Reverend Rizzsanity

It’s Been Fun

The Academy has another seven-day break for the students to refine their Gu Worms. Inside Lo Jik’s Second Aperture is a new arrival. Its oval body is flat, and its head is small. The Gu Worm’s back seems carved from iron as it exudes a black-iron luster. Unlike the lively Black Boar Gu, this Gu Worm rests at the bottom of the sea.

‘The Iron Skin Gu raises attack and defense by covering the Gu Master in an iron-like texture. Its drawback is that it continuously consumes my essence.’ Lo Jik muses as he walks to the village’s exit with a bow slung across his back. ‘It eats 100 grams of iron every three days. 1 Primeval Stone is worth 50 grams of Iron. So my cost of living rose from 6 to 8 stones. I still don’t need Primeval stones to cultivate since the Black-Green essence is incredibly potent. If anything—I must slow down and let guys like Fang Zheng, Yuan, Mo Bei, and Chi Cheng pass me to maintain my position.’

Lo Jik stops near the village’s exit, contemplating. ‘I should use these seven days to train my coordination and multi-tasking ability. The more I cultivate, the more I realize the need for multi-tasking once I prepare to advance to Rank 2. Going out of the village to explore the safer portions to hunt is a good cover. Gu Yue Lo Jik is arrogant and thinks he’s above the world. Naturally, he will slowly become lazy and spend his time enjoying a good sport.’

He steps out. ‘Everyone has a certain talent. The previous host had great aim and trained extensively. I might use it and train it further, too. Aren’t there multiple Bow Gu Worms? This talent can be another avenue of growth!’

Several Bow-type Gu Worms flash in his mind.

There are two other reasons why he is leaving the village for hunting.

‘I need to burn and destroy that journal since I’ve memorized the contents. It was more valuable than I gave it credit once I reached the section of a few quality-of-life Gu Worms and their recipes. There’s also another matter. I also must find the Black Boar Gu’s food in the wild since I won’t be extorting others due to the weekly break.’

His heart thrums with excitement. ‘I’ve been using the Black Boar Gu nonstop! I wonder how strong I am compared to an actual boar.’


While the Mo Family has many servants, the Main family has their personal ‘picks.’ For instance, the Late Gao Wan was Mo Yan’s go-to guy for matters of minor importance. Every ladder of social hierarchy has its nuances. While all the servants are under Mo Chen’s employ, they are encouraged to pick the next generation they wish to be loyal to. It promotes responsibility and accountability for youths like Mo Yan and Mo Bei.

Mo Bei, too, has a personal servant.

“Report, Cao,” he glances at the fair-skinned girl in blue robes. He recalls how Mo Yan brought him the maid Cao after catching him in the act. He was embarrassed! However, eventually, Mo Bei silently appreciated his sister since Cao could help relieve him of his tensions. She was a beautiful and earnest girl who did everything he asked. Still, Mo Bei never let himself fall for her since he recalled his Grandfather’s lecture about marrying into suitable social levels. At best, for her service, Mo Bei planned to make her his concubine once he married someone.

Maid Cao blinks her round black eyes, nodding cutely, “I followed that man discreetly, Young Master. I told you how several other servant girls like us watch him chat and laugh with stall owners in the vegetable bazaar. I asked around for him. Of course, Cao didn’t let others get suspicious and masked my concerns as a curiosity.”

“And?” Mo Bei questions impatiently.

“They say Gu Yue Lo Jik does not act like a Gu Master. He takes an interest in their stories and has witty responses. His questions about different fruits and vegetables, how they are cultured, and many other things make him stand out. I also visited the tavern he frequents weekly. Despite being a regular customer and attracting a few waitresses’ favors, he denied close contact.”

“Of course he did,” Mo Bei snorts. “A Gu Master wouldn’t let anybody touch him.”

“Young Master,” Cao shakes her head. “He still conversed with those waitresses, chatting about their lives, and instead left them with a warm impression. It’s as if all mortals have nice things to say about him.”

Mo Bei’s expression shifts before it turns cold.

“I see.”

‘That bastard!’ Mo Bei curses the youth. He never hated anyone more than Lo Jik. The final nail in the coffin was Mo Yan praising the boy. Why?! Mo Bei cannot bear that!

‘Why does MY Mo Yan have to think about anyone else? I’m Mo Family’s heir! ME! Lo Jik grew as a mortal without any Gu Master to raise him. Hmph! He still has compassion for mortals who are strangers. How stupid! He also has disdain for someone above him. That’s why he screws around with me and Fang Zheng. I understand.’ Mo Bei’s gaze darkens. ‘He’s a traitor to his class. He’s a traitor to what a Gu Master represents!’

