Reverse world gacha system

Chap 10: i shouldn’t have said anything.

Until the day of his would be date, Takumi decided to occupied himself with more different activities. 

Like hunting curse spirits. 


Kicking the door of a room, inside are many curse spirits. Smaller than a regular human, but they have a large number. 

One flying bug curse, one small curse was hunch over looking like a gremlin, one spider curse and a final one who look like a worm with pointy spike growing all over it's head. 


The sound of something zipping through the air, a small sharp object warped in curse energy was thrown and hit two of them. 

A kunai hit the flying bug killing it on the spot, the other one hit the gremlin in the shoulder. 


The curse spirit let out a pained cry from the wound, as the hidden attacker shown themself. Takumi 1nd and 2nd enter the room with weapon drawn and ready for a fight. Not wasting any time, they both charge in. With 1nd holding the katana and 2nd with the knife in the front.

The three curse mindless as they are, receive the attack with their own aggression. All of their focus on the human in front of them, Takumi 2nd. Ignoring completely the human with the sword right behind.  

As they got within range, they jumped to attack Takumi 2nd. He suprised them by ducking low to the ground for Takumi 1nd perform a wide horizontal swing. 

His sword cut through the spider curse easily but was bounce back by the blade hitting on the spike of the worm curse, only knocking it into the left nearby wall. 

'It din't cut it, i need to cut it where it doesn't have those spike.' A short through was made and transmited between 1nd and 2nd as they form a plan. 


Then gremlin curse join back to the fight. 

It lunge for 2nd, but 1nd has already draw his blade to strike for him. The worm curse also took this chance and dive at 1nd who was open to an attack. 

"You're disturbing. Get lost." 2nd said as he threw another kunai, covering for 1nd.

Both of their hits repeal the curse. The gremlin got slice mid air while only the worm was hit with a minor cut. 

It tries to squirms away but the iron blade from Takumi 1nd slit it into two before it can do anything else. 

[Quest complete] 

[Received +1 Strenght]

[Received +2 Energy]

[Received +1 Endurence] 

[Receive + 1 gacha pull] 


[User status]

Name: Takumi Nejima 

Level 3 (31 points) 

Strenght: 29.9

Perception: 30.1

Agility: 19.9

Endurance: 29.8

Energy: 30.0

Luck: 12 (+10 ) The blessing of the gacha goddess. 

[Gacha pulls available: 5] 


With all his stats being raise so much, most of them are even, beside for [Luck] and [Agility]. Which should explain why can take on stronger curses. 

They were all grade 3 curse spirit. He used to need all three of him to fight one off but now they can take on mutiple grade 3 curse spirit with minor level of difficulty. No injury, not even a single scratch. Only fatigue that plague over both of their bodies. 

"Well, that's make it 5 pull. Man how many more quest we going to do to have 10." Complained 2nd. 

"Let's hope we get more after the date. Let's head back." 

As the two of them exit the place they were in, a chill ran down their spine. Turning around, no one was in their sight but just to be sure. They took the long way route to go home. 

The book shop was going just fine as they return. Takumi was handling it just fine like the usual day with customer come and go, some kid trying hit on them, some tries to read secretly but was caught and got kic-kout. Overall another normal day or so it would seems. 


"Hello sensei." He greeted miss Tomoe as he enter the dojo. 

"Ahh, hey there kiddo. Get in, trainning start in 5 minutes." 


He punch and punch again at the dummy. 


Then kicks, each one jerk the dummy with intense force. He grimace after each one but keep going. 

His timing has to be precise, improving his skill as a fighter. The same move, the same hit but each one has to be better. For that is what martial art is, doing a kick for a thousand time. 

For hours without end, he punch and kick at the dummy. His muscles tear and rip and sweat pouring from his head, on his back, soaking the floor.  

Despite being like by his sensei, that doesn't mean he will get any speacial treatment than other students. Tomoe watch the class with stare that match eye of a hawk, her amber eye glow as she oversee him and other students perform blow after blow on their own training dummy. 

