Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 1037

Chapter 1025 Straightforward dialogue

On the day, Meng Qian brought six company entourages and a group of local bodyguards on the plane to the United States.

“When was the last time you went to the U.S.?” Sun Xiaojing asked Meng Qian with a smile.

Meng Qian remembered it seriously for a while, “I really forgot, I only remember it for a while.”

Meng Qian turned his head and looked out the window, as if there was something on his mind, no one bothered him.

When everyone arrived at the US airport after a long-distance flight, it was already a day in China. As soon as they got off the plane, the media flooded in like a tide. A group of reporters couldn’t wait to put the microphone directly in Meng Qian’s mouth.

“Mr. Meng, does your visit to the United States mean that there will be an important change in the scientific and technological contradiction between the two countries?”

“Mr. Meng, why have you not been to the U.S. for so many years? Did you choose to accept the invitation this time to show an attitude on purpose?”

“Can Mr. Meng tell me the purpose of coming to the United States this time? Will the technological development of the two countries enter the era of cooperation?”

“Mr. Meng, it is rumored that Dafeng Group came to the United States this time to discuss a big deal. If Huami Technology really cooperates, will it change the philosophy that Dafeng Group has been adhering to?”

“We know that Mr. Meng is here with a mission this time, can it be convenient to disclose some content?”

Facing reporters like hungry wolves, Meng Qian first confirmed that he couldn’t do without answering here, and then he stood there and asked them to ask questions for a while. After a long time, he responded, “I was invited to come here. , I am as curious as you are about what I am going to face here. I thought about countless possibilities on the plane, but I didn’t expect that I would face you as soon as I landed.

Glad to meet you. ”

After Meng Qian finished speaking, he immediately made the motion of preparing to return to the plane. At this time, the security personnel at the airport seemed to finally realize that he was alive and quickly came over to clear the way for Meng Qian.

Meng Qian and Sun Xiaojing looked at each other and walked out of the crowd silently.

According to the itinerary, Meng Qian’s first stop was the Microsoft headquarters in Redmond. He was invited by a technology company in the United States in name. Naturally, representatives of the scientific and technological circles would welcome him.

When he came to the Microsoft headquarters, Meng Qian noticed that Bill Gates was waiting early in the company downstairs, as well as his friends in the media.

Bill Gates stepped forward to greet Meng Qian, and the two shook hands in front of the camera, leaving behind a bunch of group photos.

“The media on your side are really positive, I almost can’t get out of the airport.” After Bill Gates entered the company, Meng Qian complained.

Bill Gates responded with a smile, “Isn’t the media like this?”

“The media can’t just stay where I got off the plane so easily, nor can they have the ability to make Mr. Bill Gates obediently stand downstairs in the company and wait for me.” Meng Qian clicked directly.

Bill Gates and Meng Qian entered the elevator together, “Just to satisfy everyone’s curiosity.”

“Then I wonder if Mr. Bill can satisfy my curiosity?”

Bill Gates nodded, and when the elevator stopped, he signaled Meng Qian to enter his office and made coffee for Meng Qian himself. “To be honest, I also have a lot of doubts about Mr. Meng’s trip to the United States this time. I have been thinking for two days, what is their original intention for inviting Mr. Meng to come to the United States, and whether it is consistent with what I thought.”

Meng Qian got up and took the cup, “Do you think they won’t invite me?”

“It doesn’t mean that, it’s just that there are many strange things, such as why they arrange your first stop with me, I am even more surprised that I heard that this is also your wish.”

“Then do you want to understand?”

“I understand half of it now.” Bill Gates took a sip of coffee and put the cup down. “Because they told me why before you got here, but I don’t understand what Mr. Meng thinks.”

“I asked the question first, so please ask Mr. Bill to answer my doubts first.” Bill Gates has been trying to control the rhythm, and Meng Qian is the same.

“They hope I can win you over.”

After looking at each other, the two laughed at the same time. Bill Gates continued in laughter, “Yes, it’s a bit funny, because they don’t trust me, and they even used such bad words.

But I can understand them.

After all, no one really knows what you want.

