, and asked: “Eat walnuts?”

“Eat, thank you.”

Lu Ying’s Dali King Kong finger pinched walnuts with bare hands, and Ding Wu boiled water to add tea, so he had to do something, so it was not too embarrassing. When the two of them had to support each other for tea, Wang Daxia and Wei Caiwei were finally done.

Wei Caiwei’s face is full of spring breeze, Wang Daxia’s temples are slightly loose, a few strands of broken hair hang down her forehead, and her cheeks are reddish. The eyes looking at Wei Caiwei are fluttering, and she laughs from time to time, like a mouse stealing oil.

Ding Wu couldn’t see it, and coughed lightly, “You know your reputation even as the third lady, and you even called to see you.”

“I’m not going.” Wang Daxia’s head shook so much that the hairpin on her hair bun was thrown out, “Just say I’m sick.” My wife was right there, so how could I go to see the woman who had been rumored with me.

Sure enough, the spring breeze on Wei Caiwei’s face was gone, and it became a cold winter. “You should be more cautious. You used to ransom money for the third wife. She must remember you firmly, and she recognizes you even if you are turned into ashes.”

Wang Daxia was approaching the enemy, “Nothing.” Quickly opened the topic, “Lord Lu, now Bansheng White Lotus teaches farmers to be short of food. The leader Zhao Quan gave most of the food to Al Dakhan, and Li Zixin led the way into the pass. Grabbing food, the whole army was destroyed. Now Bansheng White Lotus Cultists are beginning to be hungry. Yesterday on the street, I saw White Lotus Cultists begging for self-help. I gave a handful of sorghum rice. They knelt in the snow for ten. A few bangs. If it weren’t for the fact that I couldn’t live anymore, who would be humbled like this for a handful of rice.”

Lu Ying said: “I am here this time too. The White Lotus Sect is split due to lack of food. The so-called nonsense of entering the religion and avoiding catastrophe has been shattered by hunger. The prestige of the leader has plummeted, and the faith of the congregation is collapsing. At this time, we can spread the rumors of “abandoning religion and avoiding catastrophe” in Fengcheng and Bansheng. As long as we leave the White Lotus Sect and return to our homeland, we will be able to eat full this winter without starving to death.”

“The northwest frontier has been fought again and again, and many fields have been deserted and become the land of no owner. I have written to the emperor, suggesting that these fields should be allocated to the believers who have escaped from the White Lotus Religion and fled to their homeland for refuge, and allocate these no owner lands to them for cultivation. , No taxes will be collected for five years.”

“The leader can’t save them. The court can save them from starvation and have a way to survive. I believe that in the face of reality, Bailian’s deceptive words will not be broken.”

Ding Wu simply admired the five bodies that Lu Ying admired, “This is a plan to draw a salary from the bottom of the pan. This winter’s famine is a crisis for the leader Zhao Quan, and it is a great opportunity for us, just to let those bewitched churches see clearly. The true face of the leader, in order to please me, he would rather let his church members go hungry and cold, and beg along the street. This is what to avoid robbery, it is clearly a robbery to enter a church.”

Wang Daxia said: “I will print out flyers in the secret room, and secretly distribute them in Fengcheng and Bansheng at night to tell the congregation the great news. They don’t have to beg along the street and starve to death on the street.”

Ding Wu objected. No one knows Bailianism better than him. “Most of the church members are farmers and craftsmen who are illiterate. The middle and upper classes of Bailianism don’t get hungry. Those who suffer from cold and starvation are illiterate. People at the bottom level, it’s useless for you to print and distribute flyers, and toss them to the blind. You still have to pass on word of mouth and make up a few catchy ballads.”

To instigate the people at the bottom, you must follow the mass line, or the illiterate people can understand. The words of literary expression cannot touch people, such as “Great Chuxing, King Chen Sheng”, “The sky is dead, and Huang Tian is in charge; “Jiazi, the world is lucky”, “Wait for noble and low, both rich and poor”, “Modao stone man with one eye, this thing will turn against the world”, etc., are the beginning of easy-to-understand ballads.

These four people come from all walks of life. Lu Ying is a wealthy nobleman, the son of an official family of Ding Wuluo, Wei Caiwei Shijing Youyi, and Wang Daxiawan. They all have a lot of knowledge. They carefully modified their words and sentences until midnight, and finally made up a ballad. :

Bai Lianjiao, mournful, hungry all year round, sweating all the food.

Return to the homeland, open up wasteland, eat and drink without worrying about surplus grain, tax-free for five years without paying grain.

There are no rare words, no allusions, and it is more straightforward than drama, and you can understand it as soon as you listen.

The spies of Jin Yiwei split up and bought a lot of sweets. They first coaxed the children to sing, and then taught them to street vagabonds. A roasted naan can buy a mouth, but within half a month, the ballad quickly became popular and spread to the board. place.