“Young Master,” Cao whispers. “You look stressed.” She steps forward, gently massaging Mo Bei’s shoulders. Since Mo Bei is sitting, he feels her soft breasts brushing his forehead. Letting out an indignant huff, he lets Cao slowly sit on his lap once she releases his ‘mighty’ Gu.

Unknown to him, an eager glint alights Cao’s eyes as she thinks internally, no longer acting the part of a cute, innocuous maid.

‘Mo Bei is the Family’s heir. If I earn his trust and favor, I will become the servant’s head after he inherits the estate. If Mo Bei hates Lo Jik so much, that man must go—forever! He left the village today, didn’t he? Let’s follow him around and see what I can do. I will only act at Mo Bei’s behest after planning concretely, giving him the illusion of control and a feeling of accomplishment.’

“Cao?” Mo Bei grunts. “What’s wrong?”

“Hmm? A-ah!” Cao gasps. “No- Nothing, Mastah~! It felt too incredible, and I could only marvel at it silently!”



A lone red-back rabbit’s ears perk in attention as it quickly raises his head—


An arrow pierces past the spot where the rabbit raises its head, killing the animal instantly.

Lo Jik observes while hiding almost 70 meters away in a bush. A rabbit should easily hear him coming unless it’s feeding on a drugged bait.

‘This body’s muscle memory is the real deal,’ Lo Jik narrows his eyes. Yes, he’s a good archer. But this body’s experience and memories let him predict where the Rabbit’s head will be once it inevitably hears the shot arrow and raises its head. He slowly walks out of the bush and nears the successful game. One look at his surroundings reveals sparse Bamboo shoots among tall, viridian trees and bushes of wildflowers.

Summer sun shines its brightest in the afternoon, making Lo Jik slightly sweat as he steps on the lush grass and pulls his arrow from the rabbit’s corpse. He uses the grass to wipe the blood off the tip before quickly inspecting it.

‘It’s no good. The arrows will continue to chip.’ He narrows his eyes. ‘Unless I make things more challenging for myself.’

Even if the Gu Masters regularly clear the area around the Village, Lo Jik has no intention of sticking around the corpse. Since his day is only beginning, and he plans to hunt more, he leaves the rabbit’s corpse as is and continues ahead.

This body’s host used to be a hunter. However, it doesn’t know the entire Mountain’s map. Qing Mao Mountain houses several beast groups, including bears, boars, wolves, deer, and rabbits. These beast groups slowly disperse at daytime in short numbers to feed before returning during the night.

Despite his experiences, Lo Jik doesn’t intend to prowl deep within the forest.

Bears can be superbly silent and agile, making them dangerous predators. A wolf group is relentless once it picks your scent. Boars have tough hides and explosive speed, making them one of the more difficult beasts to tackle once the surprise attack fails—IF you can surprise them.

The risk is too significant.

Lo Jik would instead loiter around the village and see Black Boar Gu go hungry, not using it until the next feeding session, than risk encountering such beasts in unfavorable circumstances.

Hours fly by, and Lo Jik returns with a rabbit’s corpse. His most prominent gain today would be his training since Lo Jik didn’t only use archery. Once his mark got unstable and dizzy, Lo Jik used his feet to target the creature with Moonlight Gu.

A Gu Master can use this Gu from any limb! Lo Jik plans to extend and vary his use of the Gu Worm since he has experience of another world with strange elements called ‘Traits.’ His creativity is nothing to scoff at.

Martial Arts and using Moonlight Gu in varied kicks make a dangerous combo—he knows it!


Evening, the Second Day of the Break.

‘I almost caught that deer in the eye,’ Lo Jik licks his lips as he carries an entire deer on his back. ‘Deer is more cautious. Hunters can only capture them using traps since their vision and hearing are incredible. Hunting will be easier if I have Gu Worms that pad my footsteps and control my scent. However, I would also have to feed them. It’s not cost-effective.’


Evening, the Third Day of the Break.

Lo Jik walks with three rabbits tied to his waist.

‘I spent too many arrows and a lot of time to get this trick shot down. I’ll have to compensate by training my multi-tasking by absorbing a stone while I nurture my aperture.’

He recalls how he managed to get three rabbits with one arrow.

He was lucky, but Lo Jik understands that trick shots are always built from getting lucky the first few times and HOURS of practice. It’s exhausting, but Lo Jik is content. He might just major in a Bow Gu Worm after graduation. It’s not like things are set in stone for him since Moonlight Gu isn’t his Vital Gu.


Afternoon, the Fourth Day of the Break.


The black-furred Boar squeals loudly when an arrow pierces his eye. The Arrow gets stuck in the spot as the boar thrashes around before charging a nearby tree and headbutting it as the tree’s trunk splinters and shatters upon contact, falling beside the angry boar. It continues to look around hazily, not minding the rabbit’s corpse it was feeding on before.

