Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 244

Chapter 242 Cover the nest

It is said that he stands at thirty, Ding Wu is thirty years old this year and finally “stands up”.

Lu Ying was twenty-eight years old, both of whom were able to be grandfather and grandmother, but both were cooking for the first time. However, when the two of them were in Fengcheng, they had been cooking with Wang Daxia and Wei Caiwei through a door, a wall, or a floor.

As the so-called famous teacher produces high apprentices, Lu Ying and Ding Wu quickly mastered the knack of cooking and cooked several pots in one night.

Early the next morning, Lu Ying’s years of habit defeated his tiredness, and opened his eyes, Ding Wu was still asleep.

Except in winter, Lu Ying took cold showers, washed two buckets of cold water, and wiped out his tiredness. Lu Ying went to the courtyard to fight and practice swords-she had just been quarreled at home, cleaned herself and wore Ding Wu’s clothes. The sword that she played was a token of love she gave to Ding Wu.

After sweating, washed two buckets of cold water, changed into clean clothes, Ding Wu woke up, “Why are you wearing my clothes?”

Lu Ying said: “Yesterday the maid took my dress and washed it, and it hasn’t been done yet.” She is just such a set of women’s clothing!

Ding Wu suddenly remembered that Lu Ying didn’t bring anything, and slapped his forehead, “It’s too late to cut the clothes now. I’ll go to my sister Banxia to borrow some women’s clothes and jewelry.”

Ding Wu went out without eating breakfast and rushed to Wei Caiwei’s house. Wang Daxia ran around for the Lu family affairs. She went out at dawn. Wei Caiwei was still sleeping, and the maid woke her up and said that Master Ding was here.

My eldest brother is back from Yunnan? Why not find Lu Ying and find me early in the morning? Wei Caiwei thought something was wrong, but Ding Wu borrowed clothes and jewelry from her with a face full of spring breeze, “…for your sister-in-law, she went home with me yesterday, and her dowry was copied away. Now she has to wait to buy clothes and cut new clothes. A few days.”

“Wait.” Wei Caiwei hadn’t reacted yet, “Big Brother Ding came back yesterday? Lu Ying lived in Ding’s house last night? You…”

Your bridal chamber? Of course, Wei Caiwei couldn’t speak this sentence no matter how thick-skinned it was.

Ding Wu was even more puzzled, “Brother-in-law didn’t tell you yesterday?”

When Wang Daxia came back yesterday, Feng Bao gave him a box of “great gifts” as soon as he entered the door, and then Wang Daxia just immersed himself in these treasures…

Wei Caiwei: Wang Daxia!

At the Jinyiwei Yamen, Wang Daxia was deploying an action with his subordinates. Suddenly, her back became cold, the hair on the back of her neck was erected, and she shuddered for no reason.

In the Shichahai folk house, Wei Caiwei strongly resisted the idea of ​​calling Wang Daxia home to give him a severe lesson. He rummaged through the cabinets and took out the good clothes and jewelry that she hadn’t worn, and said:

“…I usually wear simple things. These are gifts from the imperial concubine Li in the palace. They are all new. Sister-in-law enters the door and I have to mention a loan word. These are my gifts for my sister-in-law on weekdays. For facial expressions, most of the capital is snobbery, so as not to be despised by those who hold high and stom on low.”

Ding Wu saw that Wei Caiwei had taken out a pearl shirt made of precious black pearls, and he hurriedly stopped and said: “If it is too expensive, don’t let it go, so as not to make people jealous.”

Wei Caiwei filled a cage and almost couldn’t even close the lid. Wei Caiwei sat on the cage and pressed hard with her body to reluctantly lock it.

Ding Wu returned with a full load and said, “There is a family banquet in the evening, and you and brother-in-law will go there earlier.”

Looking at Ding Wu who was dancing with joy, Wei Caiwei guessed that her sister-in-law should have a bridal chamber, and asked euphemistically: “Are you and sister-in-law planning to have children now?”

Ding Wu said: “This matter has not been discussed with your sister-in-law.”

Wei Caiwei thought: This is what it means to have a bridal chamber! If not, Ding Wu should put on the air of her elder brother, and teach her not to talk nonsense.

