Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 110

Chapter 108 We will be brilliant

The explanation and implementation of application development will be simpler than that of the system, so Meng Qian first called people from the application software development department into the conference room.

For employees, Meng Qian hasn’t been able to show them the pie in his heart. After all, people in 2001 can’t think of the era that smart phones will create in many years.

Fortunately, everyone knows that the company has to do the system itself, and now we can only draw a pie for everyone on the basis of the development of auxiliary systems.

After drawing the cake, Meng Qian began to arrange work. At the beginning, the application development department did not need to develop too difficult applications. First, do some simple exercises. By the way, it is also a run-in of the department, including notepads, calculators, and image readers. Weather these.

Then I started to make compression software, audio and video players, and some small software that is not popular now, such as desktop backgrounds.

But now the employees of the application software development department don’t know that there are still a few things lying on Meng Qian’s notepad.

They are: browser, map, antivirus software, video client, game platform, picture editing program, development software.

It seems that there are a lot of things involved, but if there are people from later generations, you will find that Meng Qian missed several very important things, such as office software, download tools, input methods, translation software, music software, etc.

But it is precisely these missing software. Those who know Meng Qian must have understood his intentions.

The software that Meng Qian wants to make is mainly divided into these categories.

In the next few years, there will be almost blank domestically in foreign countries and will be far ahead of foreign countries in later generations, such as preparing to benchmark the graphics editing software of the foreign industry giant Adobe.

In the next few years, there will be domestic and foreign products that are better developed abroad. For example, the map software that will be benchmarked with Google Maps, for example, will be benchmarked with IE and Google’s browser.

In the next few years, there are domestic and foreign countries, and the technological level is not very different, but the foreign countries have taken the lead in occupying the international market, such as video clients that are ready to benchmark against oil pipes, such as gaming platforms that are ready to benchmark against steam platforms.

In the next few years, the domestic development of software that is okay but has led to a bad trend, such as anti-virus software, 360 is called rogue software, but many people may not know that it is historically precipitated. The predecessor of 360 is called 3721, the first gangster in the country.

3721 created the era of binding, and 360 carried forward the culture of malicious binding. After that, almost all domestic software like to play malicious binding.

Whether it is the office software WPS, the download software Xunlei, even if it is Meng Qian’s own favorite Ali, Taobao’s bundling is also a joy to play, I don’t know how much discomfort it has brought future consumers.

But this thing is a question of ethos. The capital market is easily affected by ethos. As long as they can make money and the country does not care, everyone is playing and they are playing with it. There are very few capitalists who can really cleanse themselves. , Because they are all called capitalists, of course they serve capital.

And the cruelty of the facts is that those capitalists who clean themselves will not end well.

But for Meng Qian, as a rebirth, if he only thinks about himself, he can simply play games, and he can be rich and rich. Since he wants to make a difference in this life, there are certain things he can manage. I want to take care of it.

Just as he didn’t want to lead the game atmosphere of excessive krypton gold like Zhengtu, he also didn’t want to lead the atmosphere of malicious binding like 3721.

Looking at it this way, Meng Qian’s software barriers or software empire plan is also very clear. At this time, Meng Qian’s prerequisite for corporate planning is a global vision. Maybe in the future he will meet many opponents in China, but in his heart The opponent is abroad.

And the software that he deliberately missed was naturally left to the people of the country. There is a concept that Meng Qian will never forget. To change the technological landscape, it must rely on the power of the whole country. If one person does things like the world, it is still left to Go ahead and do it.

Moreover, Meng Qian’s stay is not a simple stay. He intends to use his own rebirth advantage to promote the development speed and development of major domestic software companies. More importantly, Meng Qian wants more people to participate in the software. Coming under construction.

Meng Qian wants to seize the core software that can compete with foreign companies and lead the explosion of the domestic software industry. He wants to realize the software barrier of the enterprise, and more importantly, realize the domestic software hegemony.

As for whether domestic software companies will come to Yin Mengqian because of competition, Meng Qian is really not worried about this. The emergence of Dafeng Science and Technology will expose the mask of a certain country to the people in advance.

When will they challenge the will of the country and the people for the personal benefit of the company? Meng Qian wants to see how many companies have this “courage.”

The application software side has been arranged, and the system development department is the last one.

There is a relatively mature old team in the system development department, which was dug by Xiao Boshi and Sun Xiaojing through the joint efforts, and some of them are basically young people.

You can feel it from their facial expressions after entering the door. They are very excited about developing the system by themselves. Regardless of whether this matter can be achieved or not, at least for them personally, being able to participate in such a project is a meaningful work experience.

I also talked about the difficulty of building a system before, so does Meng Qian as a reborn person have any advantages?

Let’s first take a look at what is needed to build the system.

If you want to build a system, you must first have a design idea. The system is also called system engineering. It is also a huge engineering project. The top design idea is very important. You must first determine what the system you design looks like.

