Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 48

Chapter 46 Missing

In the Dragon Boat Race, Jin Yiwei draws lots. It happened to be in Group A. In the first round of the competition, Wang Daxia is handsome, good in figure, and strong. As the facade of Jin Yiwei, he is placed in the first row of the dragon boat. In front of him is the drummer who beats the drums.

A red cloth towel was tied to his forehead to prevent sweat from flowing into his eyes and affecting his vision. It is really a little red in the tens of thousands of men, especially conspicuous.

With this kind of caution, Wang Daxia suddenly attracted Wei Caiwei’s eyes from the stands. Wang Daxia craned his neck to look at the black stands. Of course he couldn’t see his face clearly, but he still tried to wave the oars and greet Wei Caiwei in the approximate direction. .

Wei Caiwei instinctively wanted to wave his hand in response to a touch of red in the dragon boat, but as Ding Wu was around him, she appeared indifferent.

At the beginning of the game, the dragon boat of the player guard took the lead, and Jin Yiwei followed immediately. The guard Jingo and Zuo Wei Habayashi were behind. All the dragon boats bite very close, but the distance is equal to one person’s body. You chase me, and it looks good instantly. .

Wei Caiwei stared at the redness nervously, not knowing how sweat soaked the clothes.

Ding Wu kept fanning her with a folding umbrella, and when she saw that she was still hot, he gave her the fan and went to buy an ice bowl by herself. When I went out to play in Tieling, Ding Wu used to buy things and run errands. I want my sister Banxia to rest.

The places where the common people gather are to buy mung bean soup, sour plum soup, etc. to relieve the heat. Ice bowls are more expensive. There are some people in Beijing in the stands here. Most of the ice bowls are sold here, so you don’t have to worry about all the ice bowl stalls. Many people lined up in front of the stall.

The ice bowl is a layer of ice cubes on the bottom of the bowl, and then add lotus root, lotus seeds, water chestnut, and gorgon, sprinkled with snow sugar, and then topped with fresh walnuts, almonds, chopped melons and peaches , Icy cold, sweet and delicious, the most relieving heat.

Ding Wu looked at the shortest line and he went there, lest my sister Banxia waited a long time. When she was about to go to the ice bowl stall under the willow tree in the west, a hawker came over with a wheelbarrow, and there was a quilt in the car. The big barrel just stopped beside him.

The hawker pointed to the wooden barrel, “Would you like an ice bowl? It is ready-made. The ice is all good, there is no debris and dirty foam, don’t believe me.”

Ice cubes pay attention to water quality. Floes are taken from rivers in winter. Some are clean, and some are mixed with debris and garbage. If you eat them, you will have more diarrhea. Every summer, people who eat ice bowls have diarrhea and die.

The hawker lifted the lid, and Ding Wu bent over and lowered his head to see if the ice in the bucket was not clean. He felt a lot of people gathered behind him, but did not arouse any alertness. He thought it was a customer buying an ice bowl.

The back of the neck was severely marked, Ding Wu fainted immediately, and the hawker stuffed him into the bucket under the cover of the crowd and closed the lid.

Wei Caiwei watched attentively at the red disappearing in the river, and then came back to her senses. Ding Wu hasn’t come back yet. At first, Wei Caiwei thought it was because there were many people buying ice bowls. After waiting for a while, she didn’t care, but waited until the dragon boat. After returning, the sound of drums spread to the stands, and people all watched nervously at the river. It was the guard’s dragon boat rushing in front.

Wei Caiwei also wants to know that the preliminary round only takes the first place of the four teams, if it is not the first, it will lose the qualification for the rematch.

But when she stood up and looked out at the river, she also found that the people who bought the ice bowl were back in the stands. The row of ice bowl stalls under the tree had only stall owners and no guests.

Where is Ding Wu?

The drums are getting closer and closer, and they are about to reach the end. The four dragon boats are sprinting, and the drum beats are getting more and more urgent, just like Wei Caiwei’s mood.