Looking at the back of Ding Wu, Wei Caiwei was full of emotion: in the previous life, Lu Ying was forced to give up his career to marry, be a young widow, and become a monk; Ding Wu traveled all over the world and never lived in one place for more than a month, coming and going like wind. , Unmarried for life.

In this life, two lonely people come together, and it’s great that lovers finally get married.

Ding Wu took Wei Caiwei’s gift home and put it on for Lu Ying. Lu Ying could not comb his hair, so Ding Wu helped.

The young couple greeted Ding Rukui. Looking at their sweet looks, the injustice in Ding Rukui’s heart was also calmed: Just treat it as a gratitude, Lu Bing, but I will pay you all my son.

In order to confirm this marriage, Ding Wu took Lu Ying, who was in women’s clothing, to visit relatives. Of course, they were all the husbands of Lu Ying’s sisters. The family walked around and deliberately publicized the marriage of “hidden marriage for ten years.” A sensation in the capital!

People sighed: How could the Lu family have a daughter who couldn’t get married? It turned out to have been married a long time ago.

Ding Wu’s character is so good. A veritable gentleman, he was separated from his newlyweds for revenge. After ten years, his wife’s family fell and Ding’s family rose, but Ding Wu took the initiative to recognize this marriage. Save his wife from water and fire.

Ding Wu’s loyalty to love has remained unchanged since the beginning of the past ten years. For a time, the legendary marriage of Ding Wu and the fourth lady of the Lu family was passed down for a good talk, which far outweighed the incident of the Lu Family ransacking the family.

Gossip is human instinct, and people’s love for something between men and women far exceeds politics.

Gao Gong originally thought that with the wealth of the Lu Mansion, from the ruling and the public to the common people, they would discuss the Lu Mansion’s huge number of 40,000-character copying lists, just as people still comment on Yan Shifan’s copying list “Tian Shui Bingshan Lu”. They talked about it equally, in order to create pressure on the Lu family in public opinion, and arouse people’s hatred of the Lu family.

After all, hatred of the rich is also human instinct.

But in the end, the influence of men and women can overcome all topics. Almost no one talks about the Lu Family ransacking list. They are all talking about Ding Wu and Miss Lu Jia’s ten-year hidden marriage.

Gao Gong thought he had lighted a big cannon, but he was a dumb cannon. There was no movement at all, and his beard was white with anger. Ding Wu didn’t give Master Shoufu’s face and made Gao Gong very uncomfortable. Ding Wu and Wei Caiwei were righteous brothers and sisters. Wei Caiwei approached Li Guifei again…

In this way, Concubine Li is leaning towards the Lu family, isn’t she against me? No, the prince was born to Concubine Li, and I can’t let Concubine Li be dragged to the camp of the Lu family by Wei Caiwei.

I have to try to get Concubine Li to my side. Gao Gong made a living and said to Emperor Longqing: “The house of the Lu family is well built. It has now been seized and confiscated according to law and has become the property of the official family. This house is idle, too. If you don’t move in, It has been abandoned in a few years, so it is better to give this big house to Concubine Li’s family, Li Huang.”

“Every time the emperor wanted to give Emperor Li a knighthood official position, he was persuaded by the concubine Li. He said that the official position would be enough to prevent foreign relatives from intervening in politics. The family of Li Huang’s family still lives in a three-jin mansion in Shichahai. Concubine Li’s identity is not worthy—even for the prince’s face, it’s too shabby. Weichen suggested that the seven-in-and-out Lu Mansion be bestowed to Emperor Li to show the emperor’s grace.”

Li Jiubao has been forbidden to be an official with his father and brother, and he has strict control over his family. Emperor Longqing has the intention to compensate, and Gao Gong also mentioned the face of the prince. After all, he is the grandfather of the prince… After thinking about it, Emperor Longqing agreed to Gao Gong’s suggestion. With a big wave of his hand, Lu Mansion was bestowed on Li Jiubao’s father Li Wei, and the plaque at the door was replaced by Li Mansion.

The Forbidden City, Cheng Qiangong.