Therefore, a large part of the cost of system development is actually spent on trial and error. To put it simply, Microsoft thinks that it might be good to change the interface of the next generation system to this, and then everyone should try it. The result was manpower. I tried it with time and energy. After I tried it, I found that the result was not good, or it could not be realized if it encountered technical difficulties.

Okay, then you can only change to another design idea, and the design cost during this period, perhaps tens of millions, is just in vain.

So to imitate to build a system and design a system with breakthrough significance, the cost invested is two orders of magnitude.

Why Microsoft spends so much money on each generation of systems is that they, as the industry leader, need to innovate. System innovation is a super money-burning gadget.

After having a design idea, the next step is to have the ability to structure the idea, and then there must be enough money to recruit enough people to implement the system.

And when it comes to people issues, Meng Qian always prefers to build a team from scratch instead of outsourcing.

There is a practical problem mentioned before. For such a large project of the operating system, there will be various problems in the follow-up, and considering the logic of reality, even people with extraterrestrial technology cannot directly make a perfect one. Of the system.

Because when the system is put on the market for inspection, many modules will be downgraded, that is to say, it does a little bit worse, but it matches better.

So if the operating system is such a thing, small system outsourcing is fine. If you plan to outsource such a big project with Microsoft in the future, it really is…

is also very courageous.

After a simple analysis, several major requirements for the system came out.

Know the future direction of system design, have mature architect experience, and have enough investment funds. If you just start investing in 2001, it will cost you 10 to 20 million.

Then look at Meng Qian.

You said it was a mess…

What a coincidence…

Of course, there is one thing that cannot be bypassed in the system, and that is the kernel.

Meng Qian decided to use the Linux kernel.

Regarding whether the kernel should be developed by itself, Meng Qian considered it for a period of time. The kernel is a framework at the bottom. If you want to develop it yourself, it is not impossible to tackle the problem. The key is the issue of input-output ratio.

To put it bluntly, the kernel developed by myself with a lot of thought is not very different from other people’s kernels. The system kernel was developed in 2001, and many basic things have been fixed, but it is my own. In the case of research and development, the issue of patent complaints between Microsoft and Unix will also be involved.

So, like Apple, it didn’t even consider developing its own kernel.

However, in the future, Meng Qian will consider self-developed kernels, because the intelligent era has started a revolutionary upsurge of a ** system, and many companies are planning to deploy intelligent operating systems. In the era of intelligent operating systems, the intelligent operating system kernel will break a lot. Tradition.

Later generations like Google, IBM and other companies are developing the kernel of smart operating systems, but it is a pity that Meng Qian died early and there is no chance to see it.

Considering that there may be another one who may really die, if someone sees it in the future, remember to burn the news to Meng Qian.

Back in 2001, there was nothing wrong with the Linux kernel itself. Although many people looked down on the Linux kernel inexplicably, they didn’t know if it was because of its open source or because Android was based on Linux.

Because Meng Qian has seen similar Android development based on Linux, Apple developed based on Unix, so IOS is better than Android.

But the reason why IOS is better than Android is that Linux is not to blame at all. To put it ugly, when Android decides to open source, it can’t be better than IOS…

But although Meng Qian has perfect development ideas, he deliberately led the people from the system development department to research and develop the direction, because the company needs more talents in the future, not the bottom programmers who only type code according to the leadership requirements www. .com Meng Qian is always trying every means to get employees to participate more comprehensively and upstream.

After this round of exchanges between various departments, Dafeng Technology and Innovation began to move in full swing.

On July 13, 2001, all employees of Dafeng Technology Innovation and its subsidiary Hushang Optoelectronics Division gathered in Hangzhou to participate in a company mid-year party.

The party was organized in an orderly and lively manner under Sun Xiaojing’s arrangement.

During the period, Xiao Boshi spoke on behalf of the company. Song Zhenluo, Fu Qinyi and others said some thoughts on behalf of the old employees. Everyone explained their own experiences and perceptions in this company.

On the contrary, Meng Qian only spoke a few words on stage.

“I only said five sentences, including this one.

The neon country was once called the Shanzhai Empire, Germany was once called the inferior dynasty, and China is now labeled as low-end.

All glorious beginnings are down, there is no downfall, just because you didn’t start.

But we Chinese people know innovation better than Neon Chinese, and work harder than Germans.

Therefore, whether Huaxia or Dafeng Science and Technology Innovation, we will be brilliant. ”

Meng Qian finished speaking and looked at the TV set aside with everyone.

It is 9:59 pm, and a foreign man on the TV is taking out a piece of paper from the envelope in his hand, and then said in his calm voice:

The host cities for the 2008 Summer Olympics are:



The hotel scene was full of jubilation, and the staff of Dafeng Technology Chuang shouted loudly while drinking.

While standing on the stage, Meng Qian silently dried the wine in his hand, experiencing this scene again, and his eyes rolled up.


will be brilliant…

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