Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 349: Enough Money

Chapter 349

Not long after, Huang De Han returned. He walked into the room and saw Yi Bing obediently lying on the bed, which brought a satisfied smile to his face.

"I've brought back some porridge. Hurry and eat it while it's hot," he said.

Huang De Han sat down beside the bed, his face filled with gentleness, and asked, "Do you want me to feed you?"

Yi Bing felt a wave of nausea and struggled to sit up weakly, saying, "No, I can manage on my own."

Huang De Han opened the lid, and a strong aroma of porridge wafted out.

"Go ahead and eat," he handed her the spoon and said.

Yi Bing held the bowl and took a spoonful of porridge into her mouth.

After finishing the porridge, Yi Bing felt a bit stronger.

She drank some water.

Huang De Han broke off a banana, peeled it, and handed it to her.

Yi Bing accepted it and silently began eating.

Huang De Han had spent the whole day with Yi Bing, and seeing that she was doing better, he said, "You can rest now, I'm going back."

Yi Bing looked nervously at Huang De Han and pleaded, "Please, don't tie me up, okay?"

Huang De Han refused without hesitation, "No way!"

He didn't tie Yi Bing up earlier because he came back quickly, and even if she wanted to escape, she wouldn't have been able to do so in such a short time.

Huang De Han used a rope to tie Yi Bing's hands, securing the other end of the rope to the bed. This time he left some slack in the rope to allow Yi Bing to move around.

He gagged Yi Bing's mouth with a towel and then locked the door before leaving.

As soon as Huang De Han left, Yi Bing used her foot to remove the towel from her mouth.

She climbed down from the bed and went to the window, resuming her study.

It was an old-fashioned wooden lattice window, quite sturdy, and without any sharp objects, it was difficult to break the wooden bars.

After studying for a while, Yi Bing shouted towards the window, "Help! Is anyone there? Help me..."

Yi Bing shouted for a long time until her voice became hoarse, but there was no response. She didn't know where she was or why, even after shouting for so long, no one came.

She approached the door and kicked it forcefully with her foot.

Once, twice...

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Yi Bing kicked the door repeatedly, venting all her hatred towards Huang De Han on the door, until her foot was in pain and she stopped.

The door was locked from the outside with a padlock, and to open it, a key was needed from the outside.

Feeling helpless, Yi Bing squatted down and burst into tears.


For several days, Yi Bing had no way to escape.

The last time Huang De Han saw her remove the towel from her mouth, he slapped her a few times and then switched to using transparent tape to seal her mouth.

Four days had passed, and the inn still hadn't changed hands.

Huang De Han was becoming anxious, so he lowered the transfer fee to four million yuan. Finally, someone was willing to take over.

He was overjoyed and quickly contacted the landlord to sign the contract.

After receiving four million yuan, Huang De Han sold his BMW X7 at a second-hand market. Since he had only bought the car a few months ago, the buyer didn't negotiate the price too much and offered ninety thousand yuan.

He had bought the car for over one million one hundred thousand yuan, so he lost over two hundred thousand yuan in just a few months.

If he hadn't been in desperate need of money, he wouldn't have sold it so cheaply.

He had already gathered four million and nine hundred thousand, only ten thousand short.

Huang De Han sold the gold jewelry and diamond ring he bought for Yi Bing, finally reaching a total of five million.

That diamond ring, bought for 360,000, was sold for only 50,000.

Huang De Han was truly furious, and he had a big argument with the salesperson in the store.

So, those who buy diamond rings are really being treated unjustly.

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