Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 31

Chapter 29 Mystery of Origin

Ding Rukui has been sentenced to death but has not been executed. It all depends on Lu Bing who has drilled the loopholes in the death penalty review over the past ten years and survived year after year.

The power to review the death penalty in the Ming Dynasty was in the hands of the emperor, and was sent to the emperor for review at the end of each year. The emperor opened the dossier and confirmed that it was correct. As soon as the Zhubi hooked, the Ministry of Justice would arrange it. The beheaded beheaded, the hanged, the date was arranged, and the date was announced to the public to greet the onlookers to watch the execution on time, because the death penalty has an indoctrination to the world. Function to warn people not to break the law.

If the emperor feels in doubt, he will send it back for a retrial, and the prisoner will not die for the time being.

But every year so many prisoners on death row need to be reviewed. The emperor’s desks are piled up into hills. In order to show the mighty grace of the emperor, he will always let them go. They will wait for the review in the coming year. The emperor who is hateful and diligent like the Hongwu Emperor will never treat it. All the files are hooked to death.

Many death row inmates died in the prison and failed to wait until the day when the Emperor Zhubi approved and approved the death penalty.

What’s more, Emperor Jiajing was busy cultivating immortals and alchemy. He didn’t have so much patience to read them all. The last few files would not be touched, and he would wait for the next year to review.

Therefore, according to the law of the death penalty review, the death row on the top will almost certainly die, but the bottom row can basically live for another year if they don’t die in prison.

Lu Bing took this gap and bribed the eunuchs who carried the death row files every year, asking them to help put Ding Rukui’s case on the last one.

Who would dare not give Lu Bing’s face? Besides, people gave money.

So Ding Rukui is the last one year after year, and after year after year, ten years later, he is still alive and well.

Ding Rukui’s cell has bookshelves, bookcases, and all kinds of pens, inks, papers and inkstones. The small bed was hung with a mosquito net, and the corner toilet was covered by a curtain to protect him and put him in jail with dignity, waiting for a possible death sentence in the future.

His hair is meticulously combed. The underground cell is damp and easy to breed insects and lice. He does not have a beard, and a **** comes to shave him every three days-prisoners are not allowed to touch things like scrapers, irons, rice bowls and spoons. They are all made of wood, in order to prevent prisoners from breaking and using broken tiles to self-mutilate or injure others.

Lu Bing tried his best to make Ding Rukui feel more comfortable while he was waiting for death.

If it weren’t for the iron windows, iron fences, iron gates, and jailers standing guard, Ding Rukui would be like a hermit picking up a chrysanthemum, and seeing the hermit in Nanshan leisurely.

And Lu Bing, who has been infinitely beautiful for more than 30 years, is like Yi Bing’s weapon covered with rust.

If these two people were put together, others would think that Lu Bing was the death row prisoner who was waiting to die every year.

Ding Rukui asked Lu Bing to sit on the chair next to the desk, and he sat on the bed—because there was only one chair in the cell, Ding Rukui could never invite visitors to bed.

Ding Rukui waited for Lu Bing’s cough to subside, and asked, “Master Lu took time out of his busy schedule to see me, a condemned prisoner, what’s the matter?”

Lu Bing, a busy man, visits Ding Rukui basically once a year. It is at the end of the year for the death penalty review to tell him, “The emperor did not tick your name this year. Congratulations, I can live for another year.”

This year is the tenth year, only halfway through. It was summer, and it took half a year to start the tenth death penalty review. Lu Bing’s sudden visit made Ding Rukui both surprised and suspicious.

Because the last time Lu Bing broke the rules and came to the death row to find him was the second year of his imprisonment, Lu Bing brought bad news: “…Your wife passed away on the way to Yunnan, sorry, please be sorry.”

Ding Rukui used to be a minister of war, similar to later ministers of defense, Mrs. Ding is accustomed to self-sacrifice. She spends her intestines and snows in her muscles. How can she be able to endure the wanderings on the way of distribution?

Like falling flowers falling into the mud, the fragrance will quickly fade away.

At that time Ding Rukui was silent and said nothing. After a long time, he spit out a mouthful of blood and shouted: “Yan Song mistaken me!”

Ding Rukui regrets it!

