Returning to Before Husband’s Castration

Chapter 58

Chapter 56 mutation

In the morning, the written examination was completed, and the papers were handed in. In the afternoon, the **** of the li supervisor took them to the Anle Hall.

Anletang is the place where the imperial palace gathers sick ladies and eunuchs. People who are ill cannot serve the nobles. There are two Anletangs in the Forbidden City. In order to avoid the formation of plague, they were immediately transported out of the palace gate for cremation.

The other is in Nei’anletang, southeast of Nai/Zifu, next to the Si Li Jian Jing Factory, and it is all mildly ill.

The inner Anletang is hidden, and because it accommodates patients, it is off the beaten track. Most people don’t come here to wander around. It is deserted and deserted. In the past, when the “little fetal abortion expert” Wan Gui was dominating the harem, Emperor Chenghua kept the emperor’s eldest son secretly here in order to protect his children without irritating his beloved concubine, which shows the concealment here.

The exam in the afternoon is for consultation and treatment. Everyone draws lots and draws ten patients, all of which are court ladies or female officials, and then asks the doctor to prescribe medicines and injections, and there is an invigilator to score.

If you need **** acupuncture and cupping, the court female doctor will supervise the score.

The first patient treated by Wei Caiwei was an old palace lady in her fifties. She was not a major problem. She didn’t think about tea and rice, had nausea and nausea, had uncomfortable bowel movements, her face was yellowish and weak, and she was sad.

Wei Caiwei judged that it was a qi-blocking disease. First, he used fire moxibustion to moxibus the Shangwan, Zhongwan, and Xiawan acupoints, then moxibustion at the Shiguan acupoints, and prescribed Liuwei Dihuang Wan, Siwu Decoction, and Erchen Decoction.

After Wei Caiwei gave the old lady of acupuncture and moxibustion, she prescribed the medicine and said softly: “You are half of your heart disease. Did you start to show symptoms when you were afraid of death in the palace and no one to support?”

The old maid was taken aback, and then nodded, “An old sister of mine took her life savings out of the palace and gave her money to her nephew. The money was enough to support her life, but when the nephew got the money, she turned her face and refused to recognize her. Let her live in a decayed house with cold tea and cold rice. She died in less than half a year. When I heard the news, I felt bad.”

Wei Caiwei sighed: “You are a rabbit and a dead fox. This is out of the palace. Some have a bad life, and some have a good life. Don’t always be immersed in sorrow, to find out how the old palace ladies do well. Relax slowly, otherwise no amount of medicine stones will be useless and repeated attacks will occur.”

The palace female doctor asked: “What is the basis for your treatment like this?”

Wei Caiwei said: “This is learned from a new medical book, Tan Yunxian’s “Female Doctor Za Yan” records the treatment of gas isolation. The medical book says that there is an old woman who has appeared since her husband was promoted to accept concubines. For her symptoms of qi, the doctor prescribed Qi-regulating medicine. The more she took it, the weaker she became. Tan Yunxian first replenished her qi, and then used Atractylodes Atractylodes to resolve phlegm and relieve orifice. It can be seen that this symptom is mostly caused by women’s depression.

The court female doctor suddenly said: “It turned out to be about the doctor. She was also a court female doctor in the custody of the ceremonies. She was waiting for recruitment and serving in the court. Later, her family was convicted and extinct. The whole family died, and her children and grandchildren were all dead. She faded out of the palace. She did not expect that she did not give up her medical skills, and she is already a master of medicine who has written a book.”

Wei Caiwei said: “Because she is a woman, “The Miscellaneous Words of a Female Doctor” is unknown in many medical books, but I think her medical records and treatment methods are written very well, and the cause is always written from the situation and psychology of the female patient. She is compassionate and compassionate, and will gradually be seen by more doctors, and she will definitely become a famous medical book in the future. She died four years ago and lived to be 96 years old. She is a kind person with a good end.”

At first, because of Wei Caiwei’s age and Lu Bing’s recommendation, the imperial doctors and female doctors had a contempt for her. She hadn’t been able to see her skills in the written examination in the morning. In the afternoon, I saw her quick consultations and accurate acupuncture methods. She was able to keep pace with the times, read medical books, and learn and apply the newly published “Miscellaneous Words of Female Doctors” to treatment, only to know that she was recommended by Lu Bing by virtue of her true skills.

