Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 1062

Chapter 1050 mission

At dinner, Meng Qian took the time to take a look at the news. This time China and the 11 countries of the European Union formally signed the Belt and Road Development Agreement. In the media’s rhetoric, it was a matter of completely rewriting the world pattern.

According to the EU media, first of all, it is considered that the participation of the 11 EU countries in the alliance agreement with China is a very clear signal.

This reflects the clear will of the European Union at this moment. Everyone has been saying that the relationship between China and Europe has been pushed to the peak of history because of the United States.

So now the United States has changed its attitude. Although the EU is gradually weak, their attitude will still attract attention.

In the current changes in Huami relations, whether they have begun to change some of the traditional checks and balances that have maintained their attitudes, or are they more clear about cooperation to create a new global structure of checks and balances, which is a very important thing for the new globalization.

So on the day of November 16, this answer came.

The EU has not reconsidered traditional checks and balances, but embraced globalization with a firmer attitude.

Secondly, the EU media emphasized that this agreement is a Belt and Road agreement. The Belt and Road Initiative is a concept proposed by China, and it is China’s most important global strategic layout in these years and for a long time to come.

This has brought people some doubts. It is understandable that the global science and technology cooperation world is gradually led by Huaxia. After all, the current level of Huaxia’s technology is there, especially the American technology companies have been hammered by Huaxia Enterprises.

But what about comprehensive national strength?

China is still a developing country. The EU is a developed country. Would a group of established developed countries convince a developing country?

The signing of this agreement is a clear attitude, although not everyone can understand it.

Finally, the EU media is concerned about the content of the agreement. The entire China-Europe Belt and Road Development Agreement proposes many strategic cooperation projects between countries, and these projects are not just matters between China and Europe, but are global issues.

This also reflects the definition of Huaou’s cooperation.

Facts have proved that the signing of the China-Europe Belt and Road Agreement has further promoted a global chain reaction.

Within a few days, Neon Country and Korea Country jumped out for the first time to reach an agreement on East Asian economic development cooperation.

Of course, it’s just a proposal, and it depends on whether it can be implemented.

But the whole world knows what the relationship between the three East Asian countries is and how difficult it is for the three East Asian countries to really want to cooperate.

If it really becomes, the influence will not be simple.

Moreover, the Neon Country media seems to be very optimistic about this cooperation. Many mainstream media have published articles stating that this will definitely become a historic cooperation between the three countries.

What makes people even more concerned is that after this concept was put forward, at least for a short period of time, I did not feel too much external pressure.

Immediately afterwards, the United Kingdom also made a move, directly sending a team to visit China, and extremely high-profile publicity of this trip to China.

Regarding the results of this China Xia trip, the British side stated that China Xia and the United Kingdom will open more dialogues and more cooperation, and the two countries will continue to increase economic exchanges, especially the development of online trade.

In addition, the United Kingdom has also publicly stated that they will choose to shut up on some matters.

While the world pattern related to China is changing, some world patterns that seem to have nothing to do with China are also changing.

On November 20th, Meng Qian noticed the possibility of a change in the relationship between Serbia and the European Union, and they were engaged in active dialogue.

Although many things cannot be completely changed in a short period of time, at least everyone has begun a dialogue. If this dialogue can have some substantive results, then for Serbia, they will survive in the cracks for a long time. Improved.

At this time, Meng Qian also understood why they had to make a special trip to thank themselves that day. Compared with the development of science and technology, the positive improvement of the world pattern may be more meaningful for a country like Serbia.

After all, Huami cooperation has just begun, and the change in the technological landscape has triggered changes in the world landscape so quickly, which is beyond the expectations of many people.

At the end of November, when some people were still skeptical, Huami also moved out more details of cooperation, including ending the trade war, including the beginning of large-scale technological cooperation, including in-depth dialogue and so on.

Even though many people still can’t believe it, things have progressed like this.

On November 26, Walter Isaacson suddenly published a personal social review as the CEO of CNN, and posted it on Twitter, YouTube, Fengxin, Qingfeng and other platforms.

The first sentence of Isaacson’s opening is: China and the United States are the only two countries in the world that can truly influence the world’s rules in the fields of science and technology, military, economics, and politics.

The most amazing thing is that China is really only a developing country.

A key reason that many people still suspect until now is that China is only a developing country.

On the other hand, Isaacson asked everyone to look at this issue from a different perspective. A developing country with such strength and influence is not what is more terrifying.

This is tantamount to a common leapfrog killing setting for the protagonist in online novels. It is clear that the overall realm is not as good as that of the opponent, but you can leapfrog to kill, but others are the protagonist template.

Isaacson continued to write: Because of this, we can be very sure that there will be great changes in the next era, because Huami’s willingness to cooperate is rapidly fermenting, and this willingness is bottom-up.

In the next paragraph, Isaacson took everyone to review the Huami technology war and deeply analyzed why the world pattern changed immediately after the technological pattern changed.

The answer he gave is: because of the changes in the technological landscape, it is the most representative epitome.

How Huaxia Technology broke the blockade, when it began to create new rules, when it surpassed the United States, and when it was recognized by the world are all under review.

At the end of the review, Isaacson specifically pointed out that Huami technology cooperation is, in fact, driven by the strong willingness of US technology companies.

Next, Isaacson used technology to derive and began to express a point of view: the ineffectiveness of confrontation.

Isaacson said that not only technology, in fact, in any field, the United States now has nothing to do with China. If you want to fight, it will hurt both sides.

Of course, he thinks that China has nothing to do with the United States, but China will not provoke confrontation.

Further down, Isaacson directly made a Huami comparison in his eyes.

The whole editorial seems to be the theme of global cooperation, but when you look closely, it is to look at China through the United States. Through the world’s largest country, the characteristics of China are more clearly reflected, and China’s development in the past few decades has been carefully reviewed. Combing.

To put it more bluntly, what has happened over the years is very clear to participants like Meng Qian But for more ordinary people, more or less There will always be some doubts.

Isaacson is here to review the history for everyone and uncover this doubt in everyone’s mind.

At this time, if you look at the changes in the overall world pattern in the recent period, everyone will be able to understand better.

With this understanding, the changes in the world structure will become smoother.

On November 27th, Meng Qian ended his ten-day vacation and boarded the plane to return home.

“Do you have to blend in with this change in the world pattern?” Shen Jiawen asked, sitting beside Meng Qian.

Meng Qian smiled and shook his head, “I now understand why they always make me believe in them. This matter is not my turn, just leave it to them.

My mission is almost over. ”

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