As Shangshu of the Ministry of War, he asked the first minister Yan Song’s opinion. Yan Song said that he would defend the capital and could not go to war. If the capital is defeated and the capital is lost, the emperor is captured, and Daming will destroy the country.

Yan Song also assured Ding Rukui, “As long as I am here, you will be fine.”

Ding Rukui felt that Yan Song’s words made sense. Daming’s military strength was limited. King Qin’s reinforcements did not know when they would arrive. It was a difficult choice whether to protect the people outside the city or to protect Daming. He obeyed Yan Song’s decision and ordered the entire army to defend the city gate. Don’t fight.

As a result, I Da Khan retired, and Yan Song’s son Yan Shifan lobbied his relatives Lu Bing, putting the blame for the disaster on Ding Rukui.

His wife sent three thousand miles to the south, and his son Ding Wu sent Tielingwei to the north, one south and one north. The day when the mother and son parted is Yongjue.

Now Lu Bing suddenly came to see Ding Rukui in the middle of the year. Ding Rukui instantly remembered his wife’s tragic death. This time, could it be that the son who was sent to Tieling had an accident?

Lu Bing said, “I came to see you today. It has something to do with your son Ding Wu.”

Ding Rukui sat on the bed steadily, seemingly calm, fingers already inserted into the bedding, tightly holding the cotton wool, “He…what’s going on now?”

Lu Bing was also a parent, and even became a grandfather. He knew that Ding Rukui was just pretending to be at this time and said, “Don’t worry, there is a Jinyiwei on Tielingwei. No one dares to do anything to him. He wrote. Good characters, Qili and Baxiang will find him to write couplets every Chinese New Year. In the past few years, I was recruited by the county prime minister to the county government office. I became a secretary in charge of making household registration documents and was able to be self-sufficient.”

Ding Rukui is a serious scholar from the two rankings. He was elected to the Hanlin Academy. He has been a book of six books. If there is no such catastrophe, he will properly enter the cabinet in the future and become a cabinet minister, even a minister of the first auxiliary, and an extremely human minister.

After his son, Ding Wu, was a criminal officer, he was not allowed to leave the development allocated land without authorization. He was not eligible to participate in the imperial examination. No matter how many books he read, it was useless. He was a serious official in the county office as a supernumerary secretary.

The future is ruined.

This gap is like falling from the clouds to the ground just like the son of the former Minister of Defense became a temporary worker in the household registration section of a police station in a remote mountainous area.

Lu Bing handed Wei Caiwei’s household sticker to Ding Rukui, and pointed to the name of “Secretary Dingwu”, “This household sticker came from him.”

After ten years, Ding Rukui saw his son’s words for the first time. Before, his son was a very high-spirited young man who would write an elegant flying style. Now his son writes an upright, characterless Guange style (that is, Imitating Song characters).

Life has smoothed all the edges and corners.

Ding Rukui only took a look, then returned the Hutiao, “It’s nothing wrong to be a secretary. You just need to earn a living and support your family.”

Lu Bing said, “Ding Wu hasn’t been married yet, so where does he come from?”

How did the noble son of the capital in the past see the Nomura woman in the countryside? How can you bear to watch the next generation also be trapped in the bitter cold land of Tieling, generation after generation, generation after generation?

That should be so sad.

Ding Rukui was not surprised that his son chose not to marry, and said, “A man is home from all over the world. My home is in prison, and his home is in Tieling.”

Lu Bing asked again, “Do you know Wei Nanshan?”

This question is the real purpose of Lu Bing’s imprisonment of death row prisoners today.

Nothing can be hidden from the intelligence chief Lu Bing. Ding Rukui said frankly: “He is my former retainer, good at medical skills, and loyal. Ding’s family has fallen, the tree has fallen, and Ding Wu has been assigned to Tieling, Wei Nanshan and his wife. Worrying that he could not live alone in the bitter cold land of Tieling, he voluntarily followed Ding Wu to Tieling.”

Lu Bing asked again: “Can Wei Nanshan and his wife have children?”

Ding Rukui said: “There used to be a girl, Bingxue and smart, but unfortunately she died at the age of seven. Master Lu, how are their husband and wife okay now?”

“They have been taking care of Ding Wu in Tieling until he became an adult and went to the county office as a secretary.” Lu Bing said: “Five years ago, Mrs. Wei was seriously ill. Wei Nanshan went to the depths of the ivory mountain to collect medicine for his wife. Shen fell down the cliff, and his wife went along when he heard the news.”