“What? Give the Lu Mansion to my father?” Li Jiubao frowned deeply, “Gao Gong is too vicious. He deliberately separated me and the Lu family, as well as Doctor Wei and them. Now the case of the Lu family is still being heard, and the Lu family will come. It is possible to return it to the Lu family, but the Lu Mansion was given to my father without knowing it. There is absolutely no possibility of returning it in the future. Gao Gong is provoking a conflict between the Lu family and my father.”

The agent Chen who came to spread the news said: “Gao Gong also intended to win over the imperial concubine, thinking that he would give a big gift to the imperial concubine’s maiden family. The servant maid would go to Mrs. Ding (that is, Lu Ying) to explain the gift to the Lu Mansion, not the imperial concubine’s empress’s office. Begging, it’s the trick behind Gao Gong. Mrs. Ding is a wise man and will definitely not fall into Gao Gong’s instigation.”

Broker Chen went to the Ding Mansion to meet with Lu Ying and talked about the change of Lu Mansion to Li Mansion, “…This matter is not meant for the imperial concubine, it is all about the old man instigating discord.”

Lu Ying was a little melancholy when she heard that her home was gone. This is the place where she was born. There are so many fond memories of her father. Now she has no more thoughts about it.

Lu Ying said: “My family property was ransacked, and the house was empty long ago. There is only a skin bag left. We are all down on wealth. If we don’t have a house, we don’t have it. It’s just that there are tablets of my father and other ancestors in the ancestral hall of the Lu Mansion. I hope Gong Gong Chen will tell Emperor Li to give me the tablet, and I will take it to the Sanlitun Sacrifice House and continue to worship.”

Agent Chen said: “Don’t worry, Mrs. Ding, our family will go to the residence of Emperor Li, and receive the tablet by hand and give it to Mrs. Ding.”

Li Guifei’s father, Li Wei, received the message from the mansion, and was so happy that he quickly took his children and grandchildren to look at the house, sighing along the way:

“When the Lu Mansion was built, Da Lang and I were bricklayers. We hung the tiles on the roofs of many houses in the Lu Mansion. At that time, I hung tiles on the roofs under the scorching sun. I also imagined that if I could live here in this life. It’s worth staying in a house for one night. Unexpectedly, the roof we hung by our own hands became our new home for the Li family.”

The villain was determined, and Li Wei was so excited that he couldn’t wait to roll all over the Lu Mansion.

When the family visited the Lu family ancestral hall, Li Wei saw that his house actually enshrines other people’s tablets, and suddenly felt bad luck. He immediately ordered someone to tear off the seal and put the tablets away for firewood to expel the bad luck.

“Hold on!” Broker Chen came over, panting, and rescued the tablet from the sharp axe and the flame.

Penalty Department Great Prison. Lu Yi Lu Cai and Yan Shaoting inevitably suffered some flesh and blood, but Li Shilang, who was warned by the Wang Daxia scandal, secretly took care of them. The three were placed in well-ventilated prisons and secretly gave them Wei Caiwei’s medicine and food. , The three of them were beaten and there was no good meat on their whole body, but none of them were worried about their lives.

This is also a part of secret trading. Li Shilang has to deal with Gao Ge, and it is impossible not to fight, otherwise Gao Ge will suspect and change someone to investigate the case. Therefore, severe punishment is necessary, as long as the three of them are not killed.

No matter how the Criminal Department interrogated them, the three of them gritted their teeth and did not admit to harbouring stolen goods from the Yan family.

Gao Gong didn’t care so much, he ordered the Criminal Ministry to close the case immediately. Li Shilang was forced to close the case, so he came out with a closing statement: “…The land of the house is stolen, and the land of the house is tens of thousands of years old, and the jewellery is thousands of dollars. Believing in the king’s law is not tolerated, and the hearts of the people are all indignant…Hidden the spoils of the world and the people, hide the stern and the court in the house, cunning and unruly.”

“…The Three Laws Division asked, open the coffin and slaughter the dead, cut off the nobility, lose the property, and return the stolen property to the official. Lu Yi and Lu Cai will always guard the side. Yan Shaoting will always serve as the army with a stick.”

Li Shilang meant to open the coffin to get Lu Bing out and whip the corpse. Lu Yi, Lu Cai, Yan Shaoting were all in the army-Wang Daxia said that he wanted to save the lives of the living, and I did it! And I also let go of all the women and children in the Lu family. They don’t need to be punished, just continue to stay in the sacrificial house.