‘Drugged and injured,’ Lo Jik slowly steps out of the bush, tossing his bow and quiver aside while keeping his dagger as a backup, not to mention his Moonlight Gu.

‘Prime for practice,’ He swallows the lump in his dry throat as the Boar notices him at once, stamping its limbs before charging the offending youth.

Lo Jik quickly clenches his fist, stifling the bout of nervousness. Lo Jik wanted to battle a beast ever since he heard about the Combat Instructor’s experience with dealing with animals.

Sidestepping, Lo Jik quickly tries grabbing onto the Boar’s tail. He doesn’t have much expectations and prepares to let go should he be dragged forward—

The beast roars indignantly as Lo Jik’s feet barely drag forward, quickly stopping the boar’s explosive charge with both hands.

‘It’s… light,’ Lo Jik suddenly swings his body, carrying the Boar’s weight effortlessly before smashing it into the ground, causing it to squeal painfully. Without further wait, Lo Jik launches three Moonblades charged with his Peak Stage cultivation, easily slicing open the beast’s neck!

A Moonblade used by Initial Stage Rank 1 Gu Master can only cut straw puppets or leave minor injuries to human skin. A moonblade from Middle Stage Rank 1 Gu Master will effortlessly leave deep gashes on a human’s body. Human bones and flesh mean little to the moon blades sweep by an Upper Stage Rank 1 Gu Master, finding troubles deeply cutting a beast’s bone instead. A Peak Stage Rank 1 Gu Master and above can display a Moonlight Gu’s peak performance, efficiently rendering ordinary beasts defenseless in their terrifying wake.

Lo Jik stares at the Boar’s corpse, noting in his heart.

‘I can probably take on almost 4-5 times that weight.’ Lo Jik glimpses in astonishment. He’s been controlling his strength and never knew his limits. He quietly points at the Boar’s corpse, letting the Black Boar Gu fly and dine on the Boar’s body in minutes.

‘I’m close to reaching the limit of the Black Boar Gu. I also shouldn’t confuse my lifting strength with the actual one. Bodybuilders can easily lift twice or thrice their weights, but this world is filled with violence, and I have to think in terms of combat strength. So, it’s nice to have a Boar’s peak performance, but I should also learn how to properly apply this newfound strength in combat.’

He retrieves his dagger and masks the holes in deflated Boar’s corpse with dozens of slashes before leaving.


Morning, the Fifth Day of the Break.

Lo Jik makes his way to the exit with a pep. He correctly assumed he was nearing the Black Boar Gu’s limit since he hit that hard cap last night! However, the Gu worm isn’t useless. One may assume that it makes mathematical sense to stop feeding the Gu and letting it starve.

However, being shortsighted won’t do!

Rank 1 Gu can advance like Rank 1 Gu Masters.

‘Although the Academy will never release complete recipes, the Academy Elder revealed the advancement routes of popular Gu worms. The Black Boar Gu can advance to Rank 2 Black Mane Gu and the famous Rank 3 Steel Mane Gu. Why would I sell it? It’s a good investment!’


Lo Jik stops as he feels his back getting wet.

“A-Apologies, Young Lord!”

He slowly turns around, glancing at the kneeling girl with a basket of ripe Dripping Berries. These berries always need to stay in a small pool of liquid to remain fresh. They are easily cultivated in Qing Mao Mountain due to the constant rain and thin streams flowing down from the Mountaintop.

Lo Jik looks around as other passersby hurriedly glance away, unwilling to help the young girl up.

“Please!” The girl begs. “I lost my footing and committed a grave sin. Have mercy, Young Lord!”

“Alright,” Lo Jik scoffs. “It’s no problem. Here, look at me.”

The girl slowly looks up, revealing her soulful black eyes and tearful face full of fear. “It’s alright,” Lo Jik sighs. “Just watch where you’re going.”

Lo Jik turns around.

‘What a shitty way to start the day,’ He sighs. ‘Well, it’s very sunny. My clothes will dry quickly.’

He looks back at the sniveling girl as he muses. ‘Huh. I’ve seen her shopping at the Bazaar a few times. Must be somebody’s maid.’


Practicing caution like usual, not letting his newfound strength steer him into the depths of the Mountain’s forest, Lo Jik quietly observes his surroundings. Beyond him is a small, grassy clearing beside a small rock formation. The surrounding tree branches sway and rustle. The gentle shade over the clearing will make anyone want to rest and nap. The animals are no different. This spot attracts wild squirrels and rabbits multiple times a day. However, Lo Jik has yet to see one.

‘Should I retrieve the bait?’

He’s been sitting in the same position for an hour now, only moving his legs slightly before they go numb. He’s ready with his arrow to avoid moving too much. The quiver on his waist is filled with chipped Arrows, now only usable on small creatures.

His breathing is steady and deep, almost melding with nature around him.

