Reverse world gacha system

Chap 17: home, baby and portal

They eventually got out of the bath and once they had dried off, Tojiko let Takumi have a ride back to his house. 

"I enjoyed our last night together, would you like to do it again sometimes ?" 


"Sure." He argee. Toji was great, she loved him, she was caring. Just alebit in her weird way, but he can tell she didn't what to let him know everything about her. For now that is, he doesn't wanna push her so he'll let things be as it is.

 "Oh and there's something wanna tell you." 

"What-" Takumi turned around to have her arms wrapped around his neck, she kissed him full on the lips. wonderful warm sensation blossomed was beamed in the two lover. Their emotion convey without any word needed. 


The day after he went back to his place, Takumi did was to do some research about human reproduction. He was pretty sure he didn't have a baby with her yet but he need to be sure. And possibly became someone dad. 

Roughly an hour or so later, Takumi has found enough infomation about the subject he needed. Putting the obvious mechanism of biological parts in male and female, male penis produce sperms and female have ovaries that have the egg for sperms to be fertilized. The rate of child birth in this world is four to six, with the males being in the minority while the females taking the large majority. 

Some other info he noted that is the male reproductive organs is alot more sensitive and produce alot more sperms than what consider to be the norm for his old world. The female has an increase in libido and the fluid that they produce when having intercourse has effect similar to aphrodisiac that makes male penis hard for a long time. 

The biggest diffirence is in how process of fertilization occurs, to create an embryo, the ovaries will need many DNA materials from the male partner. Once enough genetic material have been absorbed by the egg, then the embryo will start it's process to form in the female body.

The typical male will need to have a dozen intercourse with a female in order for the female could be impregnated. The development of the egg to the fetus will take a couple of months, which is alot faster than Takumi expected with his view from his old worlds. Most importantly, the woman in this world have the control over their ovulation, with the exception that they have to ovulated once per month. Which mean they can chose wether they can be impregnated or not when having sex.  

Takumi lay flat on his back, letting the new info slowly sink in. He laid there for another hour before getting back up. He then went to buy some grocery later, and for the rest of the day he just do whatever, playing video games, going out with his friends, basicly just continue living his daily life as usual, like there wasn't a difference in the world. Well, leaving out the depressing air that carried by his old self. Takumi considered investing in some stock market things, maybe he could made big money later, too bad he's in the age where bit coin had yet to be born and technology isn't that great yet. And he keep on with his life for a week or so, Takumi woke up early and had breakfast. he looked over his status on the system. 

"System, status." 


[User status]

Name: Takumi Nejima 

Level 5 (41 points) 

Strenght: 51.9

Perception: 47.1

Agility: 31.9

Endurance: 51.8

Energy: 47.0

Luck: 24 (+10 ) The blessing of the gacha goddess. 

[Gacha pulls available: 27] 


Finishing his breakfast, he'll let the clone do the clean up as he got back to his room. Takumi ran through his item and notification, "oh wait i have those un-opened items. System, let me see it."

[1 Randomize item] 

[2 Randomize world key] 


" for me the random item first." 

[Opening random item]

The screen began it's slot gacha slide. And finally stoping with.





[Guts long sword (D)]

"Oh ?" He was suprised an item belong to a main character like guts got such a low rank. 'Shouldn't it be at least B or A rank ?' He throught. Only when he inspect it does he know why it gotten a low rank. 

[Guts long sword (E)]: the blade that was used when guts was still a young mercenary. Not to be confuse with his other blade, the dragon slayer. This sword is much more made to be wield by a human.   

Taking it in his own hand, Takumi got a feel for the blade. The whole thing was long enough to be equal with Takumi in height. The blade is double edge with it's width around 2 inch. 

So overall, Takumi could managed with using it, the biggest problem when swinging it is he has to find a place that has enough space if he want to have a proper swing. His inner child would like to swing this around quite alot, but then his bookcases would all be turn to shredded paper if he alowed himself to. 

"You know what, lets give it another go, system spin me another one."

Following his command, the system ran one more spin. 






[Cape (E)]: a cape that was made for super hero, made with good materials. But bad with fashion, in the words of a famous hero fashion designer. "NO CAPE!"  

"You know what, forget about it. Why do i even bother."  

He felt like a cold bucket of ice pour over him, Takumi take an object out from his inventory, it was the key he had first pick up. Takumi decided he'll go and finish that gate first before he go to any other world. 

Just before he'll go, Takumi made sure that his schedule be clear for the day first, since he don't know how long he'll be gone for. The system doesn't give him a straight-out answer, only that he will be inside until the challenge was completed. 

"If it was any time this would be it. System, how do i use these keys ?" 

The system pop up, giving him instruction on how to use it. But unlike from the usual word screen mesage, it show him via picture this time. Arcording to the given instruction. Just have his hand raise up to hold the key and move in a motion mimic that of opening a door.

Then, from out of the empty space in front of him, a blue streak run in a vertical rectangle pattern. Once the streak run in full shape, a distinct blue wave connect itself to all of the rest of the portal formed. 

[The Gate key (dungeon - F rank) has been actived, user may now pass] 

[World challenge: street fighter.]

Takumi paid no attention to the message of the system, his ear heard the cackling of energy from the door, his eyes glue to the blue door that moved in like the surface of a wave. 

His mind too focus on this challenge, he only give a quick glance at the wall clock before he set his first step through the portal, on his way to complete the first challenge.

so, another chap another week right. I gotta come up with how babies are made in this world, seeing that i already write a smut scene i can't chose the "man get impregnanted by woman" route. Maybe in another story.   

Also i got banned in the forrum. Aperrantly you can't sexting your gf online it seem. Oh well *shruggs*

See you all next week, until then my readers. 


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