Hunger is more tormenting than death. It is like a blunt knife that cuts meat and slowly reaps life. This song is the last straw.

He said that he was going to be a teacher and avoiding catastrophe. After working hard for a year of farm work, fighting in drought, digging wells day and night to irrigate the fields, but in the end he was hungry, and the leader gave favors for food.

Many church members awakened from hunger and saw the true face of the leader Zhao Quan. They fled with their family and sang songs, and went to their homeland to seek a life-saving food.

Every day in the land of the rise, there are no food and hungry congregants fleeing. Every household is empty, and the 50,000 followers are decreasing sharply. The leader Zhao Quan has never been so panic and anxious. He convenes his subordinates to discuss countermeasures-the so-called so-called Suddenly rushed to the doctor, this time even the most annoying Ding Wu was invited over!

Zhao Quan asked his subordinates: “Recently, the congregation has abandoned religion and fled to the customs. What good ideas do you have?”

Li Zixin, the second figure of the White Lotus Sect, was treated with the magical medicine from the Central Plains genius doctor (my sister’s) presented by Ding Wu. His back sore has healed, but the trauma in his heart is still there. The lesson from the scapegoat is silent.

Do more, make more mistakes, do less, make less mistakes, and don’t do good. This is the profound lesson Li Zixin learned from this failure. You can see that Ding Wu joined the White Lotus Sect and did nothing. He has been doing well and won the appreciation of San Niangzi.

Li Zixin did not speak, so Zhao Quan called him to answer, “You are the deputy leader, you have an idea.”

Li Zixin didn’t panic at all. Anyway, the more than 300 households he cheated from his hometown had enough food. This is his “direct line”, and it is no problem to feed this group of people with his ability.

Li Zixin said: “In the final analysis, it is the reason that there is not enough food to keep people. The leader only needs to solve the food problem to keep the believers in Bansheng.”

This has not been said the same, who does not know that the problem lies in the food. Zhao Quan held his temper and continued to ask: “How to solve the problem of food shortage?”

Li Zixin said, “Go get some food.”

Zhao Quan: “How to do it?”

“I don’t know.” Li Zixin spread out her hands, “You are the leader, with great powers, hands and eyes open to the sky, you must have a way, I have confidence in the leader.”

Faith has a fart, can it be eaten? Li Zixin’s slippery head couldn’t get a little bit of oil and water, Zhao Quan turned his target to Ding Wu, “Ding Chuantou, our Bailian Sect previously lent 40,000 shi of grain to Idahan. Now it’s really difficult to teach. Many farmers ran away starving. You go find some food for Idahan and get through this winter anyway. When the spring starts, someone will continue to plant the land for Idahan.”

Ding Wu directly refused, “This…it’s wrong. I didn’t borrow the food, so I can’t ask for it.”

Zhao Quan said: “You ask San Niangzi to intercede. San Niangzi is kind. She used to be a saint in the church and has the responsibility to protect the congregation.”

Ding Wu refused again, “The third lady is pregnant, so I need to think less about it. For the sake of the third lady, I didn’t personally set out to hunt south this time. I don’t dare to bother the third lady. Guarantee.”

Zhao Quan flipped the table violently, “This is not good, then that is not good, what use do I want you to do! Each of you handed over a thousand catties of grain within three days for emergency purposes. If you can’t teach it…I will be promoted. Altar, remove you from the White Lotus Sect in public. Don’t tell me that you haven’t. I know your details best. You have saved a lot of money over the years, and it’s time to give it back to the holy religion.”

Zhao Quan was sure that they had no retreat. They were all leading parties, and they were all wanted criminals in Daming. The imperial court accepts the lower-class people and gives them fields, but it will not forgive those who led the Tatar army and plundered their hometowns.

As for Ding Wu, although he did not lead the way, his reputation in Daming is worse than that of the leading parties.

After the meeting, Li Zixin asked Ding Wu, “Can you make it?”

Ding Wu said: “If you want to pay, you must pay it. If you don’t pay it, everyone will not pay it. The so-called law does not blame the public. As long as we don’t pay, the leader cannot expel us from the holy religion. He alone cannot hold the entire white lotus. What’s more, when we have money, we don’t have as much money as the leader. The leader does not pay and counts on us. This is not possible.”

Three days later, Zhao Quan was waiting for the grain in the main altar, but when it got dark, he didn’t see a grain of grain.

The author has something to say: surrender when you encounter a group of four like this. Thank you for voting for me during 2020-10-1703:12:07 2020-10-1719:38:45. Angel

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: the pale bt person, Sonia220, and 1 Minmin;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 36 bottles of qiefangbailu; 10 bottles of Zhizhi’s cute and almond wood; 6 bottles of broken shadow sand; 5 bottles of yiiiiiiii; 2 bottles of Diyiren; the busy top and summer shrimp cake ice , Xiaoye, Hua Shao, water glass bottle, 1 bottle of Tianyi Youlan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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