Reverse world gacha system

Chap 14: date

"This is some bullshit man, i din't work all that just for someone else take it all." Takune angrily said, throwing a childish fit. 

 Making his way home, both the clone fell to the floor. Takune is even more tired since he'll have to carried Takichi back the whole distance. 

"Making it out alive is good enough. No ?" Takumi said in a lax tone. 

Already waiting at the door for them, durring the tense conversation of the clone. He was Completely comfortable at home, his only worries was when the clone were threaten. 

"We don't need to get out alive, we could just have died there and there's nothing that Senjaku could do to take the finger from our inventory." 

"But we'll set targets on our back, both from the jujutsu sociaty and the curses. Best course of action then was to give it up then and there, plus she still didn't know about the clone technique." 

In hindsight, making that trade was the safest route. As of currently they don't have the slightest of power to protect themself from someone like Senjaku. 

"And beside, what are we gonna do with the curse object like that lying around. It attract other curse spirits and i don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to fight." Takumi said, making his point clear. 

Snapping his finger, the clones bodies began to fade away. He decided to go to sleep now so he is able to wake up early tomorow. Hoping on the bed, Takumi turn to look at a key in his hand. His mind ponder about doing something, before pushing it off and falling asleep without issue. 


As the first light of dawn peek through the curtain of Takumi house, he was awake and well dressed for this special day. He chose to wear a typical jeans pants and a black t-shirt, that is lean into the open sides but just enough, an loose sleeves here, an bare shoulder there, all guaranteed to capture a woman's heart. It doesn't come off as too showy but still has the attractiveness.  

 "Almost time." Takumi said, glancing to the clock on the wall that pointed to almost 8 : 00 in the morning. He lean against the counter with a cup of coffee in his right hand, in his left hand he held a pair of tickets. 


Toji was happy that she was asked out for a date, she din't know what a date is. Mostly because she never went on one.......and she never has anyone to go out with at all. Most of the time she spent wandering to diffirent betting pool, just trying to feel something other than the swelling hole inside of her. Riding on her motorbike, she pressed on the gas. Feelling the wind on her face and the scenery turn into a blur, she stopped right outside the door of a book store and knock on it. Not a moment later, the door open and she was greeted by a charming looking boy. 

"You're late." He said before giving her a hug. 

To which she return with a peck to his cheek. 

"Shall we get going. You don't want to be even more late." She ask with a tease. 

Walking to the park gate, many other people could be seen around the place. Family that went out for a fun activity, some youngster who want to have fun with their friends, and especially plenty pairs of love bird much like Takumi and Tojiko. 

"So, where do you want to go now?" Passing the ticket gate, she try to engage in another conversation. 

"Hmmm...hey how about that dart throwing game." Takumi pointed at the nearest game. 

The two of them went on to play some of the games, it soon become abundantly clear how physicly strong the female version of Toji is. Any games that require even the slightest amount of musscle, Tojiko can easily dominated it. 

She has won every games they go to and not even a single sweat on her. From whack a mole, throwing ring, shooting hoop, etc...... At one game, ring the bell. Where you have to hit a pivot on a broad game, using a mallet. By hitting the pivot hard enough, the indicator will ring a bell mounted at the top of the indicator scale board indicating a win. 

"So i'll just hit it and i get to chose any prize i want right ?" Tojiko asked.

"That's correct my good lad. But only if you're strong enough." The operator said with a sly remark.  

"Oh i'm more than enough. Do you want anything for your prize ?" She turn and asked Takumi. 

A one look over at the prize pool, only stuf animal and a few trinket. Nothing eye catching for Takumi but an idea popped in his mind. 

He lean in close to her ear and whisper. "If you get the highest score, i"ll let you do whatever you want with me." 

Once she heard that, her attitudes changed dramatically. She pull her head back in suprise.

"Whatever ?" She ask, a lecherous smile beamed on her face. 

Which he nodded. 

Without needing any preparation, Tojiko lift the mallet up using only one hand. She raise it up and slammed it down. 


The force from her swing sent the pivot flying through the air crashing pass the bell, breaking it off. Tojiko smash it so hard the pivot flew out of the broad. 

Much to everyone slack jawed suprised expresion. 

Tojiko would have to pay compensation for the damage she caused to their equipment. At the end of the day, Takumi walked away with ton of plushies in his arm. 

He didn't want any of it from the begining but through that turing it down would made Tojiko felt bad. She was only try to show herself off to him, in the same way a boyfriend like to show his girl how strong he is. 

"Wow, i gotta say. You're really strong Tojiko." 

"Yeah, i had fun. Did you have fun too?"

"Fun huh...yeah if failling sound fun to you." 

Unlike her, Takumi did not win a single prize. Almost as if the games here are desgined for only the woman to win so they can show off to their boyfriend. So Takumi ended up walking away with a damaged pride. 