Lu Bing is really a mourner, every time he comes, he has to die.

Ding Rukui felt very uncomfortable, “Can you allow me to set up an incense case in the cell today? I want to offer sacrifices to them.”

Lu Bing only sat in the basement cell for a while, and felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. He covered his chest with his left hand, and stood up with the bookcase with his right hand. “The ventilation here is not good, and when a stick of incense is burned, it will be smoky. Waiting to go at night. Sacrifice outside in the yard, I want the jailer to set up an altar in the yard.”

“Out…out?” Ding Rukui couldn’t doubt it. For ten years, he had never stepped out of the cell. The iron window above his head was the only light he had seen.

Lu Bing said, “Of course, I just want to wrong you to wear fetters and bracelets. The five catty iron chain will not affect your worship.”

Lu Bing got out of the underground death row and took a deep breath of fresh air. For the first time, he felt that the fresh air was sweet and sweet. He asked his subordinates, “Did Dr. Wei wake up?”

The subordinate said: “I just received a letter from the flying pigeon led by Lu Tong, and I have already woke up. Zhou Xiaoqi gave her our Jinyiwei’s strongest medicine. I am afraid that ordinary people will not be able to get out of bed for three days. She dictated a medicine last night. After eating, I can get out of bed and walk around slowly today. It seems that the medical skills are good.”

Lu Bing said, “If you want Lu Ying to bring her here, I have something to ask her.”

The subordinates led away, grabbing a pigeon and preparing to spread the news.

what! what!

At this time, there was a sharp and painful roar from the cell in the east, which scared the pigeon away and fanned a feather on Lu Bing’s face.

Lu Bing grabbed the soft gray feathers in disgust, breathed out, and asked, “Who is howling? So loud.”

A jailer came to report immediately, “Master Lu, he is interrogating Zhou Xiaoqi. This guy has a stiff mouth, so he used some tricks for him.”

Lu Bing asked: “What means?”

The jailer said: “It’s the method he wants to use on Dr. Wei’s eyes, wax oil drops his eyeballs.”

Just hearing the name makes my eyes hurt.

In the way of human beings, it is also…fair.

Lu Bing said, “You just stay a little longer, you don’t need both eyes, people want to live.”

The jailer said: “Don’t worry, Lord Lu, the labels are all veteran craftsmen for many years. Zhou Xiaoqi eats Jin Yiwei’s meal, but wants to smash Jin Yiwei’s bowl. Chen Qianhu is certainly dead, but when will Jin Yiwei change our surname to’Chen’ He actually dared to abuse the private affairs of the witnesses that Lu Commander wanted to protect. It was really bold.”

On one side is the legendary illegitimate son of Lu Bing, Lu Yinglu, and on the other side is Chen Qianhu, who is tea-cooled. The jailers are not stupid. Zhou Xiaoqi’s attempt to smash Lu Ying’s corner for Chen Qianhu will definitely be miserable.

Zhou Xiaoqi’s move was a betrayal of Jin Yiwei. Lu Bing hates people who eat inside and out, and will not let him go.

Zhou Xiaoqi was tortured in the cell, and all the methods he had used on prisoners before had been devastated to himself.

Lu Bing returned to the duty room. This morning, the soup medicine was ready. He drank it in one breath, rinsed his mouth, and sat on the toilet. When he stood up, his eyes were staring at Venus, dizzy and almost crooked. Unfortunately, fortunately, the guards helped him up.

The guard said, “Call the doctor if you sign.”

“No.” Lu Bing said: “I have been drinking medicine three times a day. I was awakened by Zhou Xiaoqi’s affairs last night. I haven’t slept much, so I’m not feeling well. You can help me lie down and I will get back to sleep.”

Lu Bing was lying on the bed.

Outside the window, in order for him to have a good rest, the guards held the cicada-stained pole and drove the noisy cicada away.

Lu Bing closed his eyes and forced himself to fall asleep, but he couldn’t sleep because of something in his heart.

Ding Rukui said that the daughter of Wei Nanshan and his wife died at the age of seven, but according to Jin Yiwei’s intelligence, Wei Caiwei was clearly the daughter of Wei Nanshan and his wife, and went to Tieling with Ding Wu, who was a hairdresser, and settled down here to take root.