With more than 30 years of experience in the previous life, Wei Caiwei successfully completed ten patients. It was evening, and her temples were soaked with sweat, and she was extremely tired.

Carrying a medical bag, she lined up to leave the palace. When she arrived at Xi’an Gate, Wang Daxia had already drove a carriage at the door waiting to take her home.

Wang Daxia hurriedly helped Wei Caiwei into the car, “We prepared delicious food for you in the car, but don’t eat too much. Today, Ding Wu personally took the spoon and made your favorite chicken stew with mushrooms, and also posted pancakes, waiting. You go home to celebrate.”

Wang Daxia cut the watermelon that had been soaked in the well water, and there was a bowl of grapes he peeled by himself, and carefully removed the grape seeds. Wei Caiwei could easily scoop it up with a small spoon. It was really what Wei Caiwei did during his injury. You can do it during the exam preparation period.

Wang Daxia is like a mirror, and as much light as Wei Caiwei gives him, he reflects as much.

Wei Caiwei scooped the grape meat and thought to fly to her last life. Wang Daxia, who ate soft rice, did this to her. Now he has done the same thing, and the grape meat in his mouth is sweeter.

It was the sweltering heat that the doors and windows of the carriage were open, and Wang Daxia, who was sitting on the shaft of the carriage, looked back at her frequently, “You are all laughing, and you are in a good mood. It seems that you did a good job in the exam, and you won the top prize.

Wei Caiwei has two lifetimes of experience, and after another month of assaulting memorial skills, she is confident that her life will be smoother than her previous life.

Wei Caiwei said modestly: “We have to wait for the list to be released.”

The carriage traverses the north and south of the capital, from Xisi Pailou North Street, to Xisi Pailou South Street, and then to Xinjiekou. It was already dark at this time. Wei Caiwei ate grape watermelon and took a nap on the wall of the carriage. Wang Daxia knew her When I was tired, I stopped teasing her and drove the car silently.

When the carriage reached the Desheng Bridge, it suddenly heard the sharp cry of a woman under the bridge, “Don’t fight”, and the muffled sound of fists and feet hitting the body.

The voice was familiar. Wei Caiwei was awakened from half a dream and half awake, and said, “Stop!”

Wang Daxia also heard it, and said: “It’s just a group of gambling gangsters collecting debts. There are so many people watching. Soon the Beicheng soldier Ma Si who is patrolling the street will come, and there will be no major incidents. Ding Wu also Waiting for us to go home for dinner.”

Wei Caiwei vaguely heard the woman crying again: “Let go of Brother Chen!”

The Desheng Bridge was close to Shichahai, and the sound came from the shore of Shichahai—the Yuan people called the lake Haizi, which was also used in the Ming Dynasty.

This seems to be Li Jiubao’s voice!

Wei Caiwei got out of the car quickly, “I am an acquaintance, go and have a look.”

It is Li Jiubao and Chen Broker.

Let’s say that last month’s Dragon Boat Festival, Li Jiubao’s father and brother were busy building a shady house in Sanlitun and had no time to go home for the holidays. Broker Chen drove his own mule cart with Li Jiubao and half a car to see them.

When he came back, Li Jiubao’s father and brother asked her to take home the salary and rewards she had recently received, and asked her to eat some good food at home, buy some cloth in her spare time, and sew new clothes for the whole family. This year, the whole family will wear new clothes for the New Year. .

Li Jiubao thought that his father had quit gambling and he has changed for the better. He was very happy. He bought cloth and tailored clothes. He also gave Broker Chen’s grandmother a piece of clothes ready for birthdays, in order to thank Broker Chen for his care.

However, the good times did not last long. Some time ago, the weather was too hot. Some craftsmen fainted due to heatstroke. If they went down, they would die of heat. The construction site in Sanlitun was stopped for a few days, and work resumed when the weather became slightly cooler.

Li Jiubao’s father and brother finally went home to rest with their wages. Li Jiubao’s father, Li Wei, was an old gambler. He was okay when he was busy. He was so tired when he got off work that he didn’t want to move his fingers.