She could no longer wait for Ding Wu back in place.

While searching, Wei Caiwei called Ding Wu’s name. He also called the ice bowl stall and even outside the men’s toilet.

There is no response.

Wei Caiwei felt bad, and Ding Wu would never leave without saying goodbye.

Under the scorching sun, she walked to the stand at the end, where the commanders of the twenty-four guards of the capital were located.

At this time, a dragon boat rushed to the finish line first and grabbed the safflower. Everyone cheered: “Jinyiwei wins!”

In the stands, Jin Yiwei Commander Lu Bing listened, and he was very happy. He calmly held his fist toward the commanders of the three guards, including the Gossman Guard and Habayashi Zuowei, and said, “Accepting the concession!”

Three commanders: hypocrisy!

On the dragon boat, Wang Daxia, who had just won, had already lost his strength. She was so hot that she jumped into the river to cool off. When she got out of the water and went ashore, her clothes clung to her body, drawing the curve of a young man, even Wang Xiaoxia I can’t hide it anymore.

The female guests were so surprised that they fanned their faces.

Of course Lu Ying saw it too, but she pretended to be a man and couldn’t cover her eyes. Lu Bing was upset when he saw it. He felt that Wang Daxia had humiliated his daughter’s eyes, but he was not good at getting angry in public. He ordered his subordinates, “If you want him to change into dry clothes, don’t catch cold. There will be the finals later.”

At this time, the guard whispered a few words to Lu Ying, and Lu Ying immediately retired.

Wang Daxia changed clothes and followed the team members to accept Lu Bing’s reward, just passing by Lu Ying in a hurry.

Lu Ying almost always had a face like a stroke, with no expression. Wang Daxia couldn’t see her mood, but when he went up the stairs of the stand, he saw Wei Caiwei who was stopped by the guards below the stage.

Wei Caiwei was obviously anxious, and there was no Ding Wu by her side.

Wang Daxia was anxious that Ding Wu disappeared-but not now!

Wang Daxia made an excuse, “Everyone, go up first, I’ll go to the latrine.”

Wang Daxia turned back and followed Lu Ying.

Lu Ying walked over and found that someone beside Wei Caiwei had disappeared. He winked, “Go over there and say.”

On the days of the dragon boat race, it is hard to let people know that Jin Yiwei lost the exile.

Leaving the crowd, Wei Caiwei told Lu Ying that Ding Wu went to buy an ice bowl but did not come back. Lu Ying was not in a hurry, and said, “I will send someone to follow Ding Wu secretly and ask them to know.”

It turned out that Lu Ying was not worried about the stands, she had not relaxed her surveillance of Ding Wu. Just like sending someone to follow Wei Caiwei, he never let go of any suspiciousness.

Wei Caiwei felt that Lu Ying’s suspiciousness was also an advantage for the first time, “Hurry up and find a spy.”

Lu Ying blew the bamboo whistle to summon the spy, but after blowing it several times, the spy did not come back to reply.

Lu Ying frowned and ordered his subordinates to scatter and search.

The men found two spies under a big willow tree. Both of them had passed out. There was a splashing ice bowl beside them, and lotus seeds, gorgon, peach juice, etc. were scattered all over the ground.

Wei Caiwei tried her snort, “It’s okay, just fainted. Someone should have cut the food in the ice bowl.”

Wang Daxia suddenly rushed out, “This place is far away from the stand where Dr. Wei sits, how do they monitor it?”

“Why are you here? We will have the finals later!” Lu Ying took out a Western telescope from the unconscious spy’s arms, “Of course it is with this surveillance. If you get too close, you will be spotted.”

Wang Daxia raised his binoculars and looked at it. As expected, even a bear kid next to Wei Caiwei’s seat was picking his nostrils.

This place is an excellent place to watch, away from the crowds, there are trees, and, very close to the stall selling ice bowls, watching while eating.