Wei Caiwei followed her parents to learn medical skills. Later, Wei Nanshan and his wife passed away on the same day. Wei Caiwei inherited the family business and became the doctor of the Ivory Mountain Medical Center. Ding Wu worked as a secretary in the county office and helped her set up a female household.

Female households are “abnormal households” and do not need to perform corvee or military service, and there are also tax reductions. This reduces Wei Caiwei’s burden.

Wei Nanshan and his wife are kind to Ding Wu. It is only natural for Ding Wu to provide convenience to the orphan Wei Caiwei. It is not a matter of power for personal gain. However, according to intelligence, Wei Caiwei, like Ding Wu, has never been married. How did she come to Beijing to become a widow?

It’s really strange, is Wei Caiwei in Beijing replaced by someone? Is it a fake?

Lu Bing tossed and turned, unable to sleep. Even if all the cicadas outside were taken away, he couldn’t sleep.

Lu Bing thought to himself, since he can’t sleep anyway, it’s better to clarify these two issues.

So he tried to tell his subordinates to ask Jin Yiwei’s painter to trace Wei Caiwei’s portrait, and then rushed to Tielingwei to ask the spies to identify whether it was Wei Caiwei himself.

But he thought so in his mind, but only a slight hehe sound in his mouth.

inaccurate words.

The guard outside the door heard the sound of ordinary dreams, and the guard thought that Lu Bing was asleep.

So he didn’t push the door to check in.

Lu Bing wanted to get up, but at this moment he was like a ghost press, lying on the bed unable to move.

He couldn’t do it either to call people or get up, lying on the bed like a living dead.

Lu Bing was shocked!

He is sick again!

Just ten days ago, he socialized and drank at night as usual. After the banquet, he was worried about the official affairs to be done at the Yamen, so he went to Jinyiwei Yamen and worked until the early hours of the morning.

It was about two hours later. Lu Bing was too lazy to go home and simply slept in the duty room of Jinyiweiyamen.

When he got up the next morning to wash his teeth, he tried to rub his toothbrush with green salt, but he couldn’t grasp the toothbrush’s ivory handle.

Because his fingers were half-bent, he couldn’t continue.

Not only that, he looked into the mirror and found that his right face was unconscious. He made expressions in the mirror, the muscles of his left cheek could be mobilized, and his right cheek was like a fake face, motionless.

At that time, he could still speak, and his confidant secretly called over the trustworthy doctor who had been treating him with a strict mouth.

In order to stabilize Jin Yiwei’s military spirit and not to disturb others, he also specifically ordered not to mobilize the teachers, and that the imperial doctors sneak in through the back door instead of going out.

When the imperial doctor arrived, his hands had basically recovered consciousness, but his right cheek was still numb.

The doctor judged it was a “small stroke” at a glance, and asked him if he had been drinking alcohol recently?

Lu Bing nodded, “I have been socializing for three consecutive nights and drank a lot.”

The imperial doctor hurriedly gave him an injection to clear up the meridians, and said: “This is a stroke, but it is not serious, but with the first time, it is easy to have a second time. You must not touch alcohol in the future, big meat. Don’t touch objects and female **** either. Have three meals a day on time, go to bed early at night, and lie down if you can’t sleep. Now summer, the days are long, it’s best to take a nap at noon and don’t stay up late.

The imperial doctor administers a needle to let him bleed, and takes it with hot water to open up the Tongqiao pills. In the afternoon, he recovered, but his right hand was still unable to exert force.

The doctor prescribed the medicine to him and told him to take it on time.

Lu Bing was the commander of Jin Yiwei, with a superb position, and moved his whole body. He didn’t want people to know about his stroke, so he gave the imperial doctor silver liang, and he must not tell it-even the emperor could not tell.

Lu Bing drank all the medicines for stroke these days, but he lied to others that it was a safe prescription for summer tonic, and even Lu Ying kept it secret. Only the confidant of the medicine would know the truth.

After Lu Bing suffered a minor stroke, he respected the doctor’s advice and hoped to get better soon. He also saw a lot of it. Nothing is more important than health and life.

If a person is dead, there is nothing left.

Seeing that Lu Ying was busy all day, staying up late to deal with cases, and lack of meals, he worried that the child would go his old way in the future, so he personally peeled the lychees, urged her to go home and rest, etc., and recruited the ghost Wang Daxia to Jin Yiwei by all means. In order to find a right hand for Lu Ying and share the pressure of Lu Ying.