Lo Jik’s concentration and focus hit his peak, patiently awaiting a mark. Hunting through a bow needs these traits. A Gu Master must have adequate patience and not let power corrupt his mind. He wonders about Ren Zu. Had Ren Zu stopped and contemplated before taking action, the man would have never revealed the Rules and Regulations Gu to the Wisdom Gu. Taking a step before that, had Ren Zu been patient after capturing 10,000 Gu Worms, he may have tamed several hundreds of them!

It’s an unnatural state of alertness and contemplation that Lo Jik finds himself in. His heart steadies within his chest, and he feels at peace.

Only THEN does Lo Jik hear a very soft snarl.

His ears pique in alarm, and his thoughts snap like lightning. There’s only one beast on the Mountain whose snarl can reach the prey before the sound of their hefty paws—silent and deadly, agile and monstrous—Bear! Even though Lo Jik thinks of many things and realizes he is no longer the predator but the prey, he disregards the question as to why and how a Bear is in Gu Yue’s vicinity. He exerts pressure on his legs before zooming back, turning around, and taking a mad charge!

If he has thoughts of trying to take on the bear after finding a favorable terrain, his thoughts stir, and his pupils shrink to the size of a pin as trees collapse in the distance. A hill-sized dark shadow covers hundreds of meters in length with a single leap!

Its sharp, deadly maw snaps right beside Lo Jik, its head bigger than an ordinary boar, and its body easily bigger than an Elephant as the youth hurriedly uses the Iron Skin Gu. A black metallic luster covers Lo Jik as he evades one paw as large as his abdomen, feeling acute pain when the other lacerates his back instead of tearing him apart had he not used the right Gu at the right moment.

His flight or fight response long tested by many, and his pain tolerance cultivated by the men he wronged, Lo Jik ignores his torn quiver and runs without any other thought.


A loud roar shakes the forest, and Lo Jik hopes it alerts the authorities responsible for clearing the woods because they FUCKED UP!

The color drains from his face as he feels blood drenching his back. Even the defensive Iron Skin Gu cannot stop its claw. It merely prevented Lo Jik’s immediate death.

But the sudden unfortunate tribulation is far from the end as the mountainous bear charges at Lo Jik with the intent to devour.


When did he become a popular commodity in the Bears’ market, and why didn’t anybody tell him?!

However, Lo Jik didn’t live an entire life escaping different enemies and only dying after one unintentional mistake. No.

He survives.

He WILL survive!

Lo Jik’s heart refuses to give up, not just because of Hope Gu. He hurriedly lunges sideways, rolling through grass and mud, and turns his direction while the massive bear dexterously turns around. A boar cannot change its direction mid-charge. However, a bear is different!

Gritting his teeth, Lo Jik continues twisting and turning through the dense forest until his legs give out—


He exclaims in his heart.

The blood loss!

He’s bleeding even now, and it finally got to his body!

His thoughts turn into disarray.

Is this how it ends?


He’s finally making progress!

A stubbornness grips his heart as Hope Gu inside him brightens with an intense light that barely illuminates his chest. An unconventional force fills his veins as Lo Jik narrowly rolls away, avoiding the bear’s paw smashing into the ground.

The impact craters the ground.

“Stop! You foul beast!”

A Gu Master?

Lo Jik cannot look away as he tries moving his body.

‘The heart is willing, but my body is burned out,’ Lo Jik sighs, suddenly grinning as blood fills his mouth. ‘Well, it’s been a few intriguing months.’ His heart accepts the situation.

‘I did everything I could.’

Time seems to slow as the bear’s paws zoom into his face.

‘No regrets before, no regrets now.’

The beast’s paws smash into Lo Jik’s head, killing him instantly as the impact tears his upper body, destroying his heart.


Alternate Title: 7-Day Break; Plans of Training; Using Moonlight Gu With Feet; Drugged Bait; Trick Shots; Venturing the Forest; A Saze Zone They Said; Mo Bei’s Maid; Earning Favor; Mo Yan Truly Is a Wingman; Mo Bei: Do you feel good, Cao?—Le Cao: Don’t Worry Master, it’s In There; Mo Bei’s Hate; Cao’s Plan?; Traitor To One’s Class; A Mortal Instead of Gu Master; Peace and Patience; A State of Alertness and Quiet; A Mysterious Feeling; The Prey; The Predator; The Giant Bear; A Beast In Hiding; Someone Fucked Up!; Hope Gu’s Power of Friendship *Wild Bear Laughs In Deadly Paws*; Mysterious Attack; Stonks In The Bear Market; A Little Too Late; Bloodloss Actually Works?; Taken Out; A Survivor’s Nightmare; Cocaine Bear’s Ancestor; No Regrets; Fighting Till The End; Never Giving Up

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