Her jacket outfit is loose in a v-shape that exposed her naked collar, pronounce chest size and Takumi could certain that he could see her lower six pack. Everyone has the same style of clothing but since Takumi is a guy, he has to wear it more tightly around his body. 

 "FOCUS" she yell at another student. 

"Where are your eyes looking, are you kicking or giving a foot massage."  

The class kept going for another 30 minute then the class is dismissed by her.  

"Stop. You all did well, except for some of whom i will have a word with." Tomoe said in strict voice. 

Takumi drop the tension in his body and lett gravity drag him to the floor, Breathing in long intervolve. He felt footstep of someone approaching from behind. 

"Was it hard for you as it was for me ?" A male voice spoke in a joking manner. 

Takumi turn around to greet the voice. 

"I feel like this is too easy, ichika." He said. 

Dressing in the same clothing as him with the only diffirence in their belt. A towel held in his hand to him, in a friendly gesture. 

Ichika is also a student like Takumi, but his feature are more define. They become close friend not just because the so few number of male student here, but he has was the closet to being a man with his old world standard.

Going outside, likes working out, and a good drinker too. For the most part he is still a man of this world but Takumi was very appreciate of those small nature.  

"Yeah ? Well watch out for the one over there." A quick eye movement from him to a group of girls that they are training with. 

As soon as Takumi look at them, they all turn away, some looking at the floor or the ceiling. Takumi knows this too well. They were catching a glimse of his soaked body. Which is why one of them got caught by ms. Tomoe. 

"Meh, i don't mind all that much. Wanna hit the shower." 

"Sure. You'll mind if call the other in too ?" 

"Not at all." 

Him, Ichika and two more boys join in the bath, Nathan and kagami. Acustoming to the new personallity of men was strange to say the least. In the shower they don't talk about things that interest him, mostly gosiping and the newest trend that they like. 

Once inside the bath, they all get undress. Showing off their naked body to eachother with Takumi got many question for him coming from the two boys.

"Takumi, you gotta tell us how to get that look man." Nathan asked. 

"What, My abs ? I tell you guys already, it's just regular training." Takumi replied casually.  

"No way, i tried for weeks, even use a diet and my stomach is still not as toned as yours." 

"Maybe you should try asking Ichika for his secret ?"  

"Hey, lay off! I got this body from hard work ok. Maybe if you try to not stuff your belly every two hour. You could get half as toned as me and Takumi."  

Compare to Takumi, Ichika definitely have more toned muscle. But Takumi has the more balance all across his feature, his was more athlethic, which suited him considering what he did in his spare time. there was laughter among them before the Kagami change the subject. Getting along with them is not too difficult as long as one knows what to talk about and change the topic when needed. 

"Did you see the way those girl looking at us ?" 

"Seriously, what a creep. Serve them right getting caught." 

"But some of them are kinda cute, no ?"

"Yeah, hey Takumi. Who do you think it's the cutest of the girls ?" 

"Hmmm....i don't care all that much." 

"Heh ? Not even a bit?" 


"Maybe he gotten himself a girl." Tease, Nathan with a smile.  

"I do, actually." Takumi answer in a matter of fact.

"Wait for real ?" 

"Really ? Who's the lucky girl?" 

"What does she look like ?" 

"Is she into sports ?" 

Suprise by the news, they shower him with question, Takumi just gave in and answer them. 

"So, you guys going date this weekend ?" 

"I wouldn't call it a date but yeah." 

"Dude, it is most certainly a date. It's the day after tomorow, do you even have something nice to wear ?" 

"Couldn't i just wear a cassual outfit ?" 



"No, that won't do at all. Say, we should go shoping together tomorow." 


In the end Takumi was dragged into going shopping whether he likes it or not. 

"I shouldn't have said anything." He said in a defeated tone of voice.

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