You can unknowingly push our American technology into the abyss, who knows what your next plan is? ”

Meng Qian stopped laughing, his expression became serious, “So, to be more precise, the meaning of our conversation today is temptation?”

“But I don’t want to waste this opportunity on temptation, I just want to tell Mr. Meng straightforwardly, I want to know what you think.” Bill Gates’ expression also became serious.

Meng Qian looked at Bill Gates, “I like this way of communication, so let me just say it straight. Do you remember our first meeting in China in 2005?”

“Of course I remember that at that time, I was visiting China with the delegation. Mr. Meng at the time was China’s new richest man.

I still remember that we were speaking in the same place. Both of us said that globalization is an irreversible trend, but I said that each country must determine its own position, and you denied my opinion.

And you mentioned that the future globalization of science and technology will not simply combine everyone’s respective advantages to form a global industrial chain, but will resource knowledge and technology so that more people can participate in the process of technological globalization. In the process, we will give full play to the power of more countries, more companies and more individuals to jointly promote the development of science and technology, and truly benefit all mankind. ”

Bill Gates remembers such details, Meng Qian is still a little touched, of course, this little touch is fleeting.

“I mentioned two possibilities at the time, do you remember Mr. Bill?”

“I remember that in the final analysis, your two possibilities are actually emphasizing the resourceization and platformization of intellectual property rights.”

Bill Gates’ summary once again proved that he did remember that. Meng Qian nodded and said, “Yes, the so-called global technological development led by me in your mouth is actually the rational distribution and management of intellectual property rights. , Reasonable protection.

And the reason why I did this trip, I can tell Mr. Bill bluntly, because the U.S. has a lot of intellectual property rights, and the world needs these intellectual property rights. I don’t care about your attitude at all, but my attitude towards talents and knowledge is Pity.

As for I want to find Mr. Bill first, one important reason is because Microsoft is a big intellectual property owner. ”

“IBM, Intel, Qualcomm, their intellectual property rights are no less than ours Microsoft.” Bill Gates immediately raised the question.

Meng Qian stared into the eyes of Bill Gates and said, “But those companies do not have Bill Gates. I chose here. Another important reason is that the four words Bill Gates always have a symbolic meaning.”

Bill Gates was stunned for a few seconds, and then denied, “According to Mr. Meng’s idea, Intel’s Mr. Moore is more suitable.”

Meng Qian suddenly looked at Bill Gates somewhat jokingly, “If he is still the old Moore I know, I believe he should have entrusted the future to some people, and if he and I have something to do with If you agree, he should entrust this future to you.”

Bill Gates kept his composure and said modestly, “Thank you Mr. Meng for his kind words, but I…do not have the ability to change the overall situation.”

“The overall situation has changed, and many people have changed it. Again, no one can stop the trend.” Meng Qian also put down the coffee in his hand, “Mr. Bill can clearly tell those who want to know my truth. Thinker I, Meng Qian, is just a person who doesn’t want to go against the historical trend. I am not as complicated as they think.

My ambition always obeys the laws of nature. Instead of spending so much time studying me, they should spend more time studying history.

If your history is too short, you can read our history book of China.

And between you and me, you should spend time talking. ”

Bill Gates took a sip from the coffee cup again, “Actually, I have been studying the history of your country in the past few years. What’s interesting is that you have been fighting for thousands of years.”

“Yes.” Meng Qian also took a sip of coffee. “Our ancestors have fought for thousands of years to sum up experience for us. If we finally come to the conclusion that we continue to fight, then our children and grandchildren are too unpromising. Up.”

Bill Gates smiled unconsciously, “So Mr. Meng is here this time because he wants our intellectual property rights to be resourced and platform-based?”

“Yes, but I want to confirm Mr. Bill’s attitude first, because it will affect everything later.”

In the direct dialogue, Bill Gates did not think for a long time, “In order to be able to invite Mr. Meng to come to our country, I offended many people this time.”

The two looked at each other, and everyone understood what each other meant.

Meng Qian continued to ask, “Is there much resistance behind?”

Bill Gates nodded, “This is not an easy thing.”

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