Revenge On China's Soccer World, World Cup Helps Fight C La

Chapter 106

If it weren't for the fact that Yuqin's whereabouts were still in the air, the Qatar World Cup would have officially ended after Portugal won the Hercules Cup.

Although the story about the Portuguese team, the story about Cristiano Ronaldo and Yuqin in the World Cup is still fermenting.

But after the championship is over, the cartel has only one problem that the whole world is concerned about.

World Cup best rookie, World Cup goalscorer king, World Cup Golden Ball winner Yu Qin.

This player, who is about to become the world's most expensive player, will join the club at what price, and which football giants can win Yuqin's "heart".

For a time, the news that Yuqin was about to sign a contract was hyped by major media around the world.

Even the Portuguese team, who won the championship, the various exposures that followed became less noticeable.

The team with the strength to offer a contract of hundreds of millions of euros has already rubbed its hands in Qatar, trying to deal with or curry favor with Yuqin's agent Mendes.

As the world's most well-known agent, Mendes, his methods are clear to all the giants.

Some agents may not have much loyalty to their players.

Even at some point, football agents will sell out some of the players' due interests for their own personal gain.

However, Mendes at this time privately agreed with the chairmen of the major giants he would meet many times.

In the words of Real Madrid boss Florentino: Mendes has become Yuqin's most devout loyal dog.

For the various requirements put forward by Yuqin, Mendes does not compromise at all.

Some of these signing terms made these bigwigs who control the European football situation also shake their heads and smile bitterly.

Take Mendes' latest rider, for example, he even asked the club not to allow a ban on Yuqin after signing him, and this is still the case during the game!

Although Mendes produced a physical examination certificate about Yuqin, it confirmed that Yuqin was a sensitive constitution that was easily nervous and needed alcohol to paralyze his nerves.

But such outrageous and even exaggerated additional clauses still make the giants shout that it is impossible to accept.

Later, under the confirmation of Mendes and Yuqin himself, the presidents of the giants knew.

During the World Cup in Qatar, Yuqin never stopped suppressing nervous excitement through drinking.

Although this truth stunned everyone, the results achieved by Yuqin left them speechless.

Even Santos, who is the head coach of the Portuguese team, can only sigh after learning the truth: the world is big, there are no wonders.

In the face of Mendes, who did not compromise in the slightest, the giants could only retreat to the second place and find a breakthrough from Yuqin.

For the hot Yuqin, the chairman of the giants moved with affection and explained the bad effects of drinking in the team and the adverse consequences on the players themselves.

They proposed a new solution to Yuqin, and after joining the team, the club will provide Yuqin with the best solution and treatment plan from a medical point of view.

Yuqin is not allowed to drink alcohol in the team unless necessary, which is a flagrant violation of the player regulations.

Before properly and effectively suppressing Yuqin's nervous excitement, the club will privately supervise Yuqin, and allow drinking behavior in a quantitative and covert manner.

That is to say, although the additional drinking clause is not fully accepted, the powerful chairmen are still willing to make concessions for Yuqin.

So in the end, the result of the compromise between the two sides is that the club will not only provide Yuqin with the world's most scientific and authoritative medical research team.

And they are happy to bear the cost of treating Yuqin.

If Yuqin can continue his highlight performance in the World Cup, then the club's budget in this regard is not capped!

Obviously, with Mendes' efforts and Yuqin's own excellent conditions, even the major leaders who can stir up the football world can only make concessions.

An agent like Mendes who has dedicated himself to Yuqin is absolutely very rare in European football.

The status of players and their own agents, the status of both sides is actually equal.

Yuqin and Mendes are only preliminary cooperative relations, and it is reasonable to say that they will inevitably have their own small calculations when signing a contract.

Under such a small calculation, the chairmen of the major giants actively mediated that there may be loopholes to exploit.

But Mendes can be said to spare no effort for Yuqin, and he himself understands that thinking for Yuqin is thinking for himself.

Yuqin's radiant career has just begun, and Mendes will not let himself feel bad in Yuqin's heart.

So in this signing negotiation, Mendes showed a look that did not think about himself at all.

Until the specific treatment Yuqin received in the team was preliminarily finalized, as well as various precautions.

The first draft of the club's contract to sign Yuqin was finally finalized.

No matter which club Yuqin signs with, his salary in the team will undoubtedly be the highest salary in the team.

After the treatment and team matters were drafted, new problems appeared in front of the giants and chairmen.

How should they resolve the termination clause in the Yuqin contract?

Many teams have experienced being forced to poach their stars by other clubs using termination clauses.

Yuqin's performance in the World Cup is obvious to everyone, and no one will think that Yuqin is just a flash in the pan in football.

The presidents of the club, who will soon own Yuqin, undoubtedly want to cancel the termination clause in Yuqin's contract.

With Yuqin's attacking power on the court, it is not a problem to build a team with him as the core.

If the Galaxy Battleship is built with Yuqin as the core, then the termination clause is like a sword hanging over the head for the club.

As long as the termination clause exists for one day, the club with Yuqin, a "heavy treasure", may sit in peace for a day.

So, of course, the big chairmen want to cancel this damn termination clause.

However, on this matter, Mendes' attitude is very firm, and Mendes or Yuqin cannot give in this regard.

Yuqin cannot stay in a club for the rest of his life, and if the termination clause is canceled, Yuqin is likely to be tied to the club forever.

In the future, if Yuqin and the club are disgusted with each other, and there is no restriction on the termination clause, the club can open its mouth and how much money it wants.

The initiative of player transfer will also be completely in the hands of the club, which can sell if it wants to, and not sell if the price is not satisfied.

Therefore, Mendes and Yuqin cannot waive the termination clause in the contract, and no player can guarantee that their relationship with the club will always be harmonious.

What will happen in the future no one knows, in European football, the situation of "one son and one courtier" is very common.

Joining the team when Yuqin was hot, his status certainly did not have to worry.

But what if one day his state goes up and down? Or is it that the injury takes too long to recuperate and fades out of the public eye for a long time?

These unexpected circumstances will certainly have an inevitable impact on his position in the team.

By that time, Yuqin may not even be able to guarantee the starting main position.

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