The amusement park was alive with the sounds of laughter, the whirr of rides, and the sweet smell of cotton candy. Takumi trolled through the park, his arms overflowing with plushies he had won at various game stalls. He couldn't help but smile, feeling like a kid himself with the stuffed toys almost spilling from his grasp.

As he turned a corner near the Ferris wheel, he noticed a group of children standing by a bench, their eyes wide with awe as they gazed at the mountain of plushies he carried. Their excitement was palpable, he felt a warmth spread through him. Without a second thought, he made his way over to them.

"Hey there," he said, crouching down to their level. The children, a mix of boys and girls ranging in age from about six to ten, looked up at him with wide, hopeful eyes.

"Hi," one of the girls responded shyly, her eyes never leaving the stuffed animals.

"Do you guys like these?" Takumi asked, holding up a giant teddy bear that was almost as big as one of the kids.


The children nodded eagerly, a chorus of "Yes!" and "I love it!" 

"Well," he said with a grin, "how about you help me out? I have way too many of these to carry home. Would you like to have one?"

The children's faces lit up with pure joy. "Really?" a little boy asked, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"Really," he nodded to confirmed. "Come on, everyone pick one."

The kids surged forward, giggling and chattering as they carefully selected their favorite plushies. John watched them with a smile, enjoying their happiness more than any prize the park could offer.

"Thank you, mister!" a young girl exclaimed, clutching a fluffy pink bunny to her chest.

"Yeah, thanks a lot!" another boy said, hugging his new stuffed lion.

"You're very welcome," he replied, ruffling the boy's hair. "Enjoy the rest of your day at the park, okay?" 

The children ran off, their new toys in hand, their laughter echoing behind them. Standing up, feeling lighter than ever. He continued his date, a satisfied smile on his face. 

Through, something weird was at the back of his mind. Turning around again, he did it just in time to see a small girl. 

"Strange." He muttered, she seem rather ordinary. Wearing short skirt and a white hoodie, he has this strange feelling about her. Was it the white hair that they have ? Or is it the blue eyes ? 

He tried to focus more when a tap on his shoulder snap him back. 

"Yeah ?" 

"Are you ok ? You look dazzed for a seccond." Tojiko look worried, casting one of her arm around him, ready to catch if he fell over. 

"Nah i'm fine, let's go to the next one." 

Before they knew, the sky has turn a bright orange in color for the sunset. With less time to go on a long ride, Takumi deciding on their next ride, Tojiko was complacent standing beside him.

He decided to finish the night on one last ride of the night, the Ferris Wheel. Bright lights all around them led the path through other loud rides and stands. Cold air begin to form, making both separately decided to snuggle up to one another once on the ride. Thankfully, the line was short and they were sat in a gondola very soon.

Once they hoped in a cabin and let the giant wheel spin around. It only take them a couple of minutes for their cabin to reach the top. Then it stopped. Darkness of the night sky has already replaced the organge sunset by now. 

"Takumi, i need to tell you something." She said suddenly.  

She turned to him, her eyes reflecting the anticipation and excitement of the moment. She felt like this would be the pefect chance to tell him, that this moment would not come again. 

"Uh, sure." Takumi seemed almost suprised but tried to keep a stoic face.  

"I want to hold you, to bear you within my gasp, having your beating heart set against mine. I love it." 

"I love the way you smile, i love the glow of your green eye when you looked at me, i love when your voice when you call my name. I love it all, i love you. Please be mine, be my lover." She said, her tone steady and her voice is full of resolve. 

Takumi was about to accept her confestion right here but before his voice could get out, she spoke again, her words pouring out in a fervent rush, as if she couldn't contain the depth of her emotions.  

Feelling like he should end it here, he push his lips into a deep kiss that sillence her rambling, at first she was suprise. Before leaning into return his affection.  

His warm hands trace the hair on her back, his eyes meeting her own, and their lips colliding in a wild, passionate kiss. One of his hands dug into her hairline while she, in turn, buried both hands in his hair. 

He nibbled on her lips, letting the tip of his tongue slide along her lower one, then the upper one. A wave of pleasure flowed through-out her body as he slowly pushed his tongue into her mouth.

Tojiko was captivated by his kiss, each kiss would calm her down until they separated from each other.

Takumi look at her face, Inside the dark cabin. Where there was only the two of them, the light of the city building and other stands could only barely got through to illuminate her facial feature. Her eye bore deep into him, awaiting his answer. 

"Does this mean-" 

"Yes." He replied softly, before leaning in again for another kiss. 

he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her, silentcing her with a tenderness that spoke volumes. As fireworks burst into vibrant colors in the night sky, their kiss deepened, sealing their moment as one of the most romantic nights they could have. 

21 hour, 14 revision  and 8k words worth of chapters, too bad i can only use 2k words for this chap. Well this seem like a good way to make their relationship official. Toji would show up alot more in the chaps to come now that they are a couple.

Also i gotta ask, seggs ?

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