Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 1013

Chapter 1001 situation

Sitting in the car back to the company, Meng Qian looked sideways at the sky outside the window, looking into the endless distance.

Sun Xiaojing, who was sitting next to Meng Qian to read the news, couldn’t help but glance at Meng Qian from time to time, because she had never felt such strange emotions in Meng Qian.

At this time, there was a strong firmness in Meng Qian’s body, but there was also a looming fatigue. She even saw a sense of relief in Meng Qian’s body, a sense of relief that she could leave at any time.

Sun Xiaojing wanted to say something several times, but in the end she chose to remain silent.

In the process of looking down at the information time and time again, Sun Xiaojing understood everything. As Xiao Boshi said, in the face of the full-scale explosion of China Technology and the changes in the global landscape, the opponents ultimately chose extreme opposition. , The unilateralism has been developed to the extreme.

The Dafeng Group has been labeled an unprecedented hat, and it has been identified as the world’s largest security risk. Some media have directly pointed out that it is almost impossible to directly describe the Dafeng Group as terrorism, but the treatment is almost the same.

Dafeng Group’s overseas trade has been scrutinized on a wider scale, and a large number of projects may be suspended. A large number of overseas companies that have in-depth cooperation with Dafeng Group are forced to “sit together”. Companies such as Huawei and Ali Yinghaiwei have also encountered greater resistance. Global technology stocks have plummeted or even Triggered a shock in the financial industry.

The strong sense of confrontation has plunged the whole world into greater anxiety. No one knows what will happen next, but everyone wants to know what will happen next.

Back at the company, all the senior executives were already waiting for Meng Qian in the conference room. Meng Qian didn’t take a seat after entering the door, but stood up and said to everyone, “The battle has begun.”

Everyone’s backs were unconsciously taller.

Meng Qian looked around, “But this battle will definitely not last long, because the world can’t last too long in this state. If there is no minimum balance in a short period of time, no one will sit. Waiting for the passive influence.

For us, whether all the efforts of the past nineteen years are meaningful or not, maybe finally there should be an answer. I hope you all have this awareness. ”

Meng Qian expressed his most basic views and looked at Xiao Boshi, “How is the current mood outside?”

Xiao Boshi clicked on the desktop, and a virtual world map appeared on the long table of the conference room. On this world map, there were a lot of red and blue dots.

“At present, most people are still waiting, still in a swinging state, but we have grasped a number of key points.

Take the European Union as an example, countries like Italy, Spain, Belgium and so on. Although our cooperation with them has been deepening over the years, they have been in a swing state, and most EU countries have also been in a swing state.

However, the core companies in Germany and France and some of the key people we have established have already talked to me on the phone just now, and they will immediately use actions to show their attitude. As the new leader of the European Union, they do not intend to remain silent. Their voice is more important than other EU countries.

On the Asian side, the Neon countries and Korea countries are both swinging. Southeast Asia and the Middle East have already taken some actions. They will ensure the stability of our trade there, and they will not rule out that they will stand up and speak out.

Of course, there is no 100% support in this general environment, but there will be a biased attitude.

As for the opponents, the main ones are Australia, India and other forces. ”

Meng Qian walked into the world map and observed, “If we can really do most of the swing key points, it will be an excellent environment for us.

But we have to pay attention to one thing. Perhaps one of the key reasons for everyone’s sway is because we have seen the end of those who targeted us.

This is actually a kind of fear for us, and we have to eliminate this fear as much as possible.

We have to take advantage of the final battle to let everyone understand a truth, the opponent is forcing everyone to stand in line, but we don’t need everyone to stand in line, we just fight back against injustice. ”

Everyone looked at each other, Xiao Bozhi asked for everyone, “So this time, we?”

Meng Qian pressed a few times on the table, and all the red and blue dots on the map disappeared. “Take down a few key points that are still swinging, and use the pressure of the opponent to prove the new rules and launch a frontal attack. Our time Not much, it takes three steps at the same time.”

In the face of the most extreme suppression, Dafeng Group quietly surprised the world for the next period of time, as if nothing happened. The company basically said that we will not accept unfairness when interviewed. Treatment.

However, many markets experienced violent turbulence in the next period of time. Take the global semiconductor industry as an example. Within a week, there were many problems such as supply cuts, price increases, product quality, etc. After more than a week, some markets had already sat down. Can’t help it.

South Korea’s Samsung headquarters, Li Runyu put the trade situation in the past week before him, “The first thing that happened during this period was the global logistics system.

Due to the violent destruction of the transportation network of Dafeng Logistics, the efficiency of global logistics has begun to decline recently, causing global trade, which has just begun to get used to the new efficiency, into trouble. ”

“Those logistics companies in the United States can’t replace Dafeng Logistics now?” Li Zayong was somewhat surprised.

“Yes, everyone was a little surprised. Some time ago, Dafeng Logistics showed its market share in the global logistics industry, but at that time, everyone did not realize that Dafeng Logistics’ efficiency had already surpassed, and even surpassed traditional logistics companies in some regions. Up.”

“How did they do it? What happened in the past ten years?” Although Dafeng Group is already a major shareholder of Samsung, Li Zaiyong always has many ideas about the success of Dafeng Group.

“If we analyze the reasons, perhaps the key is that Dafeng Group has been building a new global supply chain ecology, and logistics is a part of this ecology. Dafeng Group uses the huge advantages of building a new global supply chain ecology to detail It has obtained competitiveness that traditional enterprises can hardly match in different fields.”

“To what extent has the global new supply chain ecology developed?”

Li Runyu curled his lips and said, “We haven’t seen it through yet.”

On the other side of the neon country, Kazuo Hirai at Sony’s headquarters frowned. “In just one week, inventory pressure has skyrocketed, and the entire supply chain forecast is completely chaotic. I didn’t expect the market to react so much and so quickly.”

“Now many overseas factories of Dafeng Group are shutting down Follow-up supply cannot be predicted at all. If this continues, I am afraid that the trouble will be even greater.

Recommended, really good, it is worthy of installing one by book friends, Android and iPhone support!

In particular, American Semiconductor has now lagged behind China Semiconductor by a whole generation. Intel has no ability to replace Dafeng Group, and Qualcomm has no ability to replace Huawei. When Dafeng Group and Huawei are in trouble, all the global semiconductor industry is pulled down, while Intel and Qualcomm But nothing can be done. ”

Kazuo Hirai shook his head, “It’s not just a problem of generation difference. Recently, I always feel that the reaction speed of our neon state enterprises is a bit slow. There should be something deeper here.”

“What the **** is this deeper thing?”

“President.” When everyone was puzzled, the assistant on the side showed him a message.

“What’s wrong?” Everyone on the side realized that Kazuo Hirai’s expression was a bit strange.

“Cook asked us to eat.”

“Cook?” Everyone glanced at each other, “He just left Apple, what status is he now?”

“I heard that Cook is basically sure to go to the Dafeng Group, but he has a competition agreement and should not be able to give his life to the Dafeng Group for the time being.”

“Cook is talking about having a meal together.” Kazuo Hirai returned the phone to his assistant. “He also invited a number of companies from Neon and Goryeo. No matter what he wants to say, let’s touch it first. .”

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