Revenge On China's Soccer World, World Cup Helps Fight C La

Chapter 15

Towards the end of the night, the Portuguese team stayed in the hotel restaurant.

Yuqin followed the recipe for Ronaldo's lunch and directly brought himself another set meal.

Boiled soba noodles and broccoli, plus fried chicken breast and steamed potatoes.

The special fresh ingredients look appetizing under professional cooking.

In fact, when you eat it, you know that the food prepared for Yuqin and these football players really has no taste.

All kinds of seasonings like the Chinese national cooking, they will never appear in their food.

Meat from unknown channels is absolutely prohibited, and any ingredient that may cause errors in urine testing will be ruthlessly excluded.

For footballers participating in the World Cup in Qatar, urine tests and blood tests are more stringent.

This is a lifelong event for their careers, and there is no room for error.

Ronaldo and Felix sat together, and Yu Qin also came to their table, signaled to them, and sat next to Ronaldo.

The food on Yuqin's plate is exactly according to Ronaldo's lunch recipe.

However, the amount of food on his plate seemed to be twice as large as Ronaldo's at the time.

After a full day of high-intensity training, Yuqin's energy consumption is obviously much greater than that of Ronaldo.

"With such a large amount of training, be careful not to get hurt."

For the youngest talented player in the Portuguese team, Ronaldo has a great affection and kindly reminds Yuqin.

"Well, the physical trainer is also guarding for me, and I will definitely stop as soon as there is a situation."

"You also saw..."

Yu Qin pointed to the food on his plate.

"Actually, I wanted to ask a question about recipes."

The importance of physical fitness is especially evident in the profession of football player.

Carefully arranging your own recipes can definitely open up the gap between people.

Ronaldo can still compete at this age because of his terrible self-discipline and balanced diet day after day.

For Yu Qin's question, Ronaldo did not talk about any theory and bluffing reason.

Instead, he said his recipe for six meals a day to Yuqin, and asked him to adjust it according to his actual situation.

"My lunch is for better training in the afternoon, and I don't recommend you eat so much at night."

Ronaldo looked at the same amount of food as Yuqin at lunch, and gave his own suggestions directly.

As a senior and role model for the Portuguese team, Ronaldo did take good care of the team members, pointing to the food on his plate.

"Before eating this boiled pea and chicken breast, I ate apples and bananas."

Yu Qin nodded when he heard this, and wrote down Ronaldo's recipe in his heart.

"I'll need to continue training for a while, so I'm eating so much now."

Ronaldo looked at Felix opposite him when he heard this, and saw the puzzlement and shock in each other's eyes.

Today, Yuqin's training volume is already incredible.

It's not that they can't do it, but they do this kind of high-intensity training every day.

It is an unbearable burden for everyone's body.

But Yuqin not only continues to train at such intensity every day, but also trains at night?

What kind of terrifying resilience is this?

And what kind of mental willpower allows him to persevere?

After high-intensity training, the exhaustion of the body cannot be fully recovered in a short time, so everyone has their own limits of training volume.

Beyond this limit, it is absolutely unsatisfactory to look at the results of the training mission from a long-term perspective.

Below this limit, your growth may be slow, but it is more stable, after all, you don't need to worry about the risk of injury.

Most people in sports follow a training volume below their limits.

The current players of the Portuguese team, during the preparation for the World Cup, are basically in this situation.

During this period, they were able to raise their daily training tasks to the terrifying level of Yuqin, and it was the first time they saw Ronaldo.

The body's enhanced attributes still need to be trained and consolidated, and after Yu Qin finished dinner, he left directly.

After a short rest, Yuqin's bodily functions are replenished by digesting food in the body and are filled with energy again.

Night in Qatar, the training ground of the Portuguese team.

Yuqin was still doing the familiar warm-up movement.

After a day of high-intensity training, Yuqin clearly felt his muscles and nerves, and a sense of exhaustion appeared.

However, he was not prepared to succumb to his biological instinct to rest and continued to begin extreme physical training.

His body he knows best, in order to consolidate his overgrown physical strength in a short period of time.

Yuqin must exceed the limit of his training volume these days, not stop when he reaches his limit.

He gritted his teeth to drive his tired body, squeezing every drop of strength in his already sore muscles.

Continue to repeat the monotonous and boring training tasks, over and over again, like a tireless machine.

Perhaps only from his sweaty and resolute face can you see his inner struggle and perseverance.


In the shadows, on the benches next to the training ground.

Assistant coach Enzo, who doesn't know how long he and strength and conditioning coach Perley have been watching Yuqin.

At this time, the monitor in Perley's hand, Yuqin's signs have all shown red warning prompts.

Heart rate, physical fitness, temperature, blood oxygen level and other indicators have already reached his limit tolerance level.

However, Yuqin, who had been fished out of the water on the field, was still insisting on completing his training tasks.

"Are you sure he'll still be on the training ground intact tomorrow?"

Enzo had already cast doubt on how professional Perley was.

Because no matter how he looked, Yuqin didn't look like he would be able to get up normally tomorrow.

As Yuqin jogged to regain his strength, Enzo could see that his leg muscles were already trembling involuntarily.

The breath that spewed out, at a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius, actually appeared water vapor.

At this time, Enzo could even think of the scene of Yuqin being unable to move tomorrow because of muscle pain, and his lungs and throat were as uncomfortable as fire.

He didn't dare to imagine that under such an extreme training task, Yuqin could still appear alive on tomorrow's training ground.

Polly looked serious, and scanned Yuqin's data with a frown.

"From the data point of view, with his recovery ability, although he cannot be intact, he can definitely easily complete tomorrow's training mission."

The data monitoring instrument suddenly emits a 'ticking' alarm.

Polley hurriedly spoke up:

"Hurry up and stop him, his body is continuing, and irreparable damage may occur!"

Just when Enzo anxiously got up and was about to stop Yuqin, he was stunned to find that Yuqin had stopped by himself.

Beckoning in the direction they were in the distance, he left the training ground sweating profusely with his own equipment.

Perley: "What kind of physical control is this?" More accurate than our tens of millions of ohm testing instruments? "

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