Wang Daxia returned the telescope to Lu Ying, “Now there are two possibilities. The first is that Ding Wu ran away, and he still had his party secretly assisting. The second is that someone was against Ding Wu and took him away from under Jin Yiwei’s nose. .”

Exiles who escaped on the way of repatriation are fugitives and can be killed on the spot!

Wei Caiwei was anxious, “Ding Wu can’t escape. If he doesn’t say he has an accomplice, it’s me. But I was in the stands at the time, how could I stun Jin Yiwei and stun Jin Yiwei spying? Someone must have kidnapped him. , And I’ve been watching it a long time ago, knowing that Jin Yiwei is watching.”

Lu Ying said, “It must be the kidnapper who pretended to be the owner of the ice bowl stall. He fainted my spy first, and then kidnapped Ding Wu. But Ding Wu, a big living person, would definitely resist if he was kidnapped. How come there are no passersby. Aware?”

Seeing Wei Caiwei in a hurry, Wang Daxia pointed to a stall selling ice bowls, “You see that the ice buckets are all wrapped in thick quilts, and people can be hidden in them. Maybe it’s still in the bucket.”

After that, he really opened every ice bucket and saw nothing.

On the other side, Lu Ying led a hunting dog. Wei Caiwei opened Ding Wu’s usual folding fan to the hunting dog to smell it, asking the dog to lead the way. When the dragon boat race just started, Ding Wu kept swaying the folding fan to fan her.

Wei Caiwei’s eyes were a little red, “He took good care of my sister, but I lost him.”

Wei Caiwei regrets it! In the previous life, Ding Wu had been a scholar in Tieling steadily, until the change of the dynasty, the new emperor ascended the throne, pardoned Ding Rukui’s sins, gave back his property, and gave official posts to the capital before his father and son were reunited.

In this life, due to her reasons, Ding Wu was taken to the capital to identify her identity, but the result was unexpected.

The hound brought everyone to the place where the ice bowl was sold, and stopped moving.

Ding Wu couldn’t get into the ground. Wang Daxia and others asked the vendors, they all said they didn’t know: “…There were customers buying ice bowls on the third floor and the third floor outside. We were all busy collecting money to do business. Who would pay attention to this.”

How to find it under the capital?

Wei Caiwei tried to push her tears back, calm herself down, and said, “I think the biggest suspect is Shi Lang Yan. We lied to him that night, but someone inside Jin Yiwei must have leaked the secret, which aroused his vigilance. Ding Rukui was alone. In custody, only Master Lu’s warrant can see him. It is difficult to kill Ding Rukui, but Ding Wu is different. Ding Wu is Ding Rukui’s only weakness. Grasping Ding Wu will control Ding Rukui’s lifeline.”

Lu Ying’s eyes lit up, “You mean Shi Lang Yan used Ding Wu’s life to blackmail Ding Rukui?”

Wei Caiwei nodded, “As a loving father, my son and myself can only live one, so what choice would he make?”

Wang Daxia had an idea, and said: “In fact, this problem can be looked at the other way round. As long as Ding Rukui is alive, Ding Wu must be alive, because Ding Wu’s life will be used to threaten him. Don’t worry, Doctor Wei, even if Ding Wu suffers some flesh and blood. The suffering, but there will be no life worry. The capital is so big, and Yan Shilang is so powerful. Even if we have evidence, we will not be able to be human. Therefore, we—”

“I understand what you mean.” Lu Ying said: “We will go back to prison immediately to see who is going to use Ding Wu to threaten Ding Rukui to commit suicide, who is a rape, and then follow the vine to find out where Ding Wu is being held.”

Wang Daxia was about to follow, but was stopped by Lu Ying, “There will be a final in the next game. Changing the generals will shake the military spirit. You do your thing, I do my thing. If you get the first place, I will I found Ding Wu.”

The author has something to say: Lu Ying and Ding Wu took the Romeo and Juliet scripts of feuding lovers. From the point of view of the force value, it is actually Lu Miou and Ding Liye, so please don’t get it wrong.

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