There are countless people in Lu Bingyue, and he thinks that Wang Daxia is good at doing things, and he was born to eat this bowl of rice.

Lu Bing listened to the words of the imperial doctor these days, taking medicine every day, paying attention to three meals and sleeping, but he didn’t expect to fall short. Last night he was awakened by Zhou Xiaoqi’s attack on Wei Caiwei. He couldn’t sleep, so he just got up early in the morning and went to the office to read the file. He went in the morning. After walking through the boring underground prison, he suffered another stroke.

As the imperial doctor warned, strokes will get worse every time. Last time he was able to walk, he could say that this time lying in bed was like a living dead.

How to do?

Lu Bing couldn’t move, he felt scared and desperate for the first time, like a drowning person, watching him sink deeper and deeper.

At this moment, Lu Ying and Wang Daxia brought Wei Caiwei to the Jinyiwei Yamen.

Wei Caiwei’s legs and feet have not yet fully recovered, Lu Ying ordered someone to lift her in a soft sedan after entering the door.

Wang Daxia asked Lu Ying: “Why did the adults look for the little widow? She is not well yet, and a patient needs to run on a hot day.”

Lu Bing is a cunning old fox. Wang Daxia was worried that he would fool the young and inexperienced Lu Ying, but it would be troublesome for the old fox to see through, so he tried Lu Ying’s tone.

Lu Ying said coldly: “You’ll know when you go. Isn’t the Jinyiwei Yamen safer than your Wangfu? I’ll be responsible for protecting Dr. Wei.”

It was true that the emperor was not in a hurry for the eunuchs, Wang Daxia was in a state of confusion, and Wei Caiwei was calm and calm. The more she knew about Lu Bing in the previous life, the more Lu Bing knew about her, the less she would be able to move her.

In the adult world, there are very few people who are either black or white.

Except for frenzied people like Wang’s wife, Chen Qianhu and his sons, most people have two sides, and when they see it, they show different faces. Just like Wang Daxia’s vicious stepmother Wu, after experiencing hardships and seeing clearly the ugly faces of her family, she suddenly woke up and chose kindness.

Lu Bing is a man with blood on his hands but a conscience. He is ashamed of Ding Rukui’s family. He has been holding Ding Rukui’s death sentence for ten years. After knowing that she is closely related to Ding Wu, he will not Move her easily.

The three of them arrived at the bedroom door, and the guard hissed: “Master Lu didn’t sleep well last night. At the moment, he is regaining his sleep. He also asks Commander Lu to go to the next room to wait. When Master Lu wakes up, he will take you there.”

Wang Daxia opened her blood basin and yawned, and she could even see the peach-hearted tonsils, “I’m so sleepy, I want to get a sleep too, take me to the guest room quickly.”

The three of them came to the guest room next door. Wang Daxia saw an Arhat bed by the window, and quickly sat down and lay down.

“Get up.” Lu Ying said, “This is the place where Doctor Wei rests. You are not ashamed to compete with a patient.”

Wang Daxia opened her eyes and saw Wei Caiwei, who got off the soft sedan chair, standing weakly holding the door frame.

“Oh, I’m confused, Doctor Wei, please.” Wang Daxia grumbled up, letting out the Luohan bed, looked around, pulled out a thick book of “Daming Law” from the shelf and placed it in the corner of the bookcase, and then wrote “Da Ming “Law” is a pillow, lying on the book case.

The book case can only bear his head to knee position. There is nowhere to put a pair of big long legs, hanging under the edge of the table, dangling.

In such a difficult environment, Wang Daxia fell asleep with the “Daming Law” on the back of his head.

With Wang Daxia’s attitude of being at ease, Lu Ying had to be convinced.

Wei Caiwei leaned on the Luohan bed, turned her face away, and turned to the window—the husband in front of the palace was just sleeping like this, and she didn’t even look at him.

Only Lu Ying was sitting on the official hat chair on the other side. He was not at all as if he hadn’t slept all night. The buttons on his throat were still tightly fastened.

At this time, a few undesirable cicadas flew outside, desperately screaming, staying on the branches, and the guards could not touch them with the stick. Lu Ying worried that the cicadas would wake up his father, so he went out with a slingshot, yes. The quasi-tree cicada has no flicks.