Now when I go home, my daughter Li Jiubao is serving delicious food. Li Wei feels so comfortable that his fingers are itchy, and his gambling addiction is committed again.

The gambling shop owner knew that Li Wei had recently made some money, so he hooked him to the casino. At the beginning, he deliberately let him win, so that Li Wei felt like he was transported in time and lost half of his life, and finally he was about to win.

Li Wei raised bets frequently, not only lost all the money he earned, but also owed the casino a huge debt.

Li Wei admitted that he was unlucky and signed the IOU. There was a heavy rain that night, and the heat was relieved a little. The owner in Sanlitun was urging his work. Li Wei was anxious to earn his wages to pay off his gambling debts, so he immediately took his son back to Sanlitun.

Because of Li Wei’s guilty conscience, he was afraid that his daughter Li Jiubao would know that he would be gambling again and cause trouble again, so he did not tell his daughter.

Li Wei did not expect that the drunkard owner of the casino was not interested in drinking, and did not intend to pay him back. Instead, he stared at his daughter Li Jiubao.

There is a flower in the alley of Machang, what a beautiful girl, and there is no room for a beautiful concubine in the family.

Li Jiubao was completely unaware of the upcoming crisis. Broker Chen has been doing good business recently. He even rented and sold several houses. He made a lot of brokerage fees. Together with his previous savings, he made up exactly one hundred taels of silver.

The bride price and wedding ceremony should be enough.

Broker Chen planned to ask the matchmaker to propose marriage when Li Wei and his son return home.

But before that, Broker Chen still wanted to ask Li Jiubao what he meant. Of course, he is sure that Li Jiubao also likes him, and liking him in his heart is two different things from saying what he likes.

Broker Chen, like countless young men who fell in love, just wanted to hear the words from his sweetheart.

In the evening, Broker Chen changed into a blue satin gown that he only wore when meeting guests. He wore a net scarf on his head. A green peacock feather was inserted on the left side of the net scarf.

The two met by the beautiful Shichahai Lake.

When Li Jiubao came out of Machang Hutong, he was always stared at by the casino people. When he arrived at Shichahai, it was dark and fewer tourists. A group of gangsters rushed up to grab Li Jiubao and carried her into the carriage.

Hearing Li Jiubao’s voice, Broker Chen hurried over to protect her, and stopped the carriage, “This is the capital! You dare to rob civilian girls in the street!”

The gangster took out the handwriting written by Li Wei, “Repaying debts, fathers and daughters pay off debts, it is only natural and righteous to go to the yamen to file a lawsuit, we are justified!”

Broker Chen realized that Li Wei had secretly gambled again, and said, “Isn’t it just fifty taels of silver? I’ll pay him back. You follow me back, and I will give you the silver on the spot.”

What a bully wants is people, not money, where are they willing? “Get out of here! Your Machang alley is a group of poor neighbours who are accustomed to huddling together. We will go home with you and not be beaten by your neighbors! Let’s go!”

Broker Chen wanted to rob someone, and was surrounded and beaten by thugs. Li Jiubao was locked in a carriage and could only cry for help through the narrow window.

Broker Chen was knocked over with his four feet. The carriage was driving. Broker Chen rushed to grab the horse’s rein, dragged his body on the ground, and stopped the carriage.

The horse-riding bully who was escorting the cart on the side flicked him with a whip. Broker Chen was lying on the ground just pulling the reins and not letting go. The bully was furious, and the horse came over, trying to scare him away with horseshoes.

Broker Chen was not afraid, and said, “I am a good citizen. If you dare to kick me to death, you will pay for your life!”

The horseman had to steer the horse back, but his riding skills were not good, the horseshoe did not kick on Broker Chen’s head, but when he drew his legs to the ground, the hard horseshoes slammed on Broker Chen’s lower body.

Broker Chen let out a scream, and then passed out with pain, bleeding from his lower body…

The author has something to say: now everyone should understand why Mr. Chen appeared earlier than the male lead, because he took away the script of the previous life Wang Daxia Wang Gonggong, you may not have paid attention to his name, his name is Chen Ju, in the future Dongchangchanggong of the Wanli Dynasty was a well-known eunuch.

In the previous life, he bleeded to death. In this life, Wang Daxia and Wei Caiwei rescued him.

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