Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 58: Don’t Leave Me

Chapter 58

"Chen Xiaohui didn't refuse either. She had been drinking a lot tonight and was extremely worried about An Xin just a moment ago, her nerves stretched tight. Now that she knew An Xin was okay, she suddenly relaxed and felt tired and sleepy. She lay down on the small bed and quickly fell asleep.

Beside her, Chen Xiaohui's breathing gradually became steady. Wang Junfeng approached An Xin's bedside.

An Xin's eyes were tightly closed on the hospital bed, her long eyelashes resembling two small fans resting on her eyelids. A snow-white bandage was wrapped around her forehead, making her skin appear even paler, adding a touch of sickly beauty.

Her small face, the size of a palm, evoked a sense of tenderness.

Wang Junfeng was captivated, unable to resist reaching out and gently caressing her delicate face, feeling the cool and tender touch with his fingertips.

A tremor ran through his heart, and he repeatedly stroked her smooth cheeks, finally resting his fingers on her slightly pale lips. He glanced at Chen Xiaohui to confirm that she was fast asleep, then leaned down with relief, his lips lightly covering An Xin's. He initially intended to keep it brief, but as soon as his lips touched An Xin's tender ones, he couldn't help but extend his tongue, slipping into An Xin's mouth.

Wang Junfeng was overcome with excitement, his whole body trembling, feeling the thrill of a stolen moment.

Just as he passionately kissed An Xin, footsteps suddenly sounded at the door, followed by someone pushing it open.

Wang Junfeng was startled and quickly lifted his head.

The person entering was a nurse, who didn't notice anything unusual as she pushed the door open while Wang Junfeng happened to be looking up.

"Is the patient awake?" the nurse asked.

"No," Wang Junfeng, someone who had experienced many big scenes, quickly regained his composure.

The nurse walked up to An Xin's bed, took her temperature with a thermometer, glanced at the IV drip, gave a few instructions, and then left.

Seeing the nurse leave, Wang Junfeng let out a long sigh of relief. That really scared him.

He didn't dare to take any more risks. He pulled over a chair and sat down by the bed.


"Lu Feng... Lu Feng..."

Tan Xi Yuan lay on the bed, continuously calling out Lu Feng's name.

"Mmm," Lu Feng leaned closer. "I'm here. What happened to you today? Why did you drink so much alcohol?"

"Wuwuwu... Lu Feng, don't leave me, please don't leave me... Ugh..."

With a retching sound, Tan Xi Yuan vomited.

Lu Feng was taken aback and hurriedly patted Tan Xi Yuan's back.

Tan Xi Yuan vomited on the bed, staining the sheets, and a foul sour smell instantly filled the room.

Lu Feng's brows furrowed uncontrollably. He had a bit of cleanliness obsession and couldn't stand this odor and the mess all over the bed.

He left Tan Xi Yuan and rushed out of the room.

Once outside the room, he took deep breaths of fresh air. He stood at the door for a while, constantly building up his mental fortitude, before returning to the room.

As soon as he entered the room, the nauseating sour smell almost made him vomit. He quickly ran out of the room, found a mask, and put it on before returning to the room once again."

His brows furrowed tightly as he carried Tan Xi Yuan into the bathroom, placing her in the bathtub and gently removing her clothes. Then, he turned on the faucet and began washing her body.

"Lu Feng... Lu Feng..." Tan Xi Yuan struggled to sit up, clutching onto Lu Feng's neck. "Lu Feng... I truly love you. Please don't leave me... Don't leave me..."

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