“It’s still Lu commander,” the guard whispered.

At the same time, Lu Bing in the bedroom heard the movement outside the window and knew that Lu Ying was coming. With all his strength, he pushed out a Bingyu Ruyi beside his pillow and slammed it on the foot pedal beside the bed.

When Lu Ying heard the movement, she stood at the window and looked in. She saw Yu Ruyi on her feet and half of her father’s hand sticking out of the mosquito net.

When my father was old and slept shallowly, this movement must have woke up, but his father was motionless.

He was a blood relative, Lu Ying had a good heart, and asked in a low voice, “Master Lu, I have already brought Doctor Wei with him.”

Lu Bing didn’t even move his fingers.

Lu Ying suddenly felt a bad feeling. He didn’t even leave the main entrance. He turned over from the window sill, pulled the screen away, and faced Lu Bing with his eyes wide open.

Why don’t you answer when you wake up?

Lu Ying asked, “Father, what’s the matter with you?”

Lu Bing blinked, his mouth murmured softly, and he couldn’t understand what he was saying.

Lu Ying saw that something was wrong, and quickly called the guard in, “What did Mr. Lu eat this morning? It seems to be paralyzed.”

The guard knew that Lu Bing had a small stroke, and said quickly: “Oops, the adult has a stroke again, I’ll call Yu Physician Song.”

When Lu Ying heard of the stroke, Lu Ying was shocked and hurried to the next door, half supporting and half hugging, and invited Wei Caiwei to the bedroom. In a hurry, he forgot to call Master Lu, and said directly: “My father has a stroke. Take a look, the guard Said this is not the first time.”

Wei Caiwei saw that Lu Bing’s words were obscure, her whole body was numb and unresponsive, her pupils changed, and he had hemiplegia. She immediately took out a set of needles and chose a three-sided needle at Lu Bing’s Neiguan, Shuigou, and Twelve Jing points. For bleeding from the upper spot, let the bloodletting treatment first, and then apply acupuncture at acupoints such as Zhenghui, Shangqiu, Yamen, Fengfu, and Lianquan (Note 1).

Wei Caiwei took the salt to fill Lu Bing’s Shenque point (that is, the belly button), and then lit a moxa pole to moximate the Shenque point through the salt.

After some manipulations, Lu Bing could finally move his fingers. He said with difficulty, “No…no—”

“It won’t be spread.” Lu Ying guessed what his father thought, and saw his father react. She felt calm, “This is a big deal. Father takes a good rest. I won’t tell anyone.”

Lu Bing pointed hard at Wei Caiwei who was moxibusting his belly button with moxa sticks with thick fingers, “She—” her identity is in doubt, you have to be careful.

Lu Ying said, “Yes, it was Doctor Wei who awakened his father.”

Lu Bing said: “Will…will—” To get her away, I still want Yu Doctor Song to see me. The identity of this woman has not been verified, and I don’t worry about her.

Lu Ying said, “Father, don’t worry, I will definitely reward her with a generous bounty.” Isn’t it just a hush fee, I understand. Near the ink is black, under the ears and eyes of Wang Daxia, I have learned some human affection and sophistication.

Lu Bing helpless: Just this tacit understanding, if it weren’t for seeing this child with my own eyes back then, I’m afraid I would wonder if it was his own.

The author has something to say: Note 1: This piece of acupuncture and bloodletting therapy comes from the TCM clinical path and TCM diagnosis and treatment plan for 92 diseases including stroke issued by the Office of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (2017 edition)

In addition, the audiobook version of my present words “The Great Earl of Tang” will be broadcasted on the entertainment broadcast AM747 of China Central People’s Broadcasting Station tomorrow at 8 am and replayed at 11 pm. Interested readers can Go and listen, the super nice words! If you like, this book has been published, you can… (crazy hint).

Lu Bing has physical problems, and readers who feel that this chapter is unexpected must give up answering the seven questions that are prize-winning in Chapter 22, hahahahahaha, there is Lu Bing’s ending in that question. Tomorrow, I will draw 1,000 subscribers to give red envelopes, and I look forward to seeing you

From tomorrow onwards, every day will be changed at 6:18 in the morning and afternoon. Thank you for subscribing. We will see you at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning. Good night.

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