As for the whip corpse Lu Bing, Lu Bing was a dead person, and Wang Daxia only talked about the living, and did not mention the dead.

This is an imperial case, and the sentence of the Ministry of Criminal Justice is only for reference and only for imperial front. According to the procedure, the letter of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs must be sent to the cabinet first, and the cabinet members will give instructions, and then sent to the supervisor of the secretary of court, and the supervisor of court affairs will give instructions to the cabinet members.

That is to say, when the emperor handles government affairs, the cabinet and the director of courtesy will put forward their opinions respectively for the emperor’s reference, and the emperor will make the final decision.

The judgement of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs was sent to the cabinet. Elder Gao Ge was dissatisfied and instructed that Lu Yi and Lu Cai should be punished according to the law.

Gao Gong’s instructions were sent to the Supervisor of Li, who was the **** Meng Chong who was born in a cook. It was Meng Chong’s turn to give instructions, and Wang Daxia came to the door.

The author has something to say: Historically, Li Wei worked as a bricklayer for Lu Bingxiu’s mansion. After the Lu family was copied, Emperor Longqing gave Li Wei the house of the Lu family. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-10-2920:01:21 2020-10-3003:02:21

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Hua He He 1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast landmines: 3 contacts; 2 Aniao; updated Mei, Ji, Xiao Miao San Qian, Lang Li Ge Lang, Mu Luo Yan Nan Du, senior diver, Yun Sheng. , One Ichisuke One;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 110 bottles of Bairiqingyan; 26249091103 bottles; 90 bottles of Pinellia ternata; 683942785 bottles; 1873898970 bottles; 69 bottles of Wagashi and Sona; 60 bottles of Wenmian and Yijia; 56 bottles of Yichuan tobacco; 50 bottles of iwhiw; 44 bottles of a.moxa; ==, 40 bottles of Yu Xiaoxiao; 109028037 bottles; Mujiong Carol, Pipigua, Guo Songsong, Huahaihai, Huan _If Ling Shi, it is your Wen Yu, Gu Huangui, Qingshuang Yaoyao, young and unsure about the taste of 30 bottles; Tutu needs 29 bottles of Tutu’s consciousness; □□□□□□q23 bottles; Langya, I think Quiet, the author has something to say, Xiaotao, Qingluo Xiaofan, panpan, zoey, Lingyu, 32861788, daskey, my own world, heart is not silent, brenda, 20 bottles for freshmen; 19 bottles for reading on the battlefield; Moshanghua Open 18 bottles of Who Enjoy, Pucha, Xiaoyutang sll; 17 bottles of Bayanbulak’s Moonlight; 16 bottles of cute big fat smash, tranquility; Meow stars love to eat meat, Baozi brother, Yanyang, Qinglan, Shuiyunmu, Green wood, fat-fat little white sheep, red envelopes don’t stop, Wushanjuyou guest, zoeou2005,…,5079565, what to eat is a problem, zucchini 99, zz, the mountain has wood, the wood has branches, the oranges are round, so Tianqing Daily Banquet, Sand Control, Long-term Greed, Forever Lucy, Tutuhuahua, Gentle Miss Sister, Big Fish Drizzle, Pippi, Badanmu, Happy Wind, Momo, Watching the Opera Hee Hee, Er Wang I like 10 bottles of good weather; 9 bottles of CCTV; 8 bottles of card fox; 7 bottles of yuki, Apin, and Wucong; 6 bottles of Zhicheng; Xianke, Rose Ningning, Kim, Qingfeng Xun’er, A Liang, Xiao Ye, He fell in love with him, Mu Luoyan Nandu, Wuhen, Xiaodoudou in front of the window, Red string fish, Yinyiren, Condolences, the finely divided nymphomaniac girl Yan Dayuan, 5 bottles of self-sufficient love for a long time; the author cried and stretched out Tongue licking, expect 3 bottles; knock down Langjun, 2 bottles of dimples; study hard, Ah Xun wants to go to Mars, ⊙?⊙! 、Mayonnaise ⑵Uou incompetent star person, Kong Kong is not Kong, Xiao Miao 3 thousand 1 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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