Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 1048

Chapter 1036 Everyone is human

On January, Meng Qian came to the last stop of the US tour, the United Nations Headquarters.

Meng Qian can be said to be a walking global image ambassador at this time. Although no actual organization has granted this status, as the United Nations, since Meng Qian came to the United States, he naturally invited Meng Qian to give a speech, and the topic of the speech was natural. The issue surrounding globalization.

However, as soon as Meng Qian came to power, he laughed at himself, “To be honest, when I was invited by the United Nations to talk about globalization, I actually resisted it, because I have talked too much about globalization on countless occasions. There are too many people who can listen to it. People who can’t listen to it probably won’t listen because I’m standing here today.

I even think that if I talk about this content here, everyone will probably fall asleep.

But when I knew the object of this lecture, I rekindled my interest. ”

Meng Qian looked down at the stage with gentle eyes.

This time, let Meng Qian come to talk about globalization and there is another front topic called Dialogue Youth. At this time, more than 90% of the audience sitting in the audience are young people, and they are young people from all over the world.

“Everyone knows that I like to talk to young people very much. I went to Princeton University on the second day of this trip to the U.S. and had a face-to-face communication with the students there. However, as far as I know, the young people present today The age group is larger, and the country, culture, family background, and personal growth experience involved are more abundant than those of a university student.

Sitting here today can be said to be a small epitome of young people all over the world. This is indeed a rare opportunity.

And the content of the speech I prepared today is actually the inspiration I gained from Princeton University that day. ”

Meng Qian said that when he started to open the PPT, “Several students at Princeton University mentioned the Law of the Jungle. Following this topic, I would like to emphasize a concept, a concept that I think is very basic and should be treated by every one. The firm concept of human beings is: human beings belong to the same species.

Some people will always ask whether there is equality between people. I think it is, but it is not equality of wealth, equality of birth, equality of intelligence, or equality of physical state. These things will never be equal. Even time is not equal.

The only equality is actually the most direct equality. We are all human beings, and we are the same species.

No matter how big the difference in wealth and identity between people is, they cannot escape this basic principle. No matter how rich and powerful you are, you will not become a dragon. You are a human being. No matter how ridiculous you are, you will not be rascal. Will really become a dog, and you will still be a human being.

Many young people now ridicule that they are not as good as a dog. The key to this problem is not that your life is not good, but that you are not a dog.

So what can this equality bring us? ”

Meng Qian pointed to the direction of the big screen sideways, “What this equality brings us is that no matter good or bad, good or evil, there are a lot of commonalities between people. Why is the book “The Weakness of Human Nature” so It is popular all over the world, because the name of the book is “The Weaknesses of Human Nature”, not “The Weaknesses of American People” or “The Weaknesses of Chinese People”.

And the commonality of human beings as the same species brings us further, that is understanding.

Many works always explore a question, how do people understand each other?

In fact, this matter is difficult to say, but simple and simple.

When you sit next to a person with a completely different skin color, a completely different language, and a completely different job from yours, he suddenly makes a grunting noise in his stomach, you know that he is hungry.

When you see a crying woman outside the ICU of the hospital, whether you are Chinese, American, neon, German, or Singaporean, you don’t need any communication and you will understand that the other person is now The emotion expressed is called pain.

When you see a mother holding her child in the face of a disaster and protecting him with her body, you will never think about which country this is from and what kind of voice it is speaking. Your first reaction is , This is maternal love.

Because we are all human beings, we have too many commonalities. These commonalities can help us to understand each other without even communicating.

Following this train of thought, let’s go one step further.

There are policemen in the U.S., and there are police in China, farmers in the U.S., and farmers in China. The U.S. will make movies, and China will also make movies. U.S. people yearn for love, Chinese people also yearn for love, U.S. people pursue a better life, and Chinese people are also pursuing beautiful life.

Does    really make a big difference?

Even those seemingly different things are still the same. U.S. people eat with knives and forks, and Chinese people eat with chopsticks, but the purpose is to eat.

American people communicate in English, and Chinese people communicate in Chinese, but the purpose is to communicate.

Of course, there are many differences between Chinese and Americans, but Chinese and Americans share many similarities. In terms of the lives of most people, we actually live a highly similar life.

, I’m really good, it’s worth installing, even Android and Apple phones support it!

In the past few days, I saw a piece of data that said that Americans’ hatred of Huaxia has reached a record high. Interestingly, Germans’ love for Huaxia has also reached a record high.

There are more in-depth interviews behind these two data. This interview gave us an answer. This answer is called communication.

Over the years, China’s communication with Germany has reached a record high, while China’s communication with the United States has reached a record low.

Whether it is hate or fear, what does it often come from?

Is it really because of skin color? Is it really because of the system?

maybe just because of ignorance.

In fact, as long as you are willing to communicate, you don’t even need to open your heart to communicate. Slowly we will find that everyone is almost the same, even if it is bad, they are so similar, just like the keyboard man of America and the keyboard man of China are almost nothing. Different.

From the exchanges, we will also find that the vast majority of people in China really have no interest in hegemony, and even hate themselves as hegemons. Gradually, you will find that many people in the United States actually yearn for world peace, and they also hate war and confrontation. .

Many times, if the two seemingly opposed parties are willing to chat, they will find that everyone’s original intention may be the same. ”

At this time, the two questions Meng Qian faced with two groups of protesters yesterday were broadcasted See it? They chose two completely different directions, but their goals were the same.

Human beings are lucky because we have developed into higher animals. Unlike wild animals, we can only use brute force to solve problems. We higher animals can communicate and communicate. I hope that young people can use communication as an understanding of the world. The first channel.

To see more of the commonalities of human beings, to understand each other, and to find a life that can tolerate each other.

Your generation is more fortunate, because technology is providing you with more convenient opportunities to contact more strangers. I hope that the world can be completely different in your hands. ”

While Meng Qian was jointly advocating exchanges, Gu Junhui held a press conference in China for the latest version update of Fengxin.

The reason why this version of the update requires a special press conference is because Fengxin has made a very important change, that is, through the implementation of translation, virtual reality and other technologies, it has created a more focused service for global communication and exchanges. social application.

Fengxin has added more than ten sections to provide a platform for users in different countries to establish contacts, and also added five sections for users to learn about other countries.

Fengxin’s version of this update has one purpose, to provide better support for communication between the world. Of course, the easiest to experience these